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Doctor Daddy Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 8)

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by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One – Suzie

  Chapter Two – Kit

  Chapter Three – Suzie

  Chapter Four – Kit

  Chapter Five – Suzie

  Chapter Six – Kit

  Chapter Seven – Suzie

  Chapter Eight – Kit

  Chapter Nine – Suzie

  Chapter Ten – Kit

  Chapter Eleven – Suzie

  Chapter Twelve – Kit

  Chapter Thirteen – Suzie

  Chapter Fourteen – Kit

  Chapter Fifteen – Suzie

  Chapter Sixteen – Kit

  Chapter Seventeen – Suzie

  Chapter Eighteen – Kit

  Chapter Nineteen – Suzie

  Chapter Twenty – Kit


  Get In Touch

  Also By Harmony Raines

  Doctor Daddy Bear

  Return to Bear Creek

  (Book Eight)


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2017 Harmony Raines


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  A Bond to Bear

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  Doctor Daddy Bear

  Return to Bear Creek

  (Book Eight)

  Suzie has taken over responsibility for placing shifter children with suitable foster parents, while Fiona is on maternity leave. When a shifter baby is abandoned at Bear Bluff Hospital, it is Suzie’s job to ensure she is properly cared for. When Suzie arrives at the hospital, she finds the baby in the safe hands of Kit Malvern. Who tells her he is her mate.

  Should she knows she must resist temptation and focus on her job. However, resisting the good doctor is going to be the biggest challenge of her life.

  Dr. Kit Malvern loves kids and has fostered many shifter children for years, as a way of keeping his longing in check. So when a possible shifter baby is abandoned, he is more than willing to take her home and offer her his love and protection. Then he meets the woman tasked with making sure the baby is well cared for, Suzie McLeish, and his world is changed forever.

  She is his mate. And he intends to make sure she knows it.

  But when a cougar shifter comes sniffing around, Kit and Suzie must work together to uncover the secrets that led to a mother abandoning a child. Is it possible to reunite mother and child and lead them to their own happy ever after?

  With help from the dragons, they might just find a way. Talking of dragons—maybe there is another baby about to make an appearance in Bear Creek.

  Chapter One – Suzie

  The snow fell harder as Suzie battled her way across the hospital parking lot. She hung on tightly to her briefcase, at the same time fighting to keep herself upright. A sudden gust of wind tugged at her hood, dragging it off her head. Suzie fought to pull it back up as big plump snowflakes blinded her; this was not the time to be outside. But she had a job to do. A job that was more important than ice-cold snow down her neck.

  With one last surge forward, Suzie reached the hospital building, pushed the glass doors open, and staggered inside into a different world. Warmth and calm enveloped her and she caught her breath, the pristine snowstorm replaced by the smell of hospital disinfectant. Skimming her hands over her thick winter coat, Suzie pushed her hood down and shook the droplets of melted snow from her hair.

  It was late, and the lights in this part of the hospital were dim, but any sense that the hospital was all tucked in, ready for a good night’s sleep, ended there. Wasting no time, Suzie walked swiftly across the polished tiles to the reception desk.

  “Hello, I’m Suzie McLeish from Social Services, I’ve come about the baby.” Suzie showed the receptionist her ID.

  “Oh, the baby. Poor thing,” the receptionist, whose name badge read Cindy, replied.

  “I know. And poor mother, wherever she is,” Suzie said.

  Cindy smiled sadly. “What must be going through a mother’s head to make her abandon a baby like that?”

  “What indeed,” Suzie agreed, her smile equally filled with sadness. She’d witnessed the pain of regret and self-loathing that often lingered through the lives of women who had given up their children to Social Services. No matter what the individual circumstances, some wounds never healed.

  “Still, at least she brought the baby to us, and didn’t dump her out in the snow to perish.” Cindy brightened, picked up the telephone, and dialed a number, giving Suzie a chance to compose herself.

  Suzie had tried not to think about what might have happened if the mother had simply dumped the baby out in the cold, and left it to die. It was an unbearable thought, but one she could not extinguish now that it was planted in her head. That dark thought led to others. What if the mother was out there, in the snow, homeless and cold?

  But this was a shifter baby, according to the information she had been given. That meant the mother might simply have shifted into whatever animal she was, and be holed up somewhere warm. In a cave, perhaps. Or maybe she was at home somewhere, in front of a fire, trying to cope with what she had done. Or maybe she didn’t care.

  “Child abandonment: it doesn’t get much worse, does it?” The voice was not hard or judgmental, simply matter-of-fact.

  Suzie turned around; she hadn’t heard the nurse approach. “It doesn’t.”

  “I’m Beth.” The nurse smiled, a sadness settled on her. Suzie wondered if everyone she met today was going to be filled with the same sadness.

  “Hello, Beth, I’m Suzie McLeish.”

  “Social Services.” Beth smiled, more warmth to her eyes this time. “Fiona told us to expect you.”

  “You’ve spoken to Fiona?” Suzie asked. Fiona was a dragon shifter who worked for Social Services. Suzie was lucky enough to be her supervisor, an often awkward job that required some skills in diplomacy, along with a thick skin.

  “News travels fast when a baby is involved. Someone at the hospital called Fiona, and Fiona called us.” Beth placed a comforting hand on Suzie’s arm. “Don’t worry, no one was trying to undermine you. But we’ve been dealing with Fiona for such a long time when it comes to special foster children. It was natural someone would call her.”

  “I understand,” Suzie said. And she did. Fiona had dealt with numerous shifter children who were in need of help from Social Services. She’d been dedicated to her job for years. It was only natural that she was still dedicated to her job, even though she was on maternity leave, with her own child due any day now. Or overdue… Fiona was nearly two weeks past the date everyone had expected to welcome a new dragon shifter into the world.

  “Anyway. It’s all taken care of, we just need you to process the paperwork.” Beth led Suzie to the elevator, and pressed the button.

  “I’m sorry?” Suzie asked while they waited.

  “The baby is ready to go home with Dr. Malvern. He was on call when the baby was discovered. He’s our resident pediatrician. He’s
given her a thorough examination, as has the midwife on duty. Poor little thing has a clean bill of health, and has already gulped down her special formula.”

  “That’s good. However, I still need to do my paperwork. And ensure the baby goes to a suitable foster home, one that is registered with Social Services,” Suzie instructed, feeling as if she was in some way superfluous to requirements. Didn’t anyone trust her with shifter babies?

  “Dr. Malvern is registered, don’t worry. If you ask me Kit is already half smitten by the little bundle of joy.” Beth gave Suzie a reassuring glance. “Dr. Malvern is very experienced when it comes to fostering.”

  The elevator arrived and opened silently. Beth and Suzie stepped inside, and Beth pressed the button to take them to the third floor.

  “It sounds as if it’s all been arranged.” Suzie was trying not to feel undermined, but she was. She suspected that Fiona had made phone calls behind her back, and was directing the situation from her nice warm bed. Well, Suzie was the one who was going to have to deal with any repercussions if this baby girl was placed in the wrong foster home, so it was going to be Suzie’s final decision as to whether Kit Malvern took the baby home.

  “Here we are.” The elevator doors opened, and the two women got out. “It’s not exactly arranged, but Kit has so much experience with babies…” Beth stopped walking and turned to Suzie. “I’m sorry, I feel as if I’ve put my foot in it.”

  “No. Not at all.” Suzie shook off her tension, knowing the baby would pick up on it. As would Nurse Beth and Dr. Malvern.

  “I understand,” Beth said. “Fiona is a tough act to follow. And I do not necessarily mean that in a totally complimentary way.”

  “She’s good at what she does,” Suzie said diplomatically.

  “She is, but when smoke comes out of her ears, we all run for cover,” Beth joked. “You will do just fine, Suzie.” Beth smiled encouragingly.

  “Thanks, Beth. And if I don’t, I’ll get more than scolded.” Suzie tried to lift the atmosphere with a joke.

  “Oh yes, burned alive, more like.” Beth giggled, and then added conspiratorially, “I would never say that to Fiona’s face. Although I will be the first to admit she has mellowed in recent times. Gone are the days when she would leave a student nurse in tears with one glare. She’s found peace, hasn’t she?”

  “I think she has. Or at least, she’s found love,” Suzie said, thinking back to the old Fiona and comparing her with the new Fiona, who had adopted two dragon-shifter daughters, and found her mate in Harlan, a silverback dragon. Suzie had seen all four dragons once, out on the mountain. They were flying across the sky, the early morning sun glinting off their scales; it had been the most incredible sight she had ever seen.

  “Love changed everything,” Beth stated.

  “I hope one day to find that out for myself,” Suzie said, revealing more of herself than she cared to.

  “Believe me, I know it’s true. I married a shifter myself,” Beth confided.

  “Was it love at first sight?” Suzie asked, caught up in a romantic dream where there was no need for those awkward moments of getting to know each other…and finding out you would rather not. No risk of the man you thought loved you running out on you when things got rough.

  “For him. It took me a while to come around. But, oh boy, was it worth it.” Beth smiled, and then cleared her throat. “I hope you experience it yourself, Suzie. You deserve a good man.” Beth stopped outside the door of an examination room. “And there’s one in here. Dr. Malvern is one of the most eligible bachelors I know.”

  “Bachelor?” Suzie asked, surprised. Suzie had pictured him as an old married man, with a wife waiting at home for him.

  “Yes, he’s a shifter. If he wasn’t, I’m sure some lucky lady would have snapped him up by now. He gets lonely, poor thing.” Beth shook her head sadly. “He’s such a good man.” One thing Suzie was sure of, since shifters mated for life, she was not going to be a make-do girlfriend for a shifter, only to get dumped when his real mate came along.

  “But he’s waiting for his mate?” Suzie asked. When Fiona had recommended Suzie take over matching foster homes to shifter children, despite her not being a shifter herself, Suzie had taken the role very seriously. However, she had never had a chance to question a non-shifter like Beth with firsthand knowledge.

  “He is. With his biological clock ticking like a time bomb. That’s why he fosters, he just loves kids.” Beth winked. “I’ll cross my fingers for you.”

  “Thanks.” Suzie didn’t sound convinced. She had never believed in fairy tales, they didn’t exist, not in the real world. Her job at Social Services proved that on a continual basis. Pity, her job would be a lot less emotionally draining if they did.

  “You are welcome.” Beth turned to face Suzie. “Here we are.”

  Holding her briefcase tighter, she composed herself. Time for business: she was here to do her job, not be matched up with the most eligible doctor in town. “Thank you, Beth.”

  Beth opened the door of an examination room, to reveal a man and a baby. “Kit?” Beth rushed forward. “Are you OK?”

  “Yes.” Dr. Malvern, dressed in a white doctor’s coat, stethoscope to his ears, had his hands pressed down on either side of the baby as if trying to keep himself on his feet.

  Suzie stood back and assessed the situation quickly. If Dr. Kit Malvern hadn’t gotten full control of his senses, there was no way she was going to sign the papers and let him take the abandoned baby home. She didn’t care if Fiona approved of her decision or not.

  “Do you need some water?” Beth asked.

  “No. I’m… It was a shock, that’s all.” The doctor lifted his head and fixed his eyes on Suzie. “I wasn’t expecting…”

  Beth followed his gaze and gave a secret smile. “Oh my, it looks as if you caught yourself a good man, after all, Ms. McLeish.”

  Suzie stood looking from Nurse Beth across to Dr. Malvern, a frown forming on her face. Had the whole hospital been struck down with some kind of sickness that made those infected delusional?

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Nurse Beth, but I think this baby should be placed with a different foster parent while Dr. Malvern recovers.” Suzie strode forward, taking control of the situation.

  Taking a quick look at the baby girl, who was kicking her legs, looking perfectly happy, Suzie was about to scoop her up, when a hand was placed on hers. Dr. Malvern’s touch sent tremors through her body and snatched the breath from her lungs. “I’m sorry, I’m perfectly able to cope with this young lady.”

  Beth chuckled. “It’s you who caused the problem, Suzie.”

  “Me?” Suzie asked, bewildered. She looked up at the doctor, struck by the intensity of his eyes, and the way they caressed her face and body as if she were the thing he coveted most in all the world. Slowly, the words Beth had spoken sunk in. “Oh, my.”

  “Oh my, indeed,” Beth said, shaking her head. “I can still remember the look on Ben’s face when he first saw me. I didn’t understand, I had no idea what it all meant. But every day I am thankful he put up with me and convinced me I was the one for him.”

  Suzie dragged her gaze away from Kit Malvern’s and tried to focus on Beth. “I’m not sure I’m ready…”

  “Too bad. And remember, if you need any advice, I’m your girl.” Beth tickled the baby’s chin. “But right now, I am going to leave you two alone. If you need me, just call. I’ll be down the hall checking my other patients.” She shook her head and smiled. “Wait until I tell Ben. He will be so pleased; we were saying only yesterday how you needed a woman in your life, Kit, and a bear cub or two.”

  Beth backed away, not taking her eyes off them. Suzie had never seen a person look so happy for others. But Beth was brimming with love and excitement.

  “Now you have both, Kit.” Those were her final words as she backed out of the door and closed it behind her, leaving Suzie with her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, but no words would come out. />
  She was speechless, and so, it appeared, was Dr. Malvern. The only sound filling the room was the mewling sound of an abandoned baby girl.

  The baby. Suzie awoke from her stupor. Time to put her personal feelings aside and get on with her job. There was a child to be helped, and she was going to do her best, as she always strived to.

  But oh, did the nearness of the doctor make her heart pound.

  Chapter Two – Kit

  So far it had been quite a day. Being handed an abandoned baby was unexpected, but to find his mate too? Hell, this was going to be one day to remember. And one to tell his grandkids about. Grandkids that five minutes ago were a thing he could only dream of, but now were closer to reality. After he had kids with his mate, of course.

  Wow, his world was turned upside down, and spinning around and around.

  “Dr. Malvern?” his mate asked.

  “Yes.” He stood up, thankful his knees didn’t give way. With his mate so close, it was hard to keep control of his senses. All he knew was she was here, and she was real. Her scent tickled his nose, he could hear the sweet sound of her voice, but he desperately wanted to reach out and touch her just to be sure.

  “I’m Suzie McLeish.” His mate smiled brightly and held out her hand, trying to be professional, but the hand she offered him trembled.

  “Good to finally meet you, Suzie.” Kit smiled, and took her hand, his thumb brushing the back of it, causing the trembling to pass through the rest of her body. “Sorry.”

  Suzie looked down at their joined hands, and her cheeks flamed. “That’s OK.” She took a deep shuddering breath. “I do understand.”

  “Understand?” Kit asked.

  “How you feel. Well, sort of…” Suzie looked up at him, as if expecting him to say something.

  “Oh, the bond.” Of course, the bond, what else could she mean? “You aren’t a shifter, though?”

  She shook her head. “Unfortunately not.” Suzie shrugged. “I always wondered what it would be like.”


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