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Eagle of Ice, Scorpion of Fire

Page 2

by Tortuga, B. A.

  There. Jared caught a flash of her hair and forced himself not to sit up straight, to lounge like he was the predator, not the prey. His plan would never work if he let her get the upper hand. Until she discovered his secret, he had the proverbial ace in the hole.

  She was something else, long platinum hair worn down now, softening the hard planes of her face. She wore a black cigarette skirt, a white silk blouse, a single strand of pearls around her throat. Every man in the joint looked over at her and Katharine knew it.

  “Am I late?”

  He smiled, standing and waiting for her to be seated. “Of course you are, but it is ungallant of me to say so. What would you like to drink?”

  She lowered herself gracefully, eyes sharp, cool. “Club soda, please. My cocktails were…heavy.”

  She licked her lips and he forced himself not to let his nostrils flare, the coppery scent of blood subtle about her and enough to make his belly tighten.

  He ordered for both of them, signaling to the maitre d’ that they were ready to be seated. “Thank you for coming, Katharine. I really did not wish to discuss this at the office.”

  “Well, I think we can agree that our past is...unprofessional, to say the least.”

  “Something like that, yes.” He waited until they sat at their intimate corner table and had their drinks before continuing. “There is a situation that I feel I must address, though. I left on rather poor terms.”

  One pale eyebrow arched, the warm lighting making her seem luscious, ripe. “One could say that, yes. You took me for quite the ride, pet. I recovered, though. As is my habit.”

  So cool and composed. His urge to shake that composure was huge, but he followed his carefully laid out plan instead. “Ever landing on your feet, Katharine. Shall I order for you?”

  “You remember what I prefer? I’m honored.” Blood red fingernails caught the light as her hand waved, so languid, like the air was heavy. “Order away.”

  He almost smiled, but he smothered it. Always in control, his Katharine. Always knowing exactly how to put a man off balance. “I remember you have particular tastes, yes.”

  Pretty curvaceous boys, sloe-eyed girls—Katherine never had to fight for her sustenance. Humans lined up, begging her particular attentions.

  Jared ordered her shrimp and vegetables, ordering himself a thick rare steak, watching her out of the corner of his eye. Her face betrayed no disapproval, but no approval either. When the waiter left, he sat back, hands relaxed, chest and throat deceptively open.

  “I have a proposition for you, Katharine.”

  “Oh?” Her lips pursed, only the barest curiosity escaping those icy eyes. He remembered that look too well, challenging him without offering an ounce of her own control. “Do tell.”

  “Yes.” This time he allowed the smile, keeping it closed mouth, knowing it would look more like a smirk. “As you are no doubt aware, I am in your debt. I pride myself on paying those debts.”

  He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a check, folded neatly in half. It was for the exact amount that he’d left owing her, as if Silvestri hadn’t taken care of her every need. Silvestri adored Katharine like a daughter, petting her hair and buying her baubles and jewels to amuse her whenever she grew weary.

  Hell, he was just another jewel as far as Silvestri was concerned, either the bondmate that Keiko had promise the elder or a toy to keep Silvestri’s Katia occupied and too busy to suck the more irritating of the company’s staff dry. Jared knew it. He intended to use it to his full advantage.

  He pushed the check across the table.

  That eyebrow rose even higher, but she reached out for the check, a tiny little gold bracelet circling her wrist, the clasp catching his eye. A pair of fangs, stylized and twisted, but fangs nonetheless, finished with a tiny, perfect teardrop ruby.

  Oh, the memories that raised, from the eagle branded upon her inner thigh to the way she smelled when she was aroused. Funny how such a tiny thing could make his heart pick up, make his prick firm. Stilling a twitch, Jared waited for her to open the check. That was not really the main thrust of his offer, but as an opening gambit it might put her off balance the tiniest bit.

  She looked at the check, cheeks pinking and lips going tight for just a heartbeat. Bingo. “You kept excellent records, pet.”

  Oh, she was good and angry at him. Even better.

  “I did. I always meant to pay you back. That’s not really what this is about though.”

  “No?” The check was neatly folded, in half and in half again. “Well, this was a lovely appetizer.”

  “I thought it might be.” Her salad and his soup arrived, and he let her wait while he sampled it. Lovely. Cream of broccoli flavored lightly with shrimp. He wasn’t so long away from humanity to not adore the sensuality of a meal. “But I know how you like to up the ante. So I have a suggestion.”

  “I am, as always...” A piece of baby carrot was nibbled, tasted, then bitten in half with a sharp snap of teeth. “…open to hear suggestions.”

  The urge to cross his legs came and went. “I had hoped you’d say so. By now you’ve realized that check is for what I owe you, no more or less. Now, I think we could work well together, both at the office and away. What I ask of you is two weeks in which to prove it. Just two weeks. If, after that time, you decide I’m mistaken, I will leave you not only with the check, but with my share of stock in the company.”

  “Away from the office? Are you...requesting my particular skills, pet?” A red pepper was devoured, the tiniest drop of oil shining on her bottom lip. “I never charged so much for two weeks—even when I charged.”

  He licked his own lips unconsciously, then cursed his weakness. “I know. And I’m not exactly looking for you to exercise your skills. I’m looking for you to let me use mine.”

  “Which skills are those, Jared?” Not mocking, but the light tone of her voice was dismissive, as if she believed him playing. And why wouldn’t she? He had never been her equal when they’d been together, and she knew it.

  He’d given everything—his humanity, his fear, for a very short time, his soul—to become a force to be reckoned with. To become an equal partner. To make her his. Now he just had to prove it.

  “You might be amazed, Katharine. I’ve learned a great deal over the years. I propose you give me two weeks. Two weeks where you are at my disposal.” He could see her in his mind’s eye, throat arched, the moonlit skin glowing as she begged him to join them, to pierce her and feed.

  “At your disposal? What, exactly, are you suggesting, pet?” Her nail tapped on the table, demanding his answer, his attention.

  Now was the time to start out like he could hold out. Jared sipped his drink and his soup, letting her wait a full minute before he replied calmly. “I am suggesting that you take the place I once took in your life, Katharine. Two weeks, you serve me. At the end if you decide I have not become at least your equal in such things, I will turn my stock over to you. Alternatively, if you concede that I have achieved that level, we will discuss another arrangement.”

  He got both eyebrows shooting skyward, bright blue eyes shocked, the first honest expression he’d seen from her. “You’re not serious.”

  “I am. Of course, if you fear you cannot do it...”

  She chuckled, actually laughed at him, head tossing. “Oh, pet. Believe me, you’ll have to appeal to more than my pride. I know my limitations, and yours. There is no equality between us. There never will be.”

  Anger settled in his belly, cold and hard, and Jared welcomed it. Unlike many people—hell, many of their kind—he had learned how to use the feeling to his advantage. “Do you? I think, my dear, that you know the limitations of the man I was years ago. I have, shall we say, expanded my horizons a great deal since then.”

  “Perhaps, but even ten years ago I would have been hard-pressed to put myself in a delicate position and jeopardize my family, Jared. Bad enough, that I jeopardized my personal funds, not to mention my…peculiar

  “I think you have no reason to fear for your position now, Katharine. In fact, I would say you’re in a much better place to do this now than you were ten years ago. I’ve seen the way you run that company. Silvestri would never allow them to do without you.”

  Her eyes flashed, just like he’d known they would at Silvestri’s name. “His motives are outside your realm of experience, child. Take a care.”

  “Still a sensitive point, dearest? To know you’re not top dog?” As if he would not have chosen this time with particular attention.

  “I am the alpha bitch, however.”

  “Then you should have no need to worry about losing your place.”

  “The higher you fly, the higher you fall, pet.” She leaned back as their entrées arrived, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. “Surely you’ve learned that.”

  “I’ve also learned that if you don’t push the envelope, you never get anywhere. Between us, we now own a good third of the stock and, should something befall your sire, it could hold you in good stead. And I do know how to be discreet, my dear.”

  “What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this, Jared? It simply makes no sense.” She ate the shrimp delicately, lips tugging it from the fork.

  Of course it didn’t. He was merely a former pet to her, wasn’t he? A dalliance. A snack. She’d never met a human she could not leave or turn down. She couldn’t know how he’d dreamed of her over the years. Still, it wouldn’t do to act desperate.

  “I’m hoping to prove a little something to you, Katharine. But I cannot compel you, so I will simply let you think the offer over.”

  He received a smile then, the look in her eyes almost warm, although that could have been a trick of the light. “Then, since we have dispensed with business, tell me how you came to be such a success. I honestly never expected to see you again.”

  He smiled back, letting some of his admiration for her slip through. “Oh, I never doubted we’d meet again, Katharine. I have you to thank as much as anyone, I suppose, for motivating me to better myself. As for the business, well, I admit that is coincidental. I seem to have a talent for it.”

  “You never lacked in talent, with or without me. I simply offered a strong hand and direction and a certain…appetite.”

  “Thank you.” The beef melted on his tongue, superbly prepared, just bloody enough to satisfy his hunger. “It was direction I needed. I think perhaps you might find me your equal now.”

  “What? Do you have a bevy of corseted and collared baby dolls cooing over you, pet? Fluttering their eyelashes and adoring your strength?”

  The urge to snap at her came strongly, but she would hardly take him seriously if he did. “No. I prefer more mature, sophisticated partners.”

  She chuckled, but to his surprise, nodded, wiping her lips. “Yes. The fragile ones are exhausting and you never quite get a return on your investment.”

  The flinch was difficult to control. He never knew with Katharine whether she was simply speaking on one level, or if everything she said had a deeper meaning. Damn it, he had come too far to crumble under the weight of her experience and their past relationship now.

  “True. Though, some can come through in unexpected ways.”

  “Indeed. Those are the ones you either keep as friends until the end of their days or regret until the end of your own.” She waved her hand, dismissing the conversation with a skill that the amateurs at the boardroom table today would never learn, even if they had lived nine hundred years. “So, professionally speaking, are you enjoying the business?”

  “I am. I like the advertising aspect especially. Not the actual act of selling ad copy, really, so much as creating ads that will appeal to the senses. Still, I’ve made a point of trying to learn most of the major aspects of the other departments as well.” It paid to be prepared, he knew.

  She nodded. “I always enjoyed closing the deals myself.” He got a wink. “I’m a people-person, you know. A connoisseur.”

  He laughed aloud, deciding just to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening, leave the agendas behind for a moment. He had time. “Yes, of course. I remember how good you were with people. You have such a commanding presence.”

  Jared went so far as to waggle an eyebrow at her.

  Her laugh was low and husky, intimate, drawing looks from the men at the nearby tables. It had always amazed him that such a cold, controlled woman would have such a rich, vibrant laugh.

  “So tell me about the woman in the boardroom. What’s her name? Why does she dislike you so?”

  They kept the conversation light throughout the rest of dinner, trading insults and innuendos, talking about this and that. Jared thought he held his own quite well.

  She refused coffee and dessert, got hot water with lemon instead, lips dark on the white cup. “Is the corporation housing you or did you have an apartment in the city? I have a car coming to pick me up; I’d be happy to offer you a ride.”

  “I have my own place. And I would love a ride.” No waiting for a cab tonight would be wonderful.

  She nodded, smiled, placed his check inside the tiny black purse and retrieved a cell phone. “I’ll call Devon; have him pull around.”

  “Thank you.” He waited until she had made the call before signaling the waiter to pay the bill. He remembered vividly how she used to be the one to handle things—everything—much to his chagrin. It felt good to be the one making his own way.

  He could suddenly feel Kieko’s eyes on him, flashing with pride. He’d learned everything from her, and then he had found another teacher and another.

  “Thank you for dinner, pet. I do love the shrimp here.”

  He put a hand under her elbow. “I know. I’m glad I could indulge.”

  It surprised him, the way she allowed him to escort her out. Of course, that was it, wasn’t it? She was the one allowing him to do it; her control delicious.

  Everything was about control.

  The car was as luxurious as he supposed, but not ostentatious, and he handed her in, sitting beside her on the wide seat and giving the driver directions to his flat.

  “Oh, that’s a lovely area. Such spacious places and clever little bistros and shops open late. I always felt like the Arboretum would be fascinating to spend time in.”

  “Well, you certainly could come and see it. For a few weeks.” If she thought he was going to give up, she was sorely mistaken. She may still set him off balance, but he had learned a great deal, and determination was chief among his best lessons.

  “Oh, nicely done, pet.” She laughed, tossed her head. “Now don’t you think you should come visit your old haunts? After all, I still have that lovely padded bench and the wooden paddle you used to beg me for...”

  Oh, nice parry. He almost laughed. Instead he simply leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Oh, but Katharine. I’ve done that. I crave new experiences.”

  Her smile was almost fond, playful, making her seem ten years younger. “New experiences... Hrm... What haven’t you and I done...”

  She was still as lovely as ever, and he still wanted her so badly. He restrained himself to a sharp nip of her earlobe. “Hundreds of things.”

  Katharine could hide the gasp as a simple inhalation, but the way her nipples went tight was unmistakable. Yes. “Mmmm...I’ve had you over my lap, begging between my thighs. I remember fucking you with a black candle, watching the wax paint your thighs as you waited for me to feed.”

  So sensual, despite her need for control. Jared played on that, breathing over the flesh he’d just bitten, letting it cool the sting, even though he wanted more than anything to sink into Katharine’s throat, draw her life-essence into him. “Yes. I remember, too. I’ve never dripped wax on these, though.”

  Jared let his palm brush lightly over the silk of her shirt, just grazing her nipples.

  “Now, now, pet. Those are strictly off-limits for now.” Off-limits, but eager, and pushing up towards his touch. He imagined he could see them,
a hint of pale rose trapped behind lace and silk. “Besides the gander and goose saying? Utterly overrated.”

  “You aren’t setting my limits anymore, Katharine. I am.” He pushed it now, letting his fingers close about her through layers of fabric, letting her feel it. “I am.”

  Her eyes flashed a bright, sudden blue, true hunger coming through, clear and sharp and sure and she pulled away from his touch. “Watch where you’re headed, Jared. I’ve been willing to play along with your little flirtation, but my good humor only goes so far.”

  “Good humor.” He stayed impassive, knowing it would goad her, knowing too, that his prick was as much of a giveaway as her nipples. “How lovely to know you’re just humoring the lunatic, my dear.”

  “I didn’t call you a lunatic, pet. I’m simply pointing out that you’re not playing with a bright-eyed girl.”

  He smiled, baring his teeth a little. “And I am pointing out that I am not playing.”

  Her eyebrow rose and she drew herself up, chin lifted, an ice-queen, through and through. “And what on Earth makes you believe that you have anything to teach me? You were an untutored boy when you came to me and, although I appreciate and accept you repaying old debts, which proves only that you possess a sense of shame and a modicum of honor. We are not the same, you and me. We never can be.”

  “We were all young and impulsive once, Katharine. Surely you remember that far back?” Oh, it was good to see her off balance, and he knew by the quicksilver changes that she was. “Ah, here we are. Would you like to come up for a nightcap?”

  Her eyes flashed out to take in the beautiful old building, complete with gargoyles and angels, the pale stone of the building catching the moonlight. That pink tongue slipped out, serpent quick, to trace the edge of her bottom lip. “No, thank you. I have an early morning meeting with some clients.”

  “Friday then. I can cook for you. You’ll be amazed to note that I learned how to make tempura udon.”

  He kept his tone firm, but let just a hint of pleading slip in. Let her think she’d won. At least for now.


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