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Page 5

by M. T. Ossler

  “Go back to sleep, baby. I’ll wake you before I leave. I love you, Princess,” he says kissing me on the forehead and places me on the bed, under the covers, before leaving me.

  A few minutes later I hear the shower turn on, but I can’t go back to sleep. I’m wide awake now and nervous as I lay here staring at the ceiling, listening to the water run.

  I can’t stop thinking about Gio leaving, and tears fall from my eyes, overwhelming me. I’m scared of something happening to him. I can’t lose him again, especially not forever. I know myself, I won’t survive it this time around.

  I know Gio told me he has a Guardian Bell on his bike that Ace gave him. The legend is that it keeps them safe on the road by keeping the evil road demons away, protecting them. I should buy him another one while he’s gone. It couldn’t hurt to have twice the protection, right. I can go onto his Amazon account - that he gave me access to - and purchase him another and maybe a few of the guys for their bikes. I could order him a few extra things for his bike too.

  That’s not my only concern, he has to fight those other men and could get hurt. This is what worries me the most.

  In the meantime, the only other thing I can think of doing, at this moment to comfort myself, is pray for my man.

  Dear God, please watch over my Gio and keep him safe for Aunt Cindy, Gigi and me.

  Daddy, if you can hear me, please watch over and protect Gio and bring him home to us in one piece. I love him more than anything in this world, and I need him with me forever.

  I will be brave, I will be the independent woman that I have always been, and stand by his side the way he needs me. I can do this! I will do this for him because he needs me to be tough. Our love will keep me self-assertive and determined. Our love can survive anything.

  I’m going to support him, so he knows he doesn’t have to worry about me. If he’s worried about me, he won’t stay alert and on task. I need him to stay alert and safe while doing his job.

  Gio is smart and good at what he does, just like his father was for my father all those years ago. I know he’ll be fine, and his brothers will have his back. I have to remind myself of this over and over again to keep me sane.

  I wipe my tears from my eyes and get out of bed. It’s time for me to get dressed and put on my brave and supportive face for my man and his brothers.

  I’m dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of my short jean shorts. Gio comes out of the bathroom dressed. I give him a big, reassuring smile and walk over to him. He takes me in his arms and kisses my head.

  “Why aren’t you sleeping, baby. You have to be tired. I didn’t exactly let you sleep much the last two nights.”

  Placing my hands on the sides of his face, I lift my head to stare into his gorgeous gray eyes, without any emotion on my face.

  “I want to say goodbye to my husband and his brothers and see you all off.” I stand on my tippy toes and brush my lips against his. He takes me by surprise and deepens our kiss.

  We break apart breathless, and he leans his forehead against mine. “Are you sure you can handle all of this, baby?” He’s worried, and I don’t want him to be. I will miss him like hell while he’s gone, but I’ll be okay.

  “Gio, I’ll be fine. I promise you. I know I’m safe here, Gator and Maddox will be here with us if we need anything. Aunt Cindy will be watching over us too. I trust the men, so please don’t worry about me. I need you to concentrate on your job, not me. There are plenty of people here to look out for me, but I can look out for myself too. You go do what you need to do for your Club, I’ll be here waiting for you and doing what I can on this end. I love you, my husband, my heart, amore mio. Make me proud,” I say, and he gives me a skeptical look.

  After a few minutes of staring into each other’s eyes, he finally takes a deep breath and nods. He sees the truth in my eyes and knows I can handle this or I’ll at least try. I’ll be fine here without him.

  “I have to get to the bar. Come on, baby.” He gives me one last kiss on the lips before taking my hand and leading me out of our room.

  Chapter 6


  I walk out of the bathroom and see Bella standing at the end of the bed, dressed in one of my T-shirts, looking sexy as hell. I’m shocked to see her up with a bright smile on her face and wide-awake. I haven’t exactly been easy on her the last couple of days. I kept her up most of last night, and the night before needing to be inside her, in my heaven, before leaving her for a few days. I’m addicted to her sweet pussy, we all know this, it’s no secret, and I’ve confessed it before. Her tight as fuck pussy and without her in my arms for the next few days is going to be a living hell. The worst hell, not even like the first time I left her sweet ass.

  The memory of her luscious lips on my cock for the first time will forever stay engraved in my mind. It should help aid me in taking the beast into my own hands, literally, for the next couple of days. She’s sucked me a few times since the other night, and she’s gotten better at lovin’ on my cock. She goes into a pleasure zone and has me at her mercy, more than any other woman ever did. Maybe she’s like this because she loves me and knows she owns him and me.

  Last night, she literally came the second I touched her sweet pussy with my tongue after she sucked on me. It was so erotic the way her body shuttered under me, it almost did me in right then and there without even being inside her. God, it was so hot to watch her cum, her eyes glazed over and her brow creased. Damn, she magnificent.

  I was able to control myself, waiting till I was snug inside her tight warm channel before I let loose of my seed.

  Goddamn, I still can’t get over how tight her walls are, squeezing the shit out of my cock every time she cums around me. The best place to be in this whole damn world, that’s for sure.

  I’m a fuckin’ nervous wreck just thinking about leaving her. That was all I could think about in the shower. I hope she can stay strong without me here. I know Gator, Maddox, Sam, and mom will keep an eye on her. She’ll also have Jules and Gigi around to distract her. I’m probably stressing over nothin’, I’m sure, but I love her so damn much, and I worry about her constantly when we’re not together.

  I left her once and look what happened to her. Ya, I know, I have guilt, major fuckin’ guilt that will probably never leave me, it still eats at me every damn day. I feel like there is no way to make that shit up to her. My problem to deal with in time and I will try.

  I know this time is different, though, and she will be highly protected, better than before, but…if anything or anyone hurt her or Gigi, I don’t think I could survive it. The added guilt would consume me, I’m sure of it.

  Since Church Sunday, I’ve really been on fuckin’ edge. I hate having to deal with these mother-fuckin' Macks and leaving Bella because of them. Especially, with Anton’s goons running around loose in our state. I don’t know how much more I can take before I snap, go out after Anton myself, drag his ass to the shed, and tear him up. I know what I have to do with the Macks, I just hope I can do it with a clear head and come home to Bella in one piece. Death changes a person, especially when it’s on your hands, but I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again without a second thought, for my Club, my girls and for the right reasons. There will be payback for trying to take my girl and Jules to sell them to the highest bidder. Fuck, I can’t believe they’ve been doing this shit right under our noses the whole time.

  When I get my hands on Spooky and Devil… I can tell you one thing; those bastards will wish they were never born. They will be brought back to the shed, on the property, so Ace and I can make them pay for all the shit they have done to our women.

  We’re goin’ to torture the rest of those bastards for what they have done to all those other girls.

  We have Throttle working on tracking down any information he can find about the girls that are missing. Hopefully, we can get them back to their families. Unfortunately, I’m sure most of them are gone, never to be see
n again.

  My Bella is being such a strong, brave woman, just like I know she can be. She’ll be fine while I’m gone, and until I get back to her. She’s convinced me, so I’ll be able to deal with the task at hand.

  When I get back, I will make it a priority to start working on our growing family. I will put a baby in her before long.

  I grab my bag by the door on our way out of our bedroom and lead her into the living room. When we emerge, I see mom dressed and sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee with her head down, and her hands around her cup. She looks like she’s deep in thought.

  “Mom, what are you doin’ up so early?” She looks up from her cup and gives us a great big smile.

  “I wanted to see my son off, just like I used to do with your dad. I made coffee, do you want a cup?” She gets up, walks to the counter in front of the coffee pot.

  “Sure, mom, I’ll take a cup, but none for Bella, thanks. I have to get downstairs, so put it in a travel mug.” Bella doesn’t need the caffeine when I leave she needs to get her gorgeous ass back in bed. We walk over to mom, and she hands me my black coffee. I take the mug in my free hand and place a kiss on her cheek.

  Mom follows us downstairs to the bar, where all the men and women are hanging out. The room is noisy for so early in the morning, everyone’s anxious energy is running rampant through the room.

  I kiss Bella on the lips and leave her with mom, while I go grab a few things I need from the storage closet in the back.

  Gator had the prospects fill the three vans, last night with all the ammo, grenades and explosives that are required for this mission, which will be following us up. This way we won’t have to weigh down our saddlebags on our bikes from all that heavy artillery.

  Gator is sending 30 men and 6 prospects to handle this shit with the Macks and keeping 42 men here to protect our women and children.

  Yesterday we got word from one of Joker’s men, in Jacksonville (Jax), he spotted Spooky in the city at a bar. His guys are trailing him and another member that is with him. They’re not sure if it’s Devil or not, but my gut says it is, and my gut is always right.

  All the brothers voted and agreed Ace and I get to deal with Spooky and Devil for laying hands on our ol’ ladies.

  Once we track those assholes down, we’ll have the prospects, Bo and Torch, bring them back here, to the shed, until Ace and I return. They will tie their asses up to the rafters and leave them hanging for a few days until then.

  They get no food, no water, no light, and the temperature will be set below 40 degrees.

  That’s just the start of the torture we have planned for them. I plan to gut them like a fish, it will be a prelude to what I have in store for Antonio.

  No man will ever lay a hand on what’s mine and live.

  After the prospects take off with them, the guys and I will head up to Georgia to the Macks Clubhouse and light it up. When that is over, we will take care of any stragglers we find.

  I take my Colt 1911 out of my bag and place it in the back of my waistband in my jeans. I grab my 50 Cal Desert Eagle and place it in the left inside pocket of my kutte. I take a grenade off the shelf and place it in the other inside pocket of my kutte. My knives are already in my boots, and I’m ready to go.

  I hear a noise come from behind me, when I turn around, Gator is leaning against the doorframe. “She’ll be fine. You worry about the Macks, Sam and I will take care of your girls’. Bella is safer here than anywhere else. Get your head on straight before you ride out, man.” I give him a nod.

  “She seemed really good this morning, strong and supportive. I just hope she’ll be okay without me for a few days. You’ll lemme know if anything changes. Do you have the phone?”

  When I spoke to Gator after Church Sunday, to fill him in on my conversation with Ricco, I asked him to have Throttle program a burner phone for me to give to Bella. I want to be able to contact her while I’m gone. She can call or text me or any of the brothers if she needs anything, but nothing else. No internet or games are accessible on it, and Throttle is monitoring it at all times. She has her iPad and my laptop if she needs the internet. No social media, though, I have all that blocked.

  I know her and Jules have been okay with this, Gigi, on the other hand, is having a hard time. I keep having to remind myself that she’s a teenager and they live online, nowadays. They have their social media: status updates, tweets, Instagram pictures, snap chat stories, streaks, and Facetime. Or whatever else they do on their damn phones. Nevertheless, in order to keep them safe, she can’t contact any of her old friends, at least until the Vermin have been exterminated.

  “Here,” he says, handing me a flip phone. “It’s time to get on the road. Go give that to your girl before you guys roll out.” I nod to him and say, “Thanks, man,” and leave. We both slap each other on the backs on the way out.

  I find Bella, mom, Jules, Gigi, Ace, Blaze, and Sam altogether by the bar. I walk up behind Bella, wrapping my arms around her waist, and pull her flat to my chest. She turns in my arms and holds onto me tight, burying her face under my kutte - her favorite thing to do. I lean down, burying my face in the crook of her neck, under her hair, and take in her smell - my favorite smells - almonds and lavender.

  “Ti amo, mia Principessa, I have a phone for you, all the guys’ numbers are programmed into it for you along with mine. You can text me anytime you want, and I’ll call you when I can. You can only make calls and texts on it, but it’s a way for us to stay connected while I’m gone,” I say in her ear and place the phone in her tiny hand behind my back. She takes it and thanks me with a kiss on the lips.

  “Brother’s, it’s time to ride,” Ace yells and I break our kiss. I take Bella’s hand leading her out, and everyone follows. I give mom, Jules, and Gigi a kiss on the cheek before taking Bella back in my arms, one last time before I have to leave her.

  “Essere sicuro di venire casa da me, Gio. Ti amo, ti manchi, amore mio,” she whispers in my ear telling me to be safe and come home to her, and that she loves me and will miss me.

  I claim her lips again in another passionate kiss, packing it full of love and strength. She is being so strong for me, and it fills my heart with joy and love.

  “Te lo prometto, baby, ti amo, mi mancherai troppo, Principessa,” I whisper promising her I’ll be safe and I will miss her too. I leave her with one last kiss on the lips before heading to my bike.

  I throw my bag in one of my saddlebags, then start up my old girl. I glance over my shoulder at my four favorite women, one last time before leaving the lot.

  Jules looks a little better today, but I can tell she’s still rattled and needs the support of my girl.

  Bella has Gigi and Jules in her arms. Mom is holding onto the girls.

  I can see the tears in both my girls’ eyes. Gigi is trying hard to hold it together, but having a hard time. I saw her clinging to Blaze in the bar. Dusty will be staying here with her, so hopefully, that will help.

  Even with tears in Bella’s eyes, she has the biggest, warmest, supportive smile on her beautiful heart shaped face for me.

  However, I can see it in her eyes, as much as she tries to hide it from the world, she can’t hide it from me. She doesn’t fool me anymore. I can see the fear there as she tries to stay brave for everyone around her.

  She’s so afraid of losing me, losing herself, losing us it’s consuming her. She has lost so much in her life in such a short time, and if she were to lose me on top of it all, it would break her for good. Not gonna happen on my watch. I will be coming home to them in a few days. She can bring on all her sass, and I will welcome it with open arms and maybe a firm hand.

  I wish I could take her in my arms and melt all that fear away one last time. She will be fine. I know she will be okay without me. I can’t be her crutch all the time, her therapist warned me about overstepping. She needs my support, not my smothering.

  She’s a very strong woman, and she has the
Club, mom, and the girls’ if she needs them. She will be fine. I have to keep repeating this to myself over and over again to ground myself. She will be fine.

  I need to clear my goddamn head and be done with this shit, or I won’t be coming home to them like I just promised. It’s time to concentrate on those bastards, once and for all, and make them pay for putting that fear back in my girls’ eyes. I’m ready to kill these motherfuckers.

  “Let’s ride,” Ace yells, and we follow him out the gates with me by his side. Behind us are Blaze and Cowboy, Shadow and Wolf, Hawk and Ryder, Smokey and Red Dog. Prospect Bo and Torch are in the empty van. Prospect Tiny and Red are following in the way back with our fully loaded van to head to Georgia.

  We are split up into three groups heading to the meeting spot in Jax. Our Club is leading the pack with 10 men and our four prospects, for now. The men from all the other chapters are split into two groups, 10 men in each group, including two of their prospects following in the vans with supplies.

  We cruise down the back roads for a couple of hours until we make our way to the meeting spot off the highway. All I can feel is the wind on my face as I concentrate on taking out this major thorn in my fuckin’ side.

  Cobra texted Ace about twenty minutes ago and said they have eyes on Spooky and they confirmed Devil is with him. They gave him the location and said to only bring a few guys because it’s an open area. Ace, Blaze and I are going to head straight there with the two prospects to meet up with them. They are at a restaurant/bar off one of the main highways downtown.

  We drive around to the back of the building to meet Cobra, Hammer, and Whiskey. I see three bikes, but Whiskey is missing. I wonder what kind of trouble our brother is getting into now.

  We pull our bikes next to theirs and dismount.

  After saying hello, they inform us of Whiskey’s whereabouts. He’s inside chatting it up with the barmaid he knows. She’s some chick that hangs around their Clubhouse parties and has it bad for him.


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