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Moonlight Medicine: Epidemic (The Moonlight Medicine Trilogy Book 2)

Page 13

by Jen Haeger


  The night ended without further incident, but Evelyn had to take time to both replace Kim’s I.V. and to clean and bandage David’s arm. It was a bad bite, deep with large gaping holes made bigger by the violent scuffle between him and Kim. Evelyn carefully flushed each tooth puncture and applied some stinking yellow goop that every veterinarian knew to be magic when it came to healing wounds like David’s bite. She then meticulously bandaged David’s arm while apologizing to him for not properly sedating Kim.

  “It’s not your fault, Evie. You didn’t know how she would react to the sedative.”

  “I should’ve been more cautious and given her the second dose just to be safe,” she said, wrapping a layer of white medical tape around his wound.


  “Never mind. Anyways, this is a pretty bad bite, and I think that you should rest today. I can head into town for supplies.”

  “I’m fine, really. And I don’t want you to make the trip out alone again.”

  Evelyn opened her mouth to protest.

  “Please, Evie, I’d like to get a little air and we need thicker rope for Kim.”

  Evelyn couldn’t argue with that, so she got the backpack ready for him and waved as he headed off into the woods.

  While he was gone, Evelyn mopped up the blood as best she could and gave Kim another injection of antibiotics into her new I.V. She looked pale and Evelyn could not imagine that she hadn’t reinjured herself in the fight. Evelyn checked the front of the bandage which she found had begun to soak through with blood, and would need to be changed. Unfortunately she couldn’t change the bandages properly without David’s help, so it would have to wait. Evelyn was particularly exhausted from the long and frustrating night, but she desperately wanted to test Kim’s blood in the lab, so she took a swab from the bloodied bandage. Before heading into the lab she checked Kim’s breathing and pulse and made sure that the camera was still focused on her.

  Once in the lab, Evelyn hurried to gown and glove and then switched on the monitor receiver for the camera trained on Kim in the other room so that she could keep an eye on her while she worked. Three productive hours later Kim began stirring and Evelyn paused in her work to go check on her patient and possibly to explain what was going on more thoroughly than David had done. She brought a monitor and the recorded footage from the previous night with her when she went back into the living room. Fetching a glass of water, some more crackers, and trail mix for Kim, Evelyn then grabbed a kitchen chair and sat down next to the couch.

  “How are you feeling today?” she asked, passing the woman the water glass.

  Kim took a sip of water and coughed. “Worse.”

  “I’m sorry about that. Even with the sedation, you had an…episode last night.”

  Kim took another sip of water and shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know. I’m going to try to explain it to you, but first I just want to ask you a few more questions. Okay?”

  Kim nodded. “Okay.”

  “Do you work with animals or own a dog?”


  “Do any of your relatives own dog-wolf hybrids?”

  “No. But what does that have to do with anything?” Kim replied, becoming annoyed.

  “Please, I promise it’s important,” Evelyn insisted gently. “Last question: have you ever heard the term ‘Wolfkin’ before?”

  “No, I haven’t!”

  “Okay.” Evelyn inhaled deeply preparing to rip off the bandage of Kim’s naivety. “Kim, we know that you have become infected by a virus. It is a dangerous virus and one which currently has no cure,” she said using a flat, professional voice then softened, “I’m sorry.”

  Kim recoiled from Evelyn. “I can’t be sick…how could you know…?” Kim’s voice first began to fade, but then grew stronger again with her resolve. “If I am so sick, then why won’t you take me to the hospital?”

  Evelyn nodded to her. “That is an excellent and very rational question. I wish that the answer was a simple one, but I’ll show you why.”

  Evelyn started playing the video from the previous night. There was no sound and the monitor was not in color, but the images where clear enough. Evelyn narrated the first few minutes. “This is you just after we sedated you. There I am checking your vital signs and your I.V. line, and there’s David. He’s tying you down so that you don’t hurt yourself.”

  Kim was staring wide-eyed at the screen, visibly disturbed from seeing them binding her to the couch after she had fallen asleep. Evelyn didn’t fast forward through the next few minutes, but allowed the tape to run to show Kim that she and David didn’t do anything more and were not in the frame when the change occurred. When the change started happening on the footage, Kim gave a little squeak as she watched herself transform. Evelyn watched her out of the corner of her eye. The other woman was transfixed and her mouth hung open in shock. Shortly thereafter, Evelyn and David reappeared on camera in their Wolfkin forms, and Kim emitted a second shrill sound, and then switched her attention from the screen to Evelyn’s face.

  “I would really like to tell you this is all a trick or a nightmare or a lie…but it just isn’t,” Evelyn said sadly. “You’re a werewolf, Kim, and the sooner you come to terms with that the easier your life will be.”

  Kim looked away. “But that’s crazy…” she mumbled.

  “That’s what I thought too, but it turns out it is just a virus, a retrovirus that mixes wolf DNA with human DNA.”

  Kim shook her head, “No. This doesn’t make any sense…”

  Evelyn sighed, “Look, Kim, I’m not going to try to convince you that this is true. You’ve seen the video and that’s as good of proof as it gets. I’ll leave it here for you to watch and you can fast forward to when you change back if you like. I think you know deep down that I’m telling you the truth, but I’ll give you some time.”

  Evelyn got up and acquired some more pain tablets which she placed on the coffee table within Kim’s reach. “Here are some more pain meds if you want to take them, but please try to eat something first. I’ll be back in a little while because I’m guessing with the I.V. you’re going to want to visit the facilities.” She gave Kim a small smile, then left her alone and went back into the lab to resume her work.

  Evelyn continued to keep an eye on Kim. She cried a bit, ate a bit, cried a bit more, and watched more of the video. Evelyn came to another stopping point in her work nearly an hour later, and went back out to help Kim to use the bathroom. They didn’t speak much, just what was necessary to get the job done. Evelyn didn’t want to pressure her, since there was a lot for Kim to try to comprehend all at once. Evelyn helped Kim to settle back down on the couch.

  “I want to change those bandages now, O.K.?”

  Kim nodded and they began the laborious process. Evelyn carefully cut through the old bandages and pulled them gently away from the entrance wound. She then cleansed the area with some antiseptic, applied the special goo, and placed a wad of fresh gauze against the oozing puncture.

  “Can you hold this?”

  Kim lifted a hand to the gauze to keep it in place.

  “Thank you. Now I have to do the back bandages. Let’s just roll you on your side.”

  Evelyn aided Kim in tilting her body over onto her side, and noticed Kim gritting her teeth. Evelyn quickly worked to similarly treat the exit wound, and then began to wrap fresh dressings around Kim’s abdomen. Kim’s face flushed and she inhaled sharply through her teeth in obvious pain. It was then that Evelyn spotted that Kim had not taken her pain medication. When she had taped the new bandages securely, and Kim was settled once more, Evelyn pointed at the tablet.

  “That will help with the pain.”

  Kim shook her head. “I want to stay lucid.”

  “That’s fair. Can I get you some Tylenol instead?”

  Kim considered a moment then nodded. “O.K. Where’s David?”

  Evelyn came back with the capsules, “He hiked out
to the store for more food and other supplies. We hadn’t prepared for…something like this.”

  When Evelyn talked about food, she realized that she was ravenous and went into the kitchen to fix herself a sandwich. She came back out sandwich in hand.

  “I can get you something more to eat if you’re feeling up to it,” she said.

  Kim shook her head. “Not right now. Maybe later.” She laid her head back on the couch wearily but continued to look up at Evelyn. “Do you guys come out here to…get away from people, when it…ya know…happens…”

  Evelyn considered how to answer Kim’s question. “We don’t have to…both David and I have, um, dealt with this longer than you and can, ah, control ourselves now. We just come here sometimes to get a little more space. It’s our secret little get-away spot.”

  “Are there other…infected people out there?” Kim asked tentatively.

  “All over the world in fact, you’d be surprised how many. There are different groups of us, forgive the term, but packs. The pack in America is called the Wahya. I think that they will be able to help you out the most.”

  Kim frowned. “They? Wouldn’t you be part of the American pack too?”

  “It’s a long story. Not a good one for right now, you should get some rest.” Evelyn rose and started to leave the room.

  “Evelyn, how did I become infected?”

  Evelyn grimaced and turned towards Kim. “I’m sorry Kim, I’m not really sure. Normally it’s through a bite or exposure to contaminated blood, hence all the odd questions before.”

  Kim’s eyelids were drooping. “I don’t remember being exposed to any blood…” Her eyes closed and she drifted off.

  “I don’t think that you were…” Evelyn whispered.


  Kim slept most of the rest of the day and Evelyn worked in the lab checking on her every hour or so. David returned midafternoon with more food and a length of heavy rope. After much discussion and a little arguing, Evelyn and David finally agreed that only one of them needed to babysit Kim that night as long as they had extra sedative at the ready, and Evelyn administered a second dose halfway through the night. Evelyn was tremendously relieved because after spending all night and all day cooped up in the cabin she couldn’t imagine spending yet another frustrating and unproductive night there. They woke Kim to get a protein shake down her and to give it a brief period to digest before they administered the sedative. Kim seemed calmer about everything and Evelyn showed her the snapped nylon rope from the previous night so that she wouldn’t be overly concerned with the much thicker rope that they were going to use tonight. As they were securing Kim to the couch, Evelyn decided that they were going to need a new couch after this.


  Evelyn relished her half of the night outside in the woods. There was still the concern of running across other Wolfkin, either known or foreign, but it was difficult for Evelyn to care as she stretched her legs and breathed in the night air. She caught three hapless rabbits and then took a bath in a stream so as not to track any blood into the cabin. It occurred to her that this was the first time that she had been in Wolfkin form at the lab without David there with her the entire time. It somehow made the experience that much sweeter for her. As she stretched out along the steam bed, she felt truly independent for the first time in a very long time. She didn’t enjoy the thought of returning to the cabin for her shift with Kim, but knew it was only fair that David got a chance to stretch his Wolfkin legs too.

  Listening to the night sounds, Evelyn tried to put all her worries out of her mind. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, letting the soothing and familiar scents of the forest calm her. Imagining for a brief moment that she was just a wolf with minimal, animal concerns, she felt as one with the wilderness and a peace drifted over her. Grudgingly she opened her eyes again and scanned the piece of sky that she could spot through the trees. The moon told her that the night was half gone, and that it was time to switch places with David. Evelyn huffed, then rose and shook the clinging water from her furry torso and tail. A bitter howl climbed into her throat, but she stifled it into a whimper for fear of being heard by David or some other unfriendly Wolfkin. Instead, deliberately choosing a serpentine path, she ran back to the cabin.


  The rest of the night was uneventful and Evelyn took a brief nap in the morning before heading back into the lab. Fortunately, Evelyn had found that the sleep lost due to the change typically didn’t need to be recompensed in full, so after the nap she felt completely refreshed. She left David dozing in one of the cushioned chairs of the living room. While Evelyn was pretty sure that Kim was coming to grips with the situation, they still couldn’t be too sure she wouldn‘t spook and try to bolt if left completely unattended. Evelyn also kept an eye on her via the camera and monitor, but not as closely as the previous day. She was much too anxious to get Kim’s blood sample processed and compare it to Katie’s and the other samples. She knew in her gut that Kim’s and Katie’s viral DNA would be the same diverse strain. It wasn’t exactly good news if the virus had mutated such that it was easier to become infected, but maybe just maybe, this was the development that would sway most of the Wolfkin packs to sanctify research into a cure. Evelyn just hoped that she would be able to help find that cure…before even more innocent people became infected.


  “So you told her…everything?” David asked, eyebrows elevating.

  “Yep. Well, honestly, the video did most of the talking.”

  David still looked skeptical. “But she doesn’t seem…I mean she’s not…”

  “Freaking out? Well, she did some, but I think that she’s handling it rather well overall.”

  “Are you sure that she isn’t just still in shock?”

  Evelyn fixed David with a scathing glare. “Yes. I’m sure. But if you don’t believe me, why don’t you just talk to her yourself?”

  David looked nervous about discussing wolfy things with Kim, but nodded and made his way out into the living room. Evelyn followed but hung back just inside the hallway. When David approached the couch, Kim smiled at him sleepily.

  “How’re you feeling today?”


  “So, Evelyn…er…explained…things,” he said glancing back at Evelyn.

  “You mean the thing about me being a werewolf?”

  David exhaled through semi-pursed lips. “Yeah, that.”

  “I can’t say that I’m overly thrilled about it, but Evelyn said that with time it won’t be such a… problem, that I’ll be able to control it better.” Kim dropped her gaze to the blanket covering her. “But there’s no cure, right?”

  David opened his mouth to answer Kim, but Evelyn stepped forward into the room first. “Sorry Kim, but you’re right. There isn’t a cure.” Yet. She checked Kim’s I.V. line and busied herself with examining Kim’s bandages to distract her from the sad truth of the matter. “The good news is that you look much better today. Good enough in fact to start some physical therapy.”

  Evelyn turned to David. “That will be your job.”

  He nodded, and Evelyn looked back at Kim.

  “See you in a bit.”

  Evelyn gave Kim a big smile and winked at her, but when she left the room on her way to the lab the smile quickly melted away.


  David tenderly lifted Kim’s right leg and provided resistance for Kim to push against, then moved the leg around in a circular motion to aid with circulation. He stretched first one leg, then the other. Initially Kim was in a lot of pain, but she began to feel better as her muscles loosened up.

  “David,” Kim said after they had finished, “where’d Evelyn go?”

  “Oh, you know, she’s out stretching her legs a bit,” David commented without looking at her.

  Kim sighed. “Please don’t lie to me. It’s a little insulting don’t you think?”

  David glanced up at her face. It wasn’t angry, just sternly set.

  “I’m sorry…it�
��s just…complicated.”

  Kim motioned to the I.V. line, the couch, and her bandaged abdomen. “I have time. Explain it to me.”

  David had the feeling that she really would not take no for an answer, so he moved his chair up near Kim’s head and sat down again.

  “Okay, so there are a few things that we haven’t gotten around to telling you yet. We already told you that there are many different packs all over the world, right?” Kim nodded and David continued. “Well, some of them, no strike that, most of them wouldn’t like the way that Evelyn and I refer to werewolfism as a virus and a disease.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, for them it isn’t an accident that they became werewolves. They chose to…or were chosen to, and it’s generally an honor, or spiritual transcendence, or at least a duty that they undertake with full knowledge of the…consequences. So you can see how calling it a disease might be highly insulting, and even dangerous.”

  “I can see insulting, but why would it be dangerous?” queried Kim.

  “Well, if you look at werewolfism like a religion, and people get very irrational about their religious beliefs, right? I mean look at the Inquisition, the Crusades…well you get the idea. Anyway, the concept that their religion, their whole way of life is just a virus and could be destroyed by a cure being found is just too much for some of them. Does that make any sense?”

  “Okay, so what does this all have to do with where Evelyn is right now?”

  David sighed. “This isn’t exactly our secret vacation spot, Kim, it’s a secret lab. I told you that Evelyn is a doctor…well she’s technically a human doctor and a veterinarian, and she’s researching a cure. Which sounds great, but if any of the other packs found out…we could be in big trouble.”

  “How big?”

  “One pack’s already tried to kill Evelyn over this. Even before she actually began researching, just because she might be able to discover a cure,” said David gravely.


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