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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

Page 9

by Burns, Rachel

“Amelia, you may not. Sit up straight and wait patiently,” she scolded.

  “Yes, Nanny. I'm sorry.”

  He came in at that moment.

  “Hello, Daddy,” I beamed at him. He came over to my spot and kissed my cheek. He looked really happy too.

  “So ladies, how was your day?” He sat and laid his napkin on his lap and the servants brought in our food.

  “Amelia didn't sleep in like you wanted. She wanted to learn with me instead. She held out for a couple of hours but then she fell asleep at her desk.” Nanny was snickering.

  I blushed.

  Daddy laughed, “Nanny, how should I be picturing that?” He talked to her but he was looking at me.

  “She had honestly laid her head down and was fast asleep. The cards that she was studying were piled into little piles around her head. Amelia what did the different piles mean?” Nanny asked.

  “There was a pile for the flags I knew. There was a pile that I got wrong every time and ones that were so similar that I made an iffy pile.”

  That amused them again. “Nanny, our little girl knows how to get things done.” Daddy looked very proud of me.

  “I know them all now and I got to read further in my book.” I informed him.

  “You learned all the flags of the world today?”

  “Yes, she did. She got them all right. We also learned Math and History and a bit of English Grammar. Tomorrow we will have your first normal day of school.”

  I nodded. I wanted to have a normal day to see what they were like.

  Daddy looked very happy with me. After we finished eating he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs with him. I guessed Nanny would have all of her evenings off from now on.

  He closed the door and started undressing me. I too started unbuttoning his shirt and I tried to undo his tie but it only got tighter.

  “Let Daddy do that himself.” His hands went to his throat, loosening his tie and opening it.

  “I'm sorry, Daddy.” I went to work at removing my clothes.

  “Daddy will help his little girl undress too. Go sit on the bed, sweetheart. Daddy will be right there.” He went to the chair. He carefully removed his jacket and then sat down and took off his shoes. Everything he took off he folded and set aside. When he was naked he came to me and sat down next to me. He kissed me for a while and then he removed my dress over my head. He said, 'so big.' I had to raise my arms up high so it would slide up over me. He removed my bra then.

  “Lean back and lift your cute little bottom for Daddy.”

  I did as he told me. He removed my underwear and then we were both naked. He rubbed his hands all over me and I loved it. He made me feel so pretty. When I was ready he plunged into me, taking me roughly. Something that I liked in the meantime.

  He had his hands under my hips and pulled me towards him each time he thrust into me. I was moaning and enjoying his attention. It was over all too soon. My heart raced and he panted in my ear about how much he had missed me today. He was very tired. Days of love-making and work today had left him tired.

  I was wide awake having had a four hour nap today. “Daddy? I slept so much already today. May I go in my room and read for a bit? I'm so close to the end of the book, please Daddy,” I begged as prettily as I could.

  He laughed at me as he usually did. “I don't know. I already came home so late. It's already after your bedtime.”

  “Please Daddy.”

  “The problem is if you don't sleep you will end up with a feeling like you have jet lag. You won't be able to get up tomorrow morning, sweetheart.”

  “Please Daddy, I'm just not tired yet. After a chapter I would go to sleep I promise. I would tip toe back into your bed so I wouldn't wake you, please.”

  “Go get your book and show it to me.” I raced off to my room and retrieved the book for him. He found the page I was on and paged forward to where the chapter stopped. “You may read to the end of this chapter but then I want you to come back to Daddy in bed.”

  I clapped my hands because I was so excited. I was acting like a little girl. This was making up for what I had missed out on as a child.

  “But first I need to wash you up and get you into your pajamas. You will be too cold without Daddy otherwise.”

  He took me by the hand to the bathroom and we showered together. He dried me off and brought me to my closet. He was still naked as he opened the right drawer for my pajamas and he got me dressed in them and tucked me into my bed. He gave me my book. “Are you warm enough?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I smiled at him. He loved me so much. I had it really good with him.

  “Just to the end of the chapter and then I want you to sleep.”

  “Yes, Daddy. Thank you.”

  He kissed me on my cheek and got up to leave. I watched him go. He was still naked and so pleasing to the eye.

  I started reading. I was at the best part. I quickly read to the end of the chapter but I just had to know how it continued. I read the next page and then the next. The story just got better and better. I was only a few pages from the very end of the book when someone pulled it out of my hands. It was Daddy and he sure looked mad. He looked at the book and then snapped it shut.

  “We had an agreement.”

  “I'm sorry, I just couldn't put it down.”

  He looked at me like I had slapped him.

  He sat down on the bed. “I want you to go to the bathroom and then come back and sit down next to me.” He had sounded so sad as he said it.

  I quietly did as he said. When I sat down next to him he sighed loudly.

  “Stand up, please.”

  I did. He lifted the hem of my pajamas up. “Sit down again.” I did. “Raise your arms up.” I did and he lifted my pajamas over my head.

  “Amelia, I am very disappointed in you. We had an agreement. You begged for permission and you knew that I didn't want you up this late. And then you abused the trust I placed in you to stop as we agreed. I'm very mad at you right now.”

  “I'm sorry, Daddy. I won't do it again.”

  “You give me your word?”

  “Yes Daddy, I do.”

  “The problem is you gave me your word before already. It wasn't worth much. You read fifty pages more than we agreed on. I am going to spank you for each page that you lied about. Come over my knees.”

  Was he serious? I looked into his eyes. There was no playfulness there. He meant it. “No Daddy, please no.” I pushed away from him.

  He placed a hand on my back and pushed me down over his knees.

  “Please, Daddy, no. I'll be good. I promise.”

  “Amelia, it's enough.” He gave me the first smack.

  I already had tears in my eyes.

  “I want you to settle down now. You weren't good and you will be punished.” He scolded so firmly and he pulled me closer to him as he spoke.

  I was shaking and shivering already.

  “Once you settle down I will begin.”

  “But you already did begin,” I protested. I would never be able to survive fifty of those.

  He answered that with another smack. “Lie still!”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I sobbed

  “Now when your Daddy has to spank you he doesn't want to see your hands back here. Can you handle that or should Daddy hold your hand out of the way?”

  “I don't know?” I wasn't at all sure. My backside was already throbbing and he hadn't even started in his opinion yet. “Please reconsider.” My voice shook in fear as I quietly begged.

  “Give me your right hand back.” I could tell on his tone that he was losing his patience.

  I slowly moved my hand behind my back. He took it and held it low. I was relieved about that. I thought he would hurt my arm too.

  “Good girl. We can begin now.”

  I was crying already. I didn't see the point of this.

  His hand came down and my back arched up. The noise of the smack was terrible too. Nine more rained down on my bottom in the exact same spot. They a
ll hit my left cheek. I was biting into the blanket so I wouldn't scream out. Then he did the same with my right cheek. My feet were already kicking. I couldn't stop them. My bottom was burning and it was a terrible burn. I was trying so hard to escape from them.

  The next set of ten came down in the middle hitting both already abused cheeks. I was screaming so loud into the blanket that I could be heard plainly even though I could hardly breathe.

  He repositioned me then, my bottom was higher than before. He hit me ten times very low on my bottom. I was very sensitive there and it hurt the worst of all of them. The ten there were enough to break my will to fight him. My legs and feet settled down and I just laid there taking it. I stopped screaming and took the blanket out of my mouth. I begged for forgiveness and apologized.

  He didn't answer but kept on spanking me. The last ten were all with surprise effect. I had no idea where they would land but wherever they landed, they landed on skin that was already very sore. One square in the middle. One where it had hurt so bad and then one to the left cheek, another to the left cheek. Another on my softer skin in the back and then one square in the middle, one to the right, the middle and one more square in the middle and then the last two on the very sensitive spot in the back.

  “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Never happen again. My fault. So so sorry,” I babbled in the hope of forgiveness. He turned me and drew me up on his lap. I was still shaking and sniffling.

  “Shh it's over now. I'll bring you to bed now. You can sleep.” He stood with me still in his arms. My weight didn't bother him or unbalance him in the least. I was so much smaller and weaker than him. I was also at his complete mercy. He laid me down on my side of the bed. I was still crying and then to top it off I started hiccuping.

  I felt so terrible about myself. He was right he had given me an inch and I had taken a foot. I was really all to blame. I was suddenly so tired. I yawned and pressed myself deep into the mattress. I pulled the blanket up over my ear. I fell asleep sooner than I thought possible after that situation.

  It was late the next morning when I woke up. He had let me sleep in. Why? Was he going to get rid of me now? Had I pushed him too far. I hadn't taken him as full. I had been playing a game with him but he wasn't playing. For him this was very serious. I cried some more. I had disappointed him so much. He wouldn't want me anymore. I stayed in bed until Nanny came for me. She looked at me oddly. I was sure she could tell that I had been crying.

  “What's wrong, child?” She sat down on the bed next to me.

  I started right in with a new wave of sobs. “Nanny. I think we will be getting a divorce.”

  Nanny grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed, through my bedroom and into my bathroom. She pulled out the chair that I sat in when she did my hair. She opened a drawer behind her and took something out. She sat down on my chair, pulling me over her lap as she sat.

  I had to put my hands on the floor to steady myself. She reached behind her and picked up something. It whistled in the air and then smacked my already sore bottom. She had a different spanking style than Daddy did. She was using something to spank me with. It was so painful. How did I get into this position again? I was already sobbing so loud.

  She spanked like a machine gun. I figured that her arm would start hurting soon. She would have to get tired. I couldn't take anymore.

  She stopped but she wasn't letting me up. She held me in this humiliating position. “I certainly didn't want your first spanking to be this severe but I am still shocked that you could say something like that. Your Daddy has never been anything but nice to you. I have worked in the position of Nanny for very many years and your Daddy is the nicest and kindest, and when I think of how your life was before his interest in you . . . Well it shames me that my charge would think and then even say something so extremely . . . Well, it was just childish nonsense.”

  The spanking continued then. My bottom was already burning so bad. Nanny went on spanking for another couple of minutes. I continued crying. Now everyone hated me. I was so humiliated and sad. My heart hurt as much as my rear end. I felt so alone as I shook in fear over her knees.

  She turned me to her. “Hush, my little one. It's okay. I'm here. No one is going to hurt you. Nanny has you.”

  I was shaking uncontrollably, clinging to the woman who had just abused me.

  She held me tight. “You poor little dear. You never got spanked as a child. You don't understand it do you?”

  I shook my head as I shivered and shook on her lap.

  “When a child is loved, their parents keep their eye on their child and when the child does something, it knew it shouldn't, the parents lay their beloved child over their knees and give it a spanking. Yes, give. A spanking is a gift that tells their child that it is loved and cared for and will be disciplined as needed. I took the time to spank you because I care. Daddy had to spank you too?”

  I nodded.

  “Now why would a man have spanked his wife if he wanted a divorce? It doesn't make sense. If he wanted a divorce then he wouldn't care enough to take his wife in hand. Spankings are for the future. In the future you won't make the same bad decisions. You will remember the pain and make a much better decision. You will think before you say things. You will become a grown-up lady, who will be a pleasure to be around. Who won't backtalk her generous husband, who wants her to obey him and understand that he loves her and that even if she makes a mistake he won't want to get rid of her.”

  My sobs got worse because I felt so ashamed of myself. I hadn't been good at all. It sadden me to my core as I cried on Nanny's lap.

  “There, there. Nanny loves you so much. Enough to spank you and get you on the right track again. I am so proud of how well you took your spanking. You did so well, my beautiful Amelia. You are such a wonderful and special person. I feel very lucky to be your Nanny.” She sighed like someone looking at baby kittens. “Do you have any questions, child?”

  “I love you, Nanny.” I sobbed but I was calming down. The shaking had almost stopped.

  “I love you too, Amelia. So very much. You are my life.” She smiled at me and I tried to smile back. “I think you need a nice warm bath. It will calm your nerves too. I just have to tell you a couple more things first.

  “The next time Nanny has to spank you. I will expect you to get your paddle out of the drawer and bring it to me. When I let you down know that it is your job to put it away too. The other thing is that we will have to tell Daddy about what happened. He will be very sad that you thought such a thing. Sometimes when people are very sad they get angry too. Your Daddy may feel it necessary to punish you for being bad for me today.”

  The crying and shaking returned at the thought of another spanking.

  “Shh, little one. If your Daddy deems it necessary then I want you to take it as he sees you deserve it. Can you promise me to do that? To take it like a big girl?”

  I nodded and tears streamed down my face.

  “Good girl. Now I want you to say something. It may feel a little silly but it's very important that you hear yourself saying it. Daddy and Nanny love me. Go on, say it.”

  “Daddy and Nanny love me.”

  “Very good. You may get up now. Don't forget it is your job to put away your paddle.”

  I stood weak kneed and picked up the paddle that had hurt me so much. I walked over to the drawer where I guessed that it went. “This drawer, Nanny?”

  “Yes, little one.” She was letting water into the tub and adding bubbles. I was so dizzy and I just wanted to sit down but I didn't dare. I really needed to lie down. The whole room was moving and spinning up and down. Not even the floor stayed the same.

  “Nanny?” I reached out in her direction. She had me in a second. She was sitting me down on the chair.

  I yelped in pain as my sore bottom touch the chair.

  “Nanny wants you to get into the tub. I know that you have to fight to stay awake but Nanny will hurry.” Nanny got me cleaned up in record time. She dried me qui
ckly, slipped pajamas over my head and then she tucked me in my own bed.

  “Nanny, Daddy didn't want me to sleep during the day. Jet lag.”

  “Shh, he'll understand.” She hummed me to sleep.

  Nanny woke me up and got me ready for dinner. Daddy would be home soon. She repeated that he may want to punish me again. She put me in a pretty dress with a ribbon in my hair. I at least looked innocent. She walked me down the grand staircase. We had just reached the bottom when he came into the door.

  He looked at me so intensively that I hung my head.

  Nanny stepped forward. “I need to speak to you privately for a moment. Amelia go in and sit down. We will join you in a moment.”

  Daddy gave me an even meaner look. I sunk my head even further and headed to the table. I pulled my chair out. I knew that it would hurt to sit. My backside was already radiating heat in standing even if it didn't hurt anymore. How could survive sitting down?

  There was nothing for it, I had to sit. I was probably in enough trouble already. Nanny worked for Daddy, she had to tell him what happened. How mad would he be? Nanny had said that I had done the worst thing I could have done. Thinking that Daddy didn't love me and using the word divorce. Would he punish me too? Could I take more?

  I sat down. Tears sprang to my eyes. This was an ongoing punishment. I got up, deciding that I could sit a second before they returned.

  Chapter 9 Don't Test Me

  Brian opened the door of his office for Nanny Prim. She thanked him and walked past him. She was a little mad at him.

  Brian closed the door and stood right next to it. “What did she say?” He was sure that Amelia must have distorted the truth, to get Nanny looking at him like that. He was very mad at her. He wanted to teach her that that behavior wouldn't be accepted.

  “She was in quite a state when I found her this morning. She was convinced that you didn't want her anymore. She told me that you would probably want to divorce.” Nanny had her hands on her hips. She watched his face as her words sank in.

  “She thinks that?”


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