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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

Page 7

by Lanford, K. W.

  Every male in the arena sucked in a breath and winced. Willie's sword fell to the ground, but Rix caught him before he fell over and held him upright. Rix asked, "Do you yield?" Willie nodded and the bell rang twice, signaling a winner. Rix kneeled down in front of Willie. "I am truly sorry, Willie. I didn’t mean any of the things I said. In all honesty, I had to make you mad to have any chance of beating you and I want out of here desperately. You can understand that, right?" Willie nodded again, still holding his damaged privates.

  Rix made his way to the entrance where his mother was sitting. As she was making her way down to him, he turned and looked for Aram. Aram saw him searching, so he waved and jogged over beside his friend. Aram reached Rix’s side about three steps ahead of his mother and Rix slung an arm around his shoulder. "Mother, I’d like you to meet my best friend…" Rix’s mother walked right past him, eyes wide.

  She placed her warm hands on either side of Aram’s face and said. "Aramis"

  Rix blew air between his loose lips. "No, his name is Aram."

  Still she held his face and stared into his eyes. "Of course it is Aram; my Aramis had the most beautiful brown eyes." Aram looked into his mothers eyes and saw there a mirror’s reflection of his own bright blue eyes. She started to tremble. "I have missed you so much. I thought of you every day without fail."

  Rix tapped her on the shoulder. "Ummm, excuse me, son over here? You know, the guy that just graduated the Order? Really mom, I’m pleased you approve of my friend and all, but how about a hug or something?"

  She removed her right hand from Aram’s face and placed it instead on Rix’s. "No son, not your friend; your brother." Then she wrapped them both into a great hug and wept with joy at having them both in her arms together, at the same time. Each of them hugged her back, both placing a kiss on her temples.

  Rix looked up over his mother's head and mouthed, "Brother?"

  Aram nodded and grinned. He had a family.

  After a few moments she pushed away, looking at them both and beaming at them through teary eyes. "My heart is so full at this moment, I feel guilty." She tried to fix herself with a kerchief, but the job was bigger than the tool.

  Victor placed an arm around her shoulder. "My quarters are still yours if you’d like to go freshen up, my dear." Rix bristled at the familiarity with which Master Camen seemed to touch his mother.

  Aram placed a hand on Rix's arm and shook his head no. "Come with me; we need to talk."

  Rix nodded once. "Damn right we do."

  The two of them remained silent as they returned to Rix’s room. Rix started packing up his things half heartedly. "So you knew?"

  Aram shrugged, "I found out last night; brother." and he smiled.

  Rix turned to look at him and couldn’t help but smile as well. "I have always wanted a brother at least I got one I like, even though he is the village idiot and all."

  Aram sat on his bed and motioned Rix over to his own. "There’s more I found out last night. You may want to sit down."

  Rix shrugged and plopped down on his bed. "Okay, spill it."

  Aram took a deep breath. "Part of it is really hard and I’m not sure I am the one that should tell you, but I could see it weighing heavily on mom."

  Rix looked worried. "Just go ahead and tell me; who better to give me bad news than my big brother?"

  Aram nodded. "Your father, Mr. Browman, was killed in a wagon accident. That’s why mom came early and your trial was moved up to today." Aram looked at Rix, waiting to see if his little brother needed consoling.

  Rix was made of tougher stuff though. He shook his head slowly and let out a slow whistle. "Without Dad, there is no way Mom can run the farm. I don’t want to be a farmer. Maybe she will just sell it and set herself up in a convent or something. I can make it on my own."

  Aram said. "There’s more."

  Rix looked at him. "Go ahead; it can’t get much worse than that, can it?"

  Aram looked up. "Actually, the rest isn’t so much bad news as it is just insane. Mother’s name isn’t what you think. Her actual name is Mayla Blackenwood and Tollis is our cousin."

  Rix’s jaw dropped open. "You’re shitting me right now. There is no way I am related to that oaf! Hell, I barely accept you and now you tell me that overgrown ape is a cousin. What a day I am having. So far, I have lost a father, gained a brother and discovered my blood is tainted with the same goop that flows through gorilla-boy’s veins. Here I am, thinking nothing could be worse than losing my dad; silly me, right?"

  Aram looked concerned. "All this time I thought you really liked Tollis and you just enjoyed giving him a hard time."

  Rix grinned. "Oh, I do; I love him like a cousin. I was only practicing for next time I see him."

  Aram shook his head, chuckling at Rix, "So are you ready for the truly bizarre part?"

  Rix shook his head. "Look, brother, if you haven’t gotten to the bizarre part yet, I’m not sure I can handle it."

  Aram laughed. "Are you sure? It’s really quite interesting."

  Rix struggled with some internal battle. "Fine damn you, what is it?"

  Aram smiled. "Doesn’t the name Mayla Blackenwood ring any bells?"

  Rix screwed up his face in thought. "Nope, not even a wind chime."

  Aram rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Perhaps you would recognize her first husband’s name, Aramis Blackenwood." Not noticing any recognition in Rix’s face, he continued. "King Aramis Blackenwood, my father." Aram watched as Rix worked it all out in his head. After a few moments, Rix just laughed and continued packing. Aram watched him pack for a few minutes. "Well?"

  Rix didn’t even turn around. "Well what? Ohhh, you expected to get a reaction out of me, because you just told me that instead of a farmer’s son, I am actually a queen’s son. You’re expecting me to bow to you perhaps, my Prince? Ask Stolly how well that works."

  Aram stood and placed a hand on Rix’s shoulder. Rix slowly turned to look at him. Aram pulled him into a hug. "I would never ask that of you. You’re family."

  Rix returned the hug, if rather stiffly. "By the gods, Aram, you’re serious aren’t you?" Aram pushed him back to arms length and nodded. Rix continued, "All of it? My father and mother and her being a Queen. It’s all true? You’re not just giving me the business?" A tear ran down Rix’s cheek. "This is horrible!" He exclaimed. "This means I truly am related to Tollis."

  Aram laughed out loud, hugging his brother once more. Then the two of them finished packing and set out to find their mother.

  When the door to Master Camen’s office opened, Rix said. "Master Camen is my mother still here?" Victor looked at Aram for verification that he had indeed been told the terrible news and Aram nodded. Victor then reached out and placed a hand on Rix’s shoulder. "From now on Rix, my name is Victor. After all, we are practically family."

  Rix moaned, "Oh no, I am related to you too?"

  Victor just laughed. "Not by blood boy, but I was named as Godfather to you both. Come inside, your mother should be out shortly."

  When they entered the office they noticed Dimsey and Arlaina were there as well. Victor had moved his couches into the office and everyone had room to sit comfortably. Rix flopped down into a couch unceremoniously and looked at Dimsey and Arlaina. "Let me guess, Great Uncle Dimsey and my long lost Auntie Arlaina?"

  The two of them just laughed, "No we are just friends."

  Rix heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Whew, I was having troubles with the morality involved for having the thoughts I have had about my aunt. Since you’re not my aunt, we're all good."

  Arlaina blushed and everyone else burst into fits of laughter. Aram looked to Rix. "Do you ever have a thought that doesn’t pass your lips?"

  Rix thought about it for a moment. "I did once and then I felt selfish. The world deserves to hear the wonders that go on in my head." Again, everyone laughed.

  Mayla walked out of Victor’s living quarters wearing a beautiful gown, fit for a queen. She looked at Victor and smiled
. "I cannot believe you have kept this all these years, nor can I believe it still fits!"

  Rix jumped up off the couch and crossed the room to stand before his mother. He took her hand and kneeling down on one knee, he kissed it. "You truly are the most beautiful queen in the entire world and I pledge myself to you till I breathe my last."

  Aram thought at first his brother was just being Rix, but he could see the sincerity in his eyes and he too, knelt before his mother and kissed her hand. "I also pledge myself to you till I draw my last breath."

  Then Dimsey and Arlaina pledged themselves to her. Finally, Victor knelt before her. "Mayla, my Queen, never has my original pledge faltered. I have done all I could to keep your wishes, but as your humble servant, I beg you to wait no longer. Claim that which you deserve and spare this land the tyranny they have faced without you and Aramis."

  Mayla looked down into Victor’s eyes and gently placed both hands upon his face. "Rise Victor; your loyalty to me has never been doubted. My late husband was a wise man indeed for naming you friend. Should I pursue the throne, I will only do so with you at my side. Should you accept the position of Chief Advisor to the throne, I will need you to be viewed as an equal by the people and not kneeling at my feet."

  Victor smiled. "I accept Your Majesty; but you must know these in this room are not the people. They are our family."

  Rix looked up and pointed to Arlaina. "Except her; she is just a really, really, good friend." They all laughed as Arlaina blushed again. Aram slapped Rix on the back of the head.

  Suddenly the door to Victor’s office burst open and standing there in the doorway was an imposing figure. He was dressed in the full battle plate armor of a royal general. Aram sprang to his feet, but Victor caught his arm. The warrior removed his helmet and there stood Lord Blackenwood. "I heard something about family and felt I should be involved." His eyes caught on Mayla and opened to their widest extent. Then he fell to both knees. Tears immediately streamed down his face. "You’re alive; praise the gods you’re alive!"

  Mayla walked over to him and in a most un-queenly manner, knelt on the floor with him. "It is so good to see you, Jerald. Aramis’ last wish of me was to hide and let no one save Victor, know that Aram and I lived. Please forgive me any pain I have caused you."

  Jerald shook the heavy gauntlets off his hands and tenderly held her head. He closed his eyes for just a moment in a silent prayer to the gods and then kissed her gently on the forehead. "There is nothing to forgive. Now, if you please, stand up so I can renew my pledge; you are embarrassing me."

  Mayla smiled and returned to her feet. Jerald took her hand, kissed it and proclaimed fealty until his last breath. Then he stood and motioned out into the hallway. "My Queen, I present to you Tollis Blackenwood." He stepped aside as Tollis entered the room. He too, took a knee and pledged himself to her. Before he could rise, she placed a hand on his shoulder to hold him there."I will not have a nephew of mine going through life without a title." She looked at Jerald. "Your sword, General?"

  Jerald drew his huge, two handed sword from the scabbard on his back, presenting it to her hilt-first while taking a knee. The sword was heavy. Even after years of working a farm, it was more than Mayla could manage and she sighed. Aram stood and walked to her side. "May I assist you, mother?"

  The queen smiled at him and nodded. Aram lifted the sword for her as she placed her palm upon the blade. "As queen of noble birth, I dub thee Knight of the realm of Kalden." She directed the sword to Tollis' left shoulder. "As a sworn protector of the people, I dub thee champion of the people." She directed the blade to his right shoulder. "Lastly, as a mother of the realm, I dub thee protector of the children." She guided the sword to the top of his head. Mayla then had Aram set it point down on the floor before her and she took hold of it by the cross guard. Aram backed away. "Should you accept these titles and swear on your soul to uphold them until your last breath, arise and take the sword for the realm, for the people and for the children."

  Tollis looked up into her eyes. "Until my dying breath, for my queen, for my people and for the children." He grasped the hilt of the sword and pointed it to the heavens. "This I vow to the gods, may they deny my soul if I falter."

  Everyone in the room clapped and congratulated him, but none more than his father. Jerald pulled Tollis into another of those death defying hugs, tears still streaming down his face. "Have you any idea, my boy, what the queen has just given you?"

  Tollis nodded. "Yes, father, she has made me a knight."

  Jerald laughed out loud and slapped his son on the back hard enough to have put Aram though a wall. "No, son, she has named you Champion of the Realm! I fear you now out rank even me! However, I am still your father, so give me back my sword and get your own!" Everyone laughed at that.

  They all took seats except Jerald, Tollis and Mayla. Mayla stood before them all, while Jerald and Tollis took position behind and to either side of her, as if they were in formal court. As far as the old general was concerned, if his queen was in the room then it was formal. Mayla knew and accepted this with admiration. She turned and looked back at him. "It is good to have you behind me watching my back once again, General." Jerald saluted with a fist to his heart.

  She looked at Tollis. "It would seem I shall be well protected at the least." Tollis too, placed a fist to his heart. Mayla looked Tollis over and frowned a bit. "It seems we need to find you a sword and some proper armor."

  Jerald cleared his throat. "If I may, Your Majesty, I don’t know what they have done to him in this Order, but since his return he prefers those two daggers on his hip and claims armor only restricts him. I have tried to convince him of his folly, but I am both proud and ashamed to admit that I cannot best him in a duel."

  Mayla nodded. "If that is his preference, I care not how he holds up his duties, only that he does." Then she smiled fondly at Tollis, who blushed just the slightest bit.

  Mayla turned back to face the others. "I suppose our first order of business will be to find a place to stay."

  Again she heard a slight cough from behind her and turned to look at Jerald. "Forgive me, my Queen, but that isn’t an issue. Rooms are being prepared as we speak for the three of you."

  Mayla smiled. "It would be good to walk the halls of Blackenwood manor again. Thank you Jerald, perhaps we should start with you giving us an update on the affairs of the realm?"

  Jerald cleared his throat. "Yes, your Majesty. Many of my men remain loyal. I have two captains in the royal guard with one hundred men each. They are all loyal, yet remain in the usurper’s ranks to filter information and keep tabs on the army’s comings and goings. They assure me that should anyone with a rightful claim on the throne make their bid, no less than five hundred men will desert Broden and take up arms against him. These are warriors and as such will do as they have said. However, if a battle pitting friend against friend could be avoided, that would be my recommendation."

  Mayla nodded her agreement. "I would rather Broden remain on the throne than force my people to endure a civil war. Broden however, need not be aware of that fact and having an army behind me could keep him from being too bold."

  Jerald smiled. "The people have truly missed such wise rule. King Truman of the eastern realms also misses the security of having honorable neighbors and has pledged two thousand men-at-arms to be at my disposal. I need only send him word that you live and they would ride out within a fortnight."

  Mayla raised both eyebrows. "Two thousand men! I remember him and Aramis spending a lot of time together. I had assumed they were merely talking of issues of state. It would seem my late husband had made even more friends than I knew. That, along with the five hundred men you have, will be more than enough to make an open claim. But where would we keep them and how could we feed and pay that many men?"

  Aram spoke up. "Why not let the throne pay their wages and the people feed them?"

  Mayla looked at him with an eyebrow cocked. "You have something in mind?"

bsp; Aram smiled. "Mother, all you need do is tell me where in the castle the treasury lies and I will get you all the coin you need. As for the food, I am sure that if the ghost of Aramis were to ask the people, you would have wagon loads delivered with regularity. Lastly, I would have to discuss the idea with the master of the Order, but the school is huge and only a fraction of it is currently being used for students."

  Victor laughed out loud! "That is a marvelous idea! This compound could easily house five thousand men. The ghost of Aramis is right! If he were to but ask, our storehouses would be filled within the month it would take for the army to get here."

  Mayla frowned. "The ghost of Aramis?"

  Aram recounted his adventure to those in the room who hadn’t heard and all agreed the ghost of Aramis needed to pay a visit to the town of Warrington.

  Chapter Seven

  The Ghost of Aramis

  Aram paced the floor, tapping a finger against his chin. "There is one flaw to our use of the Order’s compound as a base of operations. As I recall, the false king's son is currently residing here."

  Rix laughed. "That’s not an issue; training accidents happen all the time. Were I a gambling man," he looked at his mother with innocent looking eyes. "Which, obviously I’m not; I wouldn’t bet he could survive the week."

  Again Aram cuffed him on the back of the head. "No one is going to have any 'accidents'; least wise none you will be betting on. All we have to do is find an excuse to let him retake his trials without the six month wait and ensure that his opponent isn’t up to the task."

  Victor spoke up. "Excellent idea. There is a provision in the charter that would allow such a case, provided he retakes his preliminaries at twice the difficulty. That means he must best three of his peers in hand to hand. This could work; if he completed his training, he would be out of here within the day! I shall go pass word to Master Julius to inform him of the option."


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