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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

Page 13

by Lanford, K. W.

  There were stacks, boxes and crates of coins. There were gold bars, silver bars and even a few bars of mithril. Aram thought of his sword. If Rianna could do this with steel, he couldn’t imagine what she could do with mithril. Rodger looked skeptical. "How do you plan on the two of us getting all that out of here?"

  Aram beckoned him inside the vault and shut the door. Inside the vault there was a locking bar. This part of the castle was obviously designed to be a place where one made his last stand. The locking bar was heavy. Aram was almost positive it had steel inside the wood. It took both of them to lever it into place. "There, that should give us all the time we need."

  Aram almost laughed at the incredulous look on Rodger’s face. "Forgive me if I overstep, my Prince, but I have to know. You’re not mad are you? I mean, you lock the two of us in the bowels of the castle and don’t seem the least bit concerned."

  This time Aram couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped him. Instead of explaining, he just turned and drew a large circle in the air. Soon he heard Rodger gasp as Dimsey’s head poked through the hole. "Aram, my boy, is that you?" Aram had forgotten that he and Rodger had the light spell on them. To Dimsey, a portal had just opened into total darkness.

  Aram waved his hand and several torches set along the walls of the vault came to life. Dimsey smiled. "Okay men, let’s get this done quickly; Aram can’t hold the portal forever."

  Several men jumped through the portal as more lined up outside. They made a human chain and soon the wealth of King Broden was being quickly transferred to the Order. The whole thing was emptied in just a few moments. Aram had to be the last through the portal, but before he went through, he walked to the center of the vault and laid out one copper coin. Then he exited the vault and the portal closed.

  Chapter Ten


  Aram awoke in the infirmary again. He remembered walking through the portal. He remembered all the cheers and Dimsey’s smile. He looked around and saw Yantis sitting in a chair nearby, reading a book. "How long have I been out?"

  Yantis closed his book and looked at Aram like a parent about to give a scolding. "Five days. Five, which means you have done this more than once! What you are doing is extremely dangerous. You are playing with things you have no idea how to control and it will kill you. The only question will be when. I have been studying up on the abilities of a mimic mage and the way you are using your ability is both crude and dangerous. Not to mention, you have been wielding magery spells as difficult as a portal without the slightest inkling of what it means to be a mage! Do you have any idea how many . . ."

  Aram held up a hand to stop him. "I understand. I realize I need more training in the magical arts. I also appreciate your concern for my well being."

  Yantis sputtered. "My concern is for the happiness of my sister! It would destroy her if her son died of stupidity!"

  Aram started laughing. Yantis stood there with the sternest gaze he could muster. Aram could see the laughter in his eyes though and that made him laugh even harder. "I promise uncle, I shall not use my skills again until you have had the time to teach me what I need to know to keep my mother happy."

  Yantis nodded and turned to walk away. Aram jumped from the bed and ran to stand in front of him. "Yantis; I have an idea that I think has great potential."

  Yantis looked at him quizzically. "I’m listening."

  Suppose I knew a location you could cast a portal to, but I wasn’t here to help you. What if there was a way you could open a portal to somewhere you personally had never been."

  Yantis thought it over. "That could be useful. However, it cannot be done; you must know the location to establish the link."

  Aram smiled and rubbed his hands together. "The thought of this hit me while I was in the king’s room. I need a pen and paper." Aram started to turn, but Yantis stopped him by clearing his throat; then he reached into a pocket, pulled out a pen and handed Aram a piece of paper out of the book in his arm.

  Aram took the paper, tore off one half and drew a circle on it. He drew a star inside the circle and wrote Aram inside the star. Then he placed the second half of the paper over the first and copied it exactly. Yantis watched over his shoulder, not having a clue what it was all about. Aram walked over to the corner of the infirmary and placed one of the pieces of paper on the floor, then walked back to Yantis. "Use this drawing as a focal point and open a portal."

  Yantis looked skeptical, but did as Aram asked. The air shimmered and a portal opened just above the piece of paper lying in the corner. Yantis closed the portal with a look of disbelief on his face. "It could be because I saw you place the paper. Another test is required."

  Aram grinned. "Okay, count to one hundred and recast the spell."

  Aram snatched the paper off the floor and ran out of the room, counting as he ran. When he reached ninety, he stopped and dropped the paper on the floor. It was a completely random location. Yantis would have no idea where the paper was.

  In a few seconds, the air shimmered and an amazed Yantis walked through."This is remarkable! Do you realize what you have just done?"

  Aram nodded and grinned. "We can place these runes anywhere and make a book with copies of the runes. We could even put a note defining their location. Then anyone with the ability to open a portal could open one to any of those locations. What’s more, if I keep this page with me you can open a portal to me wherever I may roam and vice versa."

  Yantis was deep in thought. "We would need some way of conveying a message to ensure the other was in a proper place and the rune wasn’t in your pocket. That could prove troublesome. I will work on it. I think I have a way." Still mumbling to himself, Yantis walked towards his room.

  Aram stood there in the middle of the hall for a moment, wondering where he should go first. His heart told him to find Arlaina, but he needed to know if Tollis had made it back and if the troops had arrived. He also wanted to see Rix. He needed to talk to Victor and his mother would probably like to know he was awake. Then he remembered the journal.

  Slowly, he reached into his pocket as if he were afraid it had all been a dream. He pulled it out and held it up, touching the cover gently, like it was a precious thing. He looked around trying to figure out where his room would be. He, his mother and Rix supposedly had rooms at Blackenwood Manor. Providing Yantis would allow him to open a portal, they could sleep there and be back here whenever they wished. That would also give poor Victor his own bed back. Decision made, he headed for Victor's room.

  As he rounded the corner to Victor’s room, he saw Rodger standing guard before the door. He stepped up before him and saluted. "Aram Blackenwood requesting permission to see the queen."

  Rodger laughed and returned the salute. "That is a sight better than a dagger to the throat. It is good to see you well, Prince Aram." He bowed, knocked once on the door and opened it for Aram.

  Queen Mayla jumped up from her seat and ran across the room, pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh, thank the gods you are safe. I worried as only a mother could, even after Yantis explained what was happening. You have to be more careful . . ."

  Aram stopped her with a finger to her lips. "Yantis has already chewed me out on your behalf and I promised him I wouldn’t do any more until he said so."

  Mayla beamed and hugged him yet again. "Well, come in and have a seat we were just discussing some things."

  Aram followed Mayla over to the couches. Victor, Dimsey, Jerald and an officer Aram didn’t know were all there. Aram nodded to each in turn and then looked at Dimsey. "Is Arlaina doing alright? I haven’t had a chance to see her yet."

  Dimsey smiled a knowing smile. "It seems the two of you are taking the ruse a bit far. She was frantic over your collapse, but to answer your question; she is fine. It was merely a sprain that was gone in a day."

  Aram was determined not to blush over his feelings for Arlaina, but when he saw the small smile and raised eyebrow of his mother, he couldn’t stop it. So he quickly tried to change t
he subject. "Has Tollis made it back yet?"

  Mayla smiled her best motherly smile. "He just got in yesterday."

  Aram nodded. "Did Rianna come with him?"

  Dimsey laughed out loud. "Getting him to leave her side for long is worse than trying to separate you and Arlaina."

  Despite his best efforts, Aram blushed again. "Good. I noticed some mithril bars in the vault. I think we should get them into her hands as soon as possible."

  The officer Aram hadn’t met yet leaned forward. "That would be quite a gift. Shouldn’t we give it to one of our smiths?"

  Aram looked at the man in confusion and then looked towards Jerald, who spoke up. "Excuse me, Prince Aram. This is one of my captains who had stayed with the royal guard. His name is Captain Rosenthal."

  Aram nodded. "So you were the one with the foresight to take your men to Warrington? That was a brilliant move that saved us untold troubles. As for giving the mithril to your smiths," Aram drew his sword out and handed it to the captain. "Can any of them match this?"

  The captain looked the sword over, letting out a low whistle. "This is extraordinary craftsmanship. You say the Rianna girl did this?" Aram nodded that it was true. "Well, after seeing her work for myself, I agree. Give her that and anything else we can find. Forgive me for my doubts." The captain handed the sword to Jerald, who also looked amazed.

  Jerald started to chuckle to himself as he handed the sword back to Aram. Aram took the sword and looked at him questioningly. Jerald looked up to see everyone looking at him. "I was just thinking about Tollis. That boy has the luck of the gods on his side. Even in finding himself a woman, he found one both beautiful and useful!"

  Aram looked to his mother. "I was just thinking; it seems I have nowhere to sleep. If I recall properly, Lord Jerald said we had rooms back in Blackenwood manor." He looked up and Jerald nodded. "What if I were to take us there with a portal? We could have a good night’s sleep and I could bring us right back here in the morning. Not to mention Victor could have his room back and get off of Dimsey’s couch. I will have to get permission from Yantis, of course, but it seems the best thing for now."

  Jerald stepped forward. "My Queen, I would feel much better having you in the safety of the manor. Besides, I too, could sleep in my own bed tonight."

  Mayla smiled at Jerald. "Very well, have someone summon Yantis."

  Yantis entered the room a short time later. "I was told you needed me?"

  Mayla smiled. "Aram had the great idea of allowing us to find more suitable sleeping arrangements, but he insisted he needed your permission to open a portal to Blackenwood Manor."

  Yantis smiled. "Well dear sister, at least one of your children can do as he is asked."

  Mayla giggled. "I take it Rix is as trying as always? Please be patient with him. I know he gets just a little excited at times, but I assure you he wants nothing more than to please you."

  Yantis shook his head. "It isn’t that he doesn’t try. I think he is trying too hard or something. It is like there is a mental block in his mind that scatters his thoughts at random!" Yantis turned to Aram. "Perhaps you could be of assistance in his training." Yantis thought it over for a bit, then suddenly seemed to remember something.

  He pulled out a small ring and handed it to Aram. "This ring is tied to mine; put it on." Aram did as he was asked. There seemed to be two sides to it; one side was a sun, the other a moon. He looked at Yantis’ ring and saw the sun was on top, so he placed it on his finger in the same direction. Yantis clapped happily. "Very good! You instinctively knew to orient it the same as mine. You wouldn’t by chance want to be an apprentice?"

  Aram laughed and said. "No thanks. Been there, done that."

  Yantis sighed. "Well, turn your ring to the moon symbol." Aram did as instructed and felt the ring vibrate slightly. He looked up at Yantis with wide eyes. "Yes; mine too, is vibrating. They will continue to do so until they match. Once the ring stops vibrating you will know I am ready to receive your portal and vice versa. As for opening a portal, you shouldn’t have to worry as long as you open no more than four a day and only for short times; provided you do no other magic. I will assume you have never been to Blackenwood manor, so I will open the portal tonight. I suggest you take the time tonight to affix a place into memory so you may return there at will. Pay attention to your ring; I may be bringing Rix to see you tonight."

  Yantis looked to Mayla. "Is it safe to assume you are ready to go now?"

  Mayla looked to Jerald, who nodded. "Yes, Master Mage, if you please, send me home."

  Chapter Eleven


  Aram was shown to his room in the manor. It wasn’t overly huge, or lavishly furnished, but it was homey and comfortable. Jerald had told him it was Aramis’ room when they were boys and Aram could almost feel his father’s approving presence. He had been given a quick tour of the manor and thought it would have been wonderful to grow up here.

  Now that he was all alone, he couldn’t seem to focus on the journal. Instead, his mind kept wandering to Arlaina. The day was almost over and Yantis had said he could cast four portals a day. Surely he could spare one to see Arlaina, so he could focus, of course. But first, he went to the corner of his room and there in the floor he carved a small rune. With that he could come back to his room any time he wanted.

  Aram focused his mind on the corner of Arlaina’s office and opened a portal. Arlaina looked up with a start as she saw him step out of the portal. She smiled her beautiful smile and rushed into his arms. "I am glad you’re awake. I missed you," she said and then kissed him passionately.

  Aram returned the kiss in kind and then looked up at her. "I was kind of hoping to catch you in the bath." She pushed him away and giggled.

  Aram got a serious look on his face. "Hey, you want to do a little spying with me?"

  She looked at him curiously. "Spying on whom?"

  Aram grinned. "I haven’t told anyone about this, but I think I can open a portal into the king’s personal chambers."

  Arlaina’s jaw went slack. "That sounds risky." she said. But the look in her eyes was excited.

  Aram shrugged. "There is a corner in the room well out of sight. We could step into it and never be seen, but I have an even better idea. What if I could open a small window that we could look and listen through without actually being there? I haven’t tried it yet, but I think it would be quite simple."

  Arlaina grinned. "Let’s see what our friend the false king is up to."

  Aram put out the lamps in Arlaina's office. Then he focused his mind on the pattern in the carpet he had remembered, drawing a small circle in the air before them. The air shimmered and they could see the king’s sitting room floating in the little window. The king was sitting in a comfortable chair while Stolly paced before him.

  "I am telling you father; there is something going on at the Order! They practically handed me my graduation on a silver platter! This happened not even days before our vaults are robbed and a large portion of our men vanish on the road to Warrington."

  The king waved away the thought like a troublesome fly. "The Order isn’t our problem. They have always done things in ways they never explain. For all we know someone bribed his way out of having to face you in the trials. It has been done before." He lifted his right hand and Aram could see that it held a copper piece. "What should concern us is how, why and by whom our vault was penetrated so thoroughly. This coin was a message. It said quite plainly that I could only have that which the thief decided to leave me with."

  Stolly scoffed at the notion. "More than likely the beggar just dropped it on his way out. You speak of this thief as if he were someone worthy of respect. He is nothing but a common criminal to be put to death as soon as he spends any of those marked coins you had in there."

  Aram and Arlaina looked at each other. They had to get word to Victor before anyone spent any of those coins. The king sighed. "I had hoped your time in the Order would teach you more. You are rash as always and still th
e same spoiled little brat that you were five years ago. Must I always point things out to you? How can you ever become king when I am gone? You’re still unable to wipe your sniveling nose!"

  Stolly looked as if he wanted to scream something, but knew better and held his tongue. The king continued. "This beggar thief entered our city, crossed our guarded walls and entered our home without being noticed by man or beast. He then walked our halls without notice. He came to this very room! I know this because one of the guards outside my door is missing and the other was found in the arms of a maiden. Am I to suppose that my door stood unguarded on the night our vault was cleared out as pure coincidence?

  The only thing I am sure of is that he didn’t come to kill me in my sleep, because not one of the little surprises I left in that room was tampered with." The agitation in the king’s voice started to raise his volume. "All of that, along with these rumors of the ghost of Aramis walking the kingdom. Are you truly that flaming stupid; that you would believe it was just some common thief, out for a little extra pocket change? Get out of my sight! Get out before I have you locked away in a home for the mentally handicapped!"

  The king finished his rant in a full blown yell, spittle flying with each word and his face so full of rage that Aram cringed a bit. Stolly just stomped out of the room, muttering under his breath. The king heaved a great sigh and sat back in his chair. Aram was about to close the window when he heard the king say. "Aramis, you crafty bastard, I will not go quietly into the night." Then the window closed.

  Aram felt his ring start to vibrate. "I have to get back to my room quickly. You go tell Victor about the marked coins and I’ll see you tomorrow."

  Aram leaned in and kissed her one more time and then opened a portal to his room and left. He stepped into his room, placed the rune from his pocket in the corner where he had opened his portal and then turned his ring over. The vibrating stopped and within a few moments a portal opened. Rix stepped into his room grinning like a maniac. "Isn’t that portal business the teats on a momma pig? Could you imagine being able to go wherever you wanted in a step? Don’t worry, big brother, when I am a mage I will take you places."


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