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Unimaginable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 3)

Page 19

by Rosalie Redd

“Sword, come…to…me.” His precious sword, his valiant companion, his most important weapon, scooted slowly across the grass. He gripped the weapon in his hand, but his movements were slow, lethargic.

  A sense of euphoria spread through Mauree’s chest. Hampered by the blue glow and under fire from her soldiers, it was only a matter of time before she secured her first victory.


  C rouched behind a large pine, Tanen peered around the rough bark. He tightened his grip on his dagger, and his fingers ached from the pressure. Sheri was in Jakar’s grasp, her hands held tight behind her back. Heat flushed through Tanen’s body, fueling his anger. He inched closer, until he was within striking distance.

  “Don’t let Noeh get away. No!” Mauree raised the blue sunstone and brought the sacred crystal down upon Roan’s Rock. A steady pulse rocked the ground, increasing in intensity and speed. The vibration travelled up Tanen’s legs, and he gripped a nearby pine for support.

  A blinding blue light burst from Roan’s Rock. Tanen shielded his eyes.

  Agonized screams rent the air.

  Tanen’s pulse raced. The blue sunstone…he was too late.

  He looked over his arm. Mauree held the sacred crystal against Roan’s Rock. From cracks in the giant boulder, the blue glow suffused through the meadow, connecting the Stiyaha and Panthera warriors. All writhed in agony, their movements pained, sluggish. The Ursus and Gossum appeared impervious to the sunstone’s rays. How could this be?

  “Defeat them! Kill them!” Mauree’s staccato voice echoed over the warrior’s screams.

  Her soldiers attacked with renewed vigor. The agonized howls intensified.

  Tanen’s gut clenched. His female was in the hands of his enemy, and his friends were under attack by Mauree’s soldiers. Why am I not affected? Something in the back of his mind tickled his brain. What was the connection?

  Images of ancient texts flew past his mind’s eye. He closed his eyes and gave in to the vision—filtering, searching, looking for the relationship. The inscription on Roan’s Rock played across his memory.

  * * *

  Lemuria. My homeland.



  Beware blue…warps…power.

  Those…spill blood…falter.

  …pure of heart…stop…wrath.

  * * *

  He focused on the words, willing himself to make sense of it all. His marking for prudence, and the wisdom it represented, burned against his chest. Like a puzzle finally put together, the words melded, coalescing in his brain, and he filled in the gaps.

  * * *

  The energy from the blue sunstone is strongest at the equinoxes. The Ostrum ceremony.

  Beware, the blue sunstone can warp power. Mauree’s evil nature.

  Those that spill blood shall falter. The warriors… I haven’t killed, that’s why I’m not affected.

  Only one pure of heart can stop evil’s wrath. Sheri…

  * * *

  A lump formed in his throat. Sheri was the key, their only hope to stop Mauree. Jakar still held Sheri in his grasp. Her attention was on the battle, anger radiating in her tight lips and tense shoulders. Tanen’s chest swelled as respect for her burned inside.

  Mauree held the sunstone against Roan’s Rock, fueling the energy pulsing from the boulder. A couple of Ursus warriors graced her side.

  None of them saw Tanen. He still had an advantage. Using the stealth tactics he’d learned in his warrior training sessions long ago, he closed the distance.

  Mauree smiled and pointed to her two soldiers. “You two, go have some fun.”

  One of the male Ursus frowned, and he looked at his companion, before returning his gaze to Mauree. “If you insist.”

  “Oh, I do. Carry on, now.” Mauree’s cackle skated over Tanen’s nerves, and he tightened his grip on his dagger.

  All that remained…Jakar. He won’t defeat me this time. The muscles in his legs tightened, and he launched himself at his enemy.

  He bowled into Jakar, knocking both him and Sheri to the ground. Gravel scraped over Tanen’s arms, digging into his flesh. The smell of his own blood filtered into his nose. He didn’t care. There was only one thing on his mind. Sheri…

  Tanen met Sheri’s gaze. Relief radiated from her eyes, and the muscles in her arms visibly shook. His chest expanded as love for his female tore through him, shredding him on the inside.

  A long, slow hiss eased from Jakar’s mouth. His claws bit into Tanen’s shoulder, pain filtering along the nerves. Tanen clenched his jaw, and all the years of criticism and ridicule over never becoming a warrior bubbled to the surface.

  He slashed with his dagger, connecting with Jakar’s arm. A loud shriek burst from the creature’s lips, and he loosened his hold.

  “Kill him.” Mauree’s shrill command pierced the air.

  Only one pure of heart can stop evil’s wrath. “Sheri, pull on your energy. Touch Roan’s Rock…the boulder…stop the light.”

  Tanen gripped Jakar’s shoulders, keeping him at bay. The barbed tip of the Gossum’s tongue snaked by Tanen’s ear. Spittle landed on his cheek.

  Sheri’s brow furrowed. “What?”

  Tanen punched Jakar in the mouth, and the crunching sound bolstered his resolve. He peered at Sheri, love for her swelling his heart. Her favorite quote from her book, the one about courage and wisdom, spilled from his lips. “There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West.”

  She blinked. A flash of understanding crossed her features.

  Jakar broke Tanen’s hold and he opened his jaw wide, aiming for Tanen’s throat. The scales at the base of his neck flared. Tanen thrust upward with his dagger, through Jakar’s scales, severing his spinal cord. Jakar stiffened. A weak hiss, like a deflated bag, escaped his lips. His black eyes dulled, and he slumped to the ground, turning to black slime.

  The muscles in Tanen’s entire body stiffened. Pain radiated in every corner of his being as if his nerves were on fire. The world turned a bright shade of blue. He’d killed Jakar, and in defeating his enemy, he’d become…a warrior.

  I’m caught in the light.


  Sheri’s heart pounded. The blue light surrounded Tanen, his arms and legs rigid. She cried out, fear for him squeezing her chest. Touch Roan’s Rock…the boulder…stop the light. With a quick twist, she faced Mauree.

  Mauree’s confident smile burned a hole through Sheri. Deep inside, a well of energy built, the force so strong, white spots formed in her eyes. She focused on the energy, harnessing it, channeling it down her arms. After pushing against the ground, she launched herself at the boulder.

  Mauree kicked her in the ribs, halting her progression. Pain radiated through her chest. Her lungs wouldn’t work, and she couldn’t pull in a breath. Unable to maintain her balance, she stumbled. Her knees hit the ground so hard her teeth chattered.

  “You think you can stop me? Think again, little girl. You’re not getting near Roan’s Rock.”

  “Hurry, Sheri.” Tanen’s ragged breaths sent a chill along the back of Sheri’s neck.

  Coop whined.

  Out of the corner of her vision, Sheri caught a glimpse of her pet. He raised his head, and his front legs twitched. A pang hit her in the chest. Of all the evil things to do, purposefully hurting an animal had to be one of the worst.

  A fleeting impulse to grab Coop and run flitted over her nerves, but the thought was distant and didn’t hold the same power over her it once did. I’m not like my father. She loved Tanen enough to fight for him, believe in him, as well as, believe in herself. If she could help Tanen and his people, then Coop would be fine, too.

  There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Tanen’s words filtered into her heart. She rose to her feet. Sparks pulsed from her fingertips.

  Mauree’s eyes widened.

  Sheri scrunched her brow.

  Refocusing her energy, Sheri ran toward Roan’s Rock. She pl
owed into Mauree, knocking them both against the boulder. With one hand holding the blue sunstone to the rock, Mauree struggled to keep Sheri away. Energy, warm and pure, traveled down Sheri’s arms. As her hands touched the boulder’s rough surface, the blue light wavered.

  A loud rumble emanated from Roan’s Rock. The ground shook. Pebbles rained from the rock’s peak. Several pelted Sheri’s shoulders and arms.

  She glanced at Tanen. Even through his torment, his love for her radiated from his eyes. Her chest expanded and a wave of energy built deep inside. She pulled on his love and forced the energy down her arms. A pure, white light burst from her fingertips.

  The blast of energy dislodged Mauree from the boulder, flinging her through the air. Her scream echoed into the night as she disappeared into the forest.

  Little lightning bolts traveled around the rock, faster and faster, until the energy covered the entire surface of Roan’s Rock. A loud hum rumbled from the boulder, growing in intensity as each second passed. The intense vibration shook Sheri to her bones, sending pain along her nerves. When she didn’t think she could take anymore, the blue light extinguished. Darkness filled the void, only punctuated by the moon’s soft glow.

  An eerie silence filled the night followed by a soft moan, a cough, muffled voices.

  A cheer rose from the meadow, and the sound of swords clashing echoed through the trees. By shutting off the light emitting from Roan’s Rock, she’d freed the warriors. The blue sunstone lay among the rubble at Sheri’s feet. She picked it up and caught her breath. I did it.

  With a quick glance, she met Tanen’s gaze. His sly smile built into a grin. “Sheri…”

  She raced into his arms, and his warm embrace was where she belonged. As he leaned back, he studied her. “Are you injured, my love?”

  Something in her stomach fluttered at his term of endearment, and tears welled in her eyes. He loved her, and she loved him in return. With her throat tight she couldn’t speak, so she shook her head.

  The tension lines around his eyes eased. “Thank the gods. How did you end up here? With Jakar?”

  “I had to find you. We ran across Jakar, and Coop was injured. He used that to capture me.”

  “Why did you come after me?”

  With a hitch in her throat, she choked out the words. “You repaired my book, and left me your lapel pin. I have them here.” She patted her breast pocket. “You said we needed to talk, and I didn’t give you a chance to explain. I…I want to hear what you have to say.”

  He blinked and trailed a finger over her brow and down her cheek. The comforting gesture calmed her nerves. “Indeed, we have a lot to discuss.”

  Several loud shouts burst through the air.

  Tanen stiffened and tightened his hold on her. Sheri turned to see what had caused the commotion.

  At the far end of the meadow near the edge of the clearing, the trees seemed to shimmer in a sudden mist. As it cleared, a few males emerged as if from a gateway. War cries emerged from their lips, swords raised for combat.

  Sheri tried to catch her breath. She’d never seen anything so…otherwordly. All she could do was stare. What she’d seen so far of Tanen’s world had been scary, but the beauty in the sparkling mist foretold of something more, something good.

  Tanen squeezed Sheri’s hand. “Reinforcements.”

  Sheri returned his squeeze, her heart lightening.

  Coop barked.

  Coop! She ran to him and fell to the grass at his side. He rose on unsteady legs and licked her cheek. Gripping his fur, she pulled him close, giving her pet a warm hug. Her chest constricted. “Good boy, Coop. Tanen…”

  He kneeled next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m right here, my love.”

  She peered at him. “Tanen, Mauree…she’s out there somewhere.”

  His attention tracked to the trees, and the tic in his jaw pulsed. By the look of sheer determination in his gaze, he wanted to go after her.

  Sheri gripped his arm. “There’s no one else near here. Let’s get her before she can escape.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need to—”

  She placed her finger against his lips, silencing him. “I want to.”

  That was all the encouragement he seemed to need. He gripped her hand and helped her to her feet.

  Sheri patted her leg. “C’mon, Coop.”

  As they headed into the forest, they encountered Mauree half-hidden behind a cedar tree. A burly Ursus male held her arm, supporting her weight as he helped her to her feet. Bits of hair stood out from her head at odd angles. Her skirt was torn and dark smudges, like burn marks, marred her top. Sheri’s energy had done a number on the evil woman.

  As if sensing Tanen and Sheri’s presence, Mauree glanced at them. Her attention narrowed on Sheri, the blue of her eyes swirling with amber. “You little twit.”

  Sheri tensed, and Tanen’s grip tightened around her fingers. Coop barked, the sound echoing off the trees. She ran her hand down his back, quieting him.

  Tanen took a step forward. “Mauree, it’s time you returned to the Keep, faced your sentence.”

  Mauree tsked and looked at her partner. When she returned her gaze, an evil grin broke across her face. “No, I don’t think I will. Have you met Theron?”

  The male stepped forward and crossed his arms over his wide chest. A mace dangled from his belt, the pointy spikes glittering in the moonlight. He peered at Mauree and his hooded, dark eyes burned with anger, but he stayed by her side. Thick, menacing power exuded from him in waves.

  Instead of fear, a need to fight and defend herself flowed through Sheri’s blood. She placed her hand on Tanen’s arm. He peered at her, and she nodded.

  Tanen widened his stance and raised his dagger. “If that’s what it takes, then so be it.”


  The blackness that surrounded Alora during the long Lemurian day was an endless torture. Her grief over losing Bellamy had haunted her, distracting her to the point she’d forgotten to tell Noeh the Ursus had switched sides. That was a colossal mistake and one she couldn’t afford to make in this war. Unable to do anything from her dark place, she’d stewed all day.

  The familiar pull started in Alora’s chest. Her cells disintegrated, forming into the base particles necessary to transport her through time and space. After what seemed like an eternity, the tables and chairs in her main living quarters came into focus, along with the outline of a tall, sexy male…Veromé.

  Her chest constricted at the sight of her mate. His smile and open arms were an invitation she couldn’t resist. She raced to him, and he wrapped her in his embrace. His salty fresh scent overwhelmed her, and a stifled sob escaped her lips.

  He pulled back, his brow furrowing over his blue eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  She stiffened, and broke away. “I have to hurry…need to see what’s happened in the war on Earth.”

  Before he could respond, she headed to her visus bacin. The still water reflected her image, and her breath caught in her throat. Dark circles rimmed her eyes, evidence of her worry and anxiety.

  Veromé’s warm hand rubbed her shoulder, comforting her. Her muscles relaxed, and the tension in her shoulders eased. She placed her hands over her scrying bowl. A swell of energy released into her bloodstream. Concentrating on her task, she circled her fingers over the surface. Water in the visus bacin bubbled along the edges, the first sign an image would appear. Her heartbeat accelerated, and her breaths came out in short wisps.

  A cool breeze passed over her arms. Goosebumps formed. The clash of swords filtered into the room, along with the groans of the injured. A mixture of scents—pine, dampness, and blood—filled the air. Her back stiffened as the image appeared.

  A clearing materialized, shrouded in shadows. Night. Stiyaha and Panthera warriors engaged a brood of Gossum and the Ursus. So odd to see her characters fighting side by side with the enemy. They’re not my characters anymore.

  The stark reminder tightened he
r throat. She wanted to lash out at Zedron, hurt him the way he’d hurt her. She fisted her hand and slammed it against the edge of the visus bacin. Pain radiated up her arm, but she didn’t care.

  Under closer observation, a blue glow surrounded her characters, inhibiting their ability to fight. The source appeared to come from Roan’s Rock and the blue sunstone. She scrunched her brow.

  A tall Ursus male swung his mace in the air. He brought it down on his opponent, a Stiyaha warrior. The weapon connected with the male’s thigh. Her soldier stumbled, his useless leg no longer able to support his weight, and his sword tumbled from his grasp. As the Ursus male raised his mace for another blow, Alora wanted to close her eyes, pretend this wasn’t happening, but she couldn’t pull her attention from the scene. The Ursus twirled the mace toward the Stiyaha’s head. Alora flinched, and the mace’s killing blow etched itself in her memory, becoming fuel for her fire.

  A Stiyaha female stood at the edge of the trees, two Ursus standing guard. Even in the chaos, Alora knew her. The short skirt, tight sweater, and shoulder-length blonde hair were Mauree’s patent signature. Her smug smile boiled Alora’s blood.

  The only saving grace was Sheri was with Tanen. He’d come through after all, bringing Sheri into the war. At least Alora wouldn’t have to pull him from the game.

  Before she could stop herself, Alora swiped at the water and the image disappeared. The quiet in the room chilled her skin. Her chest constricted so hard, spots formed in her vision. A loud sob escaped her lips.

  Veromé tugged her to him, his front warming her backside. She turned in his embrace and stared into his eyes. “I’m…I’m…” The words wouldn’t come, her throat too tight.

  With a gentle caress, he ran a finger down her cheek. “Alora…shh…shh…”

  She drew on some inner strength, a resolve to see this through. Her agitation getting the best of her, she slapped an open palm against Veromé’s chest. “I’m losing the war. Damn Zedron!”


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