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Riding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Jane Jamison

  Pleasure, Texas 4

  Riding Her Cowboy Doms

  Eva Marie McAlister vows to keep herself for true love. But keeping her vow isn’t easy working as a waitress at the BDSM club. Until she finds the men she wants, it’s a policy of “hands off the private parts.”

  Cowboys Gage and William Langham are hired on at Pleasure Ranch and the club. When Eva Marie is assigned to help them learn how to be the best Doms they can be, they quickly realize she could be more than just their teacher.

  As natural Doms, Gage and William catch on fast and soon end up teaching their submissive a thing or two. She’s riding them hard and they want the chance to repay the favor. But no matter what, Eva Marie’s sticking to her guns when it comes to giving it up.

  The Dom/sub lessons are going well. But when another wants control, the threat spins their lives into chaos.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 46,032 words


  Pleasure, Texas 4

  Jane Jamison


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Jane Jamison

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-146-4

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Jane Jamison’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Jamison’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for purchasing my book. The Pleasure, Texas series is close to my heart and I hope it will be close to yours.

  Jane Jamison

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author


  Pleasure, Texas 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  There was nothing Eva Marie McAlister enjoyed more than skinny-dipping in a pond on a hot Texas summer day. She didn’t mind that most ponds weren’t all that clean or that fish might nibble at her toes. And, as far as she was concerned, if the water moccasins didn’t bother her, she wouldn’t bother them.

  The pond that wasn’t far from The Club at Pleasure Ranch was better than most. The water was clear enough that she could see the fish checking her out. Plus, Destin and Paul Casing, the owners of the ranch, had put in a manmade waterfall at the far edge of the water. That and the trees surrounding three sides of the pond made it the perfect place to get in a little relaxation before heading into work.

  Working as a waitress at the BDSM club was a great job. She made good money, most of which she put away for the day when she’d quit and open her own dress shop in the neighboring small town of Pleasure.

  She lay back, floating on the water, and closed her eyes. The warmth from the sun beat down on her breasts and face, drying the water droplets. Her hair spread out around her head as she waved her hands through the water to stay afloat. The weather was hotter than hell, as it often was in Texas, but the water was cool.

  Some people said she needed to find a man. Actually, most of them said she needed to find two or three men. But she wasn’t in any rush. She was only twenty-one and figured she had more than enough time to settle down. Until then, she’d live her life on her own terms and do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

  Not that she didn’t want a man or two. More than two, however, was out of the question. She could handle two men at a time, had even dated a pair of cousins once, but more than two was just asking for trouble. As her grandmother had often said, “Honey, two’s company and three’s a crowd. The last thing you want in your bed is a crowd. Gotta have room to move, if you know what I mean.” Her Nana McAlister, bless her soul, had been one of the wisest women in the world. And she’d known from personal experience about having more than two men. Nana had “married” three men, then found out three was one too many. Eva Marie didn’t plan on making the same mistake. She’d learned early on to listen to her elders.

  Most people, especially those who worked on Pleasure Ranch, knew about the pond. Every so often, she’d run across a coworker or a club member. When she did, she made it clear that she was off duty and on her own time. They’d still proposition her, but that was to be expected when a girl looked like her. She wasn’t vain or anything, but she owned a mirror and had a good brain in her head. She knew what she looked like and that her personality could rub against others at times. If they didn’t like her, that was their problem. She wasn’t about to change for anyone.

  The cool water bobbed around her head,
into her ears, and dabbed at the corners of her mouth. She didn’t own a watch and rarely checked the time on her phone because she had an innate sense of time. Not once had she been late getting to work and today wouldn’t be any different.

  Hmm. A man. I could use one about now.

  She didn’t want one for sex. It wasn’t a priority. How could it be when she was still a virgin? Unless she counted the sex she had with her imagination. To her sex was still clouded in dreamy nights filled with roses and champagne, and declarations of undying love. She could enjoy pretend sex anytime she wanted as long as she finished it up by pleasuring herself with either her hands or a toy. But the whole romantic notion of sex was how she’d always envisioned it, so that’s how it was going to happen for her.

  She smiled. No one knew about her being a virgin and they wouldn’t as long as she had any say in it. They’d never suspect she was holding out for true love, especially because of where she worked. Besides, the concept of true love sounded sappy as hell, even to her. Her Nana had believed in it and her mother did, too. And Eva Marie McAlister trusted the wisdom of the women who’d raised her.

  Contrary to what some people thought, working at the club didn’t mean she was easy. She had high standards, which meant long, lonely nights and the wicked tool she kept hidden in her nightstand along with her e-reader filled with romance novels. She’d watched the other girls at work and had learned how to act as though she knew what real sex was all about. After all, a girl didn’t need to have ridden a horse to look good sitting in the saddle.

  Some might call her a tease and maybe she was. But she’d never heard of anyone getting hurt by a little teasing. In fact, it was encouraged at work. The members loved it when she put on a show. And lord have mercy, she could put on a show.

  Putting on a show had, in fact, given her an excuse for not participating in the sexual scenes with the members. It was her thing, her way to make herself stand out from the other waitresses and to earn the big tips. Every so often, she’d join in on little aspects of play. A quick spank or letting a member cop a feel or suck on a nipple was fine, but that wasn’t real sex and it never went farther. She was determined to save the real sex for her true love. Or loves, if she got lucky.

  She backstroked to the shore. When she was close enough, she brought her feet down on the dirt and stone bottom of the pond. As soon as she’d shaken her head, tilted her head to the left, then to the right to get the water out of her ears, she knew she wasn’t alone.

  Pleasure Ranch was one of the safest spots in Texas, but that didn’t mean it didn’t get its fair share of predators, both human and animal. Her instincts told her these predators were of the human persuasion.

  Acting as though she didn’t have a clue, she gathered her long, blonde hair at the back and squeezed, letting the water drip out of her tresses. It was too late to get modest. Whoever was watching her had already gotten a good long look at her.

  But that didn’t scare her. Club members as well as the ranch hands often swung by the pond and none of those people would ever hurt her. She didn’t flatter herself to think they’d come because of her. Besides, how would they have known she was going to be there? Her trips to the pond were rarely planned excursions and usually more of a last-minute impulse.

  She turned around nice and slow, then started for the shore and her clothes she’d left lying on top of her 1950s Ford pickup. Pretending she was taking in the scenery, she glanced around nonchalantly and searched for any spectators.

  It didn’t take long to see the two cowboys perched on top of their mounts. To their credit, they weren’t hiding behind the trees like Peeping Toms. Instead, they sat on their mounts, their hands resting on their saddle horns, their cowboy hats pushed back on their foreheads.

  She recognized the horses they rode as belonging to Pleasure Ranch. That meant they were either friends of the Casing brothers or new ranch hands. Either way it gave them more credibility than if they were just two strangers who’d wandered off the road to find her swimming buck naked in the pond.

  Okay, then. If they want a show, I’ll give them one.

  She swayed, just as she did at work whenever she wanted better tips. Truth be told, the sway came naturally to her. She couldn’t remember a time after the age of fifteen when she didn’t walk that way. Since a woman had hips, then it only figured she’d let them swing side to side.

  By the time she’d made it to her pickup with the tailgate down and her clothes draped over it, she would’ve sworn she could feel their hot gazes burning a hole in her ass.

  Like what you see, boys?

  She could’ve gotten dressed right then and there, but couldn’t resist having a little fun. She opened the driver’s side door and turned the ignition key. The radio set was set on her favorite country music channel, but she hit the second button and changed channels to the more seductive rhythm and blues radio station. She turned up the volume, then sashayed back to the end of the truck.

  Pay attention, boys. You don’t want to miss this.

  She let the music roll through her, the bass pumping into her, driving the movements of her body. The rhythm seduced her, making her sway and swivel. Her hands naturally found their way along the sides of her hips then up to skim over her breasts and on into her hair. She’d put on a show for them, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy it, too.

  The sun quickly dried the water beads off her, heating her from the outside in. Holding the tailgate, she gyrated, whipping her hair from one side to the next. Turning around, she leaned against the metal then dropped down into a sexy squat before dipping forward and jerking her body upright in a classic stripper move.

  Taking a peek, she was sure they’d moved closer.

  Heads up, cowboys. I’m going to make your day.

  She hopped up on the tailgate, pushed her clothes out of the way, then stretched out. Her hair haloed out around her head as it had done while floating and her breasts tipped skyward when she brought her arms over her head. More than one man had drooled at her feet with less effort. She heard the snorting of a bored horse and knew that its rider wasn’t the least bit bored.

  She undulated, staying with the beat of the sultry tune even when one song ended and another began. Pinching and rubbing her nipples, she cupped one breast, tucked her head, and brought the nipple to her mouth. The taste of the water struck the tip of her tongue and she moaned her pleasure.

  But she wasn’t through yet. Of course, if the cowboys got too close for comfort, she’d have to be more careful, but they’d taken up a position several yards from her and hadn’t moved since then.

  She snuck another glance at them. Their hats cast shadows over their faces, but it couldn’t hide the muscled builds of their bodies. If their faces were as good as the rest of them, she wouldn’t mind putting on a show for them anytime they wanted. As long as they followed the club’s rules and kept their hands off. Permission to touch was at the sole discretion of the woman.

  Working at a BDSM club had presented a unique set of challenges. She’d made it clear from the start that she didn’t mind getting, or even giving, a spank or two. Not in an actual, drawn out scene, but just a quick one every so often. Real, actual sex was off the menu and everyone knew it. She’d obey the Doms and call them masters and sirs, but her vagina and a-hole were off limits.

  A new song started, slowing the speed to an even sexier level. She went onto her side, and taking her blouse, put it between her legs so she could hold it at both ends. Moving it back and forth, she closed her eyes and rubbed it against her pussy, working up a pleasant fiction. She moaned, not just for their benefit, but because the longer she rubbed, the more turned on she got.

  Her tongue flicked over her lips as she heard a horse nicker, and she opened her eyes to find that they’d closed the distance even more. She should’ve gotten up, but now she was too into it to stop.

  Tossing her blouse away, she got onto her back again, then slid her hand between her legs. She was too imme
rsed in what she was doing to study their faces, now that she could see them better, but she recognized that they were as handsome as she’d hoped they’d be.

  A sigh escaped her when her fingers eased over the soft flesh at the sides of her clit. Taking it lower, her fingertips teased the entrance of her pussy while she used the palm of her hand to massage her hard nub. Keeping her gaze locked on first one man then the other, she rubbed, pressing against her clit as her fingers played with her pussy.

  The heat of the sun was losing in its contest with the heat burning inside her. She’d started the seduction as a tease, a game, but now she was trapped, lost in a cage of her own pleasure-making. Rubbing harder, she slid her tongue over her upper lip and wondered if, just this once, she’d give in and welcome a stranger, two strangers, as lovers.

  That, however, was only a passing thought. She’d stick to her guns and hold out for her elusive but oh-so-amazing true love.

  The men remained on their horses, their attention fixed on her. Could they know how close she’d come to asking them to join her? If she called to them, would they give themselves to her? She started to speak, then held back, once more resisting the urge as she’d done so many times at work.

  She’d know when it was right, when the man, or men, she wanted for life came along. Until then, to give into the need ravaging her body would be just plain wrong.

  She moaned and quickened her hand, but never took her gaze away from them. The burn seared her body, churning her insides into mush and lighting up her skin with unseen flames. She wasn’t playing any longer. Instead, the only thing she cared about was to find relief as fast as possible. Her legs opened wider, her body writhed with the force of the oncoming climax.


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