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Doctor Daddy Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 8)

Page 13

by Harmony Raines

  “Let’s hope her labor doesn’t last as long as the pregnancy,” Suzie said out loud as she followed the road to Bear Bluff.

  The journey back was uneventful, given the conditions. Suzie parked her car and got out. She was going to have to be very careful carrying the cake and gifts across to the hospital. The ground underfoot was starting to freeze, making the parking lot surface like a skating rink.

  Maybe that would be Kit’s idea for entertaining his patients tomorrow. Suzie smiled to herself as she recalled the excited faces of the children as they threw snowballs at each other.

  Reaching the hospital, she backed into the doors, the gifts and cake secure in her hands. So far so good. Suzie headed to the reception desk to say hello to Cindy and ask where she could find Kit.

  “Hello, how did it go?” Cindy asked when she saw Suzie.

  “Good, Louise and her daughter should settle in quickly.” Suzie set the cake box down. “Dean seems to be a good guy.”

  “Oh, he is the best. A number of kids he’s had in his care were ones that other foster parents wouldn’t even consider. The man likes a challenge, that is for sure.” Cindy smiled. “How is your Dr. Malvern?”

  “He’s good, thanks.” Suzie patted the cake box. “This is for one of his patients. Do you know where he is?”

  Cindy checked on her computer. “He is on the ward still. Do you know the way?”

  “I do, thanks.” Suzie lifted the cake box into her arms and then asked, “I don’t suppose you have any news on Fiona?”

  Cindy shook her head. “I’m sorry, I can’t give out that information. Hospital policy, you understand.”

  “Of course,” Suzie said.

  “But I’m sure Dr. Malvern will know more, if there is anything to know.”

  “Thank you, Cindy, I’ll go and find him.” Suzie headed for the elevator.

  As she got in, she hoped that there would be good news about Fiona. Suzie could not wait to see Fiona’s baby, and see the happy faces of her family. Just as one day, she would be surrounded by happy faces when she and Kit had a child of their own.

  Chapter Twenty – Kit

  Kit placed the last of the charts on his desk and sat down in his chair. It had been a long day, but he’d gotten through all of his work, and managed to fulfill his promise to Callum. Now he was looking forward to his evening with Suzie, although he had a feeling they might not be going on their first date after all.

  He sat up in his chair. He could sense Suzie’s presence before she knocked on his door. “Come in.”

  Suzie opened the door and poked her head inside. “I didn’t know you were psychic.”

  “Only where you are concerned,” Kit answered, getting up and crossing the room to kiss her on the cheek, and take the box out of her hands.

  “I got a cake, and a couple of small gifts.” Suzie set a gift bag down on the desk.

  “Ahh. Cake.” Kit smiled at her apologetically. “Neave’s parents came by and picked her up.”

  Suzie raised her eyebrows at him. “And you didn’t think to tell me?”

  “She left literally five minutes ago. I have her chart here.” Kit placed his hand on his desk.

  “I suppose that means we get to eat cake.” Suzie nodded to the box in his hands.

  “I suppose it does. We can share it around.” A vibration in his pocket, followed by a ping drew his attention to his pager. Taking a quick look at it, he smiled, and then said, “Maybe we will be celebrating a birthday today after all.”

  “Fiona?” Suzie asked.

  “She’s close. Come on. I’ve finished my shift, let’s head over there and wait for the news with Sapphi and Ruby. Last time I checked in they were sitting together looking a little lost.” Kit picked up the cake, and took Suzie’s hand, leading her out of his office, and down the corridor.

  “I can’t believe she is actually going to give birth,” Suzie said.

  “That is what usually happens when a woman is pregnant,” Kit replied, with a chuckle.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do,” Kit told her, humor and excitement in his voice.

  They walked side by side along the corridor and then down a flight of steps. He led the way through the corridors he knew so well. Was it only two days ago that he had come this way to meet the baby who had been abandoned? Was it only two days since he had met his mate? A mate who he hoped one day in the not too distant future would carry their child. His longing for a family of his own had not diminished.

  “Hi there,” Suzie said to Ruby and Sapphi as they rounded a corner, and found the two girls, looking pale and worried. “Everything OK?”

  “Yes. Although we didn’t think there would be so much screaming,” Ruby confided.

  “I can’t hear anything,” Suzie replied listening.

  “Shifter hearing, a curse and a blessing, it seems,” Kit informed Suzie.

  “Yeah, I ended up putting my earphones in and listening to music, but I can still hear her.” Sapphi’s expression suddenly changed, and she glanced at Ruby, a smile spreading across her face.

  “What?” Suzie asked.

  “We can hear the baby,” Kit explained.

  “That is so not fair,” Suzie said.

  “Oh my goodness.” Ruby put her hand over her mouth. “The baby is actually here.”

  “Congratulations,” Kit said to the sisters.

  “Thanks,” Sapphi said, stunned.

  Within a few minutes, the doors opened and Harlan stood looking like the proudest man in the world. “A boy,” he announced.

  “You are still outnumbered,” Sapphi stated, going to her dad and hugging him.

  “Are they both OK?” Ruby asked, wiping a tear away as she joined in the family hug.

  “They are. The midwife is just finishing up and then you can come and see him.” Harlan still had a massive smile on his face.

  “Congratulations, Harlan,” Kit said.

  “Yes, well done.” Suzie reached for Kit’s hand and held it tight.

  “I didn’t do anything, not really,” Harlan said modestly.

  “I’m sure Fiona would have something to say about that. You helped her through it all,” Kit said.

  “Oh, she had plenty to say,” Harlan replied. Then his grin grew wider. “I have a son.”

  “You should go back in,” Sapphi said. “We’re OK.”

  “Are you sure?” Harlan asked. “I’ll see if you can come in and see him.”

  “We can’t wait,” Ruby said, holding on to her sister as Harlan backed away.

  They didn’t have to wait long. A few minutes later a nurse came out and said, “Fiona is asking for you both.” Nervously, Ruby, and Sapphi went into the room where a new dragon had been born to the world, leaving Kit and Suzie waiting outside.

  “You know, I couldn’t be more pleased,” Kit said. “There are a lot of shifters, but as far as I know there are so few dragons left.”

  “Maybe they are in hiding,” Suzie said. “Or maybe we are blessed to have the last five dragons living in Bear Creek.”

  “Maybe we are.” Kit placed the cake box down on one of the chairs Ruby and Sapphi had vacated. “In which case, I think I’m one of the luckiest men alive right now.”

  “Oh, do you?” Suzie asked as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “I do,” he said, pulling back from her. “After all, we do have cake.”

  Suzie burst out laughing. “Now I know why you are so good at being a foster dad.”

  “Cake is the answer to most problems, I’ve found.” He laughed at her expression. “When we have kids, you will become a believer.”

  The door behind them opened and Sapphi came out to speak to them. “Do you want to see the baby?”

  “We would love to, unless Fiona is too tired,” Kit answered for them.

  “She’s not tired, at least she doesn’t appear to be, but I’m not sure she isn’t simply running on adrenaline right now.” Sapphi stepped backward, holding the do
or open for them. “Come on.”

  Sapphi beckoned to them and they followed her into the room, where Fiona was lying on the bed holding her baby, with Harlan and Ruby next to her. Sapphi went to stand next to her sister, both of them looking as happy and proud as Fiona and Harlan.

  “Hi there,” Suzie said, walking over to Fiona’s bedside. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Suzie.” Fiona looked down at the precious child in her arms. “Here he is. Samuel Harlan.”

  “Hello, little man,” Kit said, gazing adoringly at the baby. “Welcome to the world.”

  Suzie lifted the gift bag she was carrying, and then pulled a gift from it. “I have a gift for baby.”

  “A gift. You didn’t have to,” Harlan said.

  “Well, I bought it as a birthday gift for someone else, but since she’s gone home, it seems right it should go to this birthday boy instead.” Suzie blushed.

  “Thanks, Suzie.” Fiona nodded at Harlan, who unwrapped the plush dragon.

  “I think it was meant to be,” Suzie remarked as Harlan showed Fiona the green dragon.

  “I love it.” Fiona smiled and kissed her Samuel’s head. “It’s perfect. Maybe he will be a green dragon, like your mom.” Fiona looked at her two daughters.

  “That would be awesome. As if she is watching over us all,” Sapphi said, tearfully.

  Fiona reached out for both of them. “I’m sure she is.”

  “I think you are right,” Kit agreed. Wanting to lighten the mood, he added, “OK, and we have cake.”

  Kit ducked out of the room, and came back with the birthday cake. As he opened it up, Harlan asked, “Was this meant for another birthday girl too?”

  “It was, but you all look as if you need a sugar rush.” Kit placed the cake down on a small table.

  “You are not wrong,” Sapphi said. “Won’t the nurses tell us off?”

  “They can try,” Fiona said, with a stern look, which she didn’t hold for long before she broke into a grin. “This is the happiest day of my life.”

  Harlan kissed her cheek. “Mine too.”

  “OK, we need plates and a knife. I’ll be back.” Kit headed for the cafeteria, and grabbed plates, knives, forks and napkins. By the time he got back, the room was filled with people.

  Caroline and Carter, Fern, Teagan and their mates, and some other people he didn’t know by name. But they all had one thing in common, their lives had been touched by Fiona. By Harlan’s side stood his other adopted daughter, Chrysi.

  “We might need more plates,” Suzie said, looking radiant.

  After the cake was gone, and more congratulations were given, a nurse came in and announced both baby and mommy needed some rest. Suzie and Kit slipped away first, hand in hand, heading out to the parking lot, to be met with a fresh covering of snow.

  “I guess we are leaving my car here,” Suzie said.

  Kit looked up at the sky. “Maybe we can get properly snowed in this time. I think we deserve some alone time.”

  Suzie looked across to him. “So no date?”

  Kit’s expression dropped. “I kind of forgot. What do you want to do?”

  Suzie walked toward him, and stood in front of him, looking up at his face, wrapping her arms around his neck, she said, “Go home, shower and eat pizza.”

  Kit ran his fingers through her hair. “You don’t mind not going out?”

  “I am still in two-day old clothes. So no, I don’t mind just going home.”

  “I will make it a very special evening,” Kit told her softly, his mind filled with the many pleasurable ways he would like to spend some alone time with Suzie.

  “Is that a promise?” Suzie asked.

  “Most definitely.” He took her hand and they walked to his car like two lovers under a moonlit sky. But the moon was hidden, and instead, soft snowflakes, like confetti, fell around them.

  The drive home was relatively quick. The roads were still clear from the dragon fire. The new snow showers were falling in scattered patches along the route, and were not heavy enough to stick. When they reached his house, they got out of the car, and stood together, enjoying the scene before them.

  “It’s so pretty,” Suzie said, looking up at the sky. Between the scattered snow clouds, the stars were just visible, twinkling in the dark sky.

  “This counts as a romantic date, doesn’t it?” Kit asked, as he slipped his arm around her and pulled her close. Suzie snuggled against him, and his need for her grew. But he was willing to wait, he was willing to take it slow. He hated the idea that Suzie might think the mating bond that existed between them was based purely on his sexual desire for her.

  Because it wasn’t. But, damn, it was strong, and Kit had to battle with himself not to lie her down in the snow and make love to her in the moonlight, while the snow melted off their heated skin.

  “Shall we go inside?” Suzie asked, turning to face him, her chin lifted up as she looked into his eyes. He was mesmerized by what he read there: love, desire, need. All for him.

  Kit nodded, not trusting himself to talk. His voice taken away by his intense arousal. He needed to take her inside his house and slowly make love to her.

  Taking hold of her hand, he led her to the porch and opened the front door. It was cool inside, the fire needed stoking and building back up, but he didn’t want to waste any time. He wanted to use his body to chase away the chill from Suzie’s body.

  She followed him wordlessly up the stairs, and into his bedroom. There, he quickly undressed, and Suzie did the same, slipping under the covers, her teeth chattering. Kit eased his body next to hers, his thigh covering hers, his arms holding her close as Kit gave Suzie his body heat. At the same time, he warmed her skin with the touch of his lips, and the stroke of his fingers.

  Suzie kissed him back, her lips searching for his, her hands touching his skin, exciting him until he thought he would go insane.

  Moving to hover over her body, he slipped between her thighs and guided himself into her. She sighed, and then gasped, as he lunged forward, filling her completely. Damn, the feel of her sheathing his cock was almost too much and he had to pause, and put his mind elsewhere, back out in the snow, where the flakes fell on his naked skin and cooled his arousal.

  “Are you OK?” Suzie asked, her breath caressing his neck, as she nipped his sensitive skin.

  “I just need a moment,” Kit ground out.

  Suzie lifted her knees, changing the angle of her body, and then wrapped her legs around him. “Is the doctor out of his depth?” She squeezed her inner muscles, gripping his cock.

  “I think he might be,” Kit admitted, turning his face to look at hers. Fisting her hair, he drew her lips to his, and kissed her fiercely, the animal in him wanting to take control and make love to her hard and fast.

  Suzie bucked her hips, moving herself up and down on his shaft. “Fuck me.”

  Kit groaned, it was no use, this was going to be over quick, but he wanted to make sure she came with him. Pulling back out of her, he lunged forward again, thrusting into her hard and deep, so deep. He cried out, his body straining forward, but he did not lose control, not yet.

  In and out he thrust, Suzie’s breathing grew more rapid, and small mewling noises escaped her mouth with each long lunge. She climbed with him, her fingernails scratching his back, her teeth grazing his nipples as she bit his chest.

  Kit cupped her breast in his right hand, his thumb brushing the nipple until it was taut and hard, then he lowered his head and licked it with the flat of his tongue. Suzie’s reaction was incredible, she was losing control, and he was going to ensure that when she came, it was earthshattering.

  Closing his mouth around her nipple, he circled it with his tongue before he grazed the taut bud with his teeth. Suzie cried out, her legs tightening around him, as if she would never let him go. Then she came, her sex gripping him, and he could hold on no longer.

  Kit filled her with his seed, his body jerking as the tension filled his body. They rode out
their climax together as one. Two bodies joined, two souls soaring, until they were both utterly and completely spent.

  When they lay in each other’s arms, Suzie snuggled against him for warmth as her body cooled. Kit held her tight, so tight, his hands soothing her skin, his lips leaving trails of heat across her flesh.

  “So now what?” Suzie asked.

  “Now what?” Kit repeated.

  “Yes. How do we move forward?” Suzie asked.

  “Slowly.” He kissed her, and then moved around so that he could look at her face. “If that is what you want.”

  She nodded. “It is. I need to make sure my mom is OK.”

  “I understand,” Kit agreed. “There’s no rush. We take it slow, although I’d like to put a ring on your finger as soon as possible.”

  “Why, do you think I’m going to run out on you?” Suzie asked.

  “Never, but I want the world to know you belong to me.” Kit shrugged. “Perhaps I’m not perfect after all.”

  “Oh, I think you are, Dr. Daddy Bear.”

  Kit laughed, his body shaking. “I’ve never been called that before.”

  “Well, there is a first time for everything. Including a date,” Suzie reminded him.

  “You are never going to let me forget that,” Kit said.

  “Then you had better chase the thought from my head.”

  “How?” Kit asked.

  Suzie slipped her hand down between their bodies and curled it around his cock, bringing him back to life. “I can think of a way. Can’t you?”


  Suzie stood outside, waiting for her mom to arrive at Kit’s house in Bear Creek. She was nervous. Both for herself and for her mom, knowing this was outside of her comfort zone.

  When Suzie had broken the news to her mom about her relationship with Kit, her mom had tried to hide any fears she might have had over her future alone. Instead, her mom had told Suzie how happy she was for her, and she was. Suzie had no doubt that her mom was relieved Suzie had found a man who promised to stay with her forever.

  But they both realized it was the end of their lives as they knew it. Their close, special relationship wasn’t over, but it was going to change in a big way. This was more apparent when Suzie began to spend more nights with Kit than at home with her mom. Eventually, it was her mom who broached the subject of Suzie moving in with Kit.


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