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China at War

Page 51

by Hans van de Ven

Endeavour Society 71

  Endo Saburo, Lieutenant General 134

  Enshi 123

  Erasmus: ‘Antipolemus, or, the Plea of Reason, Religion, and Humanity against War’ 271


  Falkenhausen, General Alexander von 35, 36, 77, 101

  famines 43, 107, 135–6, 183, 271, 273; see also food shortages

  Fan Changjiang 89–90, 91

  Fang Xianjue, General 187

  Far Eastern Survey 229

  federalism 116

  Fei Xiaotong 135

  Feng Yuxiang, General 33, 71, 87, 100, 102

  Feng Zikai 90, 223

  Fengtai 66, 69

  Fengtian Army 34, 58, 61, 64, 65, 88

  Field, Brigadier F. 235

  Figaro, Le (newspaper) 79

  Finley, John 42

  First World War 23, 46, 82, 102

  flooding 5, 42, 46, 106–7, 186, 195, 216

  food shortages 129, 240, 257; see also famines

  football 3

  Foreign Affairs (journal) 39

  foreign policy 31, 39–43

  Formosa see Taiwan

  Forrestal, James 10

  Fort Bayard (Beihai) 197


  army 240; Communards 134; Communists 232; concept of Second World War 10; Munich Agreement 116; Paris International Exhibition (1937) 82; reaction to Japanese bombing of China 86

  Fu Zuoyi, General 60, 251

  Fumimaro Konoye 114–15


  Gansu 256

  Gao Zongwu 119, 122

  Gauss, Alexander 192–3

  Germany 33–4

  aerial bombing of Guernica 82; Anti-Comintern Pact (1936) 61–2; Chiang Kaishek and 34, 35, 36; and Manzhouguo 117; non-aggression pact with Soviet Union 127; reaction to Japanese bombing of China 85; Second World War 11, 12, 170, 179

  grain 147, 183, 188, 201, 227–8, 239, 249

  Great Leap Forward (1958–62) 273, 276

  Great Wall of China 58

  Gromyko, Andrei 266

  Guangdong 24–5, 26, 27, 28, 44, 59, 62, 188

  Guangxi 59, 62, 128, 129, 179, 228

  Battle for (1944) 188–90

  Guangxi Army 81, 101

  Guangxi Clique 33, 59–60, 87, 101, 129, 147, 185, 189, 236

  guerrilla warfare

  Communists 7, 237, 245; Mao on 141, 142, 145

  guerrillas 112, 147, 211, 242

  Guilin 111, 123, 185, 189

  Guizhou, Battle for (1944) 188–90

  Guo Moruo 101, 268, 276

  ‘In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of 1644’ 200, 201–2, 217–18, 261

  Guo Songling, General 54, 55

  Guo Taiqi 119, 175

  Guomindang see Nationalist Party


  Hainan 255

  Hamilton, Maxwell 174

  Han Deqin, General 148

  Han Fuju, General 58, 62, 100

  Hangzhou 83, 128

  Hankow see Wuhan

  Happy Mountain 216

  Harbin 233

  Harriman, Averell 157

  Hashimoto Guma, Major 59

  Hata Shunroku, General 102, 181

  He Jian, General 119

  He Long, General 144, 255

  He-Umezu Agreement (1935) 63, 69, 70

  He Yingqin, General 38, 71–2, 203, 204, 206, 207, 209

  He Zizhen 139

  Hearnshaw, F. J. C.: An Outline Sketch of the Political History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century 52

  Hebei 23, 58, 67, 69–70, 227, 238

  East Hebei Anti-Communist Autonomous Council 59, 69

  Henan 23, 42, 43, 107, 179, 182–5

  Hengyang, Battle of (1944) 186, 195

  Herder, Johann Gottfried: Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man 178

  Herodotus: The Histories 1

  Hindenburg, Field Marshal Paul von 102

  Hinton, William: Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village 240, 243

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan 180, 182, 205, 206

  Hitler, Adolf 85, 116, 130

  Ho Chi Minh 256

  Honan 43

  Hong Kong 27, 44, 177, 178, 276

  Low Key Club 119

  Hongqiao air field 78

  Hopei see Hebei

  Horiba Kazuo, Lieutenant General 114

  Hornbeck, Stanley 116–17

  Hu Hanmin 28–9

  Hu Linyi 23

  Hu Shi 90, 109, 119–20, 158

  Hu Zongnan, General 100, 184, 198, 254, 256

  Huai river 102, 104, 107

  Huaihai Campaign (1948-49) 2, 252

  Huang Zongxi: Ming Confucianism 202

  Huangpu river 80

  Huangqiao 148

  Huayuankou dike 107, 228

  Hubei 127, 130, 198, 255

  Huiyang 123

  Hull, Cordell 40, 157–8, 175, 176

  Hunan 136–7, 179

  Battle for Hunan Province (1944) 185–6; conference (1938) 112; Winter Offensive (1939-40) 127

  Hunan Army 113

  Hurley, Patrick 180, 193, 212, 213


  imperialism 27, 152, 153

  British 173, 177, 178; European 178; Japanese 69; Western 2, 115

  India 85, 173–4, 266, 269

  inflation 189

  infrastructure 35, 49; see also railways

  Isao Kawada 267–8

  Isherwood, Christopher 101

  Ishiwara Kanji, Colonel 32, 68

  Isogai Rensuke, General 102

  Itagaki Seishiro, General 102

  Izumo (Japanese flagship) 79, 83



  aggression of 1, 21, 40; air force 76, 77, 80, 83–4, 116, 124, 125; Anti-Comintern Pact (1936) 61–2, 76;

  army 208; China Expeditionary Army 181; China Garrison Army 65, 66; Imperial Japanese Army 32, 80, 130, 144–5, 163, 186, 208; Kuantung Army 32, 33, 39, 59, 76, 127;

  autonomous authorities 58; and Battle of Henan (1944) 184; and Battle of Shanghai (1937) 75–7, 78–87, 88–91; and Battle of Taierzhuang (1938) 103, 104–5; and Battle of Wuhan (1938) 102, 104–5; bombing campaigns 6, 71, 123–6; bombing raids on 196; and Chinese Nationalists 41, 114, 115; and Communists 143; Confucianism 264; disarmament of 197; economy 269; First World War 23, 46; food imports 129; imperialism 69; India and 173; isolation 39, 91; in Manchuria 8, 12, 21, 32, 33, 39, 52, 55, 56, 58, 231–2, 248; and Marco Polo Bridge incident 65–9; military operations 116; Nanjing attack 95–6; Nanshin (Southern Expansion Doctrine) 158, 159, 163; Nationalists 6, 267; navy 23, 71, 78, 79, 80; new order 115–16, 121; non-aggression policy (1935) 59; repatriation to 231, 244, 245; resistance to 32, 33, 63; and San Francisco Peace Treaty (1945) 265, 266–7; Second World War 10, 179–82; atomic bombing of 206, 230; Buna-Gona defeat 170; Burma 163, 165; Doolittle Raid 162; Ichigo Campaign (1944) 6, 8, 183–90, 198, 199, 202; Instruction 1380 205–6; invasion of colonies 157;

  Pearl Harbor attack (1941) 7, 12, 158, 161; strategies 6–7; surrender 203–9;

  Shanghai Expeditionary Army 80; and Soviet Union 76, 116; and Taiwan 267; and Wang Jingwei administration 122; Winter Offensive (1939–40) 126–32

  Jiang Baili 36, 103

  Jiang Dingwen, General 183, 185

  Jiang Qing (Lan Ping) 140

  Jiang Tingfu 40–1

  Jiang Zemin 180

  Jiangsu 23, 147

  ‘Jiangsu–Zhejiang Military Region’ 199

  Jiangxi 138

  Jiangyin 36

  Jilin (Kirin) 239

  Ji’nan 106

  Jinzhou 248, 250

  Jiujiang 126

  Johnson, Nelson 176


  Kaifeng 34–5, 126

  Kang Sheng 151–2

  Katsuki, General 70

  Kawamoto Suemori, Lieutenant 32

  Kerr, Archibald Clark 236

  Kim Il-sung 256, 257, 264

  Kirin see Jilin

  KMT see Nationalist Party

  Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe 85–6

  Kong Xiangxi 65, 90, 120

  Konoye Fumimaro 68, 69, 101, 118, 120, 122, 123

  Korea 177, 212, 230, 256–7

  North 256, 257, 261, 264; South 256, 257, 264, 269

  Korean War (1950–3) 11, 193, 258–64

  Chinese People’s Volunteers 260, 261, 263

  Kuangtung see Guangdong

  Kubishev, General N. V. 29

  Kunlun Pass 128–9

  Kunming 166, 189

  Kuomintang see Nationalist Party (KMT)

  Kurile Islands 212, 266

  Kusano Fumio: ‘Chinese Communist Guerrilla Warfare’ 237, 238–9


  Lamb, Lionel 238, 252

  Lan Ping see Jiang Qing

  landlords 41, 135, 137, 138, 142, 150, 240, 241

  Lattimore, Owen 58, 157, 158

  League of Nations 39

  Ledo Road 167

  Leffler, Melvyn 230, 231

  Lei Haizong 109

  ‘National Reconstruction: Anticipating a Third Cycle’ 109

  Leith-Ross, Frederick 40

  LeMay, General Curtis 195

  Li Chen, Professor 244

  Li Fen 151

  Li Pinxian, General 148

  Li Yu, Emperor 225

  Li Zicheng 32, 200, 201, 217–18

  Li Zongren, General 33, 59, 87, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 129, 131, 147, 236, 254

  Liang Hongzhi 115

  Liang Shuming 42, 53, 103, 135

  Liao Zhongkai 28–9, 47

  Liaoshen Campaign (1948) 2, 244, 248–55

  Liaoxi Corridor 237

  Liberation Daily 200

  Lieberman, Henry 249

  Lin Biao, General 144–5, 237, 239, 244–8, 250–1, 255, 259–60, 272

  Lin Boqu 199

  Lincoln, Abraham 32

  Lindsay, Michael 101

  Linggu Monastery 47

  Linlithgow, Victor Alexander John Hope, second marquess of 173–4

  Litvinov, Maxim 40

  Liu Bocheng, General 144, 145, 255

  Liu Shaoqi 211

  Liu Xiang, General 33, 88, 100–1

  Liu Yalou, General 245–6

  Liuqiu (Okinawa) 177

  Liuzhou 189, 197

  livestock 228


  Royal Academy of Arts exhibition of Chinese art 41; World Economic Conference (1933) 40

  Long Bow 241–3

  Long March 4, 133, 139

  Long Yun, General 117, 118, 119, 128, 158, 233

  Louza 24

  Loyang 60, 184

  Lu Xun 56, 136

  Lu Yanzhi 48

  Ludendorf, Erich 102

  Luo Zhenyu 273, 274


  Ma Zhonglian 107

  MacArthur, General Douglas 169, 203, 212, 236, 259, 261, 263

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph 190

  MacKinnon, Stephen 104

  McLure, General Robert 195

  Madame Curie (film) 274

  Madang barrier 104

  Malaya 178

  Malaysia 269

  Mallory, Walter: China: Land of Famine 42

  Manchester Guardian 68, 84, 209


  Battle of Siping (1946) 233; Communists 213, 239, 244, 245–8; food imports 129; grain requisitions 239; Japanese in 8, 12, 21, 32, 33, 39, 52, 55, 56, 58, 231–2; Lin Bao in 244–8; and Marshall Mission 231; Nationalists and 233–4; Operation August Storm 205; post-Second World War 177, 215, 226; Soviet Union and 6, 25, 206, 217, 230, 232–3

  Manchus 32, 44, 200

  Manzhouguo 39, 59, 61, 68, 76, 115, 116–17, 118, 120

  Manzhouguo Army 239, 248

  Mao Dun 89

  Mao Zedong

  and Battle of Shanghai 88; in Changsha 185; character 139–40, 153; Chen Kewen and 52; and Chiang Kaishek 212–13, 214–15; and Communist Party 5, 136–7, 153, 198, 261; early life 136; and foundation of Republic 5; on guerrilla warfare 141, 142, 145; and Guo Moruo 201, 202, 217, 218; and Japanese surrender 209, 210, 212–13; and Korea 257, 259, 260, 261, 263; and Liaoshen Campaign 248, 250, 251; marginalisation of 138; and May Fourth Movement 136; meeting with Edgar Snow 133; meeting with Tanaka Shin’ichi 134; at National Political Consultative Conference 103; and New Fourth Army Incident 148; and new order 271; and Rectification Campaign 149–54; as a revolutionary 134; revolutionary strategy 140; Thought 179; and United Front 199; and violence 137, 149, 272; and Wang Jingwei 136;

  writings; ‘On Contradiction’ 140; ‘On New Democracy’ 152; ‘On the New Stage’ 140; ‘On Practice’ 140; On Protracted War 140–2; On War of Attrition 105; ‘Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan’ 137;

  and Wu Han 277; and Yan’an 133–4, 139–40

  ‘March of the Volunteers, The’ 99

  Mariana Islands 190, 194

  Maritime Customs Service 116

  Marshall, General George 162, 164, 167, 169, 171, 191, 192, 193, 194–5, 197, 236

  Marshall Mission 231, 233, 234, 235; Marshall Plan 229

  Marx, Karl 54, 134

  Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich: The Communist Manifesto 22

  Marxism-Leninism 134, 140, 150

  Matsui Iwane, General 80, 81, 86, 95, 96, 122

  Matsuoka Yosuke 39

  May Fourth Movement 23–4, 46, 51, 135, 136

  Maze, Frederick 41

  media 38

  Mei Lanfang 53

  memorial parks 3

  Menon, Krishna 266

  Meston, James Scorgie, first Baron 84–5

  Military Affairs Commission: ‘War Plan for the Winter Offensive of the National Army’ 126–7

  Military Affairs Council 26

  military reform 34–6

  military service 35–6, 38

  Ming Dynasty 32, 200, 201, 276, 278

  Ming Syndrome 32

  Ming Xiaoling 47

  Mitter, Rana 3

  monarchical movement 46

  Mongol federation 59

  Mongolia 60

  Inner 58, 67, 118; Outer 187, 212, 215, 230

  Mongolian Alliance 115

  Mongols 22, 44

  Mountbatten, Louis, first Earl Mountbatten of Burma 171, 190

  Mufushan Mountain 97

  Mukden see Shenyang

  museums 2–3

  Chinese Military History Museum 107; Museum for the Commemoration of the Nanjing Massacre 2, 98; September 18

  Memorial Museum, Shenyang 98

  Muslims 256

  Mutaguchi Renya, Colonel 65, 66

  Muto Akira 67


  Nakajima Kesago, Lieutenant General 96

  names: personal 51–2

  Nanchang 128

  Nanjing 44–56

  Central Military Academy 203; defence of 36, 94–6; Drum Tower 44, 223; expansion 44; fortifications 77; historical background 44; Japanese bombing of (1932) 83, 84; Japanese surrender 208; Massacre (1937–8) 93, 97–9; military demobilisation conference (1929) 33; Museum for the Commemoration of the Nanjing Massacre 2, 98; as Nationalist capital 30, 34–5, 44, 45–6, 51, 56, 122; post-Second World War 223, 225; resistance to Japan 67; Safety Zone 96

  Nanjing Decade 33–4, 55–6

  Nanjing University 2, 224

  Nankou, Battle for (1932) 71

  Nanning 128, 129

  Nanuye conference (1938) 112–13

  Nanyang 38

  Nanyue Military Conference (1938) 126

  National Defence Planning Council 35

  national liberation war 7–8

  National Revolutionary Army 26, 34

  National Salvation Movement 89

  Nationalist Party (KMT)

  branch political councils 34–5; and Communist Party 137; flag 49, 50; independent military force 24; National Political Consultative Conference 103; and sacrifice 101; and unification 153; and war with Japan 103; Winter Offensive (1939–40) 129


  alliance with Muslims 256 and Battle of Shanghai 75, 78, 79, 80–1, 91; civil wars 4; and CNRRA 229; and Comm
unists 5, 135, 138–9, 143, 144, 146–7, 233, 234–5; defeat of 2, 199; and defence of Guizhou 189–90; demise of 226, 238; and division 31; fiscal policy 252–3; and Huai-Hai Campaign 252, 253; and independence 115; and internationalism 178; Japan and 101, 115, 181, 182, 267; Japanese 6; and Japanese air raids 125, 126; and Japanese surrender 209; and Liaoshen Campaign 249–52, 253; Manchuria 233–4; and military service 35–6; move to Canton 275–6; and Nanjing 33, 44, 45; nation-building 34; and New Fourth Army Incident (1941) 147–9; and New Life Movement 37, 38; post-Second World War 109–10, 202, 222, 236; recruitment 183; retreat 112; scorched earth policies 8, 92–3, 95–6, 105–10;

  Second World War 2, 3, 6–7, 158–9; Burma 163–4; diplomatic success 171–8; exclusion 161; training 166–7; Winter Offensive (1939–40) 255;

  Soviet support for 117, 212; and Sun Yatsen 26, 50–1; support for 116; and Taiwan 224; United Front 25, 28, 60, 88, 101, 137, 143, 144, 148, 149, 151, 199; Yan’an offensive (1947) 236

  navy 77, 94

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 173, 174, 264–5, 266

  New China Daily 101, 213

  New Fourth Army 144, 146, 147–9, 157, 198, 199, 238

  New Life Movement 34, 36–7, 41

  New York Times, The 27, 43, 46, 79, 96, 122, 124, 165, 183, 189, 191–2, 193, 209, 211, 212, 249, 262, 267

  New Youth (magazine) 22

  Nie Rongzhen, General 145, 255

  Nimitz, Admiral Chester 212

  Nine Power Treaty (1922) 81–2

  Ningbo 21, 36

  Nomura Kichisaburo 158

  Norman, Agnes 222–3

  north China 147

  army 58, 64, 65–6, 69, 71, 77–8; autonomous regions 68; Chiang Kaishek and 33, 39, 60–1, 65, 68, 69–70; Communists 5, 8, 239–40; drought 42; famines 43; Huahai campaign (1948–9) 2; Japanese intervention on 40; Manchus 32; schools 56; strategic importance 76, 82, 92, 102, 116, 118, 121

  North China Daily 79

  North China Famine Relief Commission 133

  North China Herald 79, 85

  Northern Expedition 29, 30, 31, 44

  nuclear warfare 6, 205, 206, 230


  oil 158, 163, 164, 180

  Okamura Yasuji, General 128, 190, 203, 204, 205–6, 210

  ‘Guidelines for Our China Policy after the Restoration of Peace’ 207, 208

  Okinawa 177, 266

  Oliver, Frank 84

  openness 38–9

  opium 41–2, 142–3

  Opium Wars 41, 152, 173

  Oriental Affairs (newspaper) 83–4


  Pakhoi 128

  Pan Hannian 210–11

  Panda (electronics firm) 51

  Pantsov, Alexander 133–4

  Peace Preservation Force 59, 78

  Pearl river 42

  peasants 8–9

  and famines 42; Marx on 134; and revolution 137, 240, 241–3

  Peng Dehuai, General 260, 263

  Penghu 177, 265, 266

  People’s Daily 135, 268, 276


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