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An Elegy of Fate

Page 20

by S. R. Laubrea

  And at the peak of that monumental silhouette stood Mokallai, clad in Yonathael's flesh, watching as they became smaller, and smaller, until finally, they disappeared into the north sunset. It didn't matter how far, or where, they went; there was no refuge.

  Mokallai forced Yonathael to grin. Even as Yonathael's hands shook, and he curled his fingers until his nails dug into his skin, and his palms bled. He gritted his teeth, but what could he do?

  Nothing. Everyone — Rollond, Ashenzsi, So'yi, Vandlorael — all of them will face Destiny; there is no escaping Mokallai. And as Yonathael narrowed his eyes, he came to this conclusion:

  He had to find a way to hinder Mokallai, even if it meant forfeiting his own life.


  Appendix 1:

  The Location of Dyjian.

  The understanding that all worlds exist within a common time-space 'thread' of reality is readily acceptable to most men. After all, there is much speculation on Parallel Universes; the concept of a Multiverse, though not yet proven, tantalizes the minds of intellectuals and the imaginative musings of visionaries alike. It is commonly agreed upon that in a never-ending spool of possible parallels, there are many different versions of the same thing; many different versions of the same people, each one in some way marginally different than the last, for example. This is critical to understanding precisely where the planet, Dyjian, exists, as it is neither parallel, nor marginally different.

  Dyjian exists in an Alternate Universe, standing on its own, completely separate from any and all influences of our own existential realm. It is a place called Yrell Aiene Tautom, literally meaning: 'My Heart is Joy.' Yrell Aiene Tautom is an ever expanding universe sectioned into six Domains. Dyjian belongs to the Fourth Domain, Uann Ouraetach, a place of unending adventure and Epos, wherein, the legendary heroes of Yrell Aiene Tautom are born. There are, of course, exceptions.

  Appendix 2:

  The Nature of the Planet, Dyjian.

  It is only natural to wonder, given that it exists in an alternate universe different and unconnected to our own, what sort of planet Dyjian is. Dyjian is a hollow planet, with a very thin crust, featuring a core of plasma.

  The planet itself, like the universe its in, is in a phase of expansion. It would make sense, since its core is constantly exerting immense pressures on the interior surfaces of the crust. Instead of mountains produced by plates being pushed together, and geological strata being forced into the mantle — what little, thin mantle Dyjian has in comparison to Earth's — new matter is constantly being produced and added to the planet's surface.

  Hence the volatile nature of Dyjian isn't that the planet is going to bust open, but at some point, it is going to cease expanding. It is evident, due to its state of expansion, that the planet is also relatively new, and yet it is habitable.

  It is a tropical planet, void of winters. Dyjian is a very inhospitable planet to Humanity. From a chemical standpoint, the atmosphere is very oxygen rich, but also has extreme concentrations of carbon and nitrogen. It is a massive greenhouse, wherein the naturally occurring plant life is especially hazardous to human anatomy. Meats harvested from the animals contains enough toxins to kill a full grown man within fifteen minutes of ingestion.

  However, its lethal environment allows for some unique life forms. One such example is the Aphagerodict, commonly known as the 'Idiot Cane'. It is a thick, tree-like succulent plant with massive, white feathery laves that drizzle an opaque plum-white or pink-white goop (depending on whether the trunk is bright plum or pink). This goop is a highly addictive digestive enzyme that, upon ingestion, causes temporary paralysis and hallucinations, as well as lasting euphoria and psychosis. When in this state, the plant has been known to trap its addicts within its leaves, partially digest the victim, and pull them through the plant's stem.

  More than its horrifying, carnivorous capabilities, the Aphagerodict is the only succulent tree known to uproot itself and, in a heated fury worthy of being called the 'Ironic Wrath of the Divine', the plant will relentlessly chase the object of its anger, mash it to bits, and then trek back to its favorite spot — where it was rooted in the first place.

  Such is the nature of Dyjian. It is a world not to be taken lightly, especially since its pretty plants just might eat the unwary traveler.

  It is fair to note that the indigenous upon Dyjian have a peculiar way of measuring Time.

  An 'Epoch' on Dyjian is the span of time between expansions. The First Epoch began when the planet was first inhabited by its native peoples, the Xei. The Second Epoch started after the first observable expansion of the planet. The way time is measured between Epochs is counting up in years until the expansion occurs. Afterward, the years of the previous Epoch are reversed, counting down from one Epoch to the next.

  Appendix 3:

  The Peoples of Dyjian.

  Dyjian's inhabitants are as exotic as the world itself. There are three Main Kinds of people on Dyjian.

  The first are the Xei.

  Xei-kind can be described as an eccentric and philosophical people, who come in two sorts. The first sort that occurred naturally on Dyjian are called the Xei-Relles. Xei-Relles are humanoid in appearance, having a slightly pointed pinna to their ears; wide, black-lined eye frames that point upward at the outer corner; four fingers and four toes. Their bodies are are disproportionately long and slender compared to that of a true human being, yet they have very little trouble passing as 'human' alongside Humanity. The Xei-Relles are often mistakenly referred to as 'men' and 'women'. They take this as a sign of endearment.

  The technology belonging to the Xei is nothing like what humans are accustomed to. Their advancements have an appearance that mirrors nature. Hence it is hard to designate the term 'technological' advancement to anything a Xei does, from a human standpoint.

  This does not mean that we can, as a society fail to recognize this much: they introduced a nanoscopic organism into the biology of Mankind, thusly saving all humans on Dyjian; and the sheer skill and unparalleled mastery evident in their most beloved creation, the Kyusoa.

  It is not known of what means the Xei-Relles did these things, since, as stated before, it is difficult for a human being to comprehend a Xei's alien technology, specially since it doesn't appear very much different than the natural elements of the world around them (unlike ours which is largely comprised of metal, wires, plastics and liquid crystal(s), among other things).

  It is of note that Xei-Relles are not the only Xei.

  There are also Xei-Gons, the more beast-y appearing cousins of the Xei-Relles. And like their humanoid cousins, they are also a deeply meditative, philosophical species. But Xei-Gons are also hunters, and very territorial. Often mistaken for mere beasts, Xei-Gons are cautious when approaching, or being approached, by humans. Kyusoas are wary of adult Xei-Gons, although fond of the strangely self-sufficient, often solitary young.

  The primary way to tell a Xei-Gon from a Kyusoa in the Xei's youth is to look for four fingers on the hand, and six toes on the foot. The first and sixth toes are opposable, like the first and fourth fingers, giving the Xei-Gon an astounding capability to literally climb up, cling to, or else move with ease along any surface — that isn't absolutely flat and polished, like glass or slabs of stainless steel.

  Also of note is a Xei-Gon's eyes, especially after the first formative periods of puberty. Their eyelids fuse and become a clear, glossy capsule. They are a species incapable of blinking like humans, but they develop a series of ocular apertures within the eye that allow them to focus on any specific thing with the accuracy and high-definition detail of a precision microscope.

  It is a very curious thing to think that, somehow, there are Xei-Relles who were initially born Xei-Gons. Vandlorael, Asaliael, Yonathael, among others, are an example of Xei-Gons turned Xei-Relles. One theory points to a rapid and sudden biological transformation that happens overnight when the Xei-Gon is threatened on an internal biological level; that their bodies change from -Gon
to -Relle — from beast to humanoid — as a defense mechanism. And such would be true.

  There was a time in Dyjian's pre-human history where the Xei-Gons were plagued by a devastating, incurable disease. It can be considered more akin to the outbreak of the bubonic plague, except, those affected who were not killed were instead turned into humanoids, while other survivors remained Xei-Gons and developed immunity. From a human standpoint, it's terribly nonsensical.

  From the Xei's standpoint, certain ones elected to become homonids with the help of Dyiij, while others chose to remain as they were. Regardless, it's a legend in the 'modern day' of Dyjian.

  The second Main Kind on Dyjian is the Kyusoa.

  Collectively called 'Kyusoa-kin', the Kyusoa are the most diverse and difficult to understand species of Dyjian. What we do know is that they were engineered by the Xei. Curiously enough, they are a species with Aelyth capabilities. As a result, the Kyusoa are divided into four sub-kinds:

  It is difficult to tell which of the four types one may be dealing with. One of the best ways to know for sure, is to provoke a Kyusoa, or a whole commune full of them. That will prove to be a fairly stupid idea though. Apart from that, one could simply ask. The Kyusoa are cautious, but they can be terribly friendly and loving creatures, especially since they live by two golden rules:

  Love others as yourself; and

  You take my child, I take yours (because there was a time where humans, ignorant of what Goji (little kyusoa girls) and Nijuan (little kyusoa boys) grow up to be, thought they'd make great pets; hence the 'return cradle-robbing for cradle-robbing' rule).

  The reason the Xei created the Kyusoa was for protection after the initial outbreak of the unknown disease that lead to the two Xei types. Xei-Relles weren't so savvy at defending themselves as they once were, and they often felt they were missing something in their lives, now that they were no longer beasts. Hence the Kyusoa later became companions to their makers.

  Before long, it wasn't uncommon to hear of Xei-Relles taking Kyusoas as mates, as the two had a lot in common. This lead to a phenotypic lottery concerning their offspring: Either the child was going to appear like a Kyusoa, a Xei-Relle, or be a Xei-Gon.

  This 'lottery' became especially concerning once the Xei-Relles started having human partners — because it's hard to explain how a Xei-human person, who looks unquestionably human, pops out a Xei-Gon for a child.

  It's like if a woman gave birth to an Orca — no, you will want answers.

  We, as the third Main Kind, owe our survival on Dyian to the Xei-Relles. Primarily, our thanks is owed for the fact that we humans were modified. The nano-organism introduced into our bodies is, initially, a parasite that occurs on Dyjian, called Anqrapaxyl.

  Anqrapaxyl is a strange organism in that it is first of all, organic and living (as all organisms are), but when exposed to too much air, dies. It lives in colonies, utilizing the nano-bodies of the dead to form a metal-like exterior, that mirrors the properties of an isotope. Which is why, first of all, when a Dyjian human — called an 'Uunan' — is injured, they bleed black; the black is the parasite.

  The 'silver' that results later is the bodies of the dead parasites forming the odd metal. The reason Anqrapaxyl is considered an isotope is, basically, because it is. Just as the humans have varying blood types, so there are varying isotopic types of Anqrapaxyl; this results in various human-derived metals, all of which are lighter, stronger and more durable than the toughest metals present on Earth's Periodic Table of the Elements. However, each metal has inexplicable characteristics, unlike those originating on Earth.

  Anqrapaxyl, as a parasite, feeds on human blood, both red and white blood cells. However, it takes on the role of blood, lymph, and immunity to ensure the survival of its host. In addition to these, it also aids in metabolism, enabling humanity to eat a wide variety of meats, fruits, vegetables, and other things deemed edible that are native to Dyjian.

  Initially, humans were not open to the idea of being a host; there were many suicides, and many failed attempts that resulted in the death of the subject. Once a viable host was established, the primary concerns of the Xei shifted to passing on this viability to humanity's future offspring. It was then discovered that men have no bearing on passing Anqrapaxyl to their offspring; it is contingent solely on the woman.

  Since it is present in the lining of the womb, Anqarpaxyl parasitically bores into the embryo sometime after the initial gestation and divide, and when it is developing a heart. Once inside, the organism forms an organ that functions like a heart, hence, it is called the 'Secondary Heart,' and such it is.

  The Secondary Heart begins beating some time after the Primary Heart starts pumping blood. The core difference between the two isn't just placement (as the Secondary Heart is on the right side of the chest). The Secondary Heart produces Anqarpaxyl, and acts like a central 'mind' in a hive — like a Queen Bee, only minus all the Bee aspects. This heart ensures a successful Host-Organism symbiosis; without it, the organism turns on its host, effectively eating them from the inside out.

  It is fair to note that there is one interesting observation about the transmission of Anqarpaxyl from mother to child: Just as the mother's body carefully considers the child within her, so does the organism when transferring from the mother into the child. Just as the offspring is unique, the organism conforms to the developing 'environment' of its future host.

  After this significant modification, Humans on Dyjian were recognized as their own viable species throughout Yrell Aiene Tautom. They were called 'Uunan' by the Kyusoa, initially out of contempt. But the name stuck, and so there are Uunans all throughout Yrell Aiene Tautom.

  Do take note, however, that Uunanas are not the only human variations throughout Yrell Aiene Tautom.

  Appendix 4:


  What, exactly, Aelyth is can be defined in a single word: Spirit. Aelyth is an immaterial force, yet it has a limitless variety of uses, effects, and results. If you are disinclined to hear such things, then please, skip this section, and go straight to the Calendar. Otherwise, sit down, and have a cup of tea.

  Both the Ethereal and Physical realms of Yrell Aiene Tautom are dependent on Aelyth, yet the relationship between the two are stilted: The Ethereal Realm of Yrell Aiene Tautom is independent of the Physical Realm, able to exist without it; the Physical Realm is utterly contingent upon the Ethereal; both realms require Aelyth to exist.

  To best explain the two in relation to one another, we'll start with the Ethereal realm. To do this, forget everything you think you know about Spirituality, the nature of Spirit and Spirits, and how these invisible, dominantly intangible beings affect the Physical Realm (unless you have a thoroughly accurate knowledge of these things, in which case, kudos, my friend!).

  There is a hierarchy to the Spiritual side of Yrell Aiene Tautom. It begins with Tyourii, who was given an opportunity, based on a promise from the King of Eternity, to learn and exercise unrestricted creative prowess. Hence, Tyourii is the beginning of Yrell Aiene Tautom; an unclassified Aelythian being who, although resting on top, can be described as: "More concerned about the wellbeing of others than whether or not her ego is being stroked."

  Underneath Tyourii are the nine Alyi:

  Naeyr, Indanne, Aischen, Dyiij, Nallamur, Siel-Ai, Jyrschornn, Giyamagutu, Xelarc-Aishea — all of whom she hand crafted.

  Alyi are likened to Stewards — Chiefs in charge of Tyourii's property. And such they are, as she gave them explicit license to create, and govern, within reason.

  So there are rules to the Ethereal realm that must be adhered to.

  The most prominent of these Rules is: There are no 'gods.'

  Although existing in divine form, being omnipotent, and given authority to rule, the Alyi of the Ethereal realm are not permitted veneration; subsequently, no spirit creature — called an 'Aelythian Being' — may seek, desire, attempt to obtain or actually obtain worship. Tyourii herself fervidly rejects veneration.

ince there is nothing to worship, and consequently no room for 'Religion,' it is certainly conclusive that Yrell Aiene Tautom is not a faith-based Universe. Hence, a lot of the 'supernal' phenomena that happens to the peoples of the Universe — collectively called 'Yatomites' — takes place regardless of whether they are inclined to believe or not; for that matter, there is no need for any given Yatomite to believe in the Etherreal realm and those that exist there, they pretty well know it.

  The second of Rule is: What is Ethereal will not intermix, and especially not with what is Physical.

  Aelythian Beings are not forbidden form manifesting in physical form. Even the Alyi are allowed to do this. What is not allowed is sexual relations between the two, or sexual relations between manifested Aelythian Beings. And for good reason, as it would result in a gross corruption of Aelyth, in the sense that it violates the natural occurrence of Life.


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