Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1)) Page 3

by Burns, Rachel

  It was so difficult for young women to know where their place was nowadays. The media told them one thing, their friends another and their husbands often felt that they had to yell over all the noise coming from everywhere else or they wouldn't be heard. No, a good sound spanking let a young woman know exactly where her ears should be.

  “I won't be needing your services. The position has already been filled.” He dismissed the last two nannies. He guided Nanny Prim up to his bedroom. Servants were already cleaning out his walk-in-closet. “Her bedroom will be coming in here. She will also get her own bathroom. The only way for her to get out of her room was either through my bedroom or through her bathroom which leads to your bedroom.”

  Carpenters were already measuring things and an interior designer was making up drawings for her bedroom.

  He stopped and talked to the interior designer. He explained that he wanted a window seat with cushions and lots of pillows. She liked to read and she would need shelves for her books. In one corner she would need a schoolroom area. With bookcases for books and learning materials. He requested an old fashion desk. The walls should be papered in with white and pink stripes. He wanted the room to be light and friendly except the learning corner that should be kept no nonsense.

  “That is your job for tomorrow. I want you to buy books that she would be interested in reading. Talk to her today and ask her what would interest her. Let's go look at your room, Nanny.”

  Nanny followed him. Two maids were cleaning it up for her. A hole had been cut into one wall. “This is where the door will be to her bathroom. This is how you will get access to her.” He stood by the hole and pointed. “I have been assured that the new door will be in tonight. The door will of course have a lock. If she needs anything in the night she would have to knock.” He sighed. “I realize that you think I am jumping the gun but I am pretty positive that she will pass her test. Then she will move in with us and then we will be married depending on her last flow.

  “You will also help her to prepare for the wedding. She will also need a whole new wardrobe. At the moment her father only allows her four outfits. Three of which are her school uniforms. The other is a pair of jeans. She won't be allowed to wear pants anymore. She was thrilled at the idea of receiving her first dress.” He stopped babbling. He liked talking about her. It made her seem more real. His own little girl. His dream come true.

  “We will have to leave New York to drive to Connecticut in one hour. Are you up to it Nanny Prim?” He looked her in the eyes.

  “I would be glad to accept the position.” She was surprised how quickly she had found a new position.

  “We can talk more in the car.” He left her to look around and also to talk about what she wanted from the workers. Together they had even picked out what which design would be best suited to her for her bedroom. He respected her opinions. She liked that.


  “Amelia, you looked lovely again today.” He smiled at me. I was wearing a twin to the outfit I wore yesterday. I had taken extra care with my hair again today. I usually didn't. I didn't usually have a reason to.

  “Thank you,” I answered. I was getting nervous about the visit to the doctor's. I had wondered how someone would be tested for something like that. Every way I imagined it it was embarrassing.

  “I found you a nanny this morning. She is waiting in the limo.” He seemed to want to get this over with. He opened the car door for me and I got in. I had never been in a limo before. I was starting to think that this was a number too big for me. I had spent all night and all day today talking myself out of this wedding and thinking of a new idea to survive. I let him lay his hand on my shoulder and guide me out the door.

  I had been hanging around the entryway waiting for him. I didn't want my father to answer the door and have to call for me or anything along those lines.

  More likely would have been that a servant would have opened the door but they wouldn't have been to keen on seeking me out either.

  I had answered the door personally and he had smiled at me so nicely that I decided not to call off the wedding just yet. I could explain later. If he acted odd in any way then I would say 'no' and call the whole thing off. I had a bit of money saved and I could rent a small apartment somewhere and find a job.

  He opened the door to the waiting limousine. So I could go in first. This was confirming what I was thinking. He was well off. What did a well off, good looking man want with me? This didn't make any sense.

  There was indeed an older woman sitting in the limousine. I smiled at her shyly. I wasn't sure what to say. This woman looked like she had experience. She was probably already comparing me to the others she had taken care of. I'll bet I was making a lot of mistakes.

  “Amelia, this is your nanny. She will be with you the whole time at the hospital.” He looked happy with his choice of nannies. I desperately hoped that she would like me.

  I reached out to shake her hand. “Hello, Nanny.” My voice was quieter than I wanted. I was just too scared about everything. My life had been turned upside down in the last twenty-four hours.

  “Hello Amelia. I am very pleased to meet you.” She smiled at me like she meant it.

  I smiled back relieved that she didn't hate me.

  She watched as I made sure my skirt was carefully laid over my knees. The driver pulled away from my house. She kept her eye on me the whole time. She was taking me in and sizing me up.

  We were at the hospital within minutes. We found the right office and Sir talked to the receptionist. I still didn't know his name. Nanny was whispering in my ear how she expected me to behave when it was my turn. I nodded at her. She repeated that she would stay by my side.

  We sat down and Sir picked up a magazine. He sat down next to Nanny and started reading.

  I was too nervous to read. I looked around the gynecologist’s waiting room. I was almost relieved when my name was called out. I glanced at Sir quick but Nanny had me by my arm and was leading me through the door to the gynecologist’s office.

  The gynecologist explained what she was going to do. I felt like throwing up. I nodded and followed her into the examination room. She asked me to remove my underwear. I was shaking with fear already but I did as I was told. I folded them and laid them on a chair.

  Then the doctor asked me to sit on the examination table. This was easier to comply with. She had me lie back then. She was making loud noises under the bench. The noises were metal scraping on metal. She had pulled out two stirrups. She was guiding my feet to them. They were far apart from each other and I laid there very open for all to see. My legs were shaking terribly and I started to cry.

  Tears were rolling down my face. I was careful not to make a sound, hoping that no one would notice that I was being such a baby about this. Nanny grabbed my hand and stroked my hair out of my face.

  The doctor, who was, thank goodness, a lady doctor, put on plastic gloves. She reached inside of me and felt around a bit. She nodded and guided my feet back down after she removed the gloves with loud snaps.

  The shaking still hadn't stopped. If I was this nervous about a woman checking to see if I still was a virgin how nervous would I be when he took that virginity away from me. I felt sick to my stomach. They must have seen it coming because they held a kidney shaped paper bowl under my mouth so I could be sick. The doctor and the nurse laid me back down. Nanny was praising how brave I had been. I continued to cry. I felt so ashamed of myself. Nanny put my underwear back on me and covered me up with a blanket.

  Nanny stayed by my side until Sir came in. He took my hand and praised me too. He looked very happy. He even told me that he was sorry that I had been sick.

  A half an hour later Nanny had managed to get me to my feet. We left. Sir was beaming with pride. I just wanted to go to my room and cry. I felt like I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  That had been odd. I had told myself that if something odd happened that I would just leave my father's house an
d work on setting up a life for myself. That had been odd. I would probably thrive on my own. It would give me a chance to develop a personality. No more of me trying to please my father or a strange man, who claimed that he want to marry me. I could figure out who I was on my own. I said nothing at all on the way back to my house. I had my arms wrapped around my stomach and hoped that I never had to see him again.

  Sir asked Nanny if she could spend the night with me at my father's house. She agreed faster than he could finish his sentence.

  Sir brought us into the house and explained to my father what had happened and that he wanted my Nanny to stay with me. My father rolled his eyes and agreed. I was still so red from everything. Sir just left then, saying he had a lot of getting ready to do.

  Nanny said she wanted to see me in bed in seconds. I showed her to my room. She looked mad too. She went to get me some more blankets. I didn't think my father would say yes but she was back in less than five minutes with three more. She helped me out of my clothes and then into my pajamas.

  When she was finished she asked where the bathroom was so I could brush my teeth. She was mad about me having to walk around on the ground floor in only my pajamas.

  After my teeth were brushed she brought me down to my room and tucked me into my bed. She told me a story. My shaking was finally starting to stop when she finished.

  I rolled over so I was looking at her sitting on my chair. I sobbed, “Whatever did I do without you, Nanny?”

  “You survived, my dear child. Now is your chance to live.” She smiled at me lovingly.

  Was she right? Was this a chance that I shouldn't pass up? “Do you think am being a baby about everything that happened today?” I asked her.

  “No, not at all. Your husband wants an innocent wife. This was to be expected. It is very difficult for a young girl to do what you did today. I feel you did very well. My brave child.”

  Nanny slept on the chair and I on the bed. Sir called a couple of times to check on me. Nanny's cell had bad reception in the basement. She had to leave me to talk to him. I didn't feel like talking to him so I was glad when I didn't have to.

  I liked that Nanny pulled the covers tight around me and called me her child. No one had ever laid claim to me before. I wanted to belong to someone who wanted me for a change. It was a nice feeling.

  When I woke up the next morning Nanny was waiting for me. She took me up to the bathroom and helped me wash and get dressed. No one had ever seen me naked before. I was very embarrassed again. Getting married was a very embarrassing time.

  Nanny explained that it should be normal for me to have someone helping me. I should have had a nanny from the day I was born. Especially living in a house like this one. My father's house was extremely nice. Marble floors in the hallways and wooden flooring in the rooms. All the floors had intricate patterns in them made out of different colored woods. The furniture was mostly antic, even in my room. My father didn't want to buy new so I got what could be spared.

  The staff was large and ever changing. My father wasn't just rude to me. The idea of having had a nanny, who was just responsible for me, would have been a godsend as a child. No one ever took care of me. I had been stumbling through life up unto now, just guessing what the right thing to do was. Now nanny would explain exactly how I was to act. I didn't have to feel unsure of myself again. I wanted to keep her in my life. My decision to get married was swinging like a pendulum between yes and no.

  Nanny had a way of explaining things so I felt more comfortable with them. Sir had chosen well for me. She honestly did seem to like me. I was relieved.

  My father was waiting for us to come out. He looked at Nanny nicely. “Will you join me for breakfast, Nanny?” He even smiled at her.

  “Yes, of course.” She gave him a slight bow with her head.

  He looked at me then. His face was all pinch together when he yelled, “Go!”

  I went.

  Nanny protested but he explained that I didn't get fed until I earned it. He explained that a person didn't get anything for free in this world.

  I didn't stay to hear the rest of his speech. Instead, I went to the laundry room. I needed to wash my things and see where I could help out. After two hours of work I could have breakfast. Would Sir have odd rules like that too? I wished that I was in a position to better protect myself.

  Chapter 3 Nobody Gets Anything For Free

  Amelia's father held out a chair for Nanny to sit on.

  She thanked him and sat.

  Servants came and brought them their food. Once they had left, James cut to the chase. “I have known your employer since he was a child. I have always liked the boy. Too much for him to start in with something that he would quickly regret.” He sighed. “I believe the best thing I can do for him is to forbid the wedding. He'll thank me in a couple of years.”

  “I don't think that he will take that lying down. I have been informed of the short acquaintance between the two of them but please believe me when I relay that he is at this moment remodeling his house to suit her needs. He is very serious about your daughter.”

  “To suit her needs? You mean to suit his. I saw his eyes light up when she came in in her school uniform. The next day he brings her a nanny and the virginity test. He doesn't want a wife, no. What he wants is a little girl. He sees my daughter, who I will admit didn't have much of a childhood to speak of, and he wants to play games with her. These games won't last long. She may be very naïve but she isn't stupid she will catch on quickly and the problems will begin.”

  “He may want to lead a bit of an unusual life with her but her best interests are being looked after, by me personally. He made it clear, when he hired me, that she wasn't to be misused. He feels a need to care for her. He just doesn't want to share her with the outside world. I believe that she too doesn't want to take part in the outside world either. They are a good match.”

  “You know what, Nanny? He should have her. It will teach him far more than I could explain to him. But my doors close the second she sets foot out of them. She may not come back, ever, not even to visit. I have served my time with that one. He can have her. Let him play whatever game he wants. I don't care but I don't want to have to hear about it, ever. If she ever needs help, for whatever reason, she must know that coming to me will only get her arrested for trespassing.” He stood and left.


  Nanny found me in the laundry room. Ironing one of my blouses.

  “Let me do that for you,” she offered.

  “I can't. If my father found out. He would kick me out, or you, or both of us.” I was all red again. “Besides I missed supper last night. I'm hungry.”

  Nanny sat down and watched me finish up. I cleaned up the room and swept the floor. Two hours of work were finished. I got to have breakfast now. I felt pretty pleased with myself. Nanny didn't look all that happy. She followed me up to the kitchen. Most of the leftovers from breakfast were gone but a piece of hard toast was left, so was some jam. I ate in standing, off to the side so I wouldn't be in the way. The staff gave me mean looks. They had probably wanted my help in here today but I needed clean clothes to wear tomorrow. My skirts still weren't dry. They needed all day. I would iron them before I went to bed. The plaits in them required patience to do correctly.

  Nanny's eyes were taking in everything. She didn't say anything but I could tell she was thinking about something that didn't please her. I finished my toast and washed up my plate. I helped clean up in the kitchen.

  When all the breakfast things were put away I went back to Nanny. I wanted to offer her something to drink but I wasn't allowed to offer my father's things away.

  “Would you like to go for a walk in the gardens?” I asked her nervously. Her opinion of me must be pretty low in the meantime. She was frowning.

  “That would be lovely.” She smiled and I led the way. I loved playing in the gardens as a child. I hid out here a lot. No one ever seemed to notice.

  No one cared was
the truth. I hung my head a little as I walked next to Nanny. What must she think of me?

  “I'm sorry, Nanny,” I whispered. She must be thinking that if everyone here hates me then there was probably a good reason for that.

  “You are a very good girl, Amelia. You have done nothing to be ashamed of. Your father is the one who should be ashamed.”

  “Did he tell you what I did?” I asked in a small voice.

  “Tell me what you did?” She looked a little confused.

  “I killed my mother.” Tears were spilling out again. “I swear I didn't mean to,” I whispered.

  “I know you didn't. It really wasn't your fault. These things happen. Usually no one is to blame. Please, don't think it was your fault.”

  I nodded but I didn't believe her. I had just heard it too often. It was impossible to believe something new now.

  We walked on in silence. She asked me about school. I told her this and that. She would be continuing my education. She said she expected me to take that very seriously.

  When we came back Sir was there waiting for us. I blushed red, thinking about what had happened yesterday.

  He touched my cheek and smiled at me.

  I had to fight not to burst out in tears. Today was just too much for me again. I needed to be tougher.

  My father showed up again and sent me off. I went slowly wondering if Sir would say that I should stay. They sat down to lunch.

  I went to my room. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Maybe it would be better to just leave and work on taking care of myself before I had to take care of a husband and his needs.

  Chapter 4 Shopping

  “Brian, have you thought this the whole way through. I mean if you marry her then you can't marry a nice girl from a good home.” James wanted Brian to see the light. He owed that his friend who had passed on already. Brian's father wasn't here to warn or stop him. That job feel to him.


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