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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  “Can I at least search the room to make sure you’re safe?” London insists.

  “What do we do now, Brock?” I question him in my mind now fully aware of our situation.

  “Now, I renounce myself as your second and take my place as an alpha again.” He answers joining us in the room.

  Water drips from his face as his eyes glow a fierce yellow as his wolf shows through.

  London turns to face him with a challenging growl while placing me behind him.

  Stepping back I argue with myself whether or not I should run away from them both or wait to see the outcome.

  Maybe I couldn’t trust Brock like I had wanted to.

  Everything was quickly becoming one huge mess.

  Scratch that, everything was already a mess and they were just adding to it.

  “Do you really think you can take back your status as an alpha, Brock?” London laughs out in challenge.

  “I do, and I’m going to take your pack from you when I do.” Brock spits out with a menacing grin.

  This was escalating quickly.

  Grabbing clothes from my dresser I rush to put them on as Brock and London begin circling one other waiting for each other to make the first move.

  After putting my clothes on haphazardly I move towards my boots in the corner of the room nearest to the door.

  I watch as Brock moves first slamming into London with enough force to knock him off his feet and down onto my bed.

  Brock grabs London twisting his head to the side shoving his nose into the mattress. “I’ve already been in her bed with your mate, London. Can’t you smell my scent, she was amazing and I can’t wait until she’s mine.”

  A small growl leaves my lips as I fully understand Brock’s backhanded scheme to become my mate.

  It all made sense now.

  He was never going to help me. He had just been waiting for the right moment to make his move and take control of me himself.

  Well, he wasn’t going to get the chance to make that happen, not if I had anything to do with it.

  Neither of them would get their hands on me again.

  I was going to have to run away.

  That was the only choice I had left unless I wanted to be reclaimed by whoever won this little fight of theirs.

  Making a split moment decision I run out of the door and away from the two fighting males.

  They probably wouldn’t even notice my absence until I was long gone. At least that’s what I was hoping for.

  Gage was relying on me.

  I needed to help him and Rowan who had been caught up in this mess before I was captured again.

  Running down the stairs I shove my way past London’s pack as they rush to find out what all of the growling upstairs was about.

  No one pays me any attention as I run from the house.

  I look back towards the house when I hear my name being called out.

  “I will find you, Parker.” London screams at the top of his lungs.

  Turning back I run straight into a wall.

  Strong familiar arms hold me upright as I look up into my father’s eyes. “Run, Parker, run as far as you can, as fast as you can.” He orders.

  I stand stunned for a moment.

  This man before me wasn’t the same man who had ordered me to mate with London.

  Smiling sadly he kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry for pushing you into this life, Parker. Now, go, find Gage and hopefully when you come back this will all be over.”

  I nod and pull him into a tight embrace.

  “I love you, Dad.” I whisper.

  He pats my back comforting me for one last moment. “I always loved you too, Daughter.”

  Our time quickly comes to an end as voices begin sounding out behind me.

  “Go, find her now.” London orders his pack.

  If he was still here then my only guess was that Brock was dead.

  “Go, now, Parker. I will hold them off for as long as I can.” My father orders gruffly.

  Reluctantly letting him go I run past him and past his pack as they join him.

  My hope was that I could return to my home one day soon but if my father didn’t win this battle I wouldn’t have anywhere to come home to.

  I would be a wolf without her pack.

  Without a pack I was no one.

  With that realization I pause in my tracks for a moment.

  My father had been right all along I had just been too wrapped up in wanting to live my own life.

  I was part of this life as much as it was a part of me.

  There wasn’t any use hiding from it any longer, I had to embrace it as a gift like Gage had said.

  Placing one foot in front of the other again I turn my full attention to the mission I had ahead of me, finding Gage.

  That was the first step.

  The second would be decided after I told him everything that had happened.

  Would he even want me after what London had taken from me?

  I could only hope that telling him the truth up front would be for the best, and that he would want me as his mate regardless.

  13-Oh, Brother

  “Alex, please answer your phone, it’s me, Parker. I need help.” I speak quickly into the phone as I hide behind the counter of the closed little shop that I had broken into.

  Hanging the phone back up I place my head into my hands.

  This had been a mistake from the start.

  I knew London wasn’t far behind me and if I didn’t get any help soon he was without a doubt going to catch up with me.

  If he did all hope of getting to Gage would be lost.

  Suddenly, as if a gift from the heavens above, the phone rings out in the quiet.

  I rush to get it. “Hello?” I whisper in fear that it wouldn’t be Alex on the other end.

  “Parker, what’s going on? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” Alex questions with a raspy voice.

  “I need help, Alex. Dad told me to run. Bad things are happening.” I answer hoping he could read between the lines.

  Keeping our kind hidden was top priority considering it wasn’t uncalled for, for a hunter to place a phone tap on local phones to alert them to any suspicious behavior.

  Hunters were the only people we really feared other than our own kind.

  And now being on my own meant I would become an easy target for one of them.

  “Where are you, what can I do?” Alex questions quickly.

  “I’m just outside Dad’s house.” I lie. “I just need you to be ready.”

  Again, I’m vague in my answers hoping not to alert anyone.

  “I’m ready whenever you are, Sis.” He sighs.

  “Thank you.” I reply and then hang up.

  The next challenge was to get across town to his house.

  Changing into my wolf form I cautiously make my way through the tall buildings and over fences in back yards until I finally reach a familiar house.

  I hadn’t been there to visit for a few years but it hadn’t changed one bit.

  The white siding and black shutters were just as I had remembered.

  Moving through the small yard I head for the backdoor where my brother had installed a doggie door.

  It had started out as a joke but in these circumstances it came in handy as a way to sneak in without having to change forms outside in the open.

  As soon as I’m in his dark kitchen I change forms.

  “Alex, where are you?” I whisper as I search for a light switch or something to shed a little light in the room.

  The light abruptly flips on as my brother, who was a slightly younger version of our father, steps into the room. “I didn’t think you’d be here so quickly.” He states as he rubs his eyes.

  “I had to hurry to avoid being followed. You know how much danger I’m in alone like this.” I reply.

  He nods. “I know, Parker.” He sighs. “So, tell me what happened to have you on the run like this.”

open my mouth to answer but his back door bursts open and two unknown bodies come in covered from head to toe in black.

  They were Hunters.

  Backing up I bump into my brother.

  He sighs roughly as if this whole situation wasn’t as bad as it actually was.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose he places his hand on my shoulder. “Calm down, Parker. I’ve got a lot to fill you in on.”

  He then points towards the two Hunters. “You two can stand down, she isn’t going to harm anyone. She’s from the Onyx pack and she’s my sister.”

  One of the two rips his mask off as he stares at us in disbelief. “You’re related to the wolves?”

  Alex nods. “I am.”

  “Then you are a traitor to our kind and your own.” The young man, with short brown hair and equally brown eyes, shouts.

  “I’m no traitor. I keep the peace between our two groups. If you would just open your eyes you’d see that there are many Hunters that share relatives inside the packs.” Alex explains calmly.

  The second hunter then rips their mask off revealing a young girl with short cropped brown hair. “Well, this just got a hell of a lot more complicated.”

  “Why didn’t they teach us this, we could have killed her?” The man inquires.

  Alex sighs as he sits down in a chair at the kitchen table. “This is entirely my fault, I should have taught you but I thought I could keep this secret just a little longer. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you sooner, Damon.”

  He then motions towards the girl and the door. “Lola, could you please shut the door and then sit down here at the table so I can talk with all of you?”

  The one named Damon eyes me up as he moves to sit next to Alex.

  Lola shuts the door and then takes a seat as well.

  I remain standing.

  “Please, sit down, Parker.” Alex pleads.

  I shake my head refusing to sit down at a table with Hunters as if we were all good friends. “Does our father know?”

  “Yes, Parker, he’s the one who pushed me into becoming a hunter. Now, because of my age I train new recruits.” Alex answers.

  He points towards a chair for me to sit. “Just sit and let me explain everything.”

  I shake my head again as tears build in my eyes. “I can’t just sit down, Alex. I’m in danger, the Onyx pack is under attack and I have their newest alpha after me.”

  “What do you mean?” Alex questions.

  “I mean that our father sold me out, he gave me away to the young alpha of the Redwood pack and now since I broke free from his control and ran away he is coming after me. Dad and our pack are the only things slowing him down.” I explain.

  “And I can’t stay, Alex, I just needed some help to find my true mate.” My tears begin to fall. “But now that your secrets are out I don’t even know if I can trust you.”

  Taking a step back I reach for the door handle.

  “Parker, please don’t run.” Alex stands to his feet. “We can help you. The hunter laws state that we have to help the members of a pack if they are in danger.”

  “You’ll only get yourself killed, Alex.” I cry as my hand connects with the knob.

  He’s about to speak but a low growl outside the door instantly puts us on alert.

  “Come out now, Sweetheart. I know you’re in there with your brother.” London’s voice rings out.

  Both Lola and Damon stand up with weapons raised.

  “She’s not here.” Alex yells in reply.

  “I know she’s here, Alex, I can smell my mate right on the other side of this door.” London answers smugly.

  Alex curses. “You know what you need to do, Parker.”

  I nod and move quietly towards him. “Thank you, Alex.”

  “You know I’d do this for you anytime, Sister.” He smiles as he hands me his phone and the keys to a bike that was a backup for just a situation such as this.

  I never thought that it would be like this though, my brother a hunter.

  “You better not run again, Parker.” London warns from the other side of the door. “I have this house surrounded.”

  “Go, now, Parker.” Alex grunts.

  “Go with her, Damon. Keep her safe.” He then orders.

  Reluctantly, Damon follows me through the house to the attached garage where I find my bike.

  He groans as I hop onto the front. “I’m not riding behind you, wolf.”

  I roll my eyes as I push myself back and wave for him to get on. “It’s not like I really want to touch you, Hunter.”

  He smirks slightly before getting onto the bike.

  I hand over the keys and he quickly starts the engine just as the door to the garage begins to open up.

  “Hold on tight, wolf.” Damon snarls as he rockets us out of the garage knocking two of London’s pack members down along the way.

  As we ride down the road I look back to see London running towards us.

  “Go faster.” I order Damon.

  Without question he does, revving the bike’s engine as we pick up speed.

  London quickly fades away as we leave him behind.

  Damon expertly maneuvers the bike even as we blow through a red light barely missing a crossing car.

  “You’re going to get me killed, aren’t you?” I screech as we barely miss another car crossing our path.

  “I won’t kill you as long as you keep your claws and teeth to yourself.” Damon grunts in response.

  “I’ll keep them to myself as long as you get us somewhere safe and with a lack of other Hunters.” I add.

  The last thing I needed him to do was take me into another house full of Hunters that wouldn’t think twice about killing me.

  Slowing the bike he pulls into a twenty-four hour motel.

  “We can stay here for the night. The owners are Hunters so the wolves chasing you shouldn’t come here for you.” Damon states as he pulls the bike up to a door.

  I remain on the bike as he slides off.

  Fear of being killed in a place like this gripped my nerves.

  “Just stay here with the bike. They would never expect me to bring a wolf here so you’re safe as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” Damon states calmly. “Just stay here and I’ll get us a room.”

  I nod slightly and watch as he disappears around the side of the building.

  A few very tense minutes tick by until Damon reappears around the corner with another man.

  I instantly become even tenser as he eyes me up before holding out his hand to me. “It’s nice to see our boy here bring a girl by. My name is Fred, but you can call me Pops like everyone else around here does.”

  Taking his hand in mine I give his a gentle shake as I smile brightly. “I’m Parker, and it’s nice to meet you, Sir.”

  Bumping his arm into Damon’s, Pops smiles widely. “I like this girl, Damon. She has good manners.”

  Damon forces a grin as Pops hands him a set of keys. “You can park the bike in the shed next to the room I gave the two of you.”

  “Thanks, Pops.” Damon replies.

  “You’re welcome, Damon.” Pops turns to leave but glances back to me with a grin. “And it was nice to meet you too, Parker, even if you are a wolf.”

  Damon curses. “How did you know?”

  Pops smiles. “I’m a Hunter, not blind. And when you get to my age you know all about the packs living around you. The name gave her away.” He answers.

  “And you’re still okay with her staying here?” Damon inquires.

  “I am as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone. You know our laws. Anyway I doubt she’s hiding with you for just any reason, I’m guessing something big has happened, am I right?” Pops asks turning to me in question.

  I nod. “My father’s pack went up against the Redwood pack.” I bow my head. “I believe they lost.”

  “I’m sorry, Parker. I really hope that isn’t what happened. Your father is a good man and a good leader. I’d hate to see the day come again
when we would have to hunt the Onyx wolves.” Pops states softly.

  I nod in agreement and he walks away.

  “Let’s get this bike hidden and get into our room, wolf.” Damon grunts out as he gives me a light shove to get off of the bike.

  I comply with a light growl.

  Chuckling he pushes the bike around the building and towards a shed just mere feet from the door that I guessed was the one to our room for the night.

  Locking the bike up Damon then moves towards the door to our room.

  He flips on a light as we enter and curses. “I swear to god, I said two beds not one.”

  Moving to leave the room I stop him. “Its fine, you take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor. My wolf won’t mind.”

  For the first time since I had met him his eyes soften. “Are you sure?” He asks.

  I nod. “I’ll be fine I’ve slept in my wolf form on the floor many times.”

  He sighs and turns back towards the double bed with outdated orange bedding. “You can sleep on the bed in wolf form, but only in wolf form.” He compromises.

  “Are you sure you want to sleep next to a big bad wolf?” I tease gaining a smile from him.

  “I’m not afraid.” He replies.

  Raising my brow I watch as he subtly shows off the silver around his wrists and his necklace hidden under his shirt.

  Moving closer to him I smile sweetly as I run my fingertips over the silver studs on his wrist cuffs. “I’m an alpha, and you should always be afraid.”

  He literally gulps as he watches my fingers come away with no burns.

  Silver may have burned lesser wolves but an alpha could withstand any amount of silver, making us nearly invincible.

  14-The Hunter

  Early the next morning a loud knock on the door to the room has Damon jumping up to his feet and me quickly changing into my human form.

  Glancing back at me Damon motions towards his discarded weapon on the nightstand, and I wordlessly grab it and bring it to him as I step up behind him.

  “Who’s there?” He questions loud enough for whoever was on the other side.

  “It’s just me, Pops.” Pops answers from the other side.

  Relieved that it was just him I relax from my tense position and let out the breath I had been holding.


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