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Bad Boy Romance: The Hitmans Payback (Bad Boy Alpha Male Mafia Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Crime Thriller & Suspense Romance)

Page 1

by Melinda London

  The Hitman’s Payback

  Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  Melinda London


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

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  Chapter 1

  She was the sweetest woman I had ever met. When she had moved in across the street the neighborhood had been abuzz. The morning coffee clutch that the older women had each morning quickly turned into discussion of who had the most eligible bachelor for the new lady. Gina, however, was not the least bit interested in being married off. I had offered my help on move in day under the ever-watching scowl of her grandmother. This woman, who had always enjoyed my company suddenly, did not like me interacting with her beautiful, single granddaughter. As lovely as Gina was, within minutes I felt more of a brotherly affection.

  Gina’s story was a bit tragic. Both her parents had passed recently in a terrible plan crash. She had lived with an Aunt for most of the last year but really wanted to break out and see what the world had to offer. Not really something she could do living out on the end tip of Long Island. So the family had discussed, and this had been a move everyone could live with. Gina would be closed to Nonna so she wouldn’t be alone anymore, and Nonna could watch over Gina like a Swiss guardsman, or woman, as it were. Within weeks we formed a fast friendship and once Nonna realized I had no intention of trying anything untoward, she embraced me once more and my seat was again secure at Sunday dinner.

  Over the course of the next few months we became friends. Her quest for independence was a difficult one. Nonna’s ever-watchful eye was unrelenting, and the fact that she lived above her grandmother made it increasingly difficult for her to have an adult life. She had made some girlfriends in the area, which seemed to relax Nonna a bit. The Italian/American club was having a huge dance in October, which was to be Gina’s first official night out with the girls. She was glowing with the news for days, which made me, laugh each time I saw her. I finally gave into her pleas to go as well with my group of friends, though I was reluctant. My circle was more worldly than Gina was used to. We all appeared to be fine, upstanding young men but most of us ran in a circle that was a heck of a lot more dangerous than a good girl like Gina could imagine. I did not want her innocence tainted by that rough life, though I figured with her living in the neighborhood, it was an inevitable fact.

  It was a really nice neighborhood, mostly Italian families many of which had at least 2 family members that barely spoke English. My own parents still lived on the street, with me in the apartment above theirs. It wasn’t the surface of the neighborhood that was an issue. It was the stuff that went on in the backroom of the deli, or at night in the corner bar. It was the pulse you never saw but always knew was there. My parents had pushed me to go off to college with my brother James, but I had chosen to stay local and work. Morally, I should have turned away from the things I began to see. Yet, admittedly, I was thrilled by them. They made my adrenaline rush as I skirted at first with just small situations, which had now grown in size. I wasn’t quite up at the top, but the top was noticing. It sure was nice to be noticed.

  Chapter 2

  The night of the dance came and I already knew that I would know most of the men in the room. It was part of the front we all put on of fine, community orientated, family rooted businessmen. I walked in with 3 of my friends and began to hug and kiss everyone hello. If my brother could see me now, I thought. I had really come out of my shell and found my niche since I started working for the restaurant. As I made my way around the room I realized some of the guys from the other crew were here. One in particular that I was friendly with came up and greeted me. “Hey Tony!”

  “Joey, how are you?” I asked as we settled against a wall to people watch.

  “I’m good, been busy at the catering hall.”

  “Me too! Dom’s running us ragged, but I love it.”

  “He comes from a good family, very close with mine.” Joey said, all the while smiling and nodding while he checked out every other person in the room. My actions mimicked his and to the outside world our conversation was filled with idle chitchat. In that small conversation, however, he had let me know that he was working in his family’s catering hall, and by extension now under a bloodline connection that was high up. I in turn, had told him the same. My parents had never encouraged my connection with this side of the family and as a child I hadn’t been able to establish why. I was 18 when I discovered why and for every reason they had for me to not be involved, I had one to encourage the connection.

  We continued chatting, each telling the other about the other people in the room we knew. I liked Joey from what I knew. He was as straightforward as he could be, if not a bit reckless at times. He was invaluable to his crew because of his uncanny knack to keep enemies close and blissfully oblivious of the fact that they were, indeed, enemies. The only way to know if he truly did not like you was for him to tell you that very tidbit; otherwise he came off as the most likeable guy.

  Gina and her friends had come in with a wave as I held court with Joey and a few of our friends. She looked lovely, and so did her friend Marie. Now that one I definitely liked a lot more than platonically. Every time I saw her my pulse ran hot and I got goose bumps. I smirked at myself realizing how sil
ly it was that a lethal man like me could be reduced to goose bumps by a mere woman.

  Marie was breathtaking tonight in a beautiful crimson red color. She had very fair skin, like a porcelain doll and the deep red color made her skin appear as though there was a soft blush beneath. I could look at her forever. I turned my head before my stare was noticed only to realize Joey was looking in the same direction. I felt a wave of jealousy, no doubt he was eying up Marie. I needed to cool off, so excused myself to get some punch.

  As I neared the punchbowl Gina fell instep next to me, “Hi,” she said breathlessly.

  “Hi.” I returned stopping to lean in and place a chaste kiss on her cheeks, “having fun?”

  “Oh yes, this is lovely.” She said as her eyes danced around the room.

  “Speaking of lovely, you look wonderful.” I told her as I grabbed two glasses of punch and handed one over.

  “Thank you, “she stated as she took a deep sip, “and thank you for the punch.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome. How is your friend Marie?” I asked trying my best to sound casual.

  She gave me an all-knowing look despite my efforts. She smiled radiantly with pleading in her voice, “Just let me introduce you already, please?”

  “Fine.” I croaked trying my hardest to sound begrudging about the whole issue while all the while my pulse quickened in anticipation.

  Just then Joey tapped me on the shoulder, “Who’s your friend Tony?”

  I turned slightly to accommodate the addition to our circle and quickly made the introductions. After a few minutes I realized how wrong my thoughts had been moments ago. Joey hadn’t been looking at Marie at all. He seemed pretty captivated by Gina. Though I was not really sure if that was a good or bad thing. Joey and Gina began conversing easily back and forth until Marie joined. Gina didn’t waste a moment before making introductions and stealthily moving herself within the foursome so that Marie was positioned next to me. Marie had a very easygoing way about her, and pretty soon the four of us were having a fantastic time rolling from topic to topic.

  Chapter 3

  The next week Joey and I took the girls out twice. Nonna seemed to be more comfortable allowing Gina out knowing I was there as well as Marie. Our first official date was to a place in Astoria. It was a really nice restaurant with live entertainment. Tonight there was a jazz singer. The tables were intimate and the lighting was very romantic. The singer was off to the side on a small, single person stage with a gorgeous baby grand pulling focus in the center of the room. Marie was in a pale blue dress that made her seem sexy and innocent at the same time, she really was a wonder to me. Joey, in his heavy-handed way took the liberty to order for us all. I did not waste my breath arguing the point, some people just needed to showboat. Not me. My parents really were right, I was growing up a bit, I thought to myself. A year ago I would have gone a few verbal rounds with him before getting up and moving to another table. Now I knew better. There was something to be said for having a bit more finesse in certain situations.

  Marie and I were sitting next to each other so I was able to lean in and get a nice whiff of her perfume as I told her how lovely she looked. She leaned in closer, smiled confidently at me and said, “your friend is quite pompous.” I threw my head back and laughed loudly, I couldn’t help myself. This pulled the focus of Gina and Joey, who of course wanted to know what I was laughing about. Marie covered flawlessly giving me cause to appreciate the intelligence behind those carmel brown eyes.

  About half way through dinner I regretted the double date for the mere fact that I did not want to share Marie in conversation. If I wasn’t mistaken things were going well, I would have to make it a point to plan something for just the two of us. By dessert I wasn’t at all sure that I liked the idea of Joey and Gina dating. She was the epitome of grace, seemingly unphased by his heavy handed and sometimes crass mannerisms. It was one thing to talk with your male friends like that, quite another to speak such in mixed company. She seemed to be holding her own though. I noticed though that she was not her usual, lively self. I chalked it up to first date nerves and turned my attention on Marie for the remainder of the night.

  Over the next few months we were the foursome out on the town. Marie and I managed to get a few dates alone here and there but Joey was insistent that he could not see Gina without us. Knowing her Nonna the way I did, I figured that was fairly true. We took the girls everywhere and tried to immerse them in as many new experiences as possible. It was paying off. Gina seemed to be having a great time with Joey, and I felt like Marie and I were really moving towards something special.

  It didn’t take too long before it was established in the neighborhood and beyond that Marie was my girl, respectively everyone knew who Gina was with. They were both off limits, and thanks to our firm standing in our mutual circles; Joey and I never had to worry about the girls’ safety no matter where they went or who they went with. Marie seemed to know what kind of world I ran in, and it wasn’t too long before I discovered why. Her own father had quite a name for himself in a suburb in Queens. She never asked questions, but her keen eyes showed me that she missed nothing.

  The closest we came to a conversation about it was one day when we managed to snag a solo date. We sat mid-afternoon at a café sipping cappuccino and dipping biscotti. It was always so pleasant to just be in her presence.

  “You know, “I started, “I really appreciate how you do not ask for too many details about my job.”

  “I understand very well what it is that you do. I have learned from watching my mother that sometimes it is better not to know all of the details. My father works in a similar field.”

  “Yes, I know. He has quite a strong reputation.”

  “I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but I will take it as a compliment.”

  “I meant it as one.”

  “You don’t have to worry with me, I understand fully about you, and what I am associating myself with. For some of us, it’s just the way it is, just a part of the family,” She stated sounding very matter of fact.

  The conversation moved onto favorite foods, which spurred a detailed recipe exchange session. It was a wonderful outing, months later I would realize that was the day I fell in love.

  I could not wait to tell my brother all about her, but he was missing Christmas this year. As broken hearted as my parents were, they were so proud of him for working so hard in school. He was doing an exchange program for his masters and would get to spend the holidays with our family in Italy. The Christmas season was so much better with Marie around. Although we had to spend the actual holiday with our respective families, there was something about exchanging gifts with her that filled my heart.

  Chapter 4

  Just like that it was spring. It had been six blissful months with Marie, all the while Joey had continued seeing Gina. Joey said he really liked Gina, but his actions sometimes said differently. He had left her waiting on more than one occasion. She was always classy about it, and never, ever mentioned it, but I knew just the same. I had “friends” everywhere. I worried about her though as she seemed to have lost some of the sparkle she had once had. Her Nonna had questioned me on a few occasions, though she believed the change was due to nerves over an impending marriage proposal. It was hard not to laugh at that when she asked. It was difficult to explain to that generation that we all weren’t looking to get married after dating for just a few months. It seemed to be a completely foreign concept to them. Even my own parents were already planning my life with Marie, though I wasn’t at all certain that was a bad thing.

  A few days before Easter I walked out the front door to find my brother getting out of a taxi, “Hey James!” I exclaimed as I bolted down the steps and pulled him in for a hug.

  “Tony, I missed you!” He said as we embraced for a moment and released.

  “We didn’t know you were coming.”

  “I wanted to surprise them, are they home?” he asked looking towards the house.

  “Oh yea, ma’s probably making lunch.” I reached down for his bag and followed him into the house.

  I was really pretty lucky, I mused. My parents had never pushed me to attend college. They accepted that I wanted a different path than James did, and they were still proud of me. Both James and I had very strong worth ethics, and we were both very smart though in different ways. Somehow my parents had never compared us. We had been fortunate enough to grow up without any sibling competitiveness where our intelligence was concerned. I never felt the need to outdo James, and as far as I knew, he never felt that need either.

  “Ma, look who’s home,” I called as we walked through the house.

  After the tearful greetings I slid out to head to work. The day passed quickly and before I knew it, I was joining my family for dinner. Ma had gone all out cooking James all of his favorites. Family and friends had been pouring in all day as our mother had immediately gotten on the phone and called her sister. That was all it took. I felt awful when Marie showed up to a houseful of my family with no warning. She handled it flawlessly though, flitting around the room smiling through introductions. I was swelling with pride that this angel was on my arm. She charmed my parents easily slipping back and forth between English and Italian to accommodate their broken English. I really was in awe watching her, but did my best not to show it.


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