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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Page 18

by Raven K. Asher

  I gasp in horror as I take the scene in.

  London wraps his arms around me for support and comfort. “Don’t look at it, Darling.” He whispers into my ear.

  Nodding, I close my eyes tightly.

  But when a shot rings out in the silence my eyes fly open wide.

  What happens next happens in slow motion.

  Gage’s head jerks back with the impact.

  Harley gasps in horror from behind him.

  Rowan and Dillon rush forward and Damon grabs for Gage’s body before it hits the ground.

  London holds me tightly as a deep long lasting pain rips through my heart as a terrifying scream falls from my lips.

  I watch in horror as Rowan kills Sully with his bare hands as he screams out in agonizing anger at him.

  Dillon rushes to Damon’s side before bowing his head.

  When he glances over to me I fall to my knees.

  My whole world had just crashed from beneath me, Gage was dead and there wasn’t anything we could do to bring him back.

  A gunshot directly to the head wasn’t something we could heal, let alone survive.

  He was gone.

  Gage was gone.

  28-Shattered Glass

  “Come on, Darling. We aren’t out of the woods yet.” London grunts behind me as he continues to hold me tightly.

  Gun shots ring out behind us, but I don’t move.

  What did I have left to fear?

  Right now I almost welcomed death. At least then the hole that had been literally shot into my heart wouldn’t hurt any longer.

  “Come on before you get us all killed, your pack still needs you to stay strong, Parker.” London grunts as he lifts me to my feet before throwing me over his shoulder.

  “Grab his body.” He then orders Dillon.

  Without another word he rushes us out of the fenced in yard and deep into the surrounding forest with the rest of my pack following close behind.

  What was left of London’s men, follow us as well.

  There were maybe a total of ten of us left.

  Dillon’s sad eyes meet mine as we travel through the trees.

  I’m sure my whole pack could feel my pain and the hole left from the loss of the only man I had truly come to love.

  I would have died for him.

  But now he was dead.

  He had died for me, and for our pack.

  He was gone and I would never again kiss his lips or feel the touch of his warm breath fanning over my skin.

  He was just gone, snuffed out like a candle flame in the breeze.

  My heart and soul was gone.

  Stopping in a small clearing London places me down to the ground where I collapse down to my side before curling into a tight ball.

  London curses softly as he pushes a few strands of my hair behind my ear. “I’m so sorry, Darling.”

  He then looks up to the others as they stand around absently.

  All of them were in different states of shock and sadness.

  “We need to get back home where we will be safe.” London states gently.

  No one other than his own men, nod in agreement.

  “Alec, take Gage’s body from Dillon, please.” London suggests but as the man moves towards Dillon he growls fiercely as Damon, Rowan, and Harley stand between them.

  “No one will touch him but his own pack.” Rowan snarls.

  “Fine, but we’ve got to keep moving.” London gives up quickly.

  Rowan nods before moving to my side.

  Kneeling down he touches my cheek tenderly as he coaxes me to look up at him.

  As his sad eyes look into my own all of my pain bursts out in a loud sob as I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his chest.

  “Shhhh, Babe, Shhhh.” Rowan whispers as his hands hold me close to his body.

  Lifting me up, he wraps my legs around his waist before he wordlessly begins walking.

  Our group walks for what feels like miles until we finally stop.

  I had cried softly the whole way as my heart continued to break over and over again as that horrifying scene played through my mind.

  Someone knocks on a door and I peek up just in time to see Titus open the door and then fall to his knees at the sight of his son’s body.

  Moments pass by until Titus’s second takes control and picks his alpha up to his feet before leading us all inside.

  Even London’s group was invited inside but only London came in.

  It was out of respect that he ordered the rest of them to stay outside.

  His group would stand guard while the rest of us mourned the loss of our family member.

  “How did this happen?” Titus finally questions as Dillon places Gage’s lifeless body onto the bed that I had laid on just a few days earlier.

  “We escaped the Island and we thought we had killed our enemies but one slipped through our fingers.” London answers for us.

  “Did you kill the enemy who killed my son?” He asks.

  “Yes, they are all dead. Rowan ended the life of the one who killed Gage.” London answers again.

  “Good.” Titus nods as he watches Rowan place me down to my feet.

  I hide my face as he moves closer.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Parker.” He whispers.

  “They bonded.” London blurts. “She’s going through the pain of a broken bond.”

  Titus curses softly. “That is a pain far worse than death when your mate dies and the bond is broken.”

  Slipping out of Rowan’s arms I transform into my wolf form and crawl up on the bed to lie next to Gage.

  This way I could pretend that we were just sleeping together.

  I could pretend that he was still there with me.

  Letting my wolf take over she whimpers and cries feeling the loss deep within her own heart.

  Taking their wolf forms Dillon, Damon, Rowan, and Harley, all move to lie together on the floor next to the bed.

  Titus sighs roughly as he wipes away a few tears that manage to escape his sad eyes. “Let’s leave them alone to mourn. This pack is going to take awhile to heal.”

  Everyone leaves the room silently, except for London.

  He watches me closely for a while before he comes over and sits down on the floor before leaning his head back against my side.

  It was a small gesture, but it brought a strange comfort to me.

  Maybe everything would get better.

  And maybe the pain would fade, but not today.

  Today was a day for tears.

  Today was a day of silence for the soul that we had lost, and for the mourning of my shattered heart that I feared would never feel whole again.

  I would never be whole again. I was like a broken window, open to the world that was cruel and unforgiving.

  Time would heal my internal wounds though.

  And only the love of my pack would give me the strength to hold on another day and to keep on breathing.

  All I could do now was take this one day at a time.

  Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

  To be continued…

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  (Book One) Among the Dead Trilogy

  By: Raven K. Asher


  Among the Dead Trilogy

  By: Raven K. Asher


  “Mom, Mom, please tell me that you and Dad are going to make it back home?” I cry into my cell phone as the sign
al fades in and out.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl, there aren’t any flights coming in or going out. Things are crazy here, but your father’s trying to find us a car.” My mom, Gwen, answers, her voice clogged with tears and panic.

  “I’m scared, Mom.” I whisper softly.

  I was beyond scared at the moment considering the last two days things had gone from being great to the end of humanity as we knew it.

  “I know you are, River, but you have to stay strong.” She replies, barely keeping her emotions together.

  “Baby girl, your father wants to talk to you before we lose our phone signal, okay?”

  “Alright, Mom, I love you.”

  “Love you too, baby girl.” She begins crying as I hear her pass the phone off to my father, Andrew.

  “Hey, Sweetheart, how are you holding up?” He asks.

  “I’m scared, Dad, I just wish you were both home.” I answer softly.

  “I know you are, Sweetheart, but your mom and I will be home soon.” He promises.

  “What should I do if you don’t make it back?” I question seriously.

  “It won’t happen, we will return, but if any military personal come by go with them. They will be able to keep you safe. If you have to give them my name and rank, and they should be able to help you find me if we can’t get there soon.” He instructs.

  “Alright, Dad, just hurry back.” I nod even though he couldn’t see.

  “I will, Sweetheart.” He promises taking in a shaky breath. “Just remember everything that I’ve taught you, okay?”

  “Always follow my gut feelings.” I answer and practically hear him smiling proudly on the other end.

  “Yes, but don’t forget all of the talks we’ve had. All the scenarios we planned for.” He insists.

  “We never planned for this one, Dad.” I barely laugh out.

  “I know, but you’re a smart girl, you can figure this one out.” He answers as the signal threatens to go out on us.

  “I love you, River, don’t forget that.” He then quickly adds as the signal fades in and out once more.

  Our conversation was going to end at any moment.

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I reply just before the signal finally gives out and I’m left staring down at a useless phone.

  Tears blur my vision as my mind wonders whether or not that that was going to be the last time I would ever have the chance to talk to my parents.

  Had that been the last time I would tell them that I loved them, I certainly hopped not.

  My heart felt as if it was being crushed.

  More than anything in the world I wanted…no, needed, my parents here with me.

  Not over five hundred miles away.

  Fear washes over me as reality, my reality, settles in.

  I was going to be on my own as far as taking care of myself.

  Glancing, out the front window of our house I watch with growing fear as the neighbors run across the road with blood smeared on their hands and clothing.

  Gasping I hold my hand to my mouth as I watch one of the infected run after them.

  His face was pale, which was a dead giveaway that he was sick, but what really made him look savage was the blood seeping from the corners of his eyes and mouth.

  There wasn’t any life left in his body, his soul was long gone.

  It was just a shell being driven by a hunger that no one could understand.

  It was my worst nightmares come true.

  Another of my neighbors screams out in horror and I back away from the window not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

  As long as I stayed inside I would be alright, and as long as I remembered everything that my father had taught me I would survive this.

  I knew how to stay alive.

  Chapter 1

  Sitting on the edge of the woods I watch as a horde of infected roam past towards the small town nearby.

  Holding my breath I wait patiently and nervously as they pass by.

  All it would take is one noise, one smell, one little mistake, and I would have them rushing after me in an instant.

  It had taken me awhile to learn everything I knew now about the infected walking around.

  Three very long years had gone by, to be exact.

  Standing to my feet a twig snaps and I inwardly curse as I stand as still as possible, hoping and praying that the infected would just keep on walking.

  Luck wasn’t on my side.

  Cursing again I grab my backpack from the ground along with my homemade bow.

  I had to get out of here now.

  Looking up I watch as one after another the infected turn to sniff the air in my direction before beginning their mad rush to get me.

  I curse my luck once more and turn to run.

  This wasn’t at all what I had wanted to be doing today.

  The only reason I had left the underground bunker in the woods was for food and water, and I couldn’t go back without anything considering I had nothing left.

  My food supplies had run out and my water wasn’t any good especially after I had found an infected, doing the equivalent of swimming around, in the pond where I normally collected my water.

  I hadn’t even wanted to touch that water after that for fear of catching whatever had killed so many others.

  I had been lucky enough to collect rain water, but that was all but gone now and it hadn’t rained in weeks.

  My hair snags on a low branch and I curse as my head is jerked back before the branch snaps, I right myself and tug against it tearing hair from my scalp.

  It was a small price to pay in order to get away.

  But I should have pulled my long brown hair back into a braid like I normally did. I don’t know why I choose today to wear it hanging down loose.

  That was my first mistake of the day.

  Second was the infected that were quickly gaining on me.

  This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.

  As my hair snags yet again I turn back towards the edge of the woods, towards the open field that was between the trees and the small farm house that I had planned on raiding for supplies.

  I figured I could at least barricade myself inside until I came up with a plan to ditch these infected, or at least until they found something more interesting to go after.

  Running full force my legs ache as I beg them to go farther.

  The house wasn’t far off now.

  Reaching the road I rush across it with the infected only feet behind me.

  Tires squeal just as I finish crossing the road, and I hear the crunch of bones.

  But I don’t stop.

  The living people were sometimes worse than the infected could be and I didn’t want anything to do with someone that could be so easily killed.

  I had lost enough in my life.

  At least luck was on my side and a few of the infected had been taken out, and some of the others had been redirected towards whoever had been in the vehicle.

  As gunshots ring out I turn back towards the trees.

  The last thing I wanted to do was lead these potentially dangerous people into a place I knew little about.

  The woods were where I was more comfortable.

  It was familiar and I knew how to use it to my advantage to hide.

  Of course, I wouldn’t be able to hide very well with these infected on my trail.

  I had to lose them, and fast.

  Stepping out of my jeep as the final infected falls dead to the ground I search for the girl that had just ran right in front of my jeep.

  I barely missed her as I slammed on the brakes and slammed into a group of infected.

  My brother, Evan, exits the jeep along with the two sisters, Abby and Alice, which we had just found a few days before.

  “Where did she go?” He questions.

  I shake my head as I search for her, or the five infected that had still been chasing after her.

  I was really hoping that they hadn’t caught her.

  “I don’t know.” I reply.

  “Do you think she ran into the trees?” Abby questions while coming up beside me.

  Looking in that direction I nod.

  She had to have gone into the woods.

  Reaching back into the jeep I produce another hand gun with an extra clip and my favorite shotgun.

  I was determined to find the girl.

  I couldn’t leave until I knew whether or not she had gotten away.

  So few people had survived the first wave of infected, and most died days after being infected, they had been the lucky ones.

  Some turned into the savage infected that roamed the deserted streets for a meal.

  And some, like my brother and I, were immune to the virus that had taken over.

  Both of us had been bitten within those first days, and both of us had been lucky enough to survive.

  Those that were left were few and far between, numbering less than a few thousand for the entire continent of North America.

  The odds of surviving were stacked against us since the infected far outnumbered the still living.

  If I could help at least one survivor out, I would.

  And right now she needed my help.

  “You’re not seriously going after her are you, Gale?” Alice questions.

  “I am. I would have done the same for you and your sister. I have to at least try to save her from being eaten alive.” I answer as I glance over to my brother who nods as he reaches for his weapons.

  I knew he would have my back no matter what.

  “Did you even see that girl? She looked just as savage as the beasts chasing her.” Abby whines grating on my nerves for the last time.

  It had been nonstop since we had picked them up.

  The sisters wanted to sit around and do nothing while my brother and I waited on them hand and foot.

  I was tired of it and their selfishness.

  “I’m going. I don’t care what you do.” I nearly growl out.

  “But who’s going to protect us if the infected come back?” She whines.


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