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Amish White Christmas: Three Complete Novellas (Snowflakes on Goose Pond, Snow Angels, The Gingerbread Haus {Amish Christian Romance})

Page 8

by Samantha Jillian Bayarr


  Gabriel and Jesse tied themselves off at the chimney while the others hoisted the sheets of plywood up to them so they could cover the holes in the roof. After examination, they’d determined that the entire roof didn’t need to be replaced the way they’d feared. Happy that it would cost less and take less time to repair the roof, which seemed to be the worse of the damage, Gabriel set to work. Despite the cold wind that permeated his wool coat, he was determined to finish the roof today, even if the others had to leave. He would worry about replacing the insulation and repairing the wallboard in the ceiling tomorrow.

  Below them, a few of the others busied themselves shoveling the snow and roof debris from the floors, while another stacked the bricks against the wall to prepare for putting them back into the fireplace. Gabriel had stated he wanted to put them back in place personally, knowing how much that fireplace would mean to him once he was married. He hoped to sit in front of it with Eden someday, and he wanted the memories of fixing it to be his own.

  If he had the time, Gabriel would have rather done all the work himself, but even though other hands would make some of the necessary repairs, the haus was his alone to give to Eden. Gabriel shivered, trying to keep his footing stable on the steep slant of the roof. What he wouldn’t give to be cozied up at that fireplace right now with Eden as his fraa.

  Gott, bless me with the strength to finish this haus for Eden. Surround me and mei friends with safety as we make the repairs needed to save this haus, and please let us finish in time.

  Chapter Four

  Eden walked home from Goose Pond feeling more discouraged than ever. Gabriel hadn’t been there for the third day in a row, and she was beginning to think he was avoiding her. Had she been too eager the last time they’d been together? They’d skated happily around the pond a few times, but he’d acted nervous and preoccupied. She’d talked on and on about Christmas, dropping hints about the skate party, and he’d barely said a word.

  “I wonder where everyone was today,” Ruby said.

  Eden had forgotten she was walking beside her.

  “All the menner were gone and I don’t have a clue where they were today,” Ruby continued. “They’ve seemed to have disappeared the last few days. I wonder if they will be at the Christmas Singing tomorrow.”

  “You sound worried.”

  Ruby shook her head discouragingly. “I know mei bruder will be there because he is taking me and Prissy. What about you? I know this is supposed to be your first Singing. Will Jesse and Tobias still escort you?”

  Eden smiled. “Jah, but I suspect you already know Jesse will be there since I saw you skating with him today.”

  “We had another skating lesson today, which Prissy interrupted,” Ruby complained.

  “Does she realize that mei bruder doesn’t like her? He thinks she acts foolish. He tries to be kind to her, but then she takes it the wrong way and thinks he likes her, but he doesn’t.”

  Ruby scrunched her brow. “Are you certain about that? Prissy keeps bragging to me how Jesse is very interested in her.”

  Eden cupped her arm in the crook of Ruby’s elbow. “I could never be certain. Especially since he hasn’t officially asked you to the Christmas party. Has he indicated his intentions to you?”

  “Nee, but it’s been a little tough for him since we have such little time together, and Prissy seems to interrupt just at right time—right when he starts to relax a little and open up to me.”

  Eden sighed. “Have you asked her to leave the two of you alone? You don’t have to be unkind, but maybe you should be firm with her—so she gets the hint.”

  “She already gets it,” Ruby said impatiently. “I think she keeps it up just to annoy me!”

  Eden thought about it for a minute. “I probably wouldn’t say anything to her mamm either. The poor woman is so sad.”

  “Jah, she and Prissy have been through a lot this past year. I suppose that is why I tolerate her as much as I do. I keep hoping that in time she will calm down. She just seems desperate to get married, but I pray I’m wrong about that.”

  “You think she’s throwing herself at Jesse because she needs to fill the gap from the loss of her daed and her bruder?”

  Ruby nodded dramatically. “She denies it, but there doesn’t seem to be any other explanation.”

  “Then don’t let her discourage you, Ruby. She’s obviously trying to make you mad for some reason. Don’t give her one. Ignore her.”

  That was easier said than done, Ruby knew. It was tough staying positive and believing Jesse had plans for her.


  “Why did you speak so harshly with Prissy?” Ruby whispered. “Now she’s going to tattle on me to mei daed for sure and for certain.”

  Eden waited until Prissy walked to the other end of the Yoder’s barn where the rest of the youth gathered for the Singing. “I’m sorry, Ruby, I would never try to get you into trouble, but someone had to say something to Prissy. She’s being rude, and you just let her walk all over you with her words.”

  Ruby clasped Eden’s hand firmly. “I know you meant well, but I think you made her even more angry.”

  “Why don’t we spend the rest of the evening enjoying the Singing and those two menner that keep smiling at us!” Eden said.

  They both giggled like school girls as they locked their gaze upon Jesse and Gabriel.

  Chapter Five

  Gabriel stood at the hearth deep in thought. Giving this haus to Eden as a gift was a risk he was willing to take. He prayed she would share it with him and agree to someday marry him so the two of them could live here together, but it was still a risk. Jesse had already questioned him about it, asking why he’d purchased it, but he hadn’t the courage to admit he was doing it all for love. He dreaded being teased relentlessly by the others, but he knew Jesse would be the most understanding. Perhaps not if he knew it was for his schweschder, but Gabriel prayed Jesse would understand and accept his devotion to Eden.

  “Dreaming of what your life will be like here with mei schweschder?”

  Gabriel whipped his head around to see Jesse standing in the doorway. He hadn’t even heard him approach. “I—um. What?”

  “There is only one person I know that loves this haus so much that she calls it the gingerbread haus. How long were you going to make me wait before you admitted you bought it with Eden in mind?”

  “I’m sorry. I hope you aren’t angry with me,” Gabriel said. “I was trying to find the right time to tell you.”

  Jesse cleared his throat. “I tried giving you the opportunity last night at the Singing, but I guess you didn’t trust me enough. We’ve been friends too long for there to be secrets between us.”

  Gabriel felt awful for not confiding in Jesse.

  “I’m sorry. I should have trusted you more.”

  “Does she know yet?” Jesse asked.

  “Nee, I was going to surprise her and present it to her for Christmas.”

  Jesse chuckled. “Don’t you think you should have a date with her first before you go buying her a haus?”

  Gabriel’s face heated. “I have a plan—I think. I’m already in this with both feet, but I suppose I should have found out if she was even interested in me before I did all this.”

  Jesse slapped him on the shoulder. “She’s plenty interested. Don’t you worry!”

  Gabriel smiled confidently. If anyone would know, it would be Jesse. He was grateful that the burden of telling him was over. Now if only it could be that easy to tell Eden.


  Eden stood across from Gabriel holding the sack of flour he’d handed to her, wondering why he was giving it to her. It’s not that she was unhappy to get a gift from him along with the request to court her, but she was curious what the significance of the flour was. She didn’t dare ask why he would give such an odd gift and wasn’t certain she really cared. He was officially asking to court her, and she was elated her prayers had finally been answered.

��Jah,” she said shyly. “I would like it if we courted.”

  Gabriel kicked at the snow. “May I pick you up tomorrow evening for a sleigh ride?”

  “Jah,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry I can’t stay and skate with you, but I have to meet Jesse and the others at...” Gabriel stopped short of telling her where he was going.

  “…The place you’ve been running off to for over a week now?”

  It was a question that deserved an answer, Gabriel knew, but he wasn’t ready to reveal his surprise yet. “You will find out soon enough. It’s kind of a surprise.”

  “For me?” Eden practically squealed.

  Gabriel patted the sack of flour in her hands. “I will tell you soon. This sack of flour is a small token of what is to come.”

  What could a sack of flour have to do with a surprise he had for her? Was he going to bake something for her, or perhaps take her to Das Dutchman Essenhaus for Christmas dinner?

  “Now you have my curiosity up,” Eden said excitedly.

  She gazed upon the smile that lit up his face. He looked tired, and he was in need of a shave, but she liked the scruff that peppered his well-sculpted jawline. His green eyes sparkled in the sun, greeting her with a smile all their own. Whatever he was up to involved her in some way, and it was a surprise. Could she wait long enough to find out what it was? Did it even matter? Whatever it was would certainly take her mind off the loss of the gingerbread haus.

  Ah, the gingerbread haus; courting Gabriel would definitely take her mind off the demolition. Even though she still held onto romantic notions that they would live there someday as a married couple, it had suddenly lost its importance. She would miss the gingerbread haus, but she could make a home anywhere if that was what was meant to be.

  “Keep that curiosity at the front of your mind until I’m ready to reveal the rest of this.”

  Gabriel pulled her free hand into his. It warmed her even through her mittens.

  “You have fun skating,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at seven o’clock.”

  Eden smiled. She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Six

  Light, airy snowflakes swirled about like dust floating near a sunny window. A full moon illuminated the bright white snow that covered the ground, and the sparse cloud cover provided a romantic canopy for the perfect sleigh ride.

  Gabriel offered his bare hand to Eden, assisting her into the sleigh where several lap-quilts waited to provide a shelter against the crisp night. Settling in beside her, Gabriel pushed his hand back into his glove, the warmth of Eden’s hand still lingering there. With one flick of the reins, the horses moved forward, pulling the sleigh along the thick layer of snow.

  Eden savored the enchantment as the sound of sleigh bells permeated the icy air. A light spray of snow kicked up from the horse’s hooves and dampened their rosy cheeks, but the romantic ambiance kept them warm. Eden’s heart beat in perfect rhythm with the sleigh bells, while she snuggled in close to Gabriel.

  He steered the sleigh toward Goose Pond.

  “Are we skating tonight?” she asked shyly.

  “Nee, I doubt anyone is there tonight. I thought we could go there and talk for a while. I can build a fire to keep us warm if you’d like.”

  She nodded. It sounded romantic. She felt like she was in a dream—the kind you don’t want to wake up from or it will all go away.

  Gabriel pulled the team onto the lane that led to the pond. It was deserted just like she’d hoped. She wanted him all to herself without the prying eyes of the rest of the youth as onlookers to their private date. Pulling on the reins, Gabriel pulled the sleigh to a stop just short of the stone fireplace that stood at the far end of the pond.

  Reaching under the seat, Gabriel pulled out a small box wrapped in plain, brown paper and tied with raffia, a sprig of pine and holly berries tucked beneath the bow. He handed it Eden. “I almost forgot to give you this.”

  She took it, admiring the simple, but elegant wrapping. “What is this?”

  “It’s another clue!”

  The very thought of it amused her.

  Eden giggled. “Does that mean you want me to guess?”

  Gabriel smiled and patted her hand. “Not yet. Open the box…”

  Eden pulled at the ends of the raffia and opened the flap of the small box. Inside, she found various spices in glass jars, cinnamon sticks and whole cloves. What did it all mean?

  She met his gaze, not realizing he was watching her so closely. Normally that would make her feel self-conscious, but she welcomed the stares from the mann she loved.

  “I’m beginning to think you want me to bake something for you!” she said with a giggle.

  The thought of her cooking for him in the kitchen of the gingerbread haus was enough to heat him up without even starting a fire. If he had his way, they would begin their lives together now rather than later. The love he felt for her overpowered that little voice inside that told him he was moving too fast. Jesse had told him he was putting the cart before the horse, but he didn’t care. He was eager to get started on his future with Eden. For her, he would wait until she was ready to meet him in the place he’d been moving toward for years. He couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t loved her. He only wished he’d made his move to court her sooner, but he supposed it was all in Gott’s timing. Gott was in control and knew what He was doing in their lives, and Gabriel was determined to continue to trust in Him.

  Eden set aside the unusual gift and took the hand Gabriel offered her. He pulled one of the quilts from the sleigh and tucked it around her as she sat on the bench opposite from the stone fireplace.

  Gabriel took an axe from the back of the sleigh and began to chip away at one of the snow-covered logs to fray the edges so it would ignite quicker. Then he gathered some pine needles from beneath the nearby trees and tossed it all into the belly of the fireplace.

  Watching him strike a wooden match against the stones, Eden couldn’t help but feel the urge to step in and help when he struggled to get the fire to catch. Instead, she sat back feeling amused at his masculine attitude. She’d never had to worry about tending to fires or getting firewood with three menner in the familye, but she’d done things enough times to know that he might be fighting a losing battle with the damp wood from the woodpile.

  With nothing but smoke coming from the quickly-burning pine needles, Gabriel walked back to the sleigh and gathered a few pieces of wood from the back. He’d come prepared after all. Eden leaned back on the bench feeling very proud of this mann that she loved more than she was willing to admit yet.

  Within minutes, the fire caught on the dry logs he’d put in, and the two of them enjoyed the crackle of the fire that echoed against the crisp air. Eden held her hands and feet out toward the flames to warm them. She felt Gabriel slip his arm around her and pull her close. She shivered, but it was more nerves that caused the reaction than the cold. He leaned his head onto hers and kissed her temple. It was her first kiss, but did it count? She closed her eyes, wishing he’d kiss her on the lips, but to her disappointment, he didn’t.

  “Are you warm enough,” he whispered at her temple.

  She lifted her head from his shoulder and met his gaze. “I’m getting there.”

  His blue eyes trailed her face, focusing on her lips. Was he about to kiss her? His lips slightly parted, Gabriel leaned into her and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, and then stood up to reposition the logs.

  That one doesn’t count either, she silently fumed.

  Eden stood, holding her hands out toward new flames, pretending she needed to be closer to the fireplace. It was an excuse to be closer to Gabriel, and she hoped it would afford her a better chance of deepening the kiss should he make another attempt. It seemed he took the hint and closed the space between them.

  “Let me warm you up,” he said as he pulled her into his arms.

  Thinking he was finally going to kiss her, he disappointed her by placing a kiss on the top
of her head.

  That’s three kisses, and not one of them count!

  By this time, she realized that if she was going to get a real kiss from him, she had to take matters into her own hands. Pulling away from him slightly, Eden looked up into his thoughtful green eyes and waited, hoping he would make a move.

  Gabriel could see the gentle plea in Eden’s blue eyes, but he was hesitant to give in to her. He’d wanted to kiss her for a very long time, but he feared that once he kissed her, he wouldn’t want to stop. He wanted to spend the rest of his life kissing her, but what if she didn’t feel the same way about him? What if she was just looking for a beau and wasn’t yet ready to commit to the one she would someday marry? Should he risk breaking the spell between them by asking her?

  Before he realized, she’d tipped up on her toes and met his lips with hers. His mouth responded, capturing her in a deep kiss with all the love behind it that he intended for his fraa. There was no turning back now. He would propose to her, but first, he would enjoy the kiss she was so lovingly sharing with him.

  Chapter Seven

  “Why can’t you simply tell Ruby how you really feel?” Eden demanded.

  Jesse scooped up another shovel-full of snow and tossed it aside. “It’s not as simple as you’re making it out to be.”

  “It is too! Ask her to the Christmas party before someone else does.”

  “It’s more complicated than coming right out and asking her. I was trying to get to know Ruby a little better by skating with her—until I nearly broke her leg by falling on her!”

  Eden formed a snowball and tossed it back and forth in her hands as if she intended to throw it at her bruder. “You aren’t going to accomplish anything by skating with Prissy!”

  Jesse leaned against the shovel and eyed the snowball in his schweschder’s hand. “I told Priscilla I didn’t want to skate with her, so you can put the snowball down!”


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