Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1)) Page 4

by Burns, Rachel

  He laughed, “You mean your daughter doesn't come from a good home?”

  “Brian, it was a special circumstance and you know it. If things would have been different back then … but they weren't. She will only embarrass you.”

  “That's what Nanny Prim is for.” He answered as he took a bite of the Quiche.

  “I can imagine what her real duties are going to be.” He dabbed the corners of his mouth with his napkin before replacing it on his lap. “I have already told you that you can have her. You don't have to go to extremes. Take her, have your pleasure and when you don't want her anymore you can get rid of her easily but if you marry her and then you find someone better, and you will, you will have to pay her a fortune to get rid of her.” He paused for a minute, “I'm just trying to look out for you.”

  “I am more than capable of taking care of myself. You need not worry about me.”

  “Really? A pediatrician, who has his own little girl, waiting for him at home with her nanny. And I shouldn't worry. This could ruin your career, over … her. She isn't worth it.”

  “She's perfect. She fulfills all of my requirements. She is beautiful, young, inexperienced and no one will miss her. You have made that quite clear. You are the one who made her perfect for me. She will even be grateful for every bit of attention she gets from me. She will be happy with me.” The amusement in his eyes was clear.

  “Yes, but why marriage?” James was giving up.

  “Marriage will make everything that happens legal. As you said I have a very promising career on the line.”

  James shrugged.

  Nanny Prim was very quiet.


  “Amelia?” There was a knock on the door. I wiped my tears and went to answer it.

  Nanny smiled at me again. I didn't think that I fooled her in any way. She was looking right at my eyes. “Amelia, we're leaving now but we will be back again tomorrow if we can make it.”

  I nodded. It would be less embarrassing if they didn't see what my life here was like. I was glad that they were leaving.

  “What did you have for lunch?” She tilted her head. She looked like she expected a lie.

  “I didn't. I couldn't.” I must have looked a little confused because she started explaining how important meals were.

  “Nanny, I realize that. It was just that … I wasn't allow because I didn't help out.” I met her eyes and I saw when understanding hit.

  “Two hours for each meal?” Her forehead wrinkled up.

  I nodded. “I'll get busy right away and then I'll have supper this evening. You don't have to worry about me, really you don't.” I dropped my voice. “I'm used to this. It's okay.”

  Nanny nodded, still frowning. She turned and left.

  I was relieved that they were gone. I went to the kitchen and helped out until supper.

  The next day they didn't come. I managed to remain in the shadows all day. It was better when my father didn't see me.

  But the next morning Nanny showed up even before I had woken up. She helped me get up and dressed. She had me wear my jeans with my school blouse. I explained that I wasn't allowed to wear them. Sir had been very clear. She said we had a couple of errands to run in the city and that my jeans would be better for that. The limo was waiting again.

  Nanny explained that we would be shopping today but mostly we would be looking for a wedding dress.

  “He is spending too much money on me. I honestly don't need all that much.”

  “It is making him very happy. I have been instructed to let you have any wedding dress you want. Start thinking about what you would like.”

  I smiled. A wedding dress is something most women start thinking about when they are little girls. I was no exception.

  “Do you already have something in mind?” Nanny looked pleased.

  I nodded. “Mostly I know what I don't want. I don't want a veil. I would rather have the top bit of my hair braid back in swoops with white roses in them. No train but a southern belle like dress, that is tight in the middle and then opens out really wide.” I stopped, blushing.

  Nanny looked very happy. “That saved us a lot of time. Tomorrow you two will be meeting with the pastor who will be marrying you. Every day is planned up until the wedding. He has to work, the builders are still working on your room and the wedding itself. We still have so much to do.”

  I nodded at Nanny. I hoped that she would be telling me what I all needed to do.

  We stopped in front of a bridal shop. Nanny led me into the changing room. The shop assistant greeted us. We had an appointment. Nanny told her what I wanted and she ran off.

  I loved the first dress I tried on. I looked like the southern belle that I wanted to look like. My shoulders were bare. The sleeves were short and off the shoulder. The dress itself was very plain but it had pearls sewed into the bodice that gleamed as I turned.

  I twirled in front of the mirror. Nanny insisted that I try on another dress but I didn't care for it. I wanted the first one.

  Nanny also helped me pick out my under things for the wedding night. That was getting closer too. I was very nervous about that. At school we had had that topic in health. But it had concentrated on how a baby grew. Not how they were actually made. I would embarrass myself terribly.

  I also knew that it would be painful. A few girls at school had already lost their virginity. They whispered to each other that it just plain hurt. I was scared. Thoughts of backing out popped back into my mind.

  Nanny took me to a normal department store. We stuck to the dress department just like sir wanted. I did a lot of twirling when I was alone. The dresses that I got were all very decent. Nothing too short or too tight.

  He had been worried about his reputation. These were all good signs. I was starting to feel very good about everything. Obviously, he didn't just want me for sex. I was very relieved. I realized that most of my fears all turned out to be nothing to worry about.

  We went to a huge hotel for lunch. Nanny let me wear one of the dresses right away. It was a light summer dress in a light pink with a bit of lace on it. It was the prettiest thing that I had ever owned.

  Sir was waiting for us at one of the tables. He stood up as we approached him. He looked pleased. This was the first time he had seen me in something other than my uniform. He pulled out my chair for me and helped me sit down.

  A waiter showed up out of nowhere and asked what we wanted to drink.

  “May I have a lemonade, please?” I asked him. He smiled and then told the waiter. Nanny wanted coffee and so did he.

  “Do you drink coffee?” he asked.

  “No, not yet.”

  He laughed, “What do you mean, not yet?”

  “I don't like how it tastes. Maybe when I'm older.” I shrugged my bare shoulders.

  He looked very amused with me again. Nanny helped me pick out what I was going to eat. We enjoyed our meal together and I watched what Nanny was doing so I guessed I did everything right.

  Before he left he kissed me on my forehead. Nanny praised me again. We still had a full day of shopping ahead of us again. More shoes and socks and under things for everyday.

  When the day was done I had so much stuff. Nanny had it all sent to his house. Before I knew it it was time to eat again. We went to the same hotel as this afternoon. Nanny and I sat down. She took the menu and picked out three dishes. Quietly, she whispered in my ear which were the healthiest. She told me to pick one and I did and she chose another. She told me she would be watching my meals more closely. I wouldn't be eating old toast under her watch.

  “Yes, Nanny.” I was so glad that she was taking an interest in my life.

  Sir showed up then. “Sorry, I got a little held up.” He kissed me on top of my head before he sat down. “I'm sorry sweetheart but that happens a lot. You'll have to get used to it.” He looked into my eyes. I nodded, I had figured something like that. That was the reason he had insisted on Nanny.

  He looked over at Nanny then. “Did
you accomplish everything on your list?”

  “Yes, easily. Amelia was quick to pick out her things. She picked very sensible things. We only picked out summer clothes. In fall we will have to go again.”

  “Of course, Nanny,” he answered her very respectively.

  He turned his attention to me again. “The next two days we won't be able to see each other. Our trip to the Pastor has been postponed. I will pick you up on Saturday morning. You will be staying with me and Nanny until the wedding. I promise to be the perfect gentleman.” He smiled.

  I knew that we were waiting with the wedding until after my period was over. The gynecologist had asked me questions about that before she had . . . examined me. The wedding was to be the next Saturday. I smiled at him and nodded, showing that I believed him.

  We ate quietly. The silence was only broke when he asked this or that. He admitted that he was very curious about the wedding dress. I blushed deeply again.

  “She told me what she envisioned in the car. She picked the first one she tried on.” Nanny smiled at him.

  “It was just like the one I describe to you. It was . . . 'it'.” I shrugged my shoulders again. It was a warm evening but it was getting cooler. Nanny had thrown my jeans away at the store, claiming I wouldn't need them ever again. Nanny had a bag in the limo with the things she wanted me to wear the next couple of days. There was a very soft white sweater in the bag too. I would put it on right away when we left.

  “I'm glad you found 'it' so quickly,” Sir laughed.

  Nanny called him 'Sir' too. I avoided calling him anything. Not knowing his name had my mind up and wondering. I imagined terrible names like Hitler or a name that he just personally hated. It was quite a mystery. Those thoughts took my mind off of other things though.

  “I will be looking through the things that you two picked out. I will send back anything that doesn't fit my . . . Shall we say dress code.” He raised an eyebrow.

  I was wearing my favorite dress from the day. I planned to wear it often. “That's fine. We got so much that I probably wouldn't notice,” I reassured him.

  That had him laughing again.

  “Nanny, may she have a dessert tonight?” He left his eyes on me as he asked.

  “Definitely, she was very well behaved today. No fussing, complaining or begging, for that matter. She listened to my recommendations.” Nanny looked very proud of me.

  He called the waiter who brought over a wagon with different desserts. I chose one and Sir asked if it had alcohol in it. It did so I had to pick something else. I got a very decadent piece of chocolate cake. There was so much chocolate in it that it gave me a headache.

  Sir noticed right away when I touched my forehead with my fingers. He looked at Nanny who said she had something in her purse for that. She asked me to come with her to the ladies room. I hoped she did have something that could put a stop to this. I was getting dizzy too.

  “Now Amelia, listen closely.” She was removing a funny looking torpedo thing from its foil. “I want you to go the bathroom and then when your finished I want you to push this up your anus. Can you do that?”

  I must have looked a bit horrified because she gave me a strict look before she continued, “This will make everything feel better in a half hour. It's a two hour ride home and he is coming with us. You don't want to get car sick, do you?”

  “I can do it.”

  It wasn't as bad as I thought. I went back to Nanny who looked very pleased. We then went back out to Sir who stood up as we approached the table again. He gently placed his hand under my elbow and guided me to my chair again. “Thank you, Nanny.”

  He sat back down and called for the bill. I glanced wistfully at my cake. “Don't even think it.” He used his strict voice again.

  He paid the waiter and put his wallet away. Nanny went on ahead and he walked me slowly to the car. “I'm sorry that today was a bit too much for you. You are probably very tired?”

  “I'm fine, really. It was just the cake. It was too rich for me. I'll stick with milk chocolate from now on.” I nodded at him. He had his arm around my waist and he looked at me like I was the cutest thing in the world.

  Nanny was waiting with my sweater at the limo. “Thank you, Nanny.” I gladly slipped into it. Sir looked at her approvingly.

  I fell asleep in the car on the way home. I woke on his shoulder as the limo parked. I apologized but he didn't look mad.

  My father was waiting at the door. I involuntarily took a step back but Sir had his hand on my elbow. He pushed me forwards as he walked up the steps to the door. He must have felt the resistance but he pretended not to.

  “Brian could I have another word with you alone.” He turned, assuming that “Sir' would follow.

  “Nanny, bring her to bed. Make sure she has it warm.” With that he turned and went into my father's office as if he had been the one who had called the meeting.

  Nanny took me to the bathroom and watched me brush my teeth and wash my face. She brought me to bed after that. The blankets, she had gotten a couple of days ago, were still there. She didn't sit down and tell me a story this time. That was too bad. She was good at telling stories.

  Nanny quickly put away my new clothes and then she shut off the light and stood in the door. She just watched me for a moment before she spoke. “The next time we see each other it will be forever. Good night, Amelia.”

  I was moved by her words. I had a feeling that she was going to miss me. And that, she would be happy once we were back together again. She liked me. I needed her approval so much.

  “Thank you for everything. I had a very nice day and my headache is gone too. Good night, Nanny.” I laid down on my pillow and pulled the covers tightly around me. I had a warm feeling in my heart that even the cold basement couldn't take away from me. I fell back asleep in seconds.

  Chapter 5 A New Home For Amelia

  Brian stood in Amelia's room and looked around. He was pleased with how things had turned out and he could hardly wait to show her everything. He worried that she wouldn't be there when he went to pick her up on Saturday. He had a bad feeling like he was putting all of his eggs in one basket. If she rejected him and his lifestyle … No, he couldn't think that way. This had to work out. She needed him and as her husband and he would know what was best for her.

  “I think everything turned out the way you wanted it to, sir.” Nanny walked in behind him, carrying several dresses that she had clipped the tags off of. She hung them up in Amelia's massive walk through closet.

  “Nanny, in your experience, how do the wives react to this life style?” he carefully asked.

  Nanny smiled at him, recognizing the worry in his voice. “Some get rebellious, terribly so. If that is the case, life is a constant battle. Others never question this life and some need exactly this. Personally, I believe that our little Amelia is starved for this kind of attention. She will thrive under the positive attention and love.”

  Brian nodded and grinned. That had been just what he needed to hear. The last thing his family needed was another scandal. They had managed to stay out of the tabloids for the past couple of generations and he didn't what to be the one to put them back in them. He could see the headlines already. Brian … forces his wife to wear children's clothing and locks her up in her room with her toys. No, that wouldn't do. This had to be a very well kept secret.


  I avoided my father as best as I could but he had me called into his office on Friday afternoon. I knocked and waited.

  “Come in.”

  I opened the door and stepped in. I noticed that we were alone. I closed the door behind me and stepped forward to his desk, stopping a couple of steps in front of it.

  He looked at me for a while without saying anything. He had never done that before. He shook his head and began, “Amelia, you will be marrying into one of the most influential families in America. You have a responsibility to behave as such. Brian wants you. Don't end up embarrassing him.” He stopped and
sighed. “If this doesn't work out for you for whatever reason you can't come back here. If he ends up hitting you, cheating on you, or ignoring you, don't come crying to me. Do you understand?” He looked me in the eyes then, probably a first in my life.

  I nodded and looked down at my feet.

  “That isn't good enough. I want to hear you say it.” He was so cold. My heart felt like he was freezing it over.

  I raised my head and looked at him so I wouldn't have to repeat the words that were hurting me again. “I may never come back, no matter what.”

  “Go.” He motioned with his hand again.

  I gladly left and went back to my room to cry. I stayed there until the next day.

  Nanny woke me. She was sitting on my bed smiling. “It's time child. Let's go.”

  She got me cleaned up quickly and dressed in a white blouse with lace on the sleeves and white buttons that looked like flowers. A light blue dress went over the top. I looked somehow German in that dress. It would have just needed a cute white apron. It had matching light blue shoes. Or maybe I looked more like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I thought I looked very nice. Nanny looked very pleased. “Light blue is a very good color for you. It brings out your blue eyes.”

  I was so nervous as we went up the stairs. Nanny had packed a couple of things for me. I was shaking before I reached the last step.

  Brian was waiting by the front door with my father, who had a file in his hands. He thrust the file at Brian before he took off. “Sick, so very sick.” He went into his office and closed the door behind him.

  Brian rolled his eyes then he smiled at me and walked forward and took me from Nanny and brought me out to the limo.

  I sat in the middle of them. Nanny rubbed my arm a little. She knew that I needed a bit of moral support.


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