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In Plain Sight: a hero series novel

Page 15

by M A Comley

  “Nothing really. While you’re out, I’m going to get my lads to trawl through the criminal database, see if we can get a name for this bastard once and for all.”

  “If we can find that out, we’ll be laughing. Jason managed to work his magic to obtain a pretty clear image in the end.”

  “He did well. Do you want me to call Mr. Walker? Maybe he should hear about his son’s involvement in the last crime before the media start shouting about it.”

  “Good idea. A little tact might be called for when you place the call.”

  Pitt nodded. “Would you rather I went round there to see him in person?”

  “If you get the chance, I think the personal touch would indeed soften the blow.”

  “I’ll do that. What time are you off?”

  “The funeral is around ten. I thought we’d leave around nine thirty, if that’s all right?”

  “Whenever you want. It’s going to be a tough day for everyone. I could sense the sombre atmosphere when I walked through the station’s entrance this morning. Glad to see so many officers have volunteered to cover for you guys.”

  “It certainly gladdens the heart. I’m going to have a chat with my team.” He leaned across the desk and whispered, “I have a few sensitive souls that I need to keep an eye on throughout the day. My partner is one of them.”

  “Her exterior seems pretty harsh, if you ask me.”

  Hero smiled. “She can be like a ferocious lioness one minute and resemble a tiny vulnerable kitten the next. It’s a full-time job managing her moods, I can tell you,” he said light-heartedly. He left the office and circulated the incident room, ensuring that everyone was aware what time they’d be setting off. “You all right, Julie?”

  She nodded and brushed a piece of white cotton off her black skirt. “I’ll survive. Am I riding with you, boss?”

  “Yes. Sally, do you want a ride, too?”

  “That would be wonderful, sir. Thank you.”

  The rest of the travelling arrangements were sorted out swiftly, and people got back to their tasks until the clock hands read nine thirty. The Liverpool team bid them a solemn farewell, and together Hero’s team, along with the rest of the regular officers based at the station, including Cara, left the building. Hero led the line of cars to the church. He was in awe at the number of civilians standing outside the church in the rain, waiting to pay their respects.

  The service was being broadcast through speakers rigged up on high poles so that the public could follow it. Hero was flanked on either side by the three tearful women, Sally and Julie on one side and Cara on the other. His heart went out to his sister, who would have to go through it all again when they buried Darren in a few days. He held her hand tightly during the service. At Fay’s suggestion, Hero had chosen to read ‘Remember Me’ by David Harkins during the eulogy. He also added a little speech about how Chris had been a huge part of his life outside working hours, praised him for his role as a TA officer, and even shared a few funny anecdotes of their time together. They had once airlifted a naked couple off their sinking yacht out in the North Sea, and the mourners laughed at that particular tale. Chris would have wanted the day to have lighter notes sprinkled in between the seriousness of the proceedings.

  After the service, the mourners moved outside. The two men were buried alongside each other under a gun salute. Even Hero’s eyes were damp.

  ~ ~ ~

  Myers left the house with the girl. He’d warned her that if she didn’t comply with his orders he would take her to her parents’ mansion and kill them in front of her, emphasising that it would be a long, drawn-out death.

  He watched her hands shake in her lap during the drive to the location. He intended to use her for one job then contact her parents to see what they were prepared to pay to get their daughter back. They arrived at the shopping precinct in Swinton and watched the flurry of shoppers walk past the vehicle and up the ramp to the shops.

  “You know what to do?”

  “Yes, I’m scared. Are you sure I won’t get hurt?”

  He shrugged. “Can’t guarantee no one will hurt you out there, but if you refuse to do it, I’ll string you up from the nearest tree and leave you there until you die—after I’ve killed your parents, of course. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Yes.” Her voice shook, and she licked her dry lips.

  “Have you got the weapons tucked away?”

  She opened the carrier bag he’d given her and showed him the gun, the knife and the can of pepper spray.

  “Good. Now go forth and enjoy. I’ll give you thirty minutes to complete the job. Any later, and I leave here and make my way over to your parents’ gaff. Clear?”

  She swallowed and nodded. “I’m going. What if I get caught?”

  “Not my problem. Your parents will be killed by the end of the day.”

  The teary-eyed teenager left the car and ran up the ramp in the direction of the larger shops as instructed. He stared in that direction for the next twenty minutes until he saw her running at full speed towards him. He started the car, and as soon as she hit the passenger seat beside him, he put his foot down. “How did you get on?”

  “I robbed the till, like you said. There was a burly security guard on duty. He tried to stop me, but I aimed the gun at his head, and he backed off.”

  Myers laughed. “Good, glad to see you’re capable of following instructions. I have another job for you. This time, you’ll have a partner with you.”

  “What do you mean ‘a partner’?”

  He turned sharply to look at her. “Did I give you permission to ask questions?”

  Vicki turned to look out the side window and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

  ~ ~ ~

  The team arrived back at the station, along with the rest of their colleagues. Life went on, even in such sad circumstances.

  DI Pitt and his team welcomed them with sympathetic smiles. Hero set aside his grief when Pitt began explaining what they’d discovered about the suspect. He sat on the edge of the desk next to where Pitt was seated. “So, have you got a name?”

  “Yes, one of my guys found his profile not long after you left. We’ve had the chance to do a full background check since then.”

  “Excellent news. Let’s gather the team around; they should all hear what you have to say.”

  “My guys are aware. Leave them to continue digging while we bring your team up to date.”

  Hero nodded and clapped his hands to gain the room’s attention. “My team please, gather around. Our friends have been very productive in our absence, and DI Pitt is about to share what they’ve uncovered about the suspect.”

  The team shuffled their chairs to face Hero and Pitt.

  DI Pitt cleared his throat then pointed at the image of the suspect on the incident board. “Say hello to Bob Myers, folks. He’s forty-two, known to us through a petty-theft charge and a case of attempted forgery. Got put inside for a six-month stretch.”

  Hero halted him with a raised hand. “How do minor charges grow into robbing post offices and murdering our boys?”

  “We’re not sure on that yet. Scully is trying to track down his prison record; that seems to be the most plausible reason.”

  Hero nodded. “Go on… what else have you found?”

  “Well, this is where it gets interesting. While he was serving his sentence, his wife, Gillian, was killed in an accident.”

  Frowning, Hero asked, “What kind of accident?”

  “A road traffic accident.” Pitt chewed his lip before he added, “She was killed after a pursuit patrol car smashed into the side of her vehicle as it sped through a red light. The copper involved came away with a few scratches.”

  “Ouch! Well, there’s no need to look any further for a motive—that’s it right there. When was this?”

  “In 2014, so a few years ago. What we don’t know is why he left it a couple of years before he sought retribution.”

  “You think that’s what this is about? I
t doesn’t explain the post office side of things and why he just didn’t rob the postmasters and mistresses of the money and leave. Why torture and kill them? What possible logic is there behind doing that?”

  Pitt shrugged. “I guess we’ll know more once we’ve found out about his stay in prison, who his cell mate was, et cetera.”

  “Was the wife killed in the impact, or did she die later in hospital? Not that it makes any difference.”

  “She died at the scene. Maybe he’s feeling some kind of remorse for not being at her side during her passing. I’m probably clutching at straws there.”

  Hero thought over that suggestion a moment. “You might be right. I must reiterate that it doesn’t justify his need to murder innocent people involved with the post office.”

  “We’ve done well so far. Give my guys the time to do the digging, and we’ll go from there.”

  Hero shook Pitt’s hand. “You and your team have been a great help.”

  “Hey, it’s too early for congratulations. Let’s leave that until we nail the bastard and slam the cell door on him.”

  Hero couldn’t have agreed more. He prayed that day would come sooner rather than later. “Before we get on, did you have a chance to pop over and see Mr. Walker?”

  “Sorry, I should have told you about that. Yes, he was beside himself. Broke down in tears, fearing what we’re going to throw at the lad once the investigation is finished.”

  “I hope you assured him that Dale would be exonerated of all crimes that he’s committed under duress.”

  “I did. He was still beside himself. He also stated that he wanted to lay his wife to rest but couldn’t find it in him to deal with the funeral arrangements without Dale being around.”

  Hero nodded. “That’s sad. Let’s hope he doesn’t end up burying his son along with his wife.”

  “Crap, don’t say that.”

  “Sir, something has just come to my attention,” DS Torrance from the Liverpool team stated.

  Hero dismissed his team and walked over to Torrance with DI Pitt. “What’s that, Sergeant?”

  “Apparently, one of the shops in the precinct was held up this morning.”

  Pitt and Hero glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.

  “Don’t tell me… there was no CCTV footage available,” Pitt said.

  “Actually, there was, sir. The shop was held up by a young girl brandishing a firearm.”

  “I think we should get over there ASAP.” Hero glanced down at his dress uniform and tutted. “Damn, why didn’t I bring a change of clothes?”

  “You look fine. Yep, I think it would be best if we go and check it out for ourselves.”


  The shop had closed its doors to customers, but the manageress opened the door and welcomed Hero and Pitt with a weary smile.

  “Can you run through what exactly happened with us, Miss Calderwood?” Hero asked the petite redhead, whose face lacked any colour.

  “This young girl walked into the shop. She looked shifty as soon as she walked in, so I kept an eye on her. Thought she was going to do a spot of shoplifting—wrong deduction on my part. Anyway, she waited until the customer I was serving had left the shop and then approached the counter. I smiled at her and asked if I could help her with anything. She stuck her hand in the carrier bag and pulled out a bloody gun.”

  “That must have been terrifying for you and your staff. Did she say anything?”

  “It was. I had a security guard on duty at the door, but I told him to stay back. I couldn’t have lived with myself if he’d been shot.”

  “Indeed. What did the girl demand?”

  “She told me to hand over the takings out of the till and promised that she didn’t want to harm anyone. Her hand was shaking so much when it was pointed at me that I thought she was going to end up pulling the trigger by mistake.”

  “So, she only got away with the money from the till. Is that correct?” DI Pitt enquired.

  “Yes. Luckily, I always empty it regularly. So there really wasn’t that much in there, to be honest with you. She seemed pleased with her haul though.”

  “Then what? She just left? Didn’t even ask if there was any money elsewhere on the premises?” Hero asked.

  “No, that’s what I couldn’t understand. She seemed to be in a desperate hurry to get out of here. The security guard stepped forward to try and block her escape, but she pointed the gun at his head and warned him not to try and stop her. And then she was gone.”

  “Am I right in thinking that you have CCTV footage of the incident?”

  The woman nodded. “Yes, do you want to come through and see it in my office?”

  “Thanks, that would help. Could we trouble you for a copy of the disc?”

  “Sure, I can sort that out for you.”

  The three of them walked through a stock-filled corridor that could have been classed as a fire hazard and into an equally cluttered office. She didn’t apologise for the state the room was in, just set up the footage right away. “That’s her.”

  Hero leaned into the monitor and nodded. “Yep, as I suspected. It’s Vicki Baldwin.”

  Pitt shook his head. “What the hell is this guy playing at? And how the dickens is he getting these kids to carry out these crimes for him?”

  “We’ll thrash that out back at the station,” Hero replied.

  The manageress’s head swivelled from Hero to Pitt. “If you know this girl, I’m taking it that you’ve arrested her.”

  Hero smiled at her. “No, not yet. But we’re getting close. If you can give us a copy, we’ll be on our way.”

  “That just seems incredible. You know who she is, and yet she’s still out there walking the streets, a danger to society? Is this drug related? Does she rob hard-working people like me so that she can fund her disgusting habit?”

  “I don’t think that’s the case at all.” Hero sighed. “This girl was abducted at the start of the week. We believe her abductor is forcing her to commit these crimes.”

  She frowned. “Why? Why is he doing it, and why doesn’t she escape when she has the chance to?”

  “Both very good questions we have yet to find the answers to. He’s a dangerous man. That’s all we really know about him at this stage.” It wasn’t, but it was all he was willing to share with a member of the public.

  “What a dreadful situation. He’s a coward in my eyes.”

  “I think, in a roundabout way, your assumption might be spot on, Miss Calderwood.”

  The manageress handed them a copy of the footage, and they left the shop. “I’ve got an urge to trawl the streets,” Hero stated.

  “It’s a pretty big area to cover, Nelson. He’s committing crimes all over the city. If we had a specific area that we should be monitoring, I’d agree with you. I think we’ll be better off at the station right now. Besides…”

  Hero looked over the roof of the car at Pitt before he got in. “Besides what?”

  “I thought you were desperate to get out of that suit. You really think it’ll be wise sitting in the car for hours on end, feeling as stiff as a board?”

  Hero chuckled. “Okay, you’ve persuaded me it’s a bad idea. Maybe my partner and I will do it tomorrow instead.”

  “I’m not saying I would object to getting out there with you, just not today. I don’t see any point. They’ve committed their crime for the day. Looking back over the past crimes he and his little gang have tackled so far, they tend to commit the crime then dive for cover. We’ve just got to find out where that bloody cover is.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Myers decided to take the girl back to the same house where he was keeping the young lad. He tied her close to the boy on the bed and opened the carrier bag she had brought back from the shop.

  “What the fuck? I thought it was a bit light.” He leaned in close to the girl’s face and shouted, “Are you fucking having a laugh, girl? Where’s the rest of it?”

  The girl cowered and turned her he
ad away from him. “It was all they had in the till,” she whispered.

  “Jesus, and I thought you’re supposed to be intelligent. Didn’t Mummy and Daddy send you to the school of common sense?”

  “I was scared. You didn’t tell me to hang around and ask for the rest of the money. You told me to get in and out as quick as possible.”

  He stood upright and paced the floor in front of the two terrified kids. “I’ve asked you to do one thing—one damn thing—and you’ve screwed it up. You’re going to suffer now, mark my words.”

  He stormed out of the room and sat down at the kitchen table. His head in his hands, he tried to come up with another plan. He grinned broadly and snapped his fingers when the brilliant idea struck him. Leaving his chair, and with his mobile in his hand, he strode back into the living room. “What’s your parents’ number?”

  Both his captives looked at each other before Vicki replied, “I can’t honestly remember. I just hit number one on my phone and get connected right away.”

  He shook his head at the laziness of today’s youth. “And where’s your mobile?”

  “Back in Mum’s car. I didn’t have it when you kidnapped me.”

  He spun around and kicked out at the leg of the coffee table. His mind churned as he tried to figure out what to do next. Facing the terrified teenagers again, he demanded, “Where does your dad work? The name of his business? I’ll call him there.”

  “He works in the oil business. Not sure I can think of the name of the company who employ him, though. I’m too scared to think.”

  He stormed across the room and stopped in front of her, intimidating the girl with a hard stare. “You better think quickly. Let’s put it this way: if you don’t come up with the answer soon, you’ll outlive your usefulness. Comprende?”

  “Yes, wait. Umm… it might be Complex Oil or something like that.”

  “Where are they based?”

  “The head office is in the Middle East, but Dad has another office here in Manchester, in the city centre near the station. Sorry, I really don’t know what the address is.”


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