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Lawn Boys

Page 9

by K. Webster

  She hasn’t reached her orgasm yet, but that’s okay. I have plans for her in a moment. With a groan, I unload deep inside her. Her body trembles as though she needs my cum to fucking nourish her. The moment I’ve spent the last of my orgasm, I yank out of her and flip her onto her stomach.

  “On your knees and put your sweet ass in the air,” I bark.

  Her body wobbles, but she obeys. As soon as her bright red pussy and small puckered hole are in my face, I slap her ass. Her cunt clenches and my milky white seed gushes out of her. Using two fingers, I collect it and push it back inside her. She moans when I fuck my cum back into her body with my fingers. As I seek out her G-spot, I bite at her ass cheek. Her entire body is rocking against me, desperate for the pleasure I’m doling out.

  When I run my tongue along her crack to her ass hole, she whimpers. “Anthony, please…I don’t…”

  “You don’t want that?”

  “It’s gross, right?”

  I roll my eyes as I tongue the place she’s afraid for me to touch for some fucking reason. Her moans tell me she’s interested but once again, her words say otherwise.

  “I should shower. Oh God. What are you doing?” she cries out.

  Instead of answering, I push the tip of my tongue past the tight rings. She yelps but then pushes her ass against my face as though she wants my tongue as far inside her as I can get it. I let her use my tongue while I focus on her cunt. She rocks against me in a steady rhythm until she completely comes undone. A scream shatters the air around us as her body convulses with an intense orgasm. Her ass clenches around my tongue, but I don’t stop the way I rub at her G-spot inside of her pussy. When she’s had enough, she launches away from me and collapses on the pillows. I’m staring at her round ass that now bears a couple of bite marks and a handprint, admiring my handiwork, when she starts to cry.




  What the fuck?

  I crawl over her shaking body and pull her hair away so I can find her ear. “What’s wrong, teacup? Did I hurt you?”

  Her entire body trembles as she shakes her head. “N-No, it’s j-just. I’m s-so stupid. Ignore me.”

  I relax and kiss the shell of her ear. “I can’t ignore you. Not now. Not ever. You’ve gotten under my skin, Steph. I don’t want to get you out. Talk to me. Why are you crying? I won’t think you’re stupid.”

  Some of the tension leaves her body. “You make me feel…everything. On the surface. Inside. You’re pumping life back into my heart. I didn’t realize how much I missed having someone. Someone who’s just as into me as I’m into them. It doesn’t feel real. I fear it’s all going to disappear and this is some stupid dream meant to torment me.”

  I chuckle and kiss her ear again. “Baby, this is all real. You’re mine now and I want to learn every single thing about you. I want to put more than my tongue in your ass. But I also want to do things with you. Like go to movies and cook breakfast together. I want to properly meet your family and have you meet mine. You’re my fucking girl and I’m happy as hell you gave me a chance.”

  She angles her head at me. Her eyes are bloodshot from tears and her cheeks are soaked. “You’re delusional, Anthony. You’re the catch here. I don’t even know how I got so lucky to have caught your eye. I’m just an old lady. A damn cougar.” She laughs harshly.

  “How long will it take before you stop that self-depreciating shit?” I question with a raised brow. “I’ve told you you’re God’s gift to mankind. I’m the lucky bastard.” I lean in to kiss her and she squeals as she rolls away from me.

  “Do not kiss me with that dirty mouth,” she says, laughing into the pillow.

  “You weren’t complaining about this dirty mouth when I had my tongue inside your ass.”


  I slap her ass as I climb off the bed. “Shower. Now, woman.”

  “You’re bossy. You know that, right?”

  “You like it,” I holler over my shoulder as I head to the bathroom to start the shower. “You know that, right?”

  “Damn,” my buddy Sean says, his attention over my shoulder.

  I set down the dumbbells in my hands and turn to see what has caught his eye. My dick notices first and stands at motherfucking attention.

  “Stop looking at my woman,” I grumble as I playfully punch him in his stomach.

  He shakes his head but doesn’t heed my warning. “That ass. You finally get to tap that ass.”

  I think about the way I had my tongue inside that ass earlier this morning. I’m sure as hell doing a lot more than tapping. “Take your eyes off that ass before I whoop your ass,” I threaten, a grin playing at my lips.

  Truth is, I’m proud.

  My woman, Stephanie Greenwood, is owning the glutes machine. Earlier, after a long and dirty shower, and then breakfast, we hit the gym together. She’s dressed in a skintight pair of black athletic pants and bright orange sports bra that shows off her toned stomach. Steph doesn’t have a stitch of makeup on and her hair has been pulled back in a high ponytail. She looks young and sexy and I want to pin her down every time I set my gaze on her.

  She may be in her late thirties, but she’s rocking the body of a woman half her age. Her tits are fucking divine. Full and round and supple. Her small nipples are erect and protrude through the fabric of her sports bra. It makes me want to bite them.

  When she sees us staring at her, she beams at me. All perfect white teeth and sparkling blue eyes.

  “Fuck. Me,” Sean groans. “Lucky bastard.”

  I wink at her, which earns me an even bigger smile. She turns away to get back on the machine. Her nice ass is once again on full display as she works her glutes.

  “Eyes off my woman,” I bark out and punch my friend again.

  He laughs and unwillingly drags his attention back to the weights.

  “How long have you two been fucking?” he questions as he starts curling the dumbbells in rotating order.

  “None of your business,” I grunt.

  “Sounds pretty new. Last weekend all you did was stare. This weekend, the two of you are fucking each other with your eyes and you’re calling her your woman.”

  “It hasn’t been long,” I admit.

  “How do I sign up to be some older chick’s boy toy?”

  Irritation flits through me. “I’m not her boy toy.”

  “Are you sure? Women like her don’t typically stay with guys like us for long. We’re a fun time until they find someone established whom they can move on with. Someone like your dad,” he snorts. “Or mine.”

  Or Damien.

  I crack my neck and pin him with a glare. “I’m not a fling.”

  “Seems a little early to declare that,” he says.

  Sure, we’re having fun right now, but I don’t expect it to end any time soon. If anything, Steph is the first woman who’s more than a casual fuck. She’s just not the type of woman you sleep with and move on from.

  “You’re a dick,” I grumble.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “I need to get ready.” Her words are soft and her body languid against me.

  I stroke my fingers through her hair. “We could stay in this bed all night instead.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” she says with a sigh. “I’d much rather stay with you.”

  “So stay,” I urge.

  She sits up on her elbow and stares down at me. Her golden brows are pinched together and her nose is slightly scrunched up. “Tell me something about you that nobody, not even Aiden, knows.”

  I stretch my arm up behind me and rest my head on it as I think. Her palm greedily slides over my pectoral muscle, which makes my dick twitch. I’ve fucked her so many times today it’s a wonder she can still walk.

  “Hmmm,” I say as I think. “I like kids. My dad always assumes it’s a big hassle when he asks me to watch my younger brothers and sister, but I don’t mind. They’re so little and funny.”

Her blue eyes twinkle as she regards me. “So big, bad Anthony Blakely is a big softie inside?”

  “I have my moments,” I say with a smirk. “What about you?”

  “When my daughter moved out, I was crushed. I’d devoted every second of my life into making her happy that when she was off living her own life, I didn’t know what to do with mine. The quietness in my house ate at me. Sure, I had my job and a few friends I hung out with. But…” she trails off and rolls her eyes. “It’s stupid.”

  I arch a brow at her. “Nothing about any of that is stupid. Go on, teacup. Tell me.”

  Her smile is wide and brilliant but then it falls again. “I was so lonely.”

  “You’re not lonely anymore.” My words are spoken softly but with a fierceness I can feel down in my bones.

  “This is more than just fucking and having fun to me.”

  I hug her to me and kiss her hair. “It’s a lot more to me too. Stop worrying and just let us happen.”


  “I like the way us sounds,” I tell her with a grin.

  She laughs. “I do too.”

  “Anthony,” my father calls out from his office as I pass.

  Groaning, I set my bag on the floor outside the door and walk into the room. His dark hair is slicked back and his jaw is clenched. Piercing gray eyes dart to mine. With one quick look, he assesses me. My dad always knows what’s going on in our heads. He does some Jedi mind trick shit that my brother and I are helpless against.

  “How’s Sean?” he asks, his eyes narrowed.

  Even at eighteen, my dad intimidates the fuck out of me sometimes. It still surprises me how he can go from serious glares to goofy grins when he’s chasing the little ones around the house.

  I let out a sigh and cross my arms over my chest. Honesty is always the best policy with Dad. “I didn’t stay with Sean.”

  His eyebrow lifts in question, but he isn’t shocked at my confession. “You’re an adult, son. You don’t have to lie about where you’ve been.”

  “I’ve met someone.”

  Again, my confession doesn’t faze him. “I see.”

  I’m prickly and defensive. As though I already know he’ll be against it. Stephanie has expressed her concern about people not approving of our relationship. Each time, I brush it off because it doesn’t matter what they think. But now that I’m about to confess to my dad that I’m seeing a woman as old as Mom, I understand the apprehension Steph must be experiencing.

  “You’re about to start college,” Dad says in a tight voice. “Women come and go, but your education is important.”

  I refrain from rolling my eyes. Here comes the lecture. “I have no intentions of not getting an education. Believe it or not, Dad, I can focus on two things at once.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “She must have really caught your attention if you’re thinking past the summer with her.”

  “She has. She’s different than the girls I normally date.” I scrub my palm over my face. I no longer smell like her because of our shower earlier and that makes my heart sink. Before she’d left to go have dinner with her friends, I wanted to dirty her back up again.

  “Perhaps if she’s so important, you should invite her to dinner one day,” he says.

  I grit my teeth before blurting out my words. “It’s Stephanie Greenwood, Dad.”

  For a moment, my cool and collected father falters. His brows pinch together and his mouth parts open. “What?”

  “Stephanie Greenwood. I’m seeing her.”

  His head shakes for a moment as if to clear his thoughts. “Anthony,” he barks. “She’s nearly my age, for fuck’s sake.”

  I square my shoulders. “And she went to school with Mom. I get it. Steph’s a lot older than me. It changes nothing.”

  “Did she seduce you?” He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

  I laugh, but it’s hollow and empty. “Are you kidding me right now? She’s not some Mrs. Robinson type preying on young boys. I came on to her. Several times. I’m the one who did all the pursuing, Dad. We have a connection. The chemistry between us is insane. If anyone was taking advantage, it was me—”

  “Enough!” Dad roars as he stands from his chair. “I don’t want to hear about your sex life.” He throws his arms up in exasperation.

  “It’s more than just sex,” I snap. “I like her and she likes me. As in I don’t want to date anyone else or even check out anyone else. Stephanie is all I need.”

  He shakes his head. “You’re a grown man, son, but you’re thinking with your dick. Sure, she’s a beautiful woman. But beautiful women like her have certain expectations. She’s a lot further into her life than you are. Stephanie has had her youth and will want to settle down. You’re barely getting started.”

  “Maybe I want to settle down,” I challenge.

  He pins me with a stare he used to give me when I was younger. A stare that says, you know nothing about life, kid. “You’re too young.”

  “I’m old enough to know it’s different with her, Dad. Something is different.”

  “That’s because she is different. You’ve been dating teenagers. Now, you’re having sex with a woman who knows her way around a bedroom. Of course it’s different. You’re probably completely smitten with her. And her, hell, she’s having the time of her life with some young thing that does miracles for her ego. But trust me,” he says, his voice cold, “when the heat doesn’t burn as hot, you won’t have anything left. You can’t tell me you have anything in common with her.”

  “Fuck this,” I snap. “I’m not arguing about this or defending my relationship with her. Stephanie is my girlfriend. End of story.”

  “Watch your tone, boy.”

  “Watch your tone, old man,” I bite back. “You’re being hypocritical as fuck. As if you didn’t marry someone a lot closer to my age than yours. Sometimes when you know, you know. Love doesn’t care about age.”

  “Love?” he scoffs. “You don’t love her.”

  “You’re right, Dad. I barely know her, but I feel like I could love her. My heart beats out of my fucking chest every time I see her or hear her voice. She’s sweet and smart and funny. I crave to touch her and to hear her laugh. I want to know everything about her. Everything that makes her sad or happy or angry. I’ve never been so invested in a person before. So excuse the fuck out of me if it feels good and I want to pursue it.”

  Dad’s hardened features relax and his lips press together in a line. “It’s going to hurt. When it all falls apart, which it will, it will hurt.”

  I shrug and start toward the door. “Then it’ll fucking hurt.” I cast a glance over my shoulder. “But for now, it doesn’t hurt at all.”


  Anthony: Hope you’re having fun, teacup.

  I smile at his last text. I’d much rather be with him than here with Anita and her clan of super perfect moms. Their high-pitched voices get under my skin. Ignoring them, I reply.

  Me: I wish I were with you.

  Anthony: Say the words and I’ll be there.

  Me: If one more woman hands me the business card of her plastic surgeon, I might just take you up on that offer…

  Anthony: Those plastic bitches are just jealous they have to pay for what’s natural on you.

  When I snort, the table goes quiet. Anita’s voice has my gaze lifting from my phone.

  “What’s so funny, hon? Surely the mass Marie’s sister found on her breast wasn’t funny to you.” She smiles sweetly at me.

  The lady in question, Marie, pouts. “It could be cancer.”

  My flesh heats and I shake my head. “I’m so sorry about your sister,” I breathe. “I wasn’t laughing. It was my…” I trail off and wonder if I should admit that he’s my boyfriend. That’s what he is to me after all. “Boyfriend.” I sit up in my chair and lift my chin.

  Anita raises an eyebrow. “Your boy toy?”

  “His name is Anthony,” I snip out, slightly defensive.

p; “Stephanie’s boyfriend is a senior at Brown High School,” Anita confides.

  Several women gasp. One glares at me.

  “W-What? No! He just graduated,” I blurt out. My cheeks burn bright red. That didn’t sound any better. “He’s eighteen,” I say weakly.

  Anita laughs. “Of course he’s legal, hon. We’d never think you were a child predator. They call ladies like you cougars. But since you went and nabbed Quinn Blakely’s son, you’re the Queen Cougar.”

  “Quinn Blakely?” Marie groans. “God, he’s the hottest man I have ever seen.”

  “He’s taken,” Anita chides. “By someone barely out of diapers.”

  They all cackle like a bunch of witches.

  Me: Save me. I’m officially Queen Cougar now. Rawwwwr.

  I also send him the eye roll emoji followed by the tiger paw.

  “What’s it like sleeping with such a young man?” a lady with bleached blond hair asks. Kelly, I think her name is. “Did you have to teach him everything he knows?”

  My face reddens impossibly more. If anyone is teaching in the bedroom, it’s him. The thing he did with his tongue…oh, God.

  “Aren’t you embarrassed of your stretchmarks?” Anita questions. “I mean, boys like him are used to perfect teenagers. Being with an older woman has to be…alarming.”

  “I, uh, he seems happy,” I utter.

  “Any man is happy with a blow job,” Kelly grumbles as she sips her martini. “They don’t care what you look like.”

  I frown. Am I that terrible?

  “Can we talk about something else?” I mutter.

  Anita shakes her head. “And miss all the chatter about your love life, cougar? I think not. You know we’re all living vicariously through you. Most of us have to go to bed with a man who can’t even keep it up without swallowing a blue pill beforehand. Meanwhile, you’re over here getting laid every time the lawn boy gets a boner.”

  “Enough, Anita,” I snap, my tone harsh enough to have her eyebrows rising to her hairline. “How are the kids?”


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