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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

Page 4

by Lanford, K. W.

  "You are even now using the information I gave you yesterday. You saw me standing there, because you understand the shadow and could see the irregularities within. Sit with me here on the floor. I’d like to show you something extraordinary." Aram sat on the floor cross legged. Master Dimsey sat right in front of him with their knees touching. "I am going to teach you the art of shadow walking. I need you to clear your mind and listen closely to my voice."

  Aram took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, letting all his stray thoughts blow out into the wind. When he opened his eyes they had a faraway look in them. Master Dimsey wasted no time. He immediately played every portion of every student he had ever taught in his mind, remembering things he thought he had forgotten. After he had thoroughly covered every aspect he knew, he thought, "Wake up," and Aram’s eyes cleared to the sharp, blue hue they normally possessed.

  Aram had a look of sheer wonder in his eyes. "I know how to shadow walk! How did you do that?" Master Dimsey just laughed. "No, please tell me, I think I did the same thing with Master Arlaina, only I don’t know how to control it! If I knew, I could share some important information with a friend of mine."

  Master Dimsey looked confused. "You say you shared knowledge with Master Arlaina as I have just done with you?" Aram related the story to him. "Extraordinary! I will try to help you on one condition." Aram nodded eagerly. "The condition is, you tell no one about this skill and only use it when necessary, or when the need is great."

  Aram nodded again. "As long as helping my friend counts as necessary, I agree."

  Master Dimsey nodded to himself. "Okay, you have just completed Martial training, so let’s start there. What I want you to do is to start explaining the theory behind it and when you notice a change in my eyes, think about the entirety of your training. Do you understand?"

  Aram nodded again. "I understand perfectly; that’s exactly how I did it with Master Arlaina. Shall we begin?" About twenty minutes later, Master Dimsey had mastered martial training. However, five minutes after that, Aram passed out.

  Aram awoke in the infirmary. A fat cleric waddled over to his bed. "Ahhh, there you are. Feeling better?"

  Aram tried to remember how he had gotten there. "I feel fine; as for better, I don’t remember feeling bad! How did I get here?"

  The fat cleric just chuckled, causing his considerable belly to wiggle almost hypnotically. "I am afraid you collapsed due to extreme fatigue young Apprentice. May I suggest you not push yourself quite so hard in the future?"

  Aram was still confused. "But I wasn’t doing anything but sitting on the floor, how exhausting could that be? By the way, what time is it? How long have I been here?"

  "The time is just passed noon on Saturday. You have been sleeping quite soundly for three days. I suspect you may be hungry. I will have some food brought in right away."

  Aram sprang up from bed, feeling as good as if he had just had a mid day nap. "No need, kind Sir, I will make my way to the Great Hall." Aram ignored the protests that chased him out of the infirmary and went straight to Tollis’ room. With any luck, he would catch him there before lunch.

  Aram was just about to knock on the door when it opened up. A startled Tollis stood there sputtering while Aram shoved him back into the room. Aram looked around and quickly ascertained they were indeed alone. "I got something to show you!"

  Tollis had regained his composure. "Rumor had it you had died! Are you a ghost?"

  Aram grinned. "Yes Tollis, I am the ghost of Aram. I have come to haunt you because you are a great dolt!" Then he stepped into a shadow. Tollis blinked a few times and looked around. Aram could see the horror move slowly across his face. Just as Tollis seemed about to scream like a little girl, Aram stepped out of the shadows laughing like a maniac. "You should have seen your face! That was priceless! I wish Rix could have seen it. This is too good not to share!"

  Aram’s fit of laughter took him completely to the floor, gasping for breath and when he looked up at Tollis, he laughed even harder. Tollis looked like he half expected the ghost to vanish again.

  "Well" Tollis said. "If you’re a ghost you’re the happiest ghost I have ever heard of." Aram was slapping the floor trying with all his might to say stop! After a few moments, Aram was able to contain his mirth. By now, Tollis was sure beyond doubt the teary eyed idiot in his floor was indeed his friend in the flesh. "Aram, I am so glad you’re here! I am taking my Trials today after lunch and would feel a lot more confident if you were there."

  Aram sobered up completely. "Then it is lucky indeed that I recovered when I did. How would you like an unfair advantage over Stolly?"

  "Fair, unfair, who is to judge such things?"

  Aram barked a quick laugh. "Been spending way too much time with Rix, I see."

  Tollis just shrugged. "Sometimes he makes sense. So what kind of advantage are you talking about? You know I will refuse to cheat."

  Aram gave him a sly look. "Would it be cheating if you had martial training and could just about predict his every move?"

  Tollis thought it over for a moment. "I can’t see how knowledge could be considered cheating, but how am I supposed to learn Martial training in an hour?"

  "Leave that to me." Aram said with a wide grin. In less time than it took to convey the lesson to Master Dimsey, Aram had not only taught the full Martial training to Tollis, but had included the tidbits of fighting technique he picked up from his fight with Master Camen.

  Tollis was stunned. He looked at Aram with awe. "I never had a chance did I? I mean, we all knew you were top of your class in everything you have done, but somewhere deep inside; I thought I had a chance. Now, knowing what you knew, I was like a blind bull running through a forest."

  Aram nodded. "I passed Stolly up in the class, but he is still quite skilled. I still think you could have beaten him, but this way I get to see him pay for his arrogance. Don’t cut him, right off. Beat him at his own game first. Don’t even draw your sword until he is humiliated beyond belief!" Aram and Tollis shared an evil grin and then went to the Great Hall to find Rix. He wouldn’t want to miss this. "Oh and one more thing: having the knowledge of how to perform a maneuver doesn’t give you the muscle coordination to use it. In other words, don’t try to get fancy."

  They found Rix in the middle of conning some new arrivals out of their sweets, spouting some nonsense about rites of passage and so forth. They all got their food and took it to the arena seating so they could all sit together and catch up. They didn’t tell him about the knowledge transfer; only that Aram had given him some pointers. They also left out Aram’s new shadow walking ability, for future endeavors they were still planning out.

  Rix had news of his own. He had passed the pre-requirements for his Trials and would be taking them as soon as Fat Willie was ready. Aram started feeling a little downcast. It seemed his friends would be leaving him sooner rather than later.

  They had finished their lunch and were discussing the coming match when Tollis suddenly stood up. "I can’t believe it! Look over there by Master Camen: you see that man sitting with him?" Aram and Rix nodded. "That’s my father! He came to see his money in action, it would seem. Ha, am I glad he didn’t come last week. Looks like Stolly has arrived. I better get down there. Aram, I want you to come down to the arena after the match. I would really like for you to meet my father. He is the best man I have ever known and I’d like him to meet my best friend."

  Aram clapped him on the back. "I have never met a nobleman before. I don’t know the first thing about how to address him. If you make apologies for my backwoods nature I’d be proud to meet him."

  Rix snorted. "I have already been there and done that. He is a good man, but all chivalry and honor." Rix made a face like some pompous king. "Carry on, nether lings and under things!" Then he walked away.

  Tollis made his way to the arena, while Aram found himself a good seat for the show. Master Dimsey sat down beside him. "Well it seems you have recovered."

  "Yes, Master, I feel
exceptionally well today. This should be a grand show."

  Master Dimsey just chuckled to himself and settled in for the match. "You really should go and see Master Arlaina as soon as possible, she was quite worried about your well being."

  "Yes, Master, I had planned on paying her a visit before the dinner bell rings."

  Tollis and Stolly squared off in the center of the arena, bowed to each other, bowed towards Master Camen, then bowed a third time to the witness booth. As they faced off once again, one of the masters in the witness booth rang a small bell.

  Tollis still had his long sword sheathed and Stolly thought to take advantage of him being unprepared. He took a quick three steps and launched into the air, aiming a devastating kick at Tollis’ head. Tollis stood rock still and then at the last possible second, caught Stolly’s foot. Using his greater strength and weight, he stopped Stolly cold in midair. As Stolly’s momentum came to a halt he started to fall. He tried to twist so he could come down into a handstand and forward roll away from Tollis.

  Tollis had other plans. He held onto the foot he already had and grabbed the other as Stolly rolled face down, parallel to the ground at head level with Tollis. Instead of Tollis losing his grip on the turn as Stolly expected, he now had both feet and the ground was rushing up to meet him. Just before Stolly’s hands touched the ground, Tollis delivered a brutal kick into his midsection. Then Tollis threw Stolly’s feet away from himself, causing Stolly to land flat on his back. Stolly was gagging and puking from the kick to his mid section. The awkward landing probably didn’t help much either.

  Tollis casually walked up to Stolly who was now in the fetal position, drew a dagger and casually flicked it right across Stolly’s left cheek. Not as deep as Aram would have preferred, but enough to leave a faint reminder of the toes he had stepped on during his time at the Order. There was a double bell ring from the witness booth, indicating the match was over. Aram stood and cheered for his friend.

  Tollis’ father met him at the entrance to the arena, beaming with pride. Tollis offered his father his hand, but the man slapped it away, grabbing him in a huge bear hug that Aram was sure would have cracked at least three of his ribs if he had been the target. When Tollis’ feet finally went back to the floor, he turned and motioned Aram over.

  Tollis looked at his father and draped an arm around Aram’s shoulders. "Father, I would like you to meet my best friend in the whole world. Aram, I give to you Lord Blackenwood. Father, I give to you Apprentice Aram."

  Lord Blackenwood reached out his arm to Aram and as they locked arms he looked up into Aram's face. He suddenly went pale, like he had seen a ghost. "Aram what?"

  Aram looked at him, completely at a loss. "Just Aram."

  "Your surname boy, what’s your surname?"

  "Aram, why don’t you go help Tollis pack and say your farewells." Master Camen had stepped in between the two. "Lord Blackenwood, perhaps I could interest you in a drink for the road while the boy readies himself to travel?" Lord Blackenwood just stood there looking stunned and nodded as Master Camen led him off towards his office.

  "What in the name of all that’s holy was that all about?" Aram asked Tollis.

  "You got me, I have never seen father lose his composure before. He prides himself on it!" They went back to Tollis’ room and before they were halfway there, Rix greeted them with a mob wanting to congratulate Tollis on a fight well fought. With all the excitement, they both seemed to forget the incident.

  Lord Blackenwood entered Master Camen’s office in a fury. "What the hell is going on here, Master Camen? Who is that boy and why in the flaming hells is he a spitting image of my dead brother?"

  Master Camen just sighed, walked over to a cabinet and poured a large shot of whiskey. He downed the shot in one go and filled two more glasses. Handing one to Lord Blackenwood, he went and sat behind his desk. "I knew this day was coming, but I seem to have been ill prepared to handle it. Please sit; we have much to discuss."

  Aram said his farewells to Tollis and decided to leave before he embarrassed himself with tears. Tollis had made him promise that he would come to Blackenwood Manor as soon as he graduated. He had promised in return, that as soon as he learned why his father acted the way he had, he would write Aram and explain. Feeling deeply depressed, Aram decided he would go see Master Arlaina now and retire early to his room.

  Walking with his head down, not really paying attention to his surroundings, he nearly walked right into Master Arlaina just outside her door. She looked at him and he could see the care and concern on her face. "Aram, I am so glad you are well, but you look to have a lot on your mind. Would you like to come inside my office and tell me what’s troubling you?"

  "I don’t mean to sound rude, Master, but I could really use a friend right now, not a master."

  Master Arlaina looked truly concerned. "Well in that case: Hello, Aram. My name is Arlaina and I too, could use a friend. Would you walk with me out on the grounds?"

  Aram looked up and for the first time noticed the troubled look she too, had in her eyes. "Well, Arlaina, a walk would be most pleasant at the moment." Aram saw the slightest bit of sparkle return to her eyes.

  "Lovely! I ask that we make one stop by Master Dimsey’s office. I would like to grab a couple things."

  Aram shrugged. "Sure. I like Master Dimsey; he stands in the oddest ways"

  They made light conversation on their way to Master Dimsey’s office and it seemed both of their moods had lightened the slightest bit. They both seemed to get more comfortable with their new relationship as friends instead of master and apprentice.

  They reached Master Dimsey’s office and knocked on the door. Master Dimsey and Master Arlaina exchanged a long look that seemed to pass some untold story. Master Dimsey nodded. "I suppose you're right; he should know. Please, Aram, have a seat; Master Arlaina and I have much to tell you."

  "Dimsey," Arlaina said. "it is just Arlaina among us friends." She smiled at Aram.

  "Well then in that case, Young Aram, I too would be honored to be considered your friend." Aram smiled at them both and a little weight lifted from his mind. Here were two new friends he didn’t have to worry about losing soon.

  They all sat around Dimsey’s desk and both he and Arlaina explained to Aram all they knew about his ability. Aram was a little shocked, but it soon made a lot of sense and explained a lot of things. He asked them if they knew who his family was and if that information was in his folder. This was one of the things on his mind. He couldn’t get Lord Blackenwood’s question out of his head. "Aram what?" Alas, the folder held no such information and they knew as much as Aram about whom he was and how he had come to the Order. "There is only one person who could answer that question, Aram."

  They all three answered at the same time. "Master Camen."

  Arlaina stood up from her chair. "Dimsey, Aram and I were about to go take a walk along the cliffs to get some fresh air. Would you mind loaning us a couple of your cloaks?"

  "That’s okay, Arlaina; it isn’t that cold and I have a cloak in my room."

  Arlaina laughed. "Not like Dimsey’s cloaks."

  Dimsey got a dreamy look in his eyes. "Only on one condition: you allow me to come along. Long it has been since I walked the cliffs." he chuckled.

  Aram and Arlaina both agreed they would enjoy his company. He had Aram try on several different cloaks, muttering to himself with each one about the fit not being "Just right." Aram couldn’t tell the difference; they all seemed to fit fine. Finally, Dimsey was satisfied. They left the compound and headed for the cliffs.

  As they stood high up on the cliffs, they looked out over the town of Warrington. It was a medium sized city whose main source of income was being a trading hub. Farmers, craftsmen, herders and all sorts traveled there frequently to buy, sell and trade their wares; the town possessed no fewer than six taverns. Aram had seen the town from this vantage point, but had never been allowed to leave the Order’s compound. The sun was slowly sinking behind th
e cliffs, casting an orange glow across the rooftops. That left deep shadows along the streets and alleys.

  Arlaina turned Aram to look at her. "Remember what we told you about your ability to learn?" Aram nodded. "Good. I would like to teach you something, clear your mind." Aram took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, blowing away all his stray thoughts and opening up his mind. When he opened his eyes, Arlaina knew he was ready, so she focused on what she wanted to impart to him.

  Aram’s eyes cleared and the look on his face was part wonder, part excitement, part awe. He looked down at his cloak and noticed things he had missed before. Sewn cleverly along the inside seem was clearly a handle for each hand. The seam on the bottom had two straps he could lock the heels of his boots into.

  While he was examining his cloak, Arlaina and Dimsey both laughed out loud. Dimsey said. "Try to keep up, boy." Then they both leaped off the cliff.

  Their cloaks snapped out taut as they caught the wind and they soared out towards Warrington. Aram quickly locked in his heels, grabbed the handles and flew! The freedom he had felt when jumping off the platform was forgotten. This was freedom. This was joy to its fullest. He banked in great loops, becoming one with the wind in his face. All too soon, he was running out of altitude. He noticed Dimsey hit the ground in the shadow of a large building at the edge of town and roll smoothly to his feet. Arlaina was just behind him and both turned to watch Aram’s very first landing.

  Instead of hitting the ground in a roll as he had seen them do, he swooped down not five feet off the ground and pulled up out of the dive, gaining altitude and quickly losing his momentum. At the apex, he was only ten feet off the ground. He kicked his feet out of the cloak and landed smoothly on his feet right before two stunned expressions.

  Aram reached out and dusted some dirt off of Dimsey’s shoulder. "Really, man, you should work on that landing. Your cleaning bill must be horrendous!"

  Dimsey let out a great laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. "Good thing you’re not calling me master anymore; I might be embarrassed."


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