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CovertDesires Page 4

by Chandra Ryan

“Need to save you.”

  He kissed her forehead gently. “You already did. And I appreciate it.”

  There was something she needed to tell him but having him so close made her mind fuzzy. Or maybe it was the medication. He leaned down and kissed her again. This time his mouth found hers. There was no heat in the touch though. And that didn’t seem right.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and traced her tongue over the seam of his lips. He would respond to her. “I’ll save you again and you’ll fall helplessly in love with me.”

  “What?” He tried to pull away from her but she held on to him.

  “Not now. Then.” She lifted her head so she could kiss him. “Now is the time to finish business.” After she kissed him a couple more times he started to relax in her hold.

  “You’re so heavily medicated you probably have no idea what you’re saying.”

  She always knew what she was saying. When she was saying it at least. But since he wasn’t trying to run away she decided not to correct him.

  “And you probably have no idea what you’re doing,” he continued. “Which means I should go.”

  She couldn’t let that happen. He would fall in love with her regardless but she wanted to have a bit of fun. “I’m not medicated.”

  This time he did manage to pull away from her. “Really? Because the doctor says you are.”

  She smiled what she hoped would be a seductive smile. She didn’t have enough experience to be certain though. “Okay, I’m a little out of it. But I’m not that medicated.” To sweeten the words she ran her hands up his shirt. She liked how the warmth radiated off his skin. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  “Really? Then tell me, what are you doing?”

  “I’m seducing you.” She wrapped her hands behind his back and tried to pull him to her again but he resisted. He was too damn strong for his own good. “And you aren’t making it very easy.”

  “It’s a bad idea.”

  Giving up on bringing him down to her, she sat up so she could be at his level. “It’s not.” She was only wearing a flimsy hospital robe. A particular piece of fashion she’d grown rather comfortable in with all the tests that’d been run on her over the years. It only took a simple move to untie the back and shrug out of the gown. His eyes followed the path of the material as it slid down her body to puddle in her lap. “This is probably the best idea I’ve ever had. And I’ve had some pretty awesome ones over the years.”

  Chapter Four

  She was naked. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Everybody was naked under those robes. But he hadn’t expected to see so much of her creamy skin on display. It made his brain fog and his breath catch.

  “You should touch me.”

  The all-consuming craving he’d fought off earlier slammed into him again. Only it was different this time. They weren’t currently working a case. And there was no threat. In short there was no reason for him to stop himself. So he didn’t.

  He leaned forward and kissed her. Her mouth was still bruised so he tried to be as careful as possible. Which became more difficult as she scored his skin with her nails. The feel of her fingers caressing his back was almost more than he could handle.

  Breaking the kiss, he said, “You’re going to drive me insane.” He didn’t wait for a response as he caressed her shoulder.

  “I won’t. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

  He smiled against her skin. How could she be so damn adorable and yet so sexy at the same time? She was a walking contradiction. But somehow it worked for her.

  As her nails dug into his shoulders he decided to stop questioning her appeal and just appreciate the sensation of her body being so wonderfully near his. He wrapped one arm around her lower back just so he could pull her closer. She smelled so good. Like apples and sunshine. And he had to taste her again.

  He left a trail of kisses from her shoulder to the ridge of her collarbone. The only things he enjoyed more than the silky feel of her skin were the small moans and gasps she made as he went. He enjoyed how vocal and uninhibited she was with him. When he got to her chest she even arched her back to give him better access.

  He cupped her breast and then dusted her nipple with a kiss. He meant it to be just a gentle brush of his lips. But when her fingers became entwined in his hair and she pulled him to her, he was happy to comply with her need for more.

  A sharp whimper broke from her as he kneaded her breast and opened his mouth to her nipple. She had truly beautiful nipples—the perfect tantalizing shade of a blush. But he wanted to see them pebbled tightly with attention. He traced the delicate skin with the tip of his tongue and then blew gently across it. He wasn’t disappointed as it became a tight bud right in front of his eyes. He moved over to her other breast and repeated the actions as he rolled the first nipple between his thumb and index finger. “You feel amazing. I could spend the entire night touching and tasting you.”

  She mumbled something before wrapping her thighs around his hips. The gown was the only thing that covered her hot, welcoming pussy. And as much as he enjoyed worshiping her breasts, he suddenly felt the need to continue down her body. He gave each nipple one last kiss before running the pads of his thumbs down her rib cage.

  A slight wiggle of her hips was the only indication she gave of any impatience. But since that ground her sex against his hardening cock, he was acutely aware of the movement. He might want this to go all night but he was starting to reach the limits of his control. He’d wanted her too long to take this slow. And there would be time for slow later.

  “Need you now, sweetheart.”

  Thankfully her enthusiastic nod told him they were on the same page. With one simple gesture he’d unfastened his pants. The zipper seemed to be trickier though. Her thighs still held him tightly against her, giving him very little room to work. But he refused to sacrifice her nearness just for convenience. It might have taken a couple of extra seconds to undress this way but it was worth it to feel her heat with each brush of her body against his.

  Before he pulled his pants down he grabbed a condom out of his pocket. Yes, he was clean. And he didn’t think Subs could get pregnant. At least, none of the Subs he’d met had ever had a child. But he respected her too much to taint this moment with empty promises.

  “Please, Jack.”

  He thought he was going as fast as he could. But her plea pushed him to go quicker. The condom was out of its package and he had it slid down the length of his hard cock in record time. “Are you ready for me?”

  The hospital gown was still puddled in her lap but it only took him a moment to throw it to the side. He then ran his fingers through the lips of her pussy to check. She was soaked with desire and her skin was hot. She was more than ready. Still, he slid a finger deep into her channel. He couldn’t resist the need to prolong the anticipation for just a couple of seconds.

  “Fuck me, already.”

  Instead of following the order he slid a second finger into her. The torture of expectation felt too good to deny himself. She flexed the inner muscles of her sex around him and he had to grit his teeth to keep from replacing his hand with his cock that instant. “Watch.”

  She still had her head thrown back with her eyes closed. He needed that to change. As she sat up and stared down at his hand he added a third finger and started thrusting them deep inside her as he used his thumb to stroke her clit.

  “Jack…” She called out his name as her body started to tremble. “So close.” He could tell she was speaking the truth by the grip she had on his fingers. “Please. Want to come around your cock.”

  He pulled out of her warmth but then quickly filled her with his hard dick. With them both on the brink there was no need for finesse. Raw, powerful thrusts were what they needed to take them over the edge.

  The rhythm he set was fast and fierce but she seemed to welcome it with the flexing of her hips and the tight grip she kept on his ass. She wasn’t going to let him go anywhere. And that was perfectly fin
e with him. Sweat started to bead on his forehead and he could feel a tingling in the base of his spine as his balls tightened. He was going to come. Soon.

  He reached down to swipe the pad of his thumb over her clit as he continued to thrust into her. Her nails dug into his ass as her sex clenched around him and she shouted his name. He could feel her coming. And now he didn’t have to hold back any longer.

  She called out incoherently as he drove deeper inside her. But he couldn’t be sure if it was her words that were garbled or if his brain had lost the ability to decode. He didn’t even care. The only thing that mattered was the overwhelming sensation. It was too much and not enough. Pleasure and pain rolled into one impossibly long second. And then the moment broke and he was filled with peace.

  His body still rocked in hers of its own accord. But the pace was relaxed now. He was savoring the aftershocks of their climax. “Thank you.”

  She giggled. “I think that was mostly you. I didn’t do much.”

  “I disagree.”

  “Then you’re in for a treat. Next time I’m going to show you how good I am when I’m not laid up in the hospital.”

  Next time. He’d never heard sweeter words. “Really?”

  “Yep. You can save your gratitude for then.”

  “It’s a deal.” He stared down at her chest as it heaved with the effort to catch her breath.

  “And I can thank you for this round.” Her smile almost appeared coy after everything they just shared. “I love the feel of you inside me.”

  He groaned as she wiggled her hips. The movement made his body spasm again. “Me too.” He pulled out of her despite his words. “But I need a nap and a good meal before we get started again.”

  She yawned as she repositioned herself on the bed so she could lie down. With the covers pulled up around her she looked vulnerable. He would’ve felt guilty about taking advantage of her but he was fairly certain she’d done her best to take advantage of him. “I need to get cleaned up. Will you be okay?”

  Her hand flitted through the air as she brushed his concern off. “I’m safe. For now.”

  He walked over to the nearest trashcan before carefully removing the condom. “I’ll just be a shout away. If you need anything.”

  “I won’t.”

  He smiled at the muffled quality of her voice. She was already drifting off. And the best thing he could do for her right now would be to let her have the peace and quiet she needed. He threw the condom away before fixing his clothes. Then with one last glance over his shoulder he walked out her door and back into the chaos of the hospital.

  Be calm and all businesslike. That’s how he should be acting right now. But he couldn’t seem to stop the smile that seemed determined to take over his face or the skip in his step. His step really didn’t need a skip. He was in a hospital. Who skipped in a hospital?

  Apparently he did. When he was happy, at least. It didn’t happen very often. So rarely, in fact, that he had a hard time remembering the last time he felt this way. And that cloud of joy followed him all the way down three hallways and on the short elevator ride to the cafeteria. He was just about to open the door to the lunchroom, however, when another person caught his attention and managed to burst his little bubble of happiness.

  “How’s it going, Jack?”

  “As I live and breathe. If it isn’t the one and only Max Parker. What brings you to my little quarter of the galaxy?” As if he had to ask. Anytime Rowe got into trouble Parker wasn’t too far behind. Jack had come to appreciate the man’s protectiveness. Rowe didn’t seem to take as much caution in her life as she should. She needed people to look after her. The more the merrier in his opinion. The only problem was, wherever Parker was, the man’s wife was sure to follow.

  “You know why I’m here. And you’re lucky I was able to keep Harlow from barging into Rowe’s room to check on her. If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t be able to breathe without coughing up blood.”

  His heart skipped a beat in panic at the thought of Harlow walking in on them while having sex. Not that he minded other people knowing about them. He wasn’t ashamed. Hell, he’d sing it from the rafters if he thought that wouldn’t embarrass Rowe. And if he didn’t think it’d get him committed for psychiatric observation.

  The problem with Harlow was… Hell, he didn’t really know what her problem was. They had simply gotten off on the wrong foot. The woman hated him with a passion. And she was Rowe’s best friend. It didn’t take a genius to realize that if Harlow freaked out about him in front of Rowe, it would be the end for whatever was happening between them. And he really didn’t want it to end. Not so soon after it began. “And how is that lovely wife of yours today?”


  “Because Rowe was injured?” He hoped that was the extent of Harlow’s knowledge about what happened tonight. At least until he could smooth things over with her. Who knew? Maybe he could get her on his side. Given enough time.

  “And because when I wouldn’t let her go into the room she insisted on checking on her using the hospital monitors.”

  “Shit.” She knew.

  Parker laughed but quickly smothered the sound with a hand. “You didn’t hear that. I do not find this situation amusing in the least.”

  “I like Rowe, Parker.” He shook his head. “No. That’s not right. It’s more than that. The woman ties me up in knots. I want to protect her from the galaxy but I’m so damn proud of her. She’s strong, fierce, brave and so incredibly naive that knowing the danger she puts herself in every day scares the shit out of me. She would literally give some bum the shirt off her back.”

  Parker started to laugh again.

  “Not funny. And I’m not exaggerating. I had to stop her from stripping the first night we were working a case together. Some junkie teenager was checking into a rehab clinic we were researching.” He smiled despite himself as he remembered the night. “The girl’s clothing barely had enough material to make it legal in public. If she bent over she’d have broken the public indecency laws. Rowe was going to give her the shirt off her back. I asked her what she planned on wearing if she gave her clothes to the other woman. Do you know what she said?”

  He waited for Parker to shake his head.

  “She hadn’t thought it through that far.”

  “That sounds like Rowe.”

  “She never thinks things through. She honestly trusts the universe to catch her whenever she falls. And you know what? She’s right. It does. Because it loves her as much as…” He let the sentence die unfinished. Had he almost confessed his love for Rowe to Parker?

  “Oh you’ve got it bad, my friend.”

  He looked down at his shoes. “You have no idea.”

  “I think I might. Come on.”

  “Is Harlow in there?” He looked at the door and then looked back over his shoulder as he debated the success of an escape.


  “She’s going to kill me, isn’t she?”

  Parker pressed his hand against the scanner to open the door. “Na. I think you guys might actually come to an agreement after this whole fiasco.”

  He hoped Parker was right as he stepped into the loud, crowded room. As difficult as it sometimes was to work with a prophet, Jack actually considered himself lucky. He couldn’t imagine what life must be like for Parker. To be married to a woman who could read his thoughts whenever she felt like it.

  “Really? You’re worried for Parker’s sake right now?”

  He turned to see the short, blonde bundle of authority that was Harlow Parker. He should’ve known she’d be in his head as soon as he entered the room. Rowe had told him once that Harlow didn’t use her gift against other people. But Jack was guessing that was a courtesy Harlow extended. One she reserved for her crew only. Anyone else seemed to be a fair target. Or maybe it was just him? Either way she didn’t seem to have a problem reading his mind whenever the mood struck. “Sir. I was just having a word with your husband in the hall.” She wasn’
t his commanding officer. He’d never flown for the military and he certainly hadn’t been stationed on her prison transport ship, the Tempest. But damn if he was going to call her by her name without her permission.

  “I know. He thought you deserved fair warning. Apparently it’s a guy thing.” She led the way to the back of the room where a table of people waited for them. “Because Barkswell agreed with him.”

  Jack shook the other man’s hand as he stood up. “Good to see you again.” Barkswell was another one of the group of people he’d come to depend upon for keeping Rowe out of trouble. “How’s Eliss?”

  “Ready to give birth at any moment and pissed as hell that Harlow dragged me out of bed at this ungodly hour. But she sends her love. To Rowe, of course.”

  “Of course.” He’d only met Barkswell’s wife a couple of times. She was a nice enough woman but she seemed to be of the “slow to warm” variety. She’d do anything for her friends. But she didn’t consider just anybody a friend. And Jack was still just another anybody to her.

  “Have a seat.” Harlow pointed at the empty chair expectantly. She might have framed it as a request but he heard it for what it was—a command.

  “Thank you.” He sank into the uncomfortable chair and looked at the people around him. “I know you’re all worried about Rowe and probably have a lot of questions about what happened tonight. I’d like to start by saying that she is doing fine and only had superficial injuries.”

  “I’m sure we all owe you a great debt for keeping her safe. We realize how important this work is to her.”

  He looked over at Parker and just shook his head. “Thanks, but you’ve got it wrong this time. She’s the one who kept me safe tonight.” He quickly filled them in on as many details as he legally could. He wouldn’t compromise the case by giving them confidential information but he painted enough of a picture for them to understand the danger they’d been in and how resourceful Rowe had been. When he finally stopped talking he was amazed at how still the table had become.

  “Fuck.” Harlow mumbled the word so low he almost missed it.


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