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Madam Charlie

Page 18

by Sahara Kelly

  That was a tall order.

  She was getting slicker by the second as his lips nibbled hers and his hands wandered caressingly over her body. He pulled her close, pressing their lower bodies together and cupping her cheeks.

  She nestled her bottom into his hands and moaned as his fingers pulled her cheeks apart slightly.

  “God Jordan, that feels good,” she said, pushing herself into his grip even harder.

  “Turn over, my love,” said Jordan, reaching for a pillow and stuffing it beneath her hips.

  Her bottom wiggled at him provocatively.

  “Spread your legs a little,” he ordered, slipping between them and running his cock up her cleft and back to her cunt.

  She groaned. “God that’s wonderful.” Her hips wriggled.

  Jordan reached beneath her and caught her honey in his hands, sliding it up and around and between her cheeks and especially around her ring of tight anal muscles.

  “I won’t hurt you, love, all right?”

  “You could never hurt me, Jordan,” she answered, widening her legs even more.

  Jordan was getting harder by the second. She seemed to want this, to know his intrusion into her dark and secret place. To be touched where no one had ever touched her.

  He continued to spread the slickness around, listening to her moans and smelling her womanly fragrance as she soaked his hand and the pillow and his cock. When he could moisten her no more he raised up slightly and touched her anus with the tip of his cock.

  A bead of his own come slipped from him and added to her slippery state.

  She sighed with pleasure.

  “Just relax for me, my darling,” he said, wondering if she knew this was a first for him too. “Let it all go, just feel me here, pressing against you.”

  He replaced his cock with his fingers, knowing that to plunge into her would hurt her. That was not his goal.

  Gently he allowed one finger to press past her muscles and into her body. She jumped and sighed as he eased inside.

  Then he added another finger, stretching, moving a little, encouraging her to take him.

  He slid his other hand beneath her and teased her clit, letting the twin movements of his fingers increase her arousal.

  She panted and gasped and thrust against his hands, demanding, needing, wanting all he had to give.

  Her muscles were so tight around his fingers that Jordan realized he couldn’t dare breach her there. This was a time for exquisite pleasure, not remembered pain. She’d had enough of that.

  He adjusted his position slightly.

  With one hand still teasing her anus and the other playing with her clit, he carefully slid his cock into the burning heat of her cunt, filling her just about every way he knew how.

  Her buttocks pressed into him and his balls touched the back of her thighs. She moaned with pleasure.

  Her own hands slid beneath her as she felt for her nipples and unashamedly added to her own sensations by playing, pulling and squeezing them.

  Jordan was rocked by his own arousal. Seeing her like this, vulnerable, exposed, aroused, hiding nothing of her responses to everything he was doing to her, was the most erotic moment he could remember.

  No woman had ever brought this kind of emotion to his mind, his heart or his loins before.

  Neither had any woman ever used her body to tell him of her feelings the way Charlie was right at this moment.

  Her sounds and her movements told him how much she loved the feel of his fingers in her, his cock in her, and his balls slapping loud against her flesh.

  He moved his fingers deeper into her anus, hearing her moan and almost feeling his own cock as it thrust into her cunt.

  His mind reeled as his orgasm neared, and Charlie’s whole body tensed in readiness for his seed.

  “Now, Charlie, now…” he yelled, throwing his head back and pumping into her so hard he should have blown her eyeballs halfway across the room.

  Her body went into spasm, clamping and releasing, clamping and releasing, and driving him higher and higher. Every muscle below her waist was grabbing onto whatever part of his body she could hold.

  He figured he’d have bruises on his fingers and his cock when this was all over, but by God it was worth it. He shook and shivered and finally his cock released his seed, pouring the hot spurts into Charlie’s body in an endless stream. Filling her with his life. His future. His soul.

  He sobbed and felt a tear trickle down over his face.

  Dear lord, could he survive a lifetime of lovemaking like this? But more importantly, how could he ever survive without it?

  * * * * *

  Dawn was coming. Charlie could feel it, even though the light had not yet percolated through the heavy curtains that shielded the windows of Jordan’s study.

  The man beside her slumbered peacefully. Exhausted, probably, too, grinned Charlie to herself. He’d ridden her hard and wonderfully, giving her a night that would remain her most favorite memory for the rest of her life.

  She moved carefully, wondering how her body had survived.

  Easing off the couch, she winced as a couple of places twinged a little, but overall she felt amazingly well. She was clear-headed, alert, and slightly stiff, but surprisingly all in one piece.

  Turning, she gently tucked the thick blanket over Jordan’s shoulders. He snuffled and buried his face in the pillow.

  Charlie grabbed another blanket, wrapped it around herself and quietly slipped from the room.

  She needed to wash, dress and perhaps find some clothes for Elizabeth and Spencer. Wherever they were.

  If their night had been anything like Charlie’s, those two might even now be upside down on the grand staircase. Or on top of the stables. With Elizabeth’s enthusiasm and Spencer’s obvious skill, the sky was probably the limit for them.

  Charlie grinned again, feeling extraordinarily happy.

  The hall was deserted and the corridor empty, and she was in her room within seconds.

  The water in the ewer was cold, but refreshing, and she felt quite restored as she bathed her stickiness away.

  Her hands paused as she passed a cloth over her pussy. Her cheeks blushed as she remembered some of the things she’d done and let Jordan do.

  Let him do?

  Hah, she snorted to herself. She’d encouraged him every step of the way.

  She knew without a doubt that she was head over heels in love with Jordan Lyndhurst, the Seventh Earl of Calverton. What she didn’t know was exactly what she was going to do about it.

  She sighed as she slipped into her chemise and buttoned her morning robe tightly. Something would have to be done about it, but perhaps she might steal another day of pleasure before the issue had to be faced. Before she had to finally reveal the truth about her identity to him.

  She was afraid that once she did that, her idyll would be over. All that she’d have left would be her memories.

  She prayed that she could cram a few more into this day.

  With an armful of clothes she left her room and started down the corridor, to be brought up short by the sight of a figure leaving Jordan’s rooms.

  Arthur perhaps?

  No, he was moving too stealthily through the shadowed corridor, almost like a shadow himself.

  Then she smelt it.


  For an awful second she froze, paralyzed by that smell, the sounds and memories of the first fire she’d experienced here returning to swamp her consciousness.

  She gasped and turned to run, heading for the staircase, praying that her legs would hold her up.

  She got to the top step when she felt a hand seize her robe and drag her to a halt.

  She finally found her lungs and screamed at the top of her voice.


  A voice behind her hissed in her ear as she was pulled against a rough coat.

  “Fucking bitch. Why are you never where you’re supposed to be?”

  She struggled against the
man’s hold, dropping clothes over the steps and writhing and tugging, trying her best to get a punch or an elbow to connect with her attacker.

  She brought her head back and whacked it against his chin, surprising a shout from him and sending stars across her vision.

  “That’s it, you whore…”

  A solid thud clipped her behind the ear and she saw the stairs rise up to meet her.

  She took a step only to have her foot catch in the tangle of clothes that had fallen around her.

  She slipped and fell, rolling, tumbling, bumping on the Aubusson carpet and finally onto the marble floor of the hall.

  Somebody was shouting her name, but she couldn’t quite hear…then everything went dark.

  * * * * *

  For Jordan, it seemed as if his entire world had ended. He was standing practically naked in his own hall watching as Charlie tumbled down the stairs to land in a heap on the cold marble floor.

  And following her down was a man with a large pistol.

  Before Jordan could do more than shout her name, the man was straddling her, aiming the gun at her head.

  Charlie didn’t move.

  Jordan’s heart stopped dead in his chest, and he raised his eyes to the man standing over her.

  A red film clouded his vision for a moment.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  A high pitched giggle was his answer. “Don’t you wish you knew?”

  Across the hall a door opened and Spencer erupted through, followed by Elizabeth.

  Within seconds, Elizabeth had been pushed back through the door and Spencer was standing alone, alert, ready for a word or an action from Jordan. Both men were as near naked as you can get when wearing only a blanket, and neither were armed.

  Jordan felt completely helpless and furious, and scared to death. Charlie still hadn’t moved. His heart was thudding madly. He refused to believe she was anything other than unconscious.

  “What’s going on Jordan?” asked Spencer quietly.

  “I don’t know. This man just pushed Charlie down the stairs. I’m trying to find out why.”

  “Charlie? Oh that’s her name now, is it?” The man waved his gun around then pointed it back down at the woman between his legs.

  “I liked Charlotte better. Actually I liked Lady Charlotte. It made sticking my cock into her cunt so much more exciting.”

  At that second the wheels in Jordan’s mind clicked into place and he knew who the man was.

  “So you were the valet to her late husband, were you? The one who was going to help the line continue?”

  Jordan tried to get the man’s attention away from Charlie and Spencer and on to himself. He knew that a moment’s glance towards him would allow Spence to move a little, and again a little more, until they were both in a position where one would have a chance against him.

  It didn’t work. The man remained fixated on Charlie. So did his weapon.

  “Oh yes, that was me. And you should be shaking my hand and thanking me for failing, shouldn’t you, my Lord?”

  The emphasis on the last two words was lost on Jordan. His attention was splintering in several different directions, seeking solutions, discarding ideas, working furiously to plan his response.

  “She’s got a hot little body, don’t she, my Lord? I really liked fucking her, you know? Pity she used to scream a lot, though. Occasionally he used to let me gag her, but most of the time he liked to hear the noise.”

  He nudged her with his toe, making Jordan’s blood boil. But, experienced soldier that he was, he knew his anger would only cloud his judgment. With a great effort he sat on his fury and encouraged the man to talk. Perhaps that was the way to distract him.

  “O’course she was kind of pale and yellow, all that hair. We mostly liked ‘em dark and fiery like that Maria. Now there was a hot little taint for our pleasure. She could suck the brass off a poker, she could. Got the master all uppity and ready, but he’d lose it afore he could stick it in this one.”

  Charlie moaned slightly, and Jordan felt the life flood back into his body. She was alive. She might be badly hurt, but she was alive.

  “What’s your name?”

  “What’s my name? Well, hell, my Lord, you should be askin’ her name.” The man giggled again. His weapon never moved an inch, still pointing straight at Charlie’s head.

  “Still being a bloody nuisance, too, that’s what she is. Never where she’s supposed to be.”

  Jordan frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  Spencer moved an inch or so to the side.

  “I wouldn’t bother, Mister. My finger on this trigger can put her brains all over this nice new marble floor long afore you can get to me. And that’s where the pleasure will be for me, you see.”

  His eyes glittered madly as he stared around at the men and back to Charlie.

  Jordan shook his head slightly at Spence, letting him know not to make a bad situation worse. Clearly this man had something to get off his chest.

  “You plan to kill her, do you?” said Jordan calmly.

  “Oh yes. I tried before, you know. But it all went wrong.” He blinked for a moment as if to clear his vision. Jordan breathed in, but the man’s head came back up before he could move.

  “I loved that old man. He was like a father to me. Taught me stuff. Like how to read and write, and he let me share his pleasures. It wasn’t his fault he was old and died in the furrow, as they say. He just wanted an heir. And he’d given me so much, it was my bounden duty to help him. It was her fault…” His voice hardened and his hand shook.

  Jordan’s breath left his body as he watched the man’s finger tremble on the trigger.

  “When it looked like it wasn’t working, we figured it was time to get rid of her. Or at least I did. I knew he was going to get her into his bed that night, and he always went for his brandy right before he fucked her. So I knew if a fire broke out when she was alone, he’d be off the hook. He’d be free. We could try again…”

  Tears were running down the man’s face as Jordan and Spencer listened to his horrible tale. Charlie was still beneath him, but Jordan had been keeping his eye on her and could have sworn he saw her move slightly.

  “But she wasn’t there. She wasn’t bloody there. He’d forgotten, my master, that we were going to do it that night. He’d taken Maria instead. I didn’t know. I started the fire in his dressing room. I didn’t mean to kill them. I loved him. It was her fault.”

  This time he kicked Charlie, who grunted when his boot hit her ribs.

  “Her. All her. You ask who I am, well, I’m Johnny Dobbs. And I can tell you who she is, my Lord. This bitch, the one you’ve been sticking your cock into all night, this woman is Lady Charlotte Calver. The Dowager Countess of Calverton.”

  He looked at Jordan, grinning madly through the tears pouring down his cheeks. “Funny isn’t it? You’ve been fucking Philip Calverton’s widow!”

  Suddenly a loud noise rang out and the expression on Dobbs’ face changed to one of surprise.

  He looked down at himself and seemed amazed to see a small circle of blood appearing on his chest. It grew larger. He looked up at Jordan and waved his hand. “All her fault…”

  He staggered, and Charlie immediately rolled away, moving like a blur across the floor.

  Dobbs stumbled, falling to one knee. With another look of astonishment at Jordan, he fell forward onto his face and lay still.

  The blood pooled beneath him, bright scarlet against the black and white marble.

  Jordan ignored him, running to Charlie, falling on his knees beside her and grabbing her to his chest. He clutched her more tightly than he’d ever held anything in his life. She groaned and raised a hand to her head.

  “You’re alive, Charlie, God, you’re alive.” Jordan Lyndhurst held his woman to his heart and did something he’d never done in his life. He sobbed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The pandemonium that had broken out in the hall remained rather a blur for Char
lie. Her ribs hurt and she had a massive headache, so she had only been vaguely aware of Spencer rushing to the rear of the hall and pulling a naked Elizabeth out of the shadows.

  A very nude Elizabeth holding a large dueling pistol.

  It seemed she’d lost no time in rushing out the windows of the small parlor and breaking into Jordan’s library, where the intrepid woman, still stark naked, had primed and loaded one of the several prize dueling pistols kept in a display case there.

  To the amazement of all of them, she’d then crept back into the hall, unseen by anyone and calmly shot Dobbs from behind.

  As Spencer drew her forward and covered her with one of the robes he’d snagged from the stairs, she’d stumbled against him on her way over to Charlie.

  “My God, Charlie, are you alright?” she’d asked.

  Charlie remembered managing a weak smile from the closeness of Jordan’s arms. “Thanks to you, Elizabeth, thanks to you,” she’d whispered.

  Jordan had been unable to speak, simply holding her tight and wiping his tears on her hair.

  Spence had gone to check on Dobbs.

  “He’s dead.”

  Elizabeth had paled and turned, and promptly vomited.

  At that point, a shout had alerted everyone to the smoke in the upstairs corridor, but Charlie remembered little more since Jordan had picked her up off the floor and carried her away from the noise.

  She’d fainted again in his arms.

  That had been several hours ago.

  Now the fire had been extinguished with minimal damage, Elizabeth was tucked up in her bed, with Spencer standing guard over her like an aggressive guard dog, and she herself was bathed, dressed and sitting in Jordan’s study. On the same couch where they’d shared such passion not more than twelve hours before. She’d overcome his arguments, fought his orders and ignored his demands.

  Her headache had lessened to a dull throb, her ribs hurt a little, and she had a few bruises to show for her tumble, but all in all she was remarkably lucky to be all in one piece.

  What was really hurting was her heart.

  The truth had come out in the worst possible way. Now Jordan Lyndhurst knew who she was and it was time for them to part. There could be no other course of action.


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