The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5)

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The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5) Page 21

by Lina J. Potter

  Yeah, we’ve met a couple of times—in our marital bed!

  The woman shook her head in denial. Keep calm, take a breath… Devil! What now? Hello, dear husband? Yes, I am your wife, you prick? No. It’s better not to dispel the magical confusion of the evening. Long live Lily the Mouse!

  “I didn’t know that the embassy had already returned.”

  “Yes, we arrived this morning.”

  “And went straight to the ball?”

  “His Majesty’s wish is law.”

  “Did Your Majesty invite you here for a reason then?”

  “It’s a secret of the state.”

  Lily raised her eyebrows.

  “In that case, I won’t question you. I know your wife, by the way. She is a most charming woman. Is she here?”

  The mask couldn't hide Jerisson’s grimace of disgust.

  “Y-yes, she is inside.”

  Lily had already realized that Jess didn’t recognize her and so decided to take advantage of the situation. She couldn’t let herself throw a fit as Lilian. But now, in the twilight and with a mask, she could let herself go. Either way, it was useless to reveal herself and settle marriage disputes.

  “Send her my greetings. A charming woman! You are a lucky man.”

  “Y-yes, of course.”

  “She is such a talented medicus! It’s so unusual for a woman.”

  “How long have you known her?”

  “I can’t say exactly, but she has already managed to impress the courtiers. My friend said he understands you well. Such a woman should be kept in the wilderness, out of sight, or else someone might steal her. The capital is full of temptations.”


  “Will she not be jealous about us being here together?”

  “N-no. She is with the princesses now,” Jess managed to come up with a sound lie.

  Of course she is, thought Lily.

  “I’ve heard that it was you who told her of Baron Holmes, or did she hear these stories as a child?”

  “Baron Holmes?”

  Jerisson reminded himself of a parrot, a silly parrot. He had to put an end to it.

  “Will you introduce yourself to me, madam?”

  “Oh, no,” she answered him with quiet laughter. “It’s a masquerade, and I am in a hurry. You also shouldn’t leave your wife alone for so long.”

  Jerisson grimaced again. He didn’t want to leave this woman without having found out about her.

  “Will we ever see each other again?”

  “Obviously. I am a frequent guest at court.”

  “I meant something more private.”

  Lily clenched her fists. He has a wife and no shame!

  “Your wife is waiting for you. Besides, I am married, too. Let me pass—”

  “But will I recognize you if we meet again?”

  Lily grinned and took a little black pearl from her ear. It had been made by master Leitz.

  “Take it as a memory of me. Be sure that you will recognize me by it.”

  She heard the sound of gravel. For a moment, Jess was distracted, and Lily pushed past him with such force that the noble earl nearly fell over. He wouldn’t dare to grab onto her clothes to keep steady.

  The woman slipped past and flew out of the arbor like a rocket…and just in time. She saw Falion walking down the pathway. The woman rushed to him and clung to his sleeve.

  “Get me out of here, quick!”


  Jerisson watched his beautiful stranger rush toward Falion. He frowned. It didn’t seem like the two were in a close romantic relationship. Otherwise, Falion would've hugged her instead of taking her by the elbow. Although he did it with great care, there was a certain aura that distinguished lovers from friends. Jess twisted the little earring in his fingers. An expensive item! I will get another chance to see her. Next time, the conversation will be different. Although he would have to dedicate some time to his wife, the beauty in black left a deep impression.


  Holding onto Falion, Lily was thinking the same thoughts. Alexander noticed the woman was shivering tremendously. Therefore, he didn’t go back to the hall. He left Lily for just a moment and returned with a glass of wine.


  Lily obediently took a couple of sips.

  “What happened?”

  “It was my husband.”

  Lily wasn’t going to lie. Besides, the wine added to her honesty.

  “Jerisson Earton?”

  There was no surprise in Falion’s voice, and it made Lily angry.

  “Did you know of his return?”

  “My father returned, meaning that your husband returned, too. I thought you knew.”

  Lily shivered.

  “Yes! I know now!”

  “Drink some more wine.”

  The cup flew into the wall. Lily didn’t want to live. She recalled how she had flirted and laughed with Falion in front of her husband and it made her want to die.

  “Take me to the carriage.”


  “I want to go home. Take me to the carriage, please.” The last phrase seemed to break into a wail, and Falion gave in to the lady’s whim.

  “Can I accompany you?”

  “Yes! Just faster, please.”

  No one noticed their departure.


  Jerisson danced, had fun, talked, and couldn’t believe his ears. Many people said many different things about Lilian, sometimes in too much detail. Some scolded her for arrogance, others praised for her knowledge of medicine. There were people who were convinced that she was the king’s favorite, others thought that Edward treated her as a daughter. People talked a lot, and all their different opinions still agreed on a few things: Lilian was beautiful, smart, charming, and it was good to be her friend. Except for Baroness Ormt, who persistently tried to be her enemy. While the king was sick, she had begun to spread gossip about Lilian Earton. When the king recovered, she flew out of the court faster than she could spread her lies. His Majesty made it clear that he would not tolerate disrespectful gossip behind his back.

  Jess approached the king and bowed down. Edward nodded and waved his finger asking Jess to come closer.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “I tried to find my wife, but I cannot see her anywhere.”

  Edward looked around the room and called the master of ceremonies. He asked him something in a whisper and frowned at the reply.

  “Indeed, your wife was here, but she left for home a couple of minutes ago.

  Pity! She must have left while I was speaking to that beautiful stranger, thought Jess.

  “I hope to pay her a visit tomorrow.”


  “Your Majesty?”

  “You will be at the palace tomorrow. I will invite Lilian here. I want your meeting to happen before my eyes.”

  Jess looked offended.

  “Do you not trust me?”

  “No, I don’t,” replied the king in a calm voice. “I don’t trust either of you. Feelings, passions, insults—you will get into a fight, and I will be the one to sort everything out! It’s better if you speak in my presence.”

  There was nothing Jess could say in his defense. He took his leave and dissolved into the crowd. Since my wife is gone, I can let myself join the dancing.


  As soon as Lily found herself in the carriage, she curled into a ball and huddled in the corner of the seat. Memories of the former Lilian filled her head, and they were far from pleasant. When one loved and was separated from one’s lover by the blows of fate, he or she still retained the feeling of self-affirmation. The unfortunate fatty had found herself in a situation where her love was met with cold indifference. Her love might have been silly, hopeless, hysterical, but at least it was love.

  If Jerisson had expressed a bit more love, care, attention, and understanding… had he sent her at least one flower… It wasn’t only the attempts that killed the fatty,
but also the absence of love. Having lost the only thing that connected her to her loved one, she had lost all her will to live.

  Lily was split in two. The former Lilian Earton still loved, she still trembled from the mere sound of his voice. She dreamed of seeing warmth in the blue of his eyes. As for the new Lily, she preached one principle: Anyone who doesn’t love me can go to hell. I have my Alex.

  Breathe in, breathe out. Keep calm.

  “Stop the carriage,” exhaled Lily.

  Falion banged on the door of the carriage with all his might. The horses slowed down, and Lily almost fell out onto the road. She would have dropped onto her knees had Falion not caught her. The woman threw up. Her reaction to nerves was severe vomiting until she had dry, painful spasms. Alexander stayed with her. He supported her with both hands, wiped sweat from her forehead, and even tried to give her water. After a few sips of water, the vomiting intensified. It was no less than an hour before she even slightly came to her senses. Falion held her in his arms and looked at her with genuine sympathy.

  “Lilian, Lily…”

  Lily buried her face in his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. She wanted to feel protected and loved, at least for a little while.

  “Everything will be fine.”

  “Is it because of…him?”

  Lily nodded.

  “I will kill him.”

  “Stop it, Alexander. Don’t.” For the first time in a while, Lily was calm. “It won’t change anything.”

  “You will be free!”

  “The king won’t forgive you. Don’t.”

  “Your one word will be enough for me to do it.”

  Lily was silent. If a man was capable of this—of bringing a woman to her senses, seeing her unfortunate and crippled, it meant that…


  “You can always count on me. Always.”

  Lily sighed.

  “I would really want to. Oh, Alexander.”

  For a while, Falion was silent. Finally, he touched her forehead with his lips.

  “You know.”

  Lily squeezed his hand.

  “Let’s go, Alexander. I need to go home.” Falion obeyed without a word. They sat in the carriage and remained silent. The silence was louder than a hundred words.

  “I will do everything to make you happy.”

  “I will not let you put yourself in danger.”

  “I will decide myself.”

  “Don’t sacrifice your happiness for mine. Aldonai will help.”

  “Aldonai helps those who help themselves.”

  Late that night, Lily looked at the sleeping Miranda. As ever, the girl had climbed into her bed. Having snitched the blanket, the dogs lay at her feet. Lily took a deep breath. She was calmer now and could think straight. She carried out a logical analysis.

  Do you still love your husband or is it a physiological reaction? A defense mechanism? It was most likely the second option, which made it better already. Do you need such a womanizer in your life?

  Lily bit her lip. The answer was unequivocal. She still needed him but on her own terms. She would be happy if he agreed to them; if not, he could go to hell. She could divorce him and find a new husband. Hold on, you aren’t in the twenty-first century where you can divorce six times a week, thought Lily. They will eat you alive for it. Or will they choke?

  Either way, she had an advantage. The first thing was that he had no conscience. Being at the ball where his wife was present, he dared to flirt with a strange woman. Secondly, she was now warned about his return and could prepare for his visit. Hold tight, Earl of Earton, lest you end up falling from your saddle! With Falion, things were more complicated. He loved her. Otherwise, there would’ve been no such intensity in his eyes and deeds. Do I love him back? Or maybe it is a desire for protection, a desire to be weak?

  If so, it was bad. She was strong and clever. What would happen to me if I became weak? I wouldn’t survive a day.

  And Falion, is it love or mere want? I don’t know, I don’t understand!

  She looked at the peacefully sleeping girl. Lily continued her internal monologue.

  There is one certainty in this life. Miranda loves her father. No matter if he’s good or bad, it’s worth giving Jerisson Earton a chance for the sake of Mirrie. The fact that he chases after any woman gives me an opportunity to appreciate that I don’t love him and will help to judge his actions pragmatically. If I loved him, it would hurt me to know about his behavior. As it is, I can laugh in his face. I will try to fix things between us for the sake of Mirrie. God help me in this noble task.


  In the morning, Lily decided not to go to Taral. What difference does it make? I am unfit to perform at my best. That day, everything dropped out of her hands. She ripped her belt and nearly poked her eye with a hairpin. At least Mirrie was pleased and happy.

  “Papa has arrived!”

  If it weren’t for Mirrie’s love for her father, Lily would never agree to make up with her husband. Yet Amir was right. She should speak to Edward and create a marriage contract to protect Mirrie in case she and Jerisson had an irresolvable disagreement. It was important to ensure her well-being. The woman looked at herself in the mirror.

  Perfect. Green skirt-trousers, green shirt (white trimmed), simple jewelry (the bracelet and the ring were compulsory, plus a pair of earrings). The only luxury in her dress was a pair of white lace gloves. Even reincarnation couldn’t save her from the vile habit of biting her nails.

  “My Lady, receive the messenger from the king.”

  The messenger bowed, knelt, and handed her a scroll. Lily broke the seal and skimmed through the text. “To attend the court immediately, upon receiving this scroll.” If it says immediately, she should obey. Why so urgent? Because of the earl’s arrival. Lily would've been more surprised if His Majesty didn’t supervise their first meeting.

  “I will ask them to prepare the horse. It will be quicker that way.”

  Lily nodded to the servant who was standing at the door, and he ran to the stables. The woman fixed her dress and faced the window. She took a deep breath and repeated in her head.

  Keep calm, Lily, your heart is pounding like mad. If you throw up again (on the earl!), you will surely not come up with a compromise. Breathe, easy!


  A small cavalcade made up of six people—the messenger, Lilian, and four guards—wheeled across the road, splashing mud everywhere. Lily was glad she had chosen to wear dark green, almost black clothes. Although there were not many puddles on the road, her clothes would certainly get dirty. The stains were luckily invisible against the dark fabric.

  Lidarh slowed down, and the woman began to calm down a little. Lily spoke to herself.

  It’s fine. You’ve got this. Get yourself together.

  You’ve been preparing for this meeting since you learned of the existence of a husband. All the power is in your hands. The king is interested in keeping you satisfied. You have friends. You are the center of this small, but very unique society. You have your own production. If your husband decided to lock you up in some tower, he would get a pretty good ransom, only to keep you free.

  Miranda loves you. Alicia respects and values you.

  No one would dare to intervene in your family affairs. Yet, it’s the same as in the twenty-first century. A lot of things are forbidden, but if you need something badly, you can find a way.

  Our first conversation needs to go so well that my husband won’t change the status quo. In a way, I have to downplay my strengths. For any man is like a spring—if you put too much pressure on him, he will bounce against your forehead. But if you do it slowly, neatly and politely, you will get your way. This method is known to any surgeon. Very carefully, very neatly; no surgery is carried out otherwise. There are chances for success.

  And what’s easier? To give in or to explain? If I’m being honest, I don’t want any marriage with Earl Earton, or, in fact, any kind of relationship. But one
needs a compromise. So! I will be polite and gentle. The most important thing is not to forget to bat my eyelashes.


  Jerisson was comfortably seated in the royal study. Edward looked serious.

  “Jess, I want you and Lilian to find common ground.”

  Jess rubbed his temple. He hadn’t overdone it the day before, but it seemed the stress and tiredness negatively impacted his well-being, for he had a little tingle in his temple.

  “I will try. What are your plans for my wife, Uncle?”


  “Half of the court thinks that she is your new favorite.”

  Edward didn’t even start to object.



  “I have been your uncle since you were born. I respect and love your wife as a beautiful and clever woman. Do you want me to swear with my memory of Jessie that I have no other intentions for Lilian? You don’t? Good. You can consider it my order. Try to fix your relationship with your wife. Do it at least for your daughter.”

  Jess was about to lose his temper, but the mention of Miranda was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head. Indeed, Miranda loved her new mother, and would not forgive him if he used her beloved Lilian. The earl understood this already. Besides, spending time with Lilian did her good. She had turned into a real princess and grown more mature. Jerisson was ready to do a lot for his daughter.

  “The Countess Lilian Elizabeth Mariella Earton.”

  His Majesty nodded to Jerisson, pointing to the corner of the study and ordered them to invite the countess in.


  Lilian entered Edward’s study and curtsied.

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Good to see you, Lilian. Please.”

  “I am also glad to see you.” Upon casting a quick glance from under her eyelashes, Lilian discovered that Edward was beaming, and she returned a radiant smile. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel like a burden to you. Tahir also doesn’t leave my side.”

  “I am glad, Your Majesty, but I also hope that you remember to follow the regime—”


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