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Madam Charlie

Page 12

by Sahara Kelly

  His tone brooked no argument.

  Charlie sat motionless, leg between his, wrist in his grip.

  She took a deep breath, forcing her nipples against the taut fabric of her bodice. “If I win, I claim this night with you.”

  Silence fell within the room. Even the fire refused to crackle, as if it was shocked by what it had just heard.

  Slowly, without releasing her wrist, Jordan rose from his chair. One hand swept the board to the floor, sending chess pieces every which way.

  The other drew her towards him until she was pressed against his body.

  “You win.”

  * * * * *

  Jordan’s mouth crushed hers in a kiss that sent her mind into oblivion and her already aroused body into heaven.

  His arms pulled her even closer and she automatically slid her hands to his shoulders and around his neck, helping him plaster their flesh together.

  Charlie was almost incapable of thought. His lips were doing everything she had imagined they would. Firm, warm, demanding, they caressed and teased and then parted to allow his tongue to tantalize the corners of her mouth.

  She gasped for air and he followed the breath inside her mouth. She realized for the first time the wonderful feeling of a man cherishing her tender tissues, learning the different textures of her tongue, sliding across her teeth and teasing her with little touches and curls.

  Without conscious thought she followed his lead, imitating his intrusion by slipping her own tongue into his mouth and tasting him.

  Warm, sweet, with undertones of sherry, Jordan’s flavor had an intoxication all its own and it was going right to her knees.

  She felt his arms slip down and within seconds she was whisked off her feet and up against his body.

  “Are you sure?” he asked roughly, tearing his mouth from hers to voice the question.

  She had no chance to answer before he was hungrily kissing her again, eating her lips, sucking her tongue, squeezing her body with his hands and holding her against him with a grip of iron.

  Her arms banded his neck and she returned his embrace fiercely.

  “I’m sure,” she choked as she wrenched herself free to draw a breath.

  “Good.” Jordan strode from the room, and almost ran up the stairs to the second floor with Charlie in his arms.

  The house was dark and quiet, and within moments the door was locked and he was lowering her to her feet next to the bed.

  “I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone as badly.” Jordan’s words were harsh, but honest, as were his eyes.

  “I know.” Charlie stared back at him. She’d made a decision this evening. She would not go back on it.

  “Why tonight?” Jordan brushed his hands over her breasts, smiling a little as the nipples leapt to attention beneath his fingers. “Why now, Charlie?”

  Charlie ran her own hands over Jordan’s firm chest and daringly pushed his shirt apart. He obligingly shrugged it off and tossed it into some shadowed corner. She obeyed an inner urge and leaned forward, running her tongue over the flat disk of his nipple.

  She heard him gasp and it sent a tremor through her, just accepting the knowledge that she could cause that kind of reaction was an accomplishment in itself.

  She raised her eyes to Jordan’s, seeing the gold flecks flashing with desire for her. “Because I want you too, Jordan. Because I want your hands on me. I want to know bliss again, but I want to know the real thing this time. Because for the first time I can ever remember, I want to be touched by a man—by you. Because I want to know what it’s like to make love rather than to have sex.”

  She allowed her gaze to wander over his body. “Because I want to touch you and learn about you, and have you touch me. Because I can’t stop myself from wondering what it’s like to have a man inside me making me feel wonderful instead of…instead of…well, I suppose I want to see if together we can wipe out the past, Jordan.”

  He took her hand from his chest and slid it between them, allowing her to feel his cock as it pushed against his breeches. She curled her hand around it, wonderingly, and squeezed a little, smiling as he drew in a sharp breath.

  “I don’t know if I can wipe away your memories, Charlie. But I can damn well make sure you have some new ones.”

  His hands slipped behind her and her dress fell to her waist.

  “I can kiss these beauties…” His lips dropped to her nipples and he ran his tongue around one, making her gasp. “And suckle them too,” he moved to the other breast, suckling gently on its rigid tip. “And so much more, Charlie love,” He pulled his mouth from her and pressed her naked breasts to his body letting her sensitized nipples feel the rasp of his hair and the heat of his body.

  It was her turn to explore and without hesitation she reached for the front of his breeches.

  “I think it’s time we dispensed with these, Jordan,” she muttered, struggling with the tapes. “Damn things…”

  Charlie’s hands dived between the opening, hungry for the touch of his cock, and with a groan he ripped his breeches away and fell into her palms.

  “Oh Jordan,” she breathed.

  He was so hard and hot and wonderful to feel. His skin was smooth in places, rough in others, and she found her fingers fascinated by the difference in textures she was discovering.

  She touched the little drop of moisture that welled from a tiny slit on the head, and raised her eyes as his hand gripped her wrist.

  “You will lose me to my desire too soon if you keep that up, Charlie. Let’s get lost together.”

  He slipped his hands beneath her rumpled clothes and pushed everything down over her hips to the floor.

  She stood naked before him, feeling the heat crashing from his body in waves to break over hers.

  For a moment neither touched, just letting their senses loose and basking in the enormity of this moment.

  Charlie could smell him, feel his warmth, and almost absorb his yearning through her skin. She had no idea that she could be aware of a man on so many different levels, each causing a response within her that only added fuel to the fire.

  “Charlie, touch me.”

  The husky whisper touched Charlie’s ears and heart at the same time. It was a plea, an encouragement, a prayer and a demand.

  She touched.

  She took his cock in her hands and rubbed it over her belly, wanting to experience him on some level different to any conventional thinking.

  She moved closer to him, forcing him to push himself up between them, and her hand slid behind him to grasp one firm buttock.

  She pressed their bodies together, sandwiching Jordan’s cock against her softness.

  His groan pleased her.

  His hands on her backside pleased her even more, and when he started to knead and grasp and slip his fingers up and down her cleft, she couldn’t stay still. Her hips began to move against his hardness before her and his hands behind her.

  “Jordan,” she breathed, as he tilted her slightly and aligned her clit with his balls.

  “Open your legs, Charlie.”

  His hands pulled her cheeks apart and his finger slid towards her tight little rosebud. The millions of nerve endings sent shudders of pleasure through her as Jordan gently caressed them.

  Reaching down, he gathered her juices and smoothed them up and around her taut ring of muscles, stroking with a touch as light as a feather. Charlie felt her body beginning to ignite and her hips to move more forcefully against him.

  Her knees began to buckle and she knew she could not hold together much longer.

  She didn’t have to. Within a few seconds of her legs starting to tremble, Jordan had toppled her onto the coverlet behind them.

  His body was all over her, hard, hot, moving, touching, nipping, caressing, driving her insane.

  She twisted and turned, unable to get closer to him but aware that she had to or die trying.

  Jordan slid his hand down her belly while he suckled forcefully on a breast.

  She knew she was making some kinds of sounds, but was helpless to control them. Then he found her clit and the noises became a shout of pleasure.

  “God, Jordan,” she sobbed.

  “Like that, do you?” His answer was husky, and took him away from her breast for all of five seconds.

  “Yesssss…” she answered, tossing her head back and closing her eyes. “Oh yesssss…”

  His hand slipped into her swollen and wet folds, exploring, stroking, finding places that made her writhe and places that made her sigh.

  He teased and fluttered, sometimes leaving and inserting one or two fingers inside her, then returning to play with her clit some more.

  His head moved from her breast to nibble on her lips.

  “Ah, Charlie. I can’t get enough of you,” Jordan’s voice was hoarse as he returned hungrily to her nipples.

  Her hips wriggled and heaved beneath him, and he pulled away from her breasts and slid down the bed. With no further ado he wrenched her thighs wide and buried his face against her pussy, lapping and tonguing her flesh and bringing a choke of shock and pleasure from her throat.

  It was amazing, drove all rational thought from her head, and turned her into a wild thing.

  She raised her hips, pushing herself against his face, seeking his tongue, his lips, offering all she had, all she was, for his pleasure.

  But still it was not enough.

  “Jordan, don’t wait…” She gasped out the words, head turning frantically on the pillow.

  Jordan obeyed.

  He rose above her, taking his weight on both hands.

  “Charlie. Open your eyes. Look at me, Charlie.”

  She was helpless to refuse him anything at this point, even though she wanted to hide from every distraction and focus her attention on what he was doing to her.

  His cock brushed her cunt, prodding, parting, encouraging her. “Look at me, Charlie. This is your new memory coming—right—up—”

  In three forceful thrusts he’d entered her.

  In three swift moves he’d filled her body, and pierced her soul.

  He stilled within her.

  Her eyes opened wide, focused on his, seeing his brown eyes darken to near black as his body claimed hers. A bead of sweat trembled on his temple, and the muscles in his shoulders were standing out.

  “God. Move Jordan, please, move…”

  She spread her legs as widely as she could, as if to devour the man whose cock was buried to the hilt inside her.

  She thrust towards him and with a great gasp he thrust back, pounding her mercilessly with his hips and his cock, tenderness forgotten, seduction a thing of the past.

  This was no gentle, mannered lovemaking. This was primeval, needy fucking, and Charlie was in ecstasy.

  Her body was answering each and every demand with one of its own. When he thrust in she pushed back. His hands lowered to her buttocks as he slid his legs off the side of the bed, pulling her with him and never missing a stroke.

  Standing, he was able to increase the force of his relentless possession, gripping her hard with his hands and helping her impale herself on his hammering cock.

  It was raw, it was almost violent, and it was everything Charlie had ever imagined it could be.

  A strange tightening began to steal her breath and her eyes found Jordan’s.


  “Yes, I know…” His words trembled as his body kept up its ceaseless rhythm of plunder and withdrawal. One hand quickly found her clit and her lips pulled away from her teeth in a feral snarl.

  Hands twisted in the linens, and legs now locked tight around Jordan, Charlie waited for the rising wave to crest, relishing each increasing moment of tension, each muscle that tightened, and each touch of Jordan’s body against hers.

  Finally, the wait was over.

  She came fiercely, silently, and for what seemed like years.

  * * * * *

  Jordan wanted to howl as he watched the woman on his bed jerk and spasm around his cock.

  He slowed his rhythm, holding back his own orgasm by force of will alone. He remembered the time he’d touched her, how she’d begged him for more within seconds. He wondered if tonight would be the same.

  Her muscles relaxed a little around him and he slid deeply inside her once again.

  She was silky, wet, and hotter than anything he’d ever experienced. Her cunt was clutching him still, and he felt as if he could never ever withdraw from where he was right this second.

  Her body fit his.

  She trembled, opening her eyes and fixing him with her stormy gray gaze. As he’d hoped, one word came from her mouth.


  Some primitive instinct roared with pleasure inside Jordan’s mind. His woman wanted more from him. By God, she’d have it.

  He quickly slid from her, ignoring her little cry of protest.

  It was soon muffled by the bedding as he flipped her onto her stomach and allowed her legs to hang down over the side of the bed.

  He settled himself between her thighs and pressed back into her hot pussy before she’d had chance to catch her breath.

  This time, his strokes were slower, and coupled with the pressure of his hands as he ran them from buttocks to shoulders and back again.

  She flipped her hair away from her body, giving him access to her naked skin.

  He leant forward, pressing himself into her buttocks and her spine, keeping his driving rhythm, and rubbing his flesh against hers.

  She sighed, and then moaned, raising her buttocks slightly to push against him, demanding, encouraging, enjoying and just plain loving.

  Amazed at his own control, Jordan settled down to play. It was almost as if his cock knew this woman was special. That she deserved something more than a quick fuck, no matter how satisfactory it was. This woman was going to have a night full of incredible memories if he and his cock had anything to say about it.

  He slipped one hand beneath her, gently massaging her pussy and tenderly stroking her clit. She was soaked with her own juices, thighs damp with warm honey, skin moistened with sweat. Jordan knew it was a combination of both of their scents that filled his nostrils, he was sweating too.

  He straightened slightly and looked down at where their bodies were joined. His cock was sliding in and out of her body with ease, shining where she was bathing him with her liquids. Her buttocks were perfect, smooth and rounded, and even the brand seemed erotic and stimulating to him.

  He gently covered it with his hand, smiling as she pushed back against him, as if anxious to increase their contact in any way she could.

  He eased her cheeks farther apart and moistened a finger in her honey. Her tight little anus, wrinkled and rosy, was begging for his touch.

  She writhed and grunted as he began his delicate teasing, never once losing the thrusting beat of his penetration.

  Her breathing grew choppy as his finger pressed against her.


  “Hush love. Let me play with you.”

  He felt her relax beneath his hands and another little piece of his heart cracked at the trust she was placing in him.

  He began to increase his speed, matching it to the now-rhythmic pressure of his finger against her cleft.

  She moaned again, responding wildly to his movements.

  Within seconds his finger broached her muscles and she gasped as his finger sank into her darkness.

  He slid an arm beneath her and pulled her buttocks even further towards him, all but lifting her off the bed.

  His pounding hips slapped against her buttocks as his finger moved in her virgin anus, gently teasing the nerve endings he knew were there.

  He felt her tighten, he thought she might actually have stopped breathing, and then she exploded.

  This time, her scream was deafening.

  Every muscle in her body cramped tight. Jordan’s finger was squeezed and his cock felt like he’d been caught in a living clamp.

  He gasped, unable to comprehend the strength of her body as it orgasmed around his.

  Her cunt pulled, pressed, and savagely squeezed his cock, sending his mind into orbit and his body into the most massive orgasm he could ever remember.

  He thrust deeply into her body, as deep as he could go, pulling his hands away from her buttocks and driving his cock to where it wanted to be.

  He swore he could feel her womb reaching out for his soul as her cunt rippled up and down his cock and every single organ in his body yelled out in release.

  He exploded into her, filling her, swamping her with his come, drowning her womb, her cunt and flooding her tissues with his hot seed.

  It was a moment unlike any he’d ever experienced. For a few seconds he wondered if death was imminent as his vision disappeared into a blur, his heart completely stopped, and his existence funneled down to one small eye at the tip of his cock.

  As his climax passed and his body decided to hang on to life, Jordan allowed his tortured muscles the luxury of relaxation.

  He made to move away but a groan from Charlie kept him where he was.

  “Don’t move, please. Not for a moment or two.”

  Jordan attempted a grin. “Ah, Charlie,” he whispered, leaning his body fully along her back and carefully letting her take his weight against her. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Charlie made a sound, which to Jordan strongly resembled a purr.

  His next words surprised the hell out of him. “I just want to hold you next to my heart.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Something was pounding, thrumming, and rousing Charlie back to a level of consciousness from a sound sleep.

  She turned beneath the covers to find herself alone, but there were voices in the room.

  Memories flooded back. Memories of passion, of hot bodies and sweat and the smell of sex and desire. Her muscles ached slightly, but it was a wonderful ache, and she smiled as she recalled Jordan’s whispered words.

  He’d eased them both beneath the rumpled covers, and pulled her tight to him, against his heart as he’d promised.

  There, with her body relaxing and her mind humming, she’d fallen asleep against the steady drumbeat of his pulse.


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