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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

Page 2

by Burns, Rachel

  “That doesn't really answer my question. Amelia what experience do you have?” He spoke softly but with an undertone that let me know he was serious.

  “None, not even hand holding. I was at an all girls school. I have never even talked to a boy.”

  He smiled again. “I realize these things aren't considered important nowadays but they are very important for me. I will make an appointment for your test. If the tests proves what you say then we will be married soon. Your father has given you a week to stay here. After the week is finished you will come and live with me. Shortly after that we will be married.”

  Living with him and not being married didn't sound like a good idea to me. What if he changed his mind about me? I looked down at my folded hands on my lap.

  “I understand your worry,” he smiled. “You will have a nanny who will take care of you and protect your virtue.”

  “A nanny? At my age?”

  “Yes, of course.” He looked confused. “I guess they used to be called ladies in waiting. Nanny will see to all of your needs and help guide you in your new life. She will constantly be at your side to answer your questions.”

  “I've never had a nanny. I can take care of myself.” Good, I was already saving him money. Husbands liked that, I smiled at him.

  He didn't smile back. He even looked sad. “If you were mine you wouldn't get treated the way you are here. No one would ignore you or think that you didn't deserve proper care. You will have a nanny. She will take care of you as you should have been taken care of all of these years. I often have to go away on business and the such. It would make me happy to know that I don't have to worry about you. Can you agree to one now?”

  He felt sorry for me. Did he only want to marry me out of pity?

  “Am I your good deed for the day?” I asked not knowing how to put it.

  “What do you mean, Amelia?” He was smirking, probably thinking how cute and funny I could be. My nervousness was the only thing that could be making me funny today.

  “I mean, you were there … with my father … you saw.” I took a deep breath. “You can't marry somebody out of pity. I wouldn't make you happy.”

  “And why not?” He was trying to hide how amused he was, badly. Maybe when I explained he would see his mistake.

  “You feel sorry for me now. After we were married I wouldn't need your pity anymore and you would lose interest quickly.”

  His eyes were dancing with delight now.

  I hung my head. “That wouldn't be good for me either.”

  “I'm sorry. You were trying to tell me something. I will take that very seriously in the future. I beg your forgiveness. I promise you now that if we were to marry my interest in you would not dwindle but increase. If you have any more worries I want you to come to me. I won't laugh at you again.” He smiled kindly at the end.

  I sat there silently waiting for his next question. He just stared at me. I was growing uneasy under his stare. I started to worry about my father coming in and finding me in here. I didn't want this man to have to see how my father talked to me again.

  “Do you have any questions?” He was still smiling. That was good, I liked someone with an easy smile. He had a nice smile too.

  “What's your name?”

  “You will hear my name once, at the wedding. After the wedding I will tell you how I want you to address me until then I think a simple 'sir' will suffice.”

  I didn't know what to make of that but if he was still worried about my virginity then maybe it was giving away too much information. He didn't know me at all. Perhaps he was worried that I would come after him or something if he changed his mind about wanting me.

  I smirked to myself, like I had the money for that kind of operation. I couldn't even imagine what one of those night vision things costed. Now I was even being witty with myself.

  “I have another question, sir.”

  He was pleased with me again. His eyes were telling me so much. “Yes?”

  “What would my everyday life look like with you?” I fidgeted with my hands and hoped that he too would be truthful.

  “That would depend on you, a lot. You already mentioned the piano. Then you would have lessons every day. Nanny would have a program for you too, consisting of grooming and things. You could continue your education. When I am at home we would spend time together. I wouldn't allow you to work. Having a wife who is actively involved in the work force is an embarrassment for someone in my position.”

  “What do you do?” I asked relaxing because of the soft tones that he was using.

  “I'm involved in many fields. I think businessman is the best way to sum it up.”

  “Forgive this question but if I don't ask I'll be mad at myself later on.”

  His eyes were already lighted up with amusement.

  “Your business activities, are they all legal?”

  He laughed, “I assure you they are. I am a pillar of the community. My reputation is unscratched that is why I am so worried about yours.”

  I nodded because that made sense.

  “This has all gone so quickly. I don't understand everything.” I looked at my lap again.

  “Don't worry about a thing. In a week you will be living with me and preparing for our wedding. Things will only get better for you. One trip to the doctors office is all that is standing between you and happiness.” He had stood up while he spoke. He touched my cheek. Then it was like he had woken up from a dream. He sat back down across from me again.

  “Do you have any more questions before you make your decision.” He was smiling again.

  “Yes, how old are you?” That flew out of my mouth a little too fast. I blushed again.

  “I'm twenty-nine.” He was still smiling. I hadn't offended him.

  “Eleven years. That's a lot. Why the rush in getting married? Did you make a pact with yourself to be married by the time you were thirty?” I felt an eyebrow go up.

  He laughed again, this time longer than the times before. “I'll enjoy coming home to you. No, that wasn't the reason. When you walked into the room I was already interested. The speed of the wedding has to do with your father's requirements. I would have taken my time otherwise. Probably even a couple of years. Now I don't have to wait that long and you don't have to worry about a place to stay.”

  He seemed so nice but I cried anyway. “How can you want me when my own father doesn't?” This was all so confusing.

  “Your father is a fool when it comes to you. I will not be. I recognize a gem when I see it. Drink your lemonade and tell me more about yourself.”

  I pulled myself together and wiped my tears away. “There isn't much to tell.” I gave him an apologetic face as I reached for my glass.

  I did end up telling him a couple more things. He didn't tell me anything about himself other than that the week was needed to make the necessary arrangements of moving me into my new home. The nanny interviews seemed to be his biggest worry, finding the one that will fit to me as well as him. After a while I excused myself to go to the bathroom. He was on the phone when I came back. He looked happy.

  “I accomplished a lot while you were gone. Tomorrow morning I will interview several nannies. The one I choose will be there when we go to the doctor's tomorrow evening. That appointment has also already been taken care of too. It will be best to get it out of the way. I'd like to see your room now. Show me.”

  He had a way of talking strictly that made me automatically obey. I led and he followed. He was careful not to touch me. He was surprised when I didn't go up the stairs. He had stopped at the bottom of the white marble staircase and looked up.

  He continued to follow me after I shook my head. The house was huge with twelve bedrooms upstairs. Mine was downstairs.

  He followed me down the iron staircase. I could feel the tension rising in him. I opened the door to my room and stood aside so he could go in. There wasn't room for the two of us. He was shocked I could tell. My room was small and dark with just a
tiny window high on the wall. It had a bed and a small wardrobe and a single chair. He lifted up the blankets on my bed. “They're so thin. Are you often cold at night?”

  “My father isn't used to the noise that children make. I can't bother him as much when I'm down here. And I'm usually not here but at boarding school. It didn't pay to have a room here too.”

  “The question was, are you often cold at night.” He was looking at me so intently that I felt like his eyes were drilling holes into mine.

  “No, sir.”

  He was staring at me and I couldn't look away.

  The heat was raising in my face. I was a terrible liar. “Just a little over Christmas vacation but don't tell him I complained.”

  “What happens if you complain?”

  “I don't know. I never have.”

  “Tell me.” He stepped closer, looking so concerned.

  I shook my head as I answered anyway. “He threatened to kick me out a lot.” I turned away from him. He was going through my wardrobe.

  “Where are the rest of your clothes?”

  “What other clothes?”

  “Do you expect me to believe that you only own two school uniforms.” He leaned on the wardrobe.

  “Of course not. I have three and there are things in the drawer too.”

  He opened it up. A pair of jeans, a sweater and my underwear were in there. I was so embarrassed. He pushed things aside looking for more. There wasn't any more. I hung my head again. “As my wife I would expect you to wear either a dress or a skirt. I don't believe in pants for a girl.”

  “Really? Dresses? I've never had one. Father only let me have jeans when I was younger. After that I had my uniform.” I could already see myself twirling around when no one was watching. I sunk my head when I realized that I had said too much again.

  “Do you own any make-up.”

  “No, sir.” I left my head down.

  “Good, I don't like it.” He stepped out of my room and whispered in my ear that I would have it a lot better with him. “Where is the next bathroom? The one you use?”

  I led him back upstairs and showed him.

  He looked confused again. “Where do you shower?”

  I opened the next door. Again he went in and looked around. He still looked very mad. I couldn't understand that. These bathrooms were very fancy. They even had marble floors and walls.

  “Where is your toothbrush?”

  I walked past him and got it out. It was still in its travel container. I hadn't been home that long, just a couple of hours. It had taken that long to get up the nerve to go into my father's office. He opened it up and looked at my toothbrush. It was quite shabby looking.

  “Um … It isn't that old. I bite on them. But I've never had a cavity,” I offered lamely.

  He raised an eyebrow and put it back. He was amused again. “Let's go back to the living room.”

  I followed him this time. He sat me down on the sofa again and bombed me with questions about my childhood and about friends. I pretty much had to confess that I didn't have either. I hadn't been allowed to play as a child.

  The servants mostly kept me out of his way. The ones that got too friendly were fired. At school the other girls had picked on me. I never got a care packet or any pocket money like the others had. I even had to work at school to be able to pay for my uniform and for my notebooks, pens and pencils.

  He just mostly looked mad. I sank deeper into the sofa and avoided eye contact. It was extremely embarrassing telling someone, who was a stranger, just how much my father hated me.

  “Did your father ever hit you?” he asked.

  “No, never. I can't remember him ever touching me at all. If I had to talk to him I was to keep my distance.”

  “I am sorry about everything. Know that things would be different with me.”

  I nodded. He felt sorry for me. “Again I have to ask, do you want to marry me out of pity?” I was trying hard not to but the tears were building up in my eyes again. If I blinked they would spill out. “I'm used to this. I don't need saving.”

  “Yes, you do, little one.” He touched my face again. “If I wanted to save you for pity's sake, then I would have given you a job and a place to stay. Taking you in as a wife has nothing to do with pity.”

  I had thought of another question. I was very embarrassed to ask it. “Would you be a good and faithful husband to me?” It came out as a whisper.

  He took hold of my face and tilted it so I was looking him in the eyes. “I would be completely devoted to you and only you. That isn't something you would have to worry about. I'll be a strict husband, I'll tell you that now, but I won't be unfaithful to you.”

  The door opened. He looked mad again.

  The butler announced that dinner was served. He grabbed my hand, wanting me to go with. I tugged and pulled until he let go.

  “I'm not allowed in there either. Look, there are only two place settings. I'm not included.” I swallowed and walked towards the kitchen. I stopped and turned to him. He was standing there with his mouth opened a bit in surprise. “Good evening. I have to go to bed after I've eaten.”

  “Good evening, Amelia.” He gave me a slight bow.

  Chapter 2 The Test

  “So, what do you think of her?” Amelia's father asked him. “Will she do?” he laughed.

  “Yes, if she passes her test at the doctor's tomorrow then I will marry her.”

  “Marry her? You want to marry her? That one? You're not expecting a dowry are you? I told you how I feel about her.” He was appalled as he thought about the prospect but then he was curious. “What kind of test?”

  “She claims to be a virgin. If she is then I will marry her.”

  He shook his head. “I can only hope for your sake that she isn't. Are you going to take her away tomorrow if she is?”

  “No, you told her a week and I will need that time to get things ready for her. Lots needs to be done. I hadn't planned on marrying when I woke up this morning.”

  “As a friend of your father's I feel I have to warn you. She wasn't raised to your standard. She won't know how to act.”

  “I want her.” He paused trying to control his anger for this man. “I will pick her up tomorrow at four o'clock. I expect her to be ready.”

  “Why her?” James wrinkled up his forehead and glared at him.

  “Love at first sight, I guess.”

  “But only if she is a virgin,” he laughed.

  “I'll need her birth certificate, school and medical records,” he stated coldly and in a matter of fact way.

  They discussed business for the rest of the evening.

  Brian was already getting a headache. None of these women seemed to be right for his Amelia. They all just wanted to beat her. He was more concerned with true discipline. If she didn't do anything wrong then she should have nothing to fear. The different nannies seemed more interested in getting her into trouble. There were three nannies still waiting outside of his office. He needed a nanny for this evening. He had wanted to introduce Amelia to her own nanny. If he couldn't find her one soon then he would have to take the last and hire her for the evening.

  He stood up and invited the next one in. She was short and a little plump. Did she even have the strength to care for his Amelia. The others were taller by a lot. She was about the same height as his Amelia.

  “Have a seat Nanny . . .”

  “Prim.” She sat down straight. He sat after she did.

  “I'm looking for a nanny for my fiancée. She will need lots of care and guidance with a firm hand.”

  Nanny Prim nodded.

  He looked through her resume. “I see you have done this kind of work before.”

  “Yes, I had the privilege to work with a couple of lovely young ladies.” She beamed with pride as she spoke of her charges. This was new the others spoke of showing her who the boss was.

  “What was the reason that you left your last family?” he asked.

  “The wife had tw
ins and just wasn't a little girl who needed a nanny anymore.” Again he noticed a pride in her. He had a feeling that this woman felt very responsible for helping her last charge become a woman.

  “My fiancée is a very shy girl. She has led a very sheltered life. I just met her yesterday but it was quite obvious that she has had a very lonely life. She has never received anything but the most basic of care. Absolutely no love. How would you handle such a girl?”

  “That would depend on her personality, of course. How has this lack of care, shall we say, formed her?”

  “She is shy and very self-conscience. She seems to want to please.” He was remembering how she had even made excuses for her father.

  “Then I would be strict only when needed. It sounds to me like she could thrive on praise. In the case of a mistake she would have to be punished naturally but she would need to hear that she is loved and that that was the reason for the punishment. She would need to be convinced that it is for her own good. I am a firm believer that if you can take the time to spank then you can take the time to cuddle afterwards.”

  “Cuddle?” He wanted to make sure that they were on the same wave length. She had made the best impression so far.

  “Yes, I believe it is very important. Especially in cases with low self-esteem. I would spank her over my knee and afterwards let her sit on my lap while I told her she was forgiven and that she was a good girl and very loved.”

  “Good, that's what I hoped to hear.”

  “Amelia, has a doctor's appointment later on today. I will need you to accompany her. It is a test to see if she is a virgin as she claims to be. She didn't seem overly nervous about the test so given the sheltered life she has led I assume the results with concur with what she claims.”

  He was already standing and moving towards the door. “I would like you to move in this evening. She will be moving in a few days. In the meantime we have a lot to get ready.”

  He opened the door for Nanny Prim. She walked out and smiled at the two waiting nannies. She knew their kind. They liked to spank grown up women for their own pleasure. It truly hurt her to have to raise a hand against her charges but she believed that the women thrived on it.


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