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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

Page 11

by Burns, Rachel

Nanny had been waiting outside of the bedroom door, waiting for Brian to come out. “Sir, another word.” Her face was pinched and her words dripped with hate. How dare he hurt her child like that and directly after she had warned him.

  Brian continued on walking, guessing what she wanted to say. Amelia had pulled a lot of monkey business just now. First holding her breath and then screaming at the top of her lungs. He had remained steadfast even though he figured that the whole house had heard that spanking and probably thought the worst.

  Nanny followed behind him and spoke in whispers so no one would hear their private conversation. “Sir, a child with her self-esteem problems shouldn't have been spanked again. Instead reassuring words would have been better.”

  Brian stopped at the top of the stairs and looked into Nanny's worried eyes. Had she not spanked Amelia for the same reason? Why was he the bad guy?

  “I would like to make this very clear so I will speak very plainly. She is my wife. Amelia and I are married. I can't be replaced, you can.” He continued down the stairs.

  Nanny went to her room and worried about her precious child.

  Brian sat down at his huge dining room table all alone. That wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Amelia should be at his side. This wasn't how he had planned things. She was rejecting him and his way of life. But first she had pretended to be okay with it. Things had been perfect the past week, right up until last night. Why had God made him the way he was if he didn't have a female counterpart for him?

  His butler brought in his dinner. Brian noticed that the staff were all looking at him like he was a monster. They had been giving him odd looks the whole time. He had even heard one mention that he hoped that the house never set on fire or she would be a goner because she was locked in.

  Brian replayed what had all happened in his head while he ate. He thought about her childhood. Nanny had told him that she hid from her father all day. He had never touched her. She had admitted that to him personally. Had he been too harsh? Why did her saying that she wanted to leave set him off so?

  He knew the answer to that one. She was a once in a lifetime chance for him to live out his dreams. He would never find another woman like her. He didn't love her yet but she was growing on him. Or better said, the person she had pretending to be had been growing on him. She just realize the power she had to hurt. She was the first person he was honestly showing him real self too and she rejected him.

  Realization hit, that had been why he had spanked her. He felt like hurling his plate of food at the wall. He was still mad. He needed her to want this life with him. He closed his eyes and saw her face as she reached up to him and said 'Daddy'. Had she meant that or was she back to acting?

  Was there still a chance that things could work out for them. He got up from the table determined to mold her into the perfect wife.

  He went back to her and found her laying naked and cold on her bathroom floor. He carried her to my bed. She was confused and so scared, like a child. I talked to her again and made love to her. Afterwards I tucked her in. We still had so much time to get to know each other. Love would come with time.


  He was already inside of me when I woke up the next morning. He had me on my back again. He was already thrusting in earnest. I hoped he would soon be finished. He was. He collapsed onto me again. His weight pushed the air out of me and wouldn't allow me to take the deep breath that I so needed. I figured I had to draw attention to this fact but then he pushed up and out of me. He was off to the bathroom again.

  I hadn't been in so long and I needed to go too but I didn't think that I could get up just yet. I would have to wait for him to come back and then ask him for help. Tears rolled out of my eyes again. This was ridiculous. I needed to keep what water I had inside of me. My lips were already dry and chapped. I was desperate for something to drink but at the same time I needed to pee so badly. These two basic needs conflicted with each other. I was so far gone that I imagine myself sitting on the toilet peeing and drinking a huge glass of cool water at the same time.

  He came back out. I tried to focus on him. My throat was so dry that I had difficulties forming my words. “I need . . . help. . . . I have to . . . go . . .to the bathroom.” I felt the tears running down the sides of my face. My cheeks burnt in shame. I watched to see his reaction. I believed him capable of anything in the meantime.

  “Of course, sweetheart.” He picked me up and brought me into his bathroom. He was letting water into the bathtub. He sat me down on the toilet. It didn't hurt as bad as I figured it would. I was numb to the pain now, already getting used to it. He stayed by my side waiting for me to go. “Relax. It's just Daddy here.” He stayed next to me waiting. I tensed up so much that I just couldn't go.

  I concentrated on the running bathwater and tried to relax my breathing. I closed my eyes and finally the painful release came. I would be spared nothing in this marriage.

  “Good girl.” He looked so pleased with me. I was just happy to be rid of one of my problems.

  I tried to get up to wash my hands but I didn't have the strength for that either. He grabbed me under my arm and helped me to my feet. He flushed the toilet and walked me to the sink. He turned on the water and held my hands under the cool water for a bit and then he soaped them up and rinsed them again. “Daddy will take care of his little girl.”

  I nodded and tried to smile. The sadness that had taken a tight grip on me was still there. My smile probably looked as fake as it really was.

  He picked me up and put me into the bathtub. The warm water felt so good. The heat of the water hurt my backside but the rest of my body was thankful for its warmth. It soothed my sore muscles that I hadn't even noticed were hurting yet. I wanted so desperately to be clean again. The water was so warm that it was making me sleepy. The bathwater was full of bubbles or I would have dunked my head in the water and quenched my thirst. I was already eyeing the water coming out of the faucet. It was steaming hot. Would it help me?

  He took off his pajama bottoms and got into the water too. He moved in really close to me. He took a wash cloth and soaped it up good before he started to clean me up.

  “Lean your head back,” he requested.

  He was holding me by my shoulders and gently tilting me back. My hands grabbed on to his shoulders. Was he going to drown me? Would that be a bad thing? I wondered how he would get rid of the body. My father would never come looking for me or ask any uncomfortable questions.

  I noticed that as I leaned back that my breasts stuck up out of the water. I hoped he wouldn't notice them.

  He was massaging my scalp. He washed my hair even more gently than Nanny could. He then rinsed out the soap. “Don't worry, sweetheart, Daddy will be very careful not to get any soap in your eyes.” He sat me up again and then he even put conditioner in my hair. He took his time about that too. He made sure it was evenly spread and he paid extra attention to the ends. “You have the prettiest hair of all the little girls I have ever seen. How long have you been growing it out?”

  I answered him automatically. He was using his soft gentle tone that always worked with me. “Since forever. I've never been to the hairdressers. When it got to long I cut it myself.”

  “I have to forbid you to ever cut it any shorter. This length is perfect for you. I want you to maintain it. I'll tell Nanny my orders. Is that a problem?”

  “No. I like it this length. I can do whatever I want with it. Wear it up when it's hot or open when it's cold. I think it is a lot more practical than shorter hair that has to be styled the same way every day.”

  “Such a smart girl. That pleases Daddy very much.” He let go of me and then he washed his own hair.

  He leaned back against the side of the tub. He gave me a look that let me know that the reprieve was over. “Come here, sweetheart. I want you to come on top of me.”

  I moved to him but I didn't quite understand what he wanted.

  “Daddy wants to make love to you now. Come on my lap
.” He reached for my arm.

  I looked down in the water and saw that he was honestly ready for that now. His penis was hard and it was standing straight.

  He lifted me into place and settled me down on top of him. He had his hands on my hips moving me up and down on him. He threw his head back in pleasure.

  The warm water and the cool air around my nipples were doing me in too. I was holding onto the side of the tub. I felt that feeling building inside of me again. I felt really frustrated, wanting more. I was even louder than he was. I hoped Nanny couldn't hear us and then in the next moment I didn't care.

  He heightened the pace. My hands didn't know what to do with themselves again. They moved back and forth from his shoulders to the tub walls and back again. “Daddy!” I called out when I reached the place I wanted to go. I was breathing so heavily.

  He came then too. He pushed my hips down into him. He didn't let me move. I still wanted to rock on him a bit. I wanted to ride the wave back down on the way to relaxation.

  He let go of my hips and started kissing me. I got to move on him like I wanted to. “Daddy loves you so much. Never talk about us two parting ways ever. I will beat you even worse if you ever do it again. Do you understand?” He stared me down.

  “I'll stay with you as long as you want me to Daddy.” I threw my arms around him. I had no idea what I wanted. In one moment I hated him and in the next the thought of parting broke my heart.

  “You are such a good little girl. Daddy has the best little girl in the world.” He hugged me back.

  He lifted me off of him and then he washed the parts of me he had just used. Then he cleaned himself and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. He praised my hair the whole time.

  He got out and dried himself off. I watched him doing that. He looked so good. He was so strongly built. He could have had any woman he wanted. He just didn't want a woman and that was why I ended up with him. Would my life be okay if I just never talked about leaving him and divorce?

  “Come here and let Daddy dry you off.”

  I tried to get up but I was still too dizzy. He plucked me out by my arm. “Daddy's got you. You aren't getting sick are you?”

  “I didn't get a chance to eat anything yesterday. I suppose I'm just hungry.”

  “Amelia!” He grabbed me around my waist and bent me forward. He gave me five quick swats that left me breathless. “Why didn't you tell me?” He was shaking me a little.

  Tears ran down my face. “I didn't get a chance too. It would have sounded like a lame excuse to get out of my punishment.”

  He pulled me close to him and hugged me again. I wept on his chest. He scared me from one second to the next.

  He picked me up and carried me to bed. He went into his walk-in-closet. He came back a minute later completely dressed.

  “Wow, that was fast.”

  “My little girl is already weak for hunger. I'll bring you your breakfast in bed. Daddy will be right back. Stay where you are.”

  I snuggled in under the blankets and waited for him. I would gladly obey him. I could hardly stand anyway. I hoped he would bring water too. I was so thirsty. I needed water so badly.

  After a bit he came in smiling with a tray loaded with food. “I got a lot. I want you to eat whatever you feel like having.” He set the tray down next to me.

  “Do you have water for me, Daddy?” I looked at the tray there was nothing to drink at all.

  “When was the last time you had something to drink?” He looked really mad again.

  “Please don't be mad at me, Daddy.” I hung my head and sobbed. He looked like he was going to hit me again.

  He grabbed my face and tilted it up to him. He ran a finger over my lips, they were dry and chapped. He slapped me then. My cheek and head hurt so much. The pain shot through to my already stiff neck. The lack of water was giving me a major headache, slapping didn't help that.

  He made me look at him again. I thought he would slap me again. “Amelia, I can't guess how you are feeling and what you need. You have to tell me. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, staring in his eyes. I wanted to see how mad he was.

  “I'll be right back.”


  “Yes, Amelia,” his tone was very soft.

  “Maybe we could put a couple of bottles in my bathroom with a glass. I usually drink a lot of water,” I admitted.

  “Consider it done, sweetheart.” He smiled at me in a way that tugged at my heartstrings.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I smiled back.

  He came back even faster than last time. He brought me a couple of bottles and a glass. He poured me a glass and then he gave it to me and watched me drink it. He took the glass and refilled it. “Drink slower this time and tell Daddy what you picked out to eat.”

  I had known better than to take something by myself. He wanted to do everything for me when we were together.

  I wanted a chocolate croissant. I pointed to it and looked up at him.

  “Why don't you eat something with some more vitamins first? How about a bit from the fruit salad and some scrambled eggs.”

  “Yes Daddy, but if I eat everything up can I have it then?”

  He smiled. “We'll see.” He gave me my plate and then he fixed one for himself. He sat down next to me and we ate together in silence. I was playing my part again. Did he know that I was just playing or did he think I was settling down to my new life.

  I yawned before I could finish my healthy plate of food. I wasn't hungry anymore. “Daddy, I can't anymore.”

  He laughed, “that's what I thought.” He took my plate and put it back on the tray. He took the chocolate croissant and put it on a plate and set it on the nightstand. “You can have it later.”

  I slid down so my head was on the pillow. I yawned again and he pulled the blankets in tightly around me. He drew the curtains and then he left with the tray.

  I needed so much sleep to regain my strength.

  He woke me with lunch. “Amelia, I want you to eat as much as you can. No pushing food around the plate like you usually do. Daddy is watching.”

  “It's just that I'm not used to eating so much.”

  “Didn't you get three meals a day at school?” He sounded strict.

  “Yes, Daddy, but . . .”

  “But what?”

  “In the vacations when I had to go home. . . Well it was better when I wasn't so used to eating overly much. I made that mistake when I was younger. The adjustment was just more painful.”

  “You trained yourself not to eat until you were full? But Amelia . . . My little angel. You can eat now.”

  I did and I drank a lot of water to try to get rid of my headache.

  “I want to try something new with you after you have eaten.”

  I didn't like the sound of that so I ate slowly.

  He took my finished plate and set it on the tray. He moved the tray away from the bed. “Can you stand up on your own now?”

  “I'll try, Daddy.” I folded the blankets back, feeling perfectly fine now.

  His eyes roamed over my body. My form wasn't that of a little girl, at least he didn't have that fetish.

  I moved my feet and let them slide in the direction of the floor. His arms snaked around me and he helped me to stand. He let go to see if I could do it by myself. I reached out for the bed but remained standing. He placed a hand on my elbow and helped me into the bathroom, not realizing that I was better today. Again he hovered as we waited for me to have the nerve to relax and go in front of him.

  I was able to do the rest myself under his watchful eye. He led me back out to the bed. He got undressed and then sat down on the bed. “I want you to kneel in between my legs. Come right here Amelia.”

  I went to him and kneeled at his feet as he wanted.

  He inched forward on the bed to me. His thing was eye-level to me. I tried not to look at it.

  He pet my head awhile. “Your hair is still a little wet,” he commented. He laid his hand
behind my head. “What I want you to do is to take my penis in your hands.”

  My eyes flew to his surprised.

  He laughed, “It's what Daddy does to get you ready too. I touch you there and you like it. It feels good, right? It feels good for me too. Go on.”

  I meekly raised my hands to touch it. It didn't feel like I expected. I touched it carefully with my fingertips. It was soft, even kind of silky.

  “Wrap your hand around it.”

  I did. It felt different then with my fingertips. It was hard in the middle somehow.

  “Now I want you to move your hand up and down on it without letting go.”

  I did as I was told. He liked it when I did that. He leaned back and placed both of his hands on the bed behind him, letting go of my head. I continued like he wanted.

  After a bit he stopped me. “Okay, Amelia. I want you to kiss it now.”

  I gave it a quick peck.

  He laughed again. “Kiss the whole thing, up and down and you can continue to use your hands too.”

  I reluctantly did as I was told. There was a salty smell coming from it.

  “Very good, sweetheart. Now do the same thing only I want you to lick it this time. Go on.”

  I wished I could forget that he was the one feeding me but I couldn't. I did that too. It made him very happy.

  “Very good, sweetheart. Now I want you to put the tip of it in your mouth and lick and suck on it. You can kiss it too if you want.”

  I sat there frozen. I must have somehow misunderstood him.

  “Now, Amelia.” He used his strict voice.

  I started to cry. I didn't know if I could do that and I assumed that he would punish me for being disobedient. I leaned towards him and did as he wanted. I was shaking again even though it was a hot summer day.

  He moaned with pleasure. He laid his hand behind my head and tried to push himself in further.

  He had my head and he pushed in further and further. Was he was trying to kill me? I gaged and choked, trying to get free but he wouldn't let me. I started hitting his legs. I was panic-stricken. Why was he doing this to me?


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