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Page 9

by M. T. Ossler

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but my heart hurts so bad. It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I hate feeling this way. I’m sorry, I’ll work on it. Please, don’t hate me for this, please,” I mumble so only Gio can hear me, but I’m sure the guys caught what I said. They are practically on top of us.

  “Look at me, baby!” Gio orders, and I immediately look up at him. I see the look in his eyes change from worried to hurt. I’ve hurt him; I didn’t mean to hurt him. I never want to do that to him, ever! What is wrong with me?

  “Stop it now, baby!” he whisper-yells sternly. “I could never hate you for the way you feel. You have nothin’ to be sorry for, if anyone should be sorry, it’s me. I should have known better than to leave you so soon, especially after what went down in the club. I’m sorry, baby. I promise I’ll never leave you again. I saw it in your eyes the day I left, and I dismissed it and left anyway. I’m such an ass for doin’ that, you’re strong, but you still need more time to heal, and you need me. There is nothin’ wrong with you or that, mio angelo. I will always be here for you no matter what; all you have to do is talk to me. Ti amo, mia bella Principessa.” He places a sweet kiss on my lips, and I take my hands on both sides of his face, cupping it. Then he pulls back and takes the bottle in my hand up to my lips. I gulp down the other half, and then he tells the guys he’s taking me to our apartment.

  Gator takes the empty bottle from me before we move away.

  “Beast, do you want me to bring dinner up to you two? Cindy and Jules have been cooking all day in our kitchen,” Gator asks, and I’m relieved. I’d rather he bring us dinner than have to endure Aunt Cindy and her assertiveness. Don’t get me wrong, I do love her, but she hovers too much, and it’s suffocating.

  “That would be great, thanks.” I could care less about food, though. To be honest, I’m just glad to finally be back in Gio’s arms. I’m never letting him go again, ever! I need him too much, and I will talk to him and be truthful with him about how I felt when he was gone.

  “I’ll bring it up in a few with Jules if that’s good with you?” Ace asks, Gio nods heading to the back of the building. I can hear the concern in Ace’s voice. I know why he wants to be the one to deliver our food; he wants to check up on me himself. He’s become like a real brother to me and cares about Gigi and me just as much as he loves Jules.

  “Prez, can you set mom and Gigi up in the Clubhouse for the night. Tell them I’ll see them in the mornin’. I need some alone time with my wife,” Gio yells over his shoulder.

  “Sure, I’ll set them up in a room together. Beast, hold her close,” Gator orders him as we head out the back door.

  “I plan on it. Thanks, Gator and Maddox, for taking care of my girl’s while I was gone,” Gio yells back to them as we head out the back door and the door slams shut behind us. I never hear Gator or Maddox’s reply because the door slams shut. Gio heads upstairs and straight to our empty, quiet apartment.

  A night alone with my husband is just what the doctor ordered. I’m not leaving the comfort of his embrace for a long time if I have it my way. This is my safe haven, and I need it to stay sane and happy. I need the nightmares to stay at bay, so I can get a good night's sleep with my man, and then I’ll feel better. I hope that things can go back to semi-normal now that he’s home. We need normal to start our future and family soon. As much as that scares me, it also excites me. Having a baby depending on me is scary, but I know with Gio and our family around it will all be good.

  Gio takes us to our bedroom and lays us down on our bed. We gaze into each other’s eyes for a long while, and my tears continue to fall at a slower pace. He holds me close on top of him, and I can feel how fast his heart is beating in his chest against mine. We don’t talk, no words are needed right now.

  A half an hour later, Ace and Jules arrive with our dinner. We all sit in the kitchen, talking and eating together. Tonight, we are having grilled chicken, mash potatoes, roasted carrots, and salad. I eat very little, but I do eat some, at Gio’s demand.

  Gio never takes his hand from mine while we sit at the table eating. After we eat, we all move into the living room and sit on the couch. He places me on his lap, and I wrap my arms around his neck. Thankfully, they don’t plan on staying too long.

  After spending ten minutes in the living room talking, they stand to leave as Gigi burst through the front door. Aunt Cindy is hot on her tail, as she pounces on Gio and me.

  She apparently broke away from the guys, wanting to see Gio, and Aunt Cindy followed her up to stop her. My baby sister was too fast for her.

  Sam stops in to check on me a few minutes later and tells me if anything changes to call her.

  We spend a few minutes holding Gigi, and then they all leave us.

  We enjoy dessert together alone, Aunt Cindy came back up with it. Gio feeds me a couple of bites of the French vanilla ice cream and chocolate cake, and then he finishes the rest.

  Once we’re finished, he takes me to our bedroom.

  He strips himself and then me before settling in bed, skin to skin for the night.

  After he makes sweet, passionate, blissful love to me a couple of times, we talk. I open up to him about everything I felt while he was gone. We discuss how I can work through my emotions.

  I feel like a child that needs her blankey, Gio being my blankey. I constantly need to be touching him, when I’m not, I feel cold, alone, and empty. He seems to have gotten it and has kept me close to him since he laid eyes on me.

  He doesn’t keep me up all night, but we do stay up late, we both need sleep desperately. The bags under our eyes have bags, that’s how badly we need a peaceful rest.

  I finally feel complete again with him back. For the last six days, a piece of me was missing, and I was miserable without him.

  I did my best to deal without him here the first few days. I knew that was what he needed from me, but it just about killed a part of me in the process and maybe him too.

  Chapter 10


  I’ve been home for two days and haven’t left Bella’s side or our bed much, until now. It’s time to take care of some unfinished business. We’ve had these two bastards hanging from the rafters in the shed for just over a week now. I’m ready to tear their asses up and finish them. They have been here without water or food and smell to high heaven from pissing and shitting themselves. I’m sure their muscles are stiff, and they’re wishing for a fast death right about now. I will give them death, but it won’t be fast, it’s going to be slow and agonizing. They are going to be my prelude to what I have in store for Antonio. I need this more than anyone knows and will ever understand.

  Since I can’t get my hands on that sonofabitch just yet, these two shits will have to do for now. I gotta lot of pent-up aggression to get out of my system on this fucker Spooky for touching my girl and setting her progress back. It’s been pushed so far back, she’s having night terrors again. Even with me home and holding her in my arms at night.

  Gator, Ace, Torch, and Bo are out in the shed with me. Ace and I are the only two that will be torturing these bastards unless I decide to be nice and share. My mother did teach me to share, so maybe I’ll be nice. I want this shit done and over with, so we can move on to finding Bella’s brothers and Antonio. At the top of my list, though, is spending some well-needed time with my girls. They both seem to need me in their own way. Gigi has become clingy ever since I’ve been home.

  I don’t know how I went from being alone to having the love of my life in my arms and a little sister. I must have done something right somewhere along the line, I’ve not only got one girl I got two. Ya, it’s double the protection, but most of all it’s double the love. I never knew my heart could be so full of love and pure unadulterated bliss.

  I have Dusty and Red on guard at my apartment, keeping watch over my sleeping beauties - Bella, Gigi - and mom. It’s after one in the morning, I just left Bella nice and sated after a couple of rounds of har
dcore lovemaking, sleeping peacefully in our bed. Hopefully, she stays that way. I’m anticipating, this shit not taking any longer than two nights, to get the information we need from them. That’s why I waited as long as I could, two nights away from my girls is going to be hell, on all parties involved. These shithead men the most, I assure you, my devil is coming out to play, play hard on their asses.

  Antonio’s men are still roaming around town somewhere. We have eyes watching out for them. They’re staying in the shadows, for now. They will slip up, dumbasses always do.

  Since, I can’t be anywhere near Bella or Gigi for a couple of days - while I’m in beast mode - I want the prospects close to them. Gator and Blaze will be around during the day for them, in any way, they may need. Maddox had to leave today, or he would have most certainly been with them too. He didn’t want to leave, but he had Club business that needed to be attended to immediately.

  I have to get all of this shit out of my system before I can see Bella and Gigi. I know I told her I wouldn't leave her again and technically I haven’t left her, I’ll be here at the Clubhouse, I just can’t be near her when I let the beast loose. She understands and wants them to pay as much as I do.

  Once we’re done, I’ll clear my head and lock the beast back in his cage. Then and only then will I go back to Bella. If I was to see her before he leaves or even touch her... I shake my head cause I’m fearful that I will hurt her and I never want to do that to her.

  I’m a true beast, a monster, an animal, a killer, and I never want her to see this part of me. Ever!

  “Torch, Bo, strip them,” I tell them, leaving them to remove their stinky ass, soiled clothes. I head to the wall of tools, needing something that will hurt them, but not kill them, Gator’s orders. I know just how to start this show. I look over at the tools and find my tool of choice. Before leaving the wall, I also grab a couple of ropes and plyers. You never know when inspiration will hit, and you want to pull something out, right.

  Now, it’s time to have some fun with these two worthless pieces of shit. Slow, painful, torturous kind of fun, remember very slow and very fuckin’ painful torture.

  “Get four buckets of water filled and the high voltage battery chargers ready, boys. No one’s passing out on my watch,” I order, walking back over to Spooky and Devil, who are looking at me with blank, vacant eyes.

  Once the buckets are filled with water and placed in front of each man, I give them yet another ugly job. Ya, I’ll be doin’ all the hurting, but there are just some things I won’t go near. That’s why we have the prospects here, to do the dirty work. Pun intended.

  “I got one more job for you, boys. Then you can sit back and watch all the fun I’m goin’ to have with these fuckers,” I say, looking at the prospects with a devilish smirk and a wink. Hurting them like a motherfuckin’ bitch is going to be enjoyable. Don’t look now, but here it comes.

  They walk over to me, and I hand them what I need them to use... clamps. They both give me a raised eyebrow and a look that says, “What the fuck are these for?” My devious grin grows even wider as I say with a laugh, “Clamp their shit up, boys. Make it nice and tight.” Yes, I just asked them to clamp their dicks with a clamp, it only seemed fitting.

  All four of my brothers adjust their junk in their pants and grown. “Really, Beast, just lookin’ at that shit hurts,” Gator grunts with a small smirk. I just shrug my shoulders to them and continue to knot the ropes into a heaving line knot at the ends of both, just the way I want them. The ropes will absorb the water and hurt like a bitch when they make contact with their skin.

  “Look, this is just part of the fun, guys. They wanted to fuck our girls. Shit, and they wanted us to pay them for us to fuck our women. So, this is just par for the course, the first part of the show, if you will. Not like they’re ever gonna need their dicks again once we’re finished with them.”

  The boys do their job while bitching and moaning under their breath the whole time and I just ignore them.

  Spooky and Devil make low groaning sounds the whole time since they won’t talk or scream. I think I even see a tear in one of Spooky’s eyes, what a pussy. Toughen’ up, man, this is just the beginning.

  When they’re done, I move to the buckets and drop the ends of the rope in the water to soak it up. This is going to be bloody to start with and get worse as we go along. If you’re queazy walk away. Just a warning for you babe.

  I’m wearing an old black shirt, and faded out, ripped blue jeans, they will go straight in the garbage along with my old boots when we’re done.

  I think I’ll start with their legs, then work my way up their bodies to their ugly mugs.

  Gator started questioning them when they got here, but of course, they never answered him. So, they had to endure a few beatings, nothing serious just smacked around a little.

  “Okay, fuckfaces, first question,” I growl. My hands are starting to itch for the attack on their bare flesh.

  “Who was the buyer for our girls? You got 30 seconds to answer before I go hog wild on your asses.” I smirk devilishly while counting to 20 in my head waiting for them to answer. Nothing comes out of their mouths. “10, 9, 8. Come on boys, if you answer me this will go easier. 4, 3...

  “Okay, who wants to go first…” I give them two more seconds to answer or grunt anything, still getting nothin’, so I make the decision for them.

  “Spooky, for the win. You’ll go first since you were the fucker that laid your goddamn hands on my wife, my ol’lady.”

  I grab the rope out of the water and start hitting him along the front of his legs, breaking his skin in the process as I make my way up his body. Striking his stomach, groin, at his groin he finally growls at me, but he’s too weak to pull away from my hits.

  For the next thirty minutes, I go to town on his body. Sending blow after blow to his bare skin, hammering the front and back of his body and small dick, breaking a couple of ribs in the process, I’m sure. I get nothin’ out of him, but a few weak grunts and moans. Sorry, the little bitch is trying his hardest to be a real man, that he certainly is not.

  I go to move on to Devil, but before I pick up the rope out of the bucket, in front of him, Ace stops me grabbing my wrist.

  “He’s mine. Since Devil had his hands on my girl, I’ll be doing the honors, Beast,” Ace growls.

  “Sorry, brother, I got caught up in the moment. By all means, take your hits,” I grumble, handing the rope over to him.

  He is all Ace’s to deal with after what he did to Jules.

  See, this is what happens when I’m in my zone, it’s just me, and I go in for the kill. I know how to share, it’s not that, it’s just when I’m consumed with anger, it blinds me.

  Ace proceeds in the same manner as I did, asking Devil the same question. This time Ace doesn’t wait long for an answer, though, and starts his beating on him right away. While he continues with Devil, I continue with Spooky and resume my interrogation and beat down on him.

  Bo hands me the jumper cables, and I get to work placing them on Spooky’s chest, his right nipple with the negative and the left nipple with the positive.

  We repeat the questions a few more times, while slashing the ropes across their chests and backs, still with no reply.

  Spooky passes out, but Bo is right there with the bucket of water, to wake his ass up before I shock him again.

  Devil’s next to pass out and Torch has his bucket ready behind Ace to wake his ass up too. The cycle continues with Torch right there with the water and the charger.

  This goes on a few more times, then we end up turning the chargers up to the highest setting and electric shock them both at the same time.

  Buzzzzzz is all you hear and burnt flesh is all you smell.

  We pause, still getting no answers from these shitheads.

  They look like hell, and I need to move on. I’m tired of the silence and need to break them soon. A man can only take so much before he breaks and sp
ills his guts, literally and figuratively. We will have this asshat talking and telling us all their dirty secrets and more, I can feel it in my bones. The damn revelation we all know ain’t going to be good. Not one iota. It’s gonna be earth-shattering, lemme tell you.

  We’ve been out in this damn shed for hours now. It’s early morning, and we’ve got nothin’ out of them, yet.

  We continue beating and shocking them for a couple of more hours still with no answers.

  Now, it’s early afternoon, and it’s time to move on.

  We need to know what’s going on with those girls if we can track the other girls down, and maybe we can send them back to their families.

  This shit can never happen in our territory again.

  These shitheads are swollen, bruised, with broken ribs, bloody faces, and bodies, and still will not give us any goddamn answers!

  I’m done playing! It's time to pull out the big guns and get creative. The beast is coming out to play, it’s time for some hard-core play. No more holding back, time for some adult play.

  “Okay, Ace, I’m done with this child's play. Time for some hard-core adult play. Let’s paint, shall we? I feel like making a motherfuckin’ masterpiece out of these two assholes. How about you, bro?” I look over my shoulder at him with an evil grin on my face.

  “Sounds good to me, brother. I’m not the best like you, but I can hold my own. Let’s do this shit, man.” He gives me the same evil grin.

  “Bo, Torch, keep the ropes wet. I think I’ll let you boys have a little fun when we’re done,” I say devilishly, grinning evilly from ear to ear.

  Time to make these fuckers talk by carving their shit up and beating the shit out of them some more. Since we can’t kill them, this is the best we can do.

  I grab my knife out of my boot and look over to Ace seeing him following my lead. I think I’m in the mood for some sadistic artwork. A nice demonic carving on this fucker's chest, this should be good. I’ll tear up his abs and stomach while I’m at it, not like anyone is ever going to see them again, right. Ha, ha.


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