The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5)

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The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5) Page 20

by Lina J. Potter

A masquerade ball was a large, royal celebration. All the guests came wearing masks and costumes. Every sign of title, including titular bracelets, was to be taken off. Those who came without a partner were paired right at the entrance. The ballroom was full of wine, dancing, and flirting.

  Edward liked balls. He and Jessamine used to adore dancing when they were young. The carnival ball gave them a sense of freedom. Now, it was his children’s time to enjoy themselves. His dancing days had long since passed, and so he sat at the end of the ballroom. His royal corner had comfortable armchairs and a table with various foods. It was lit by candles that created a pleasant atmosphere. From there, the king had a full view of the Royal Hall. On that night, His Majesty Gardwig joined him.

  Although it was against the royal code, nobody dared to object the will of the king, or rather two kings.

  Given that the kings were soon to become relatives, they had a lot of things in common: both of them wore masks, both liked talking and neither liked dancing. For that matter, Gardwig was the only person Edward could call his friend. There was something in his biography that Edward found similar to his own.

  Both of them had experienced a loveless marriage. Gardwig had turned out to be stronger than Edward, perhaps due to not having had his father as a king. He had come to the throne when he was just a boy and had been forced to survive.

  Edward had felt genuinely upset that Gardwig did not have a son. Now, he was happy that the bloodline would continue, which was most important.

  Edward made himself comfortable. At first, Tahir Djiamin din Dashar remained standing behind the king, but then Edward invited him to sit in the corner chair.

  “Let’s agree that I’m letting you sit in my presence tonight. The ball will last a long time. I don’t want you to flake out by the end of it.”

  “As you say, Your Majesty.”

  “I suppose the countess will arrive a bit later?”

  “She will arrive together with the Khangans, Your Majesty.”

  Amir Gulim is only a prince, but he will soon become king of the Khanganat. I need to establish contact. It would be perfect if he got married to one of the princesses, either Angelina or Joliette. As for his faith, why does it matter when it comes to the welfare of the state? The union between Ativerna, the Khanganat and Wellster will scare away the vultures of Loris!

  Gardwig arrived second. He settled in his chair, glanced at Tahir and with a careless wave of his hand sent off his whole retinue except a couple of trusted servants.

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Your Highness.”

  They bowed slightly to each other and smiled from behind their tiny masks.

  “How do you feel, my friend?”

  Edward lowered his eyes.

  “Since I put Tahir in charge of my illness, I am feeling much better. How is your foot?”

  “I guess I will need to ask you for permission to invite your medicus to mine,” Gardwig said with a smile.

  “Of course. Sir din Dashar!”

  “Your Majesty?” Tahir stood and bowed hastily.

  “I hope you will extend my friend the courtesy of inspecting his sore leg. Your Majesty Gardwig—”

  “Your Majesty, I am your guest and your will is my law. But without my student—”

  “I will give her permission,” nodded Edward and briefly explained to Gardwig. “The Countess of Earton is the wife of my nephew and the main reason why Sir din Dashar hasn't gone back to the Khanganat yet.”

  “Why is it so?” Gardwig raised his eyebrows.

  “Because I promised my mistress to teach her everything I know, Your Majesty. I keep my word.”

  “Do the Khangans keep their word when it is given to a woman?”

  “To any creature, even if you give your word to yourself. The Heavenly Mare reads it in your heart. She would trample the heart of a liar and a traitor.”

  Gardwig shrugged. He viewed them as barbarians who didn’t know Aldonai. What can I say?

  “I will be glad to see you and your student.”

  Tahir bowed low and stepped back into the shadows. It seemed like another interesting case was coming. The crowd kept arriving.


  Lily arrived with Amir’s retinue. She strongly suspected that she would not be left alone. Therefore at first, she pretended to be wearing a Khangan dress and mask. Beneath the blankets decorated with Khangan ornaments, however, was a different outfit.

  It was a long black dress with a cape. She had sewn the strips of fabric in such a way that they created the illusion of wings.

  It was easy to get rid of the blanket and slip into the room as someone new. She even changed her mask from white to black. She gave everything else to Amir’s servants. That way, nobody would recognize her, and she would be free to have fun, dance, and flirt. She was a woman, not a workhorse. She must at least try to relax.


  The “Virman” Richard and the “Aldon” entered the hall in a free manner. They were immediately chosen as partners, and the men led the ladies around the room in a dance, then dissolved into the crowd. Any courtier knew the art of disappearance. Richard headed toward his father. He saw the turban of some Khangan, and saw there was a serious conversation going on. Jerisson decided to walk across the ballroom and look for his wife. Alright, where are the large ladies? Nobody bothered to tell the Earl of Earton that his wife was not fat anymore, but only plump instead. He couldn’t find the haze of pink in the crowd. He shifted his eyes from one lady to another, admiring their seductive cleavage, round hands, and brilliant eyes.

  Jerisson got bored strolling around the room and decided to dance a little. He would continue his search later.



  Lily turned around so abruptly that her braid knocked the glass out of the hands of the Marquess Falion.


  “I am glad to see you, Li—”

  “No-no,” Lily waved her hand in the air. “Tonight is a masquerade. A carnival! Don’t say my name out loud.”

  “But what do I call you then? My queen? My goddess?” It was too much.

  “You can call me Mousy, but only tonight!”

  “You don’t look like a mouse!”

  “What about a flying mouse?”

  “A bat?”

  Falion smiled.

  “All right, in that case, you can call me Alex tonight.”

  Lily gave him a smile.

  “Do you want to dance, Mousy?”

  “Alex, that’s not how you invite a lady for a dance.”

  Black lace wings floated in the air. Lily danced poorly, but it was pure bliss to dance with a partner like Falion. Alexander led her confidently and calmly, prompted her steps, smiled from the corner of his lips and made jokes.

  The evening was suddenly starting to live up to expectations. The hall was dirty, sad, and stinky. Enough! No one will entertain you! You have to amuse yourself. That’s the only way to enjoy the local crowd.

  Three steps, a spin, a walk, and two more spins.

  “Alex, you dance very well.”

  “Mousy, aren’t you adorable!”

  “I am really about to fly up in the air!” laughed Lily. “I feel so light!”

  “You look charming tonight.”

  Common empty talk—she would blame the dance for the fast beating of her heart, her spinning head, and the floating stars in her eyes. The dancing is to blame.

  Lily didn’t notice the tall brunette in a mask. She passed him once, then twice…


  Jerisson leaned against the wall, sipped wine from a tall glass, and looked at the dancing couples. He couldn’t find his wife. He just watched, rested, and enjoyed his life. He was alive. Is that not a good enough reason to enjoy myself?

  Musical laughter struck his ear.



  Although they weren’t particularly close, Jess and Alex were friendly with each other. Jerisson recognized th
e sound of Falion’s voice. He was surprised to see the son of the Old Pike laughing with a woman, for he was known to treat his women coldly and with indifference.

  Jerisson carefully inspected his old friend’s companion. She was a beauty, no doubt. He couldn’t see her face, but her body looked gorgeous.

  She had a stately bust and long legs, like a noble virmaness. Her hair was fair and long, with strands of black pearls woven into it. The dress she wore was just extraordinary.

  Should I try to speak to her?

  Jess didn’t consider Falion a close friend, therefore he could easily steal his woman. It’s already happened a couple of times, why not do it again? Although no, it isn’t worth it.

  He had to find his wife and take a closer look at her. It was a bad time to start running after other women. I need to take a walk outside or sit on a bench. I wonder where that cow could be?


  “The cow” dutifully accepted a few dances from Falion and decided that that was enough. She had to get outside to the garden and breathe fresh air. As much as she tried to enjoy herself, dancing wasn’t her favorite thing.

  People sweat a lot when dancing. The hall smelled of sweat, perfume, dirty clothes, and rosewater. No, thank you! Spending a night in a pigsty is better!

  Lily fanned herself and went outside. Falion wanted to keep her company, but a little fat man distracted him, and Lily slipped out onto the veranda.

  Whether the garden was a pleasant space was also questionable since it was full of waste and excrement. Thus taking a walk meant risking her new shoes. They weren't of perfect design, but after much painful effort, she got something similar to what she wanted. This world was still too far from high heels and wedges, but she had managed to convince a local artisan to make her something of the kind. Why not? High heels make a woman more confident. I remember seeing a little arbor with a bench somewhere around here…

  When a female figure appeared in the entrance to the arbor, Jerisson was genuinely surprised. He didn't have time to swear or send the lady away.

  “I’m sorry,” uttered the lady. “I didn’t see you inside.”

  A fair braid against black fabric. Jerisson recognized it.

  It’s the woman who danced with Falion! Is she too large a prey?

  No, I would not do it inside the ballroom. But here…it would not lead to anything serious. It’s only flirting!

  “Madam, your company is my pleasure. Please. I suppose you were also bored inside the Royal Hall?”

  The woman bowed her head slightly.

  “I suppose. Thank you for your kind invitation.”

  She took a few steps inside the alcove, touched the bench with her fingers, took a handkerchief from her pocket, wiped the bench with it, and sat down.

  “Thank you once more.” She threw back her head and closed her eyes. Silence fell inside the alcove. Lily didn’t feel like talking. Jerisson couldn’t think what to do next. This is strange, women always run after me themselves…


  Anna of Wellster danced, laughed and enjoyed herself as much as she could. Aldonai is gracious! How wonderful it is being here! Everyone bowed before her. I am a princess! The shine of jewelry, the rustle of silks…Yes, I want to be a queen! I am made for it!

  A Khangan with a black beard bent his face over hers and held a hand to his heart. Anna accepted the invitation to dance. Why not?

  The music sounded louder and louder, when suddenly…

  “Anna, my sweetheart.”

  Anna was lucky they had managed to move apart from the crowd. When she started to faint, the Khangan caught her, and he ran to one of the alcoves. He patted her cheeks and put a vial of smelling salts to her nose.

  “Anna, darling, it’s not the right time for fainting!”

  It took no less than five minutes for Anna to come to her senses.


  “It’s me, darling.”

  “You—are alive!”

  “Yes. I am alive and well. I came here for you.”

  “For me?”

  Anna’s head was spinning. He had come for her. Lons is not a dead man; he’s a living catastrophe! He won’t leave me alone. He could spoil everything. I won’t pass the tests from midwives, even despite all my witch remedies. What does he want?

  “You are my wife, and I’ve found us a place. Almost no one goes there. It’s peaceful; quiet. We will be governors there. My master—” Lons remembered to keep Lilian Earton’s person a secret. “He is a good man. He understood everything and will accept my wife in his household.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “You are my wife! Why not? Do you not love me anymore?”

  Anna hastily nodded. Yes, Aldonai, yes, don’t start a scandal!

  “I do. But, how? How are you alive?”

  “I was lucky. We need to leave immediately…”

  Anna shook her head in denial.

  “We cannot leave right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because,” Anna had already recovered, and her tongue began weaving verbal laces. “Our embassy came here to sign a contract. Everything has already been discussed. I am to become the prince’s wife. I need to be here now. If I run away, we will never be able to leave the capital.”

  “We will. I know how.”

  Lons hesitated. He hadn’t thought of how they were going to escape to the harbor and find the ship. The Virmans could help, but only once the tide came in the morning, by which time the rest would have noticed her disappearance. The Virmans would do anything for the countess, only he wasn’t the countess. He paused, thinking about putting Anna on a ship without her belongings. Anna felt his hesitation.

  “They are going to look for us. Besides, we will need money.”


  “I can take my jewelry,”

  “I love you even without jewelry.”

  “Why not take it? If not for us, at least for our children.”

  Anna looked so innocent.

  “Anna, I can’t live without you.”

  She put both hands on his chest.

  “Pull yourself together. If they see us together—”

  “When am I going to see you? How?”

  Anna contemplated.

  “I am a guest in these parts. I don't know anything here. Do you come to the palace often?”

  Lons nodded. He could come in the company of Lilian or Miranda Earton.

  “I can come to the palace, but it would be better if we met in the church near here. Go there for the morning service.”

  Anna nodded.

  “I won’t come tomorrow, but I will come eventually. I promise.”

  “I will let you know when everything is ready. Do you agree to leave with me?”

  Anna nodded.

  “Yes. Get ready.”

  Lons kissed her hand.


  “I love you, too,” said Anna. “Leave now. If they see us together…”

  Lons nodded and disappeared behind the curtain. For at least ten minutes, Anna sat still. It was a miracle that no one noticed her absence. It was so easy to lose sight of a mentee in the hustle and bustle of the ball. The most important danger had been eliminated. She wouldn’t need to run away immediately.

  How do I get out of this? Who did Altres Lort advise me to speak to? Not now, not at the ball but… I am not going to run away Maldonaya knows where with a resurrected husband! Not when I am about to become the Queen of Ativerna! Lons died, end of story. He shouldn’t have shown up alive. Now I have no choice but to send him back to the dead.


  Getting fresh air after the overcrowded ballroom had an intoxicating effect on Lily. She sat with her head thrown back and almost floated. The feeling was good. The man opposite her was silent and didn’t make any efforts to get closer. The better! I need some rest, not flirting. But alas, men are not perfect, and the silence was quickly broken.

  “It’s strange that such
a beautiful lady should be alone. If I was your date, I wouldn’t leave your side for one minute!”

  “What makes you say that I’m beautiful?” Lily retorted lazily. “Maybe my whole face is covered in warts!”

  “You have a wonderful voice!” said Jess staring at her breasts.

  I ought to react and snort, but I am so lazy…

  “And a wonderful pair of ears, don’t I?”

  “Ears?” flustered Jerisson. His long practice of enticing women had taken a toll on his charm. “I am sure that you’re beautiful inside and out. Every part of your body is—”

  “Undoubtedly beautiful.”

  There was a triple dose of malice in her voice. Jerisson sighed with repentance, changing his tactic.

  “How can you laugh at the unhappy man smitten with your beauty? You have a cruel heart!”

  Lily sighed. Another gigolo! I’m so fed up with this!

  “The lady is grateful for shelter. Goodbye now.”

  Lily wanted to stand up and leave the alcove, but Jess blocked her way.

  “I beg you don’t get offended. I didn’t have any bad intentions.”

  Lily sighed and explained. “You will start apologizing now. I will accept your apology, and we will continue our pleasant evening. You will then start flirting again, I will want to leave, but you will restrain me once more. This will last until one of us gets bored. Consider that I already am.”

  Jerisson blinked in confusion.

  “Is my company that unpleasant?”

  “Like any stranger, you are of no importance to me.”

  “In that case, let me introduce myself to you. Jerisson, Earl of Earton.”

  Lily nearly collapsed.


  The earl was surprised to see the masked face change to a deathlike pallor. For a second, it seemed like she was going to fall. She took a deep breath instead and straightened. Lily was really taken aback. Although she had found his voice familiar, she didn’t recognize her husband with the mask on. When he introduced himself, it was like a punch in the stomach.

  “Do we know each other? I can’t believe it. I would have never forgotten such a beauty!”


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