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Lesbian Stepmother

Page 22

by Amy Polino

  Her words filled my heart with joy and I squeezed her tighter, wrapping my legs around her. “I love you too, Susan. More than anything in the world.”

  We held each other for a little while and shared some kisses. I was really curious as to why she came to visit me like that, though, in the middle of the night. It wasn’t something she’d ever done before. I rolled over so that we were side by side and kissed her on the cheek. “You guys have a fight?” I pried.

  She pressed her nose to mine and ran her tongue along my lower lip, getting me very aroused. “No, honey. Not really.” She kissed me very softly. “I’m just so sick of lying there in bed beside him listening to him snore. It doesn’t make any sense. I keep thinking about you in here, by yourself, and it makes me question my behavior.” She kissed me again. “I mean, I really can’t stand the guy, and there I am in his bed. Meanwhile, I love you like crazy and want to be with you more than anything, and I just leave you alone in here. I can’t stand it anymore.”

  The love I felt for her was simply overwhelming. I hugged her very tightly and buried my face in the hollow of her neck. “Oh, Susan. We need to go away. I want to live with you. Just you and me.”

  It thrilled me when I felt her nod her head. “That’s what I want, too. I don’t like these silly games anymore.”

  I brought my head up and kissed her along her jaw. “You really mean it?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’m so happy when we’re together.”

  “So am I!”

  “I know. We’d be crazy not to do this.”

  “Oh, Susan, this is going to be wonderful!”

  She giggled and kissed me on the mouth. “It sure is.”

  “When are we leaving?”

  “There’s no big rush, honey. We’ll need to find an apartment. And I’ll have to do something about... the legal stuff...”

  “Don’t worry about that now. I’m just so glad you want to be with me for real.”

  “Oh, I do, Amy. I do. More than anything.”

  I squeezed her and kissed her and began rocking back and forth in the bed. “Oh, we’re going to be so happy! We’ll have our own big bed together!”

  She laughed. “We can sleep together every night!”

  “Yes!” I climbed on top of her and engaged her in a heated kiss, sliding my tongue into her mouth and rubbing my thigh up down between her legs. She moaned, clutching me to her and reaching one hand into my pajama bottoms. In no time at all we were celebrating our new decision with some of the best sex I’d ever had. I can’t even begin to tell you how absolutely terrific it was to have Susan in my bed and to be able to do anything I wanted with her.

  We brought each other to orgasm very quickly, and then stripped off the little clothing we had on. Susan was all tangled up in my sheets, and I was trying to unwrap her as she suckled on my breast.

  “Oh, baby,” I moaned. “That feels so good.”

  “I’m going to make you come at least three more times tonight, sweetie.”

  “You’d better.”

  She laughed and began sucking on my other nipple, pulling it into her mouth and gliding her tongue over it. It got me even more riled up, and when I finally got the sheet off of her I tossed it to the floor and pounced on her, having the time of my life.

  We kissed deeply and passionately, our hands going everywhere. It was a hot night and we were slick with sweat and lust and arousal. We climbed all over the bed, and each other, kissing and caressing and doing whatever we wanted. My father was completely forgotten and we paid no mind to anything except making each other feel as good as we possibly could.

  At one point I dove between Susan’s thighs and began rubbing my face up and down her glistening sex, licking her and nibbling on her moist folds. She threw her arms into the air and moaned loudly, spreading her legs and twisting her head from side to side.

  “Oh, Amy!” She brought her hands back down and tangled her fingers in my hair. “You’re going to make me come, sweetie!”

  “I hope so.” I was loving every second of it, my whole face wet with her juices.

  “Oh, honey, flip yourself around, will you? I want to taste you, too.”

  Keeping my face right where it was, I twisted myself around so that my legs were up near her head. She grabbed my ankle and lifted one of my legs over her so that her face was between them. Then I felt her pulling down on me, so I lowered myself a bit. When I felt her tongue begin sliding over my swollen lips I groaned and buried my face even deeper between her legs.

  When she found my little nub and sucked it between her lips, I gasped. “Oh, god, Susan!”

  She ran her hands up and down my lower back, pulling me nearer to her as she brought me closer and closer to orgasm. I began to squirm all around, rubbing myself in her face and moaning. She made me feel so incredibly good, I couldn’t help myself.

  When the light suddenly went on, it didn’t even occur to me how it had happened. I was too consumed by my passion and my love for Susan to think much of it. It was my father’s voice that snapped me out of it; that and Susan’s abrupt struggle to sit up.

  “What the fuck?” my father asked. He didn’t say it very loud or with any anger. He sounded almost stunned.

  I lifted my head from between Susan’s legs and met his gaze. I felt terribly embarrassed, even though, looking back, I really shouldn’t have. He had no right to come into my room like that. I stared at him, feeling about as shocked as he looked, as Susan gently slid my back end off her face and sat up in the bed.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  I thought it was pretty obvious what we were doing. I got up off Susan and we arranged ourselves so that we were sitting side by side. She grabbed us each a pillow and we covered up as best we could. “What the fuck are you doing in here?” she asked him.

  “I could ask you the same question.”

  “I was invited.”

  “I’ll bet you were.” He stared as us, looking back and forth between us. “Don’t tell me. You’re teaching her how to fuck now, too.”

  I almost laughed. Instead, I put my arm around Susan and pressed myself closer to her.

  I’ve told you many times about the extent of my love for her. It was something I’ve always felt, and knew that I always would. It was unquestionable and unconditional. But since we’d gotten so close and become lovers, there was always a little part of me that wondered whether or not she really felt the same for me as I did for her. I certainly hoped that she did, but there was no real way for me to be sure other than by her words, which indicated very strongly that she did. But as we sat naked before my father, him staring at us in disgust, and I felt her arm come up and go around my shoulders, pulling me even closer to her, I knew without any doubt that our love was total and unwavering. And if I still had even the slightest shadow of a doubt, the words she spoke next would have disintegrated them instantly.

  “There’s something you should know,” she told him. “Amy and I are in love.”

  “Fuckin’ cunt,” he spat. It shocked me to hear him say that. I flinched, and Susan did, too. We pressed against each other even more firmly as he sneered at us. “Dirty fuckin’ bitches.”

  “Get out of here,” Susan ordered harshly.

  “You get out of here. It’s my fucking house.”

  I reached down and took hold of her hand, being careful not to let the pillow slip. “Get out of my room,” I told him. “Leave us alone.”

  He clenched his hands into fists. “Stop telling me what to do! I own the fucking place!”

  “Please leave us alone,” Susan said. “For a little while. We can discuss this later.”

  He glared at her. I never saw him look so furious. “There’s nothing to discuss, you cheating bitch.”

  “Cheating? Cheating on what? On who? You don’t even want me --”

  “You got that right. Now get the hell out of here.”

  “You get out!” I nearly scr
eamed. “Leave us alone!”

  He made a sudden move toward me, but immediately backed away. He seemed appalled by our nakedness. I saw him as he really was then: a father who didn’t want to be a father; a husband who didn’t want to be a husband; a man who didn’t know how to be a man. He was just some weirdo accountant wasting away the hours and years until he died. He was nearly useless.

  “Look at you,” he barked at Susan. “In bed with a girl barely eighteen. You’re twice her fucking age, for god’s sake!”

  “No I’m not,” Susan countered. “I’m only 32.”

  “She’s a kid! You’re disgusting! You’re supposed to be her step-mom!”

  “I love her. Stop telling me I’m disgusting.”

  “You are! A lesbo, too! Did you teach her that, or did she teach you?”

  “Get out!” I screamed. “Get out or I’m calling the police!”

  “Go ahead. I don’t care. What the hell did I do that they’re going to care about?”

  “You broke into my room and you won’t get out!”

  He stared at me for a moment and I could see some of the anger going out of him. He wasn’t strong enough to hold on to it for very long. He looked like he wanted to run. “I’ll get out. I only came in here to see what all the crazy groaning was about.” He sneered again. “Now I know.”

  “Good for you,” Susan said. She squeezed my hand. “You can go back to bed now, and we can discuss this in the morning.”

  “And what, you’re going to go back to sucking each other’s asses, or whatever it was you were doing? And I’m supposed to go back to sleep on the other side of that wall?”

  “We’re going to sleep, too.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Please. I was going to tell you about this tomorrow anyway. Amy and I are going to move out and find an apartment.”

  “You got that right.”


  He glared at us some more, but there wasn’t much left to say. Now that he knew we were planning to move out, he didn’t have much to threaten us with. “I should kick you out right now.”

  “You kicked me out within a month of marrying me. I’m nothing but a servant to you.”

  I could see a look of hurt pass behind his eyes as he slowly nodded his head. “Right. Blame this on me. That makes a lot of sense.”

  “I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just asking that you leave us alone for one night. You’ll be rid of us soon enough.”

  “I want a divorce.”

  “No shit.”

  “You’re out of here tomorrow. Both of you.”

  “We already established that,” I said.

  He looked at us for a moment longer and then shook his head. “Fucking cunts.” He spun around and left the room, giving the door a mighty slam.

  As soon as he was gone I twisted on the bed and shoved the pillows aside so I could gather Susan up in my arms. We held each other tightly and I could feel her trembling. I was trembling, too. “I love you, Susan.”

  “I love you too, Amy.”

  We lay down, locked in an embrace, our legs tangled together. We were both very shaken up, but we were together and we would stay together.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, when Susan and I finally climbed out of bed, my father was no where to be found. We spent a few minutes checking around the house for him, and then Susan noticed that his car was gone. It was very unusual, but considering what had happened the night before, it made sense. He was most likely sitting in his car in a parking lot somewhere, working on his papers and giving us time to clear out without having to deal with us.

  We each took a long, leisurely shower and then had breakfast. We didn’t bother doing the dishes. He was going to have a lot more housework to do from now on, so he’d just have to get used to it. After breakfast we searched online for apartments and found several promising leads. It was going to take weeks to apply and get approved and move, though, so we needed to find someplace else to stay in the meantime.

  Susan suggested a motel with weekly rates, and that sounded good to me. It would give us plenty of time to find the right apartment, and we’d be away from my father and free to do whatever we wanted. Just the idea of sharing a bed with her every night was enough to make me almost dizzy with happiness.

  We spent the rest of the morning packing up our clothes and our most important possessions and loading them into Susan’s car. I thought about taking the spare car which I used for work, but it belonged to my father and could be considered stealing. I would ask him about it later, and even offer to buy it from him. For the time being, though, we’d make do with Susan’s car.

  When we had it filled to capacity we drove to Route 88 and found a nice little motel only about a mile from the ocean. It was clean and affordable, and not too far from our jobs. We unpacked everything and stuffed it into the single large closet and dresser. It would be cramped living for a few weeks, but that was okay; I didn’t mind being cramped in with Susan one bit.

  “Hey,” she said after we finally got everything put away. “Before we go back for the rest of our stuff, why don’t we try out our new bed?”

  It was a great idea. I pulled her over to it and kissed her, and then we were rolling around pulling each other’s clothes off.

  * * *

  Well, I suppose I could go on for a little bit longer, but that’s essentially the story I wanted to tell.

  I’m 27 now, and Susan is 41. We lived in an apartment for a few years and then bought a two bedroom condo near the ocean. We’re still together and still very much in love. She’s still just as beautiful, too. In fact, I honestly believe she looks even better now that she did when I met her.

  She quit the job she was working at with my father at about the same time their divorce was finalized. That was less than a year after we moved out. We qualified for a small business loan and opened up a little shop on the Jersey shore. We sell clothing and souvenirs to the many tourists who come by, and although we don’t make a lot of money, we do make a living.

  And, most importantly, we’re together.

  Always together.

  -the end-




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