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Blake, Abby - Soldier [Altered Destinies 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Abby Blake

  He placed a hand on her back, essentially holding her still as he pressed three fingers straight into her dripping channel. She gasped at the sudden invasion, but her slippery flesh flexed around him, and more of her juices slicked his fingers.

  He pumped them into her several times, her hips lifting slightly to push back onto his hand. He smacked her thigh loudly as she tried to wriggle closer to his touch. “Stay still,” he ordered. “We don’t want to hurt you, princess.”

  She growled her frustration and tried to kick out at him, but he expected the move and easily blocked it. He pinned her legs to the back of the couch with his knees. Rick moved to hold her immobile as Zane pulled his fingers from her pussy and inserted one slippery digit into her anus. She stopped fighting him as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle. He slid the finger in and out slowly, enjoying the sounds she made and the way her ass clenched with each stroke.

  “Two now,” he warned her as he pressed another finger deep into her ass. She swore as he stretched her, and he smacked her ass lightly. “No more swearing, princess. It’s not very nice.” He laughed as she used every swear word he’d ever known and maybe a couple that were new to him.

  “Baby, he’s right. Maybe we should find something more interesting for you to do with that mouth.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jenna couldn’t hide the heat that swelled through her at the idea. She thought he was going to lift her up and feed her his cock, so the feeling of a rubber ball shape pressed against her mouth was rather shocking. She tried to hold her jaw shut, but Rick managed to get it past her teeth before she could put up any real resistance. He tightened the buckle behind her head and then grabbed her hands and held them together before she could manage to reach it. She laid her head back down to consider her next move.

  “Good girl,” Zane said as she stopped fighting. God, how could two little words mean so much to her? She’d never been praised, not even as a child. It had always been run faster, be smarter, work harder. At the time, she’d believed it had made her a better soldier, but now, now, she wasn’t so sure. If two words of praise from someone she loved and respected could melt her into a pliable puddle of nonresistance, how much different could her life have been?

  She flexed her lips around the ball gag as she realized the words she’d used to describe Zane. Did she love him? Did she love Rick? Really, she had no comparison. If wanting to be with them all the time, trusting them to protect both her body and her heart, then yes, she loved them.

  A hard slap on her ass bought her back to the present. “Concentrate, princess.”

  “Fuck off,” she sent telepathically, but couldn’t hide the smile in her voice.

  Another sharp slap against her ass had her gasping for breath at the same time that her pussy tingled and orgasm beckoned. Zane scissored the fingers in her ass, stretching her sensitive flesh even more before removing them completely.

  “This is just a small plug, but it’ll help the muscles relax and give you an idea of what it will be like when we both fuck you at the same time.” She moaned. Even though he wasn’t touching her, her ass and pussy muscles pulsed in anticipation. Something cold and slippery dripped onto her ass, and then his fingers were back, spreading the lubricant around and inside her anus. “Okay, princess. I want you to take a deep breath and then breathe out slowly.”

  She did as he instructed, her ass throbbing as he pressed something hard and round into her back passage. Her skin burned a little as the object grew wider, and she fought against Rick’s hold as the plug kept pushing slowly into her ass. Just as she was about to scream telepathically, the plug narrowed and her muscles closed around it to hold it tight inside her.

  She sucked air through her nose and chewed on the ball gag as incredible sensations traveled up and down her legs, into her pussy and ass, and up through her chest. Her entire body felt swollen, tense, ready to explode. Her breasts rubbed against the fabric of the sofa, her nipples aching deliciously as Zane pushed her down with more force. He lifted her up and maneuvered her pliant lower half until her swollen clit mashed against the fabric. One tap on the butt plug and she was flying.

  Every muscle shook as heat pulsed from her ass and pussy and burned through the rest of her body. Wave after wave of rippling sensation bounced through her, zapping her strength, erasing her thoughts. She dragged in air, her chest heaving, her body quivering as she tried to slow down her racing heart.

  Jenna had no idea how long she stayed draped over the sofa like a limp noodle, but she barely noticed when Zane bent to inspect the plug’s placement or when he lifted her into his arms and cradled her close. He undid the ball gag, kissed her forehead tenderly, and whispered the two words guaranteed to worm their way into her heart, “Good girl.”

  He lowered her into Rick’s embrace where he still sat on the couch. “You rest while I get you some breakfast. You need to regain your strength so you can enjoy all the things Rick and I have planned for today.”

  She snuggled into Rick’s arms, feeling exhausted, thoroughly loved, and cherished. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this way. She felt warm and safe and happy. She was almost asleep when Rick whispered the words, “I love you.”

  * * * *

  It was the strangest feeling. Basically, he’d just held his woman down while his best friend had bought her to a bone-melting, earth-shattering climax, and he couldn’t be happier. She snuggled into his arms, and he’d never felt more complete. His cock ached where it pressed against the rigid denim of his jeans, but still he was happy just to hold her like this. She’d quickly become the center of his universe, and he couldn’t imagine a life without her or Zane.

  “I love you,” popped out of his mouth before he could call it back. Lucky for him, she’d fallen asleep. He had no idea what her reaction would be to such sappy sentiment, and he was feeling too good to want to deal with another tantrum right now. He lifted the silver locket from where it nestled between her beautiful breasts. He and Zane had really wanted to put a photo of each of her girls inside but knew it was too dangerous. If Jenna was ever abducted again, the locket would prove she knew where her girls were. He didn’t even want to think what the Professor would do to force her to reveal their whereabouts.

  She sighed softly against his chest, and he moved a stray lock of hair away from her eyes as he admired her features. Too often, when she was awake, she wore her characteristic scowl, but relaxed in sleep, she was even more beautiful. He traced a finger over the line of her lips. They were thin and suited the shape of her face perfectly, but whenever he saw them, he thought of how beautiful they looked wrapped around his cock and how red and swollen they’d become the day she’d insisted on kneeling at their feet and sucking them both off. She’d alternated between using her hands and mouth on them both, and he’d never been more turned on or come so hard in his life.

  Watching her suck his best friend’s cock should’ve been uncomfortable, but somehow sharing her with the man who’d known him practically his entire life just seemed right.

  Zane sauntered into the room, a tray of food and coffee in his hands. “Asleep?” he asked. Rick nodded minutely, trying not to wake her.

  “Come on, princess. Wake up.” Zane wrapped his hand around her closest ankle and tickled the bottom of her foot.

  She kicked out at him in her sleep and growled, “Fuck off.”

  The loud sound of a hand smacking her thigh surprised all three of them. Rick blinked in astonishment as he registered the sting on his hand. He soothed over the area, embarrassed and confused by his reaction.

  Zane just smiled. “See, princess, even Rick wants you to control that potty mouth.” She grumbled something, but Rick felt her desire growing as he massaged the spot he’d smacked. “Coffee first,” Zane laughed as he turned back to the tray. Rick tried not to laugh as she poked her tongue out at Zane behind his back. “I’ll make sure you pay for that later,” Zane said happily, obviously realizing what she was up to.

  “How do
you do that?” she asked, suddenly serious. She wiggled to sit up straighter but winced and moaned, probably from the movement of the butt plug.

  “Do what, princess?” Zane asked as he handed her a cup of coffee.

  “Read my thoughts and emotions. I’ve never met someone capable of intercepting my thoughts without my direct permission. How is it that you and Rick can do something no one else can? Not even Alana can get into my brain without my permission.”

  Rick could practically hear the cogs turning in Zane’s head. That’s when he realized that he could read Zane far easier these days than he used to.

  “I’m not sure, princess. Lately my telepathic and empathic skills seem stronger. I’ve always been pretty average with both, but since meeting you, they seem better, more attuned somehow.”

  Rick nodded his agreement. He’d felt the same thing, but it wasn’t until that very moment that he realized he could sense Jenna very clearly. “Baby, are you still using your skills to hide from our senses?”

  She nodded as she said, “It’s something I need to consciously switch off, not the other way around. It takes a lot for me to deliberately reverse that particular skill.” He felt her sorrow, like she felt she was somehow letting them down, and he pulled her closer as he tried to explain his observation.

  “Jenna, baby, I can sense you. I only just realized it, but even with your skill in place, I can sense you now.”

  “You can?” she asked with a frown. “Do you think maybe the ability is wearing off?

  “I don’t know,” Rick said as he rolled the information around in his mind. “It’s possible, I suppose, especially if your theory about the Professor’s vitamin injection is correct. But maybe spending time with you is boosting our skills. I read a report a while ago where Caleb suggested that his and Ethan’s skills had grown since they’d met Theresa. He’d observed similar outcomes with Dana’s partners.” He ran his hand slowly up and down her spine. “Maybe there is a connection between the three of us that somehow overrides your cloaking skill.”

  She giggled against his chest. “Cloaking skill? Just like in that sci-fi movie you made me watch?” She wriggled on his lap, and he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head as she said, “Now if I can figure out how to raise my shields...”

  “Nuh-uh, no shield-raising here, princess. I like you completely accessible.” Zane smoothed a hand up her thighs, and she shivered as he brushed against the soft curls at their apex. “Breakfast,” he ordered with a suggestive wink. “You need your strength.”

  Chapter Ten

  Several hours later, she screamed as another orgasm hit her. She’d been licked, sucked, spanked, and finger-fucked into some of the most intense sensations she’d ever felt. Right now, she was stretched across Zane’s bed, her wrists and ankles secured to the bedpost with soft leather cuffs. Her ass still throbbed from the spanking Zane had given her when she’d scoffed at his boast that he could make her orgasm just by tanning her hide. Turns out she’d been wrong, but to make sure she remembered, he’d coached Rick through her second spanking orgasm. Rick had been hesitant at first, but he’d quickly found a workable rhythm while Zane pressed her upper body against the mattress and increased the feeling of no control.

  She never would have guessed that a type of helplessness would make her feel more cherished, more loved, and safer than she’d ever known, but here she was, orgasm slamming through her as her bonds held her still and her men watched. They both wore that smug expression now, and she realized she loved it. She’d happily spend the rest of her life with a sore ass if she could make them smile like that all the time.

  She watched through half-closed lids as they unbuckled the restraints and rubbed her wrists and ankles. Rick climbed onto the bed and stretched out beside her. He drew circles around her nipples as he watched her expression. She could feel his hard cock resting against her leg, and she wriggled around enough to make him moan.

  “How are you feeling, baby?”

  “Thoroughly,” she said with a smile on her face.

  “Too sore to let me love you?” She smiled wider, wondering if he’d given much thought to his choice of words.

  “Never,” she whispered sincerely.

  Zane stood beside the bed and trailed a hand down her abdomen and pressed two fingers into her pussy. She undulated against the mattress, her exhausted body moving quickly back toward orgasm.

  “We’re both going to take turns fu...” He bit off his own words and smiled devilishly at her. “Take turns making love to you, but we’re going to leave the butt plug in so that you can get an idea what it would be like with both of us penetrating you at the same time.”

  “Let us know if anything feels uncomfortable or too painful. We don’t want to hurt you,” Rick said seriously as he rolled a condom onto his thick erection.

  She nodded, her breath catching as Rick rolled onto his back and dragged her over the top of him. Her knees felt like jelly, but he held her by the hips and guided her throbbing pussy over the tip of his cock. Slowly he lowered her onto his stiff member.

  She gasped at the stretch, his cock suddenly feeling much bigger than it had before.

  “It’s the plug,” Zane whispered in her ear. “It makes everything tighter.” She nodded her understanding and had a moment of panic as she slid further down Rick’s rigid shaft. He held her steady, stopping her downward momentum until she caught her breath and nodded for him to continue. Her ass throbbed around the base of the butt plug, the muscle clenching rhythmically as Rick pushed his full length into her.

  The feeling was incredible. Everything, every touch, every slide, every movement felt magnified. He’d lifted her hips and had barely moved her when she felt the beginning of her release pound through her. He groaned as her muscles gripped him tighter, and he began lifting and lowering her faster and harder against him. She tried to help him, tried to lift herself, but he pounded her harder, his groan loud in her ears as her orgasm whipped through her and milked his cock. He held her to him, grinding her clit against his pelvis as he pulsed hot seed into her body.

  She collapsed against him at the same moment she felt Zane move behind her and lift her hips. Rick’s spent cock fell from her a moment before Zane penetrated her with one long, smooth thrust. She screamed as another orgasm pulled all the muscles tight in her pelvis. He pounded her hard and fast as Rick leaned up and captured her lips in a devastating kiss.

  Another release seemed to follow the first, and she panted and moaned as Zane fucked her boneless body. He lifted her to a kneeling position as he continued to pump into her. “One more,” he ordered. She’d barely groaned a protest when he grabbed the butt plug and wiggled the base.

  Brilliant colors burst behind her eyelids as her body went into meltdown. She barely stayed conscious long enough to feel his cock pulse as he found his own release. He pulled out of her slowly, every small slide an exquisite pain.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, princess.”

  She fell forward onto Rick, and he cuddled her close. A few minutes later, Zane came back into the room, slid onto the bed behind her, and pushed her knees higher under her own body. She gasped as her overused muscles groaned in protest.

  “I’m going to take the plug out now. Relax, and push back as I pull it out.” Relaxing wasn’t hard when all your bones had apparently dissolved, but she somehow found the energy to push a little as he eased the largest part past her anal muscles. It slipped out easily after that, and the sensation was so intense Jenna was pretty sure that she would’ve had another orgasm if she hadn’t been so very thoroughly exhausted. It felt strange to let him clean her with the washcloth, but it also felt incredibly intimate, like this was something a man who loved her would do.

  Zane left the room again but was back quickly. He climbed onto the bed and stretched out beside her as Rick moved away and headed for the bathroom.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  “Yes, we make a pretty good team,”
he said as he pulled her against him. “Although I doubt you’re going to sit properly for a few days. Between the spanking, the plug, and the very thorough loving, I reckon you might want a day off, or maybe some ice.”

  She laughed at his silliness, certain that she would be fine. Her ass cheeks and thighs had already stopped stinging, and her pussy had grown quite used to the attentions of two virile men in the past three weeks. Her ass twitched slightly as she thought of the plug, but she knew the feeling would pass quickly.

  “What did I miss?” Rick asked as he walked back into the room.

  “Just commenting on our incredible teamwork,” Jenna said happily.

  “That’s true,” he said as he made seemingly deliberate eye contact with Zane. “So how about we make it permanent?”

  “Make what permanent?” she asked curiously.

  “Us,” Zane said. “The three of us together, like a real relationship.”

  “This isn’t a real relationship?” she asked, confused. She knew they were trying to say something important, but she wasn’t getting it.

  “This is a real relationship,” Rick said, his voice deep and reassuring. “So real that we think the three of us should make a commitment. Like Alana and Gabe and Rafe.”

  “You want to get married?

  They both grinned at the way she squawked the question.

  “Yes, we thought you could marry me, and Zane can be your bit on the side.” Zane laughed at Rick’s banter and then made his own suggestion.

  “On second thought,” Zane said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “You should marry me, and Rick can be the guy who fills in when I can’t be there.”

  She shook her head, a million problems crowding her brain as she thought about a future for the three of them. It was so complicated it made her head spin, and she hadn’t yet recovered fully from all the mind-blowing orgasms they’d given her.


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