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A Billionaire's Heart (Erotic Romance Bundle)

Page 4

by Dalia Daudelin

  Mason, on the other hand, has some Italian in him. His hair and eyes are dark, and his skin has a deep olive complexion. The way his muscles ripple as he shakes her hand makes Chloe's head feel a little light. Something seems off about him, but he's good eye candy either way.

  “This is Chloe, my best friend since we were kids.”

  Mason looks at me mischievously. “Does that mean you have naughty stories about Amanda you can tell us?”

  Fred nods and crosses his arms, smiling. “Was she always getting into trouble like she does at school?”

  Chloe looks to Amanda, whose face is flushed. She looks from Chloe, to Otto, then back to her best friend.

  “Well, I do have some stories, but they're too juicy to share!” Chloe laughs. And that's the truth.

  “Aw, come on.” Fred pouts.

  Shaking her head, she shrugs and laughs. “Sorry! I can't sell out my best friend!”

  “Yeah, you jerks! Come on, let's turn some music on.”

  As the clear skies begin to cloud over, no one in the group seems to notice. The hours pass and the waves become choppier, but they're busy laughing and getting drunk. Chloe watches Fred and Mason, trying to decide which of the two she'll be spending the night with.

  Fred is pretty into Chloe. While they're drinking, he makes sure to sit near her. He tells Chloe impressive stories of his sports victories and the people he has met through his dad. Fred wants to be a lawyer, but if he doesn't succeed there he'll inherit his dad's sporting goods empire.

  Mason, on the other hand, mostly talks to Fred. He laughs at all of Fred's jokes, and sits as close to Fred as possible. Funnily enough, Fred doesn't seem to have a problem with this, but Chloe does. I really hate having to fight for this guy's attention.

  The sun dips below the horizon, and Chloe gives up the battle. Otto and Amanda have been attached to each other the entire night, and Fred and Mason have both passed out on the floor. Mason's arm is draped delicately over Fred's hip, a slight smile on his face.

  Great. Chloe rolls her eyes and lays down on the couch that faces the one Amanda and Otto are on. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be with rich boys.

  She's about to turn over and face the wall when Amanda giggles and flicks the lights off. They're in the cabin of the yacht, where the air is hot and muggy. Chloe hears her friend's lips smacking against Otto's neck.

  In an attempt to fall asleep, she closes her eyes, but a gasp makes her open them again. They adjust to the darkness. Amanda is in Otto's lap, her ass lifted up and her skirt pulled off. All she has on now is her bikini. The thin fabric has ties on each side, which will make them easy to pull off when Otto decides to do that.

  Chloe looks between Amanda's legs. The fabric covering her crotch has been pushed to the side, and Otto's long, slender fingers are moving in and out of her pussy. There are soft squishing sounds with each thrust. Oh god, she's getting fingered right in front of me. What do I do? Do I turn around, or will that piss them off?

  While Chloe quietly freaks out, her best friend shifts and give her an even better view. Chloe's becoming wet watching Otto's fingers move in and out of Amanda. His other hand reaches behind and unties her bathing suit top.

  Chloe has seen her friend making out with boys before, but she's never watched her go any farther than that. Though the room is dark, she looks at Amanda's beautiful, slender body, and she can just make out the shape of her large breasts. She sighs into Otto's mouth as they kiss, their teeth clicking together and their tongues dancing.

  Almost instinctively, Chloe's hand reaches down and presses between her legs. Her eyes are heavy and she's tired from her beer, but she's also turned on. Her fingers press against her clit and almost makes her moan. Shit, I gotta stay quiet. She shifts her hips slightly, watching to make sure the couple doesn't notice her movement.

  Her hand slips down her bathing suit and her fingers press into her slit. Amanda's hand pulls Otto's cock out of his swimming trunks. Curious, Chloe cranes her head up in order to see it. It's a nice size, a bit larger than average. Precum shines on the tip.

  It starts to rain outside, quietly at first but then much more heavily. The couple doesn't seem to notice, and Chloe is too busy quietly fingering herself to care. Amanda lifts herself up and brings her cunt to Otto's face. He unties her bathing suit bottom and lets the fabric fall onto the couch. His hands cup Amanda's ass cheeks, pulling them apart. She squeals softly, then moans.

  Chloe watches as Otto opens his mouth and slips his tongue into Amanda's silky slit. She grabs his hair and lifts one leg, propping it up on the back of the couch and giving Otto better access to her pussy. Chloe's friend moans and lets her head fall back.

  Otto slips three fingers into her depths. He keeps licking and sucking on her clit while her fingers her, the sounds of their foreplay becoming much louder now. “Ooh, Otto,” Amanda moans. The sound sends a jolt up Chloe's spine.

  Chloe inserts two fingers into her own cunt, and pumps them in and out in time with Otto's slow thrusting. She imagines she's the one with her cunt on his mouth, biting her bottom lip to keep quiet. She licks two of her fingers on her other hand before using them on her clit, pretending they're Otto's tongue.

  Amanda gives a loud gasp and Otto fingers her faster before stopping completely. He rubs his hand up and down her mound for a second, and then Amanda is squatting over his thick cock, ready to be impaled by it. It slides easily into her wet cunt. Chloe takes a deep breath and holds it as her friend slowly takes Otto's whole member into her, only letting the air out once he's balls deep inside of her.

  Amanda's beautiful tan skin drips with sweat. She raises her hips back up, Otto's hands holding them tightly, then back down. Chloe can feel her own orgasm building up, her fingers moving faster against her sensitive nub. Otto's heavy breathing carries through the warm, sticky air.

  He grabs Amanda's hair in his fist. She gasps and then giggles, moving up and down on him even faster now. She must enjoy having her hair pulled. I think I want to try that one day.

  As Chloe's orgasm hits her in shivering waves, Amanda gulps and makes a guttural sound. Otto stops thrusting his hips up into her and grunts three times. Chloe realizes he must be cumming in her best friend. With wide eyes, she watches the milky liquid leak down Amanda's thighs. She orgasms again.

  The couple gets up to redress, and before they lay back down to sleep in each others arms, Chloe is already dreaming.

  Chloe wakes to the sound of metal cracking and a sickening “Oof” heard through the thin walls of the boat. Her own body is flung from the couch and onto the floor, on top of Fred and Mason. Amanda screams, Otto gasps, and everyone is thrown again, their bodies hitting the wall.

  The boat stops moving then, the only sounds being heavy breathing and rain hitting the large boat. Heavy rain.

  “What happened?” Otto asks. He is looking at Amanda's bleeding forehead with worry. “Is everyone okay?”

  Amanda sobs quietly. Fred and Mason look to each other. “Yeah, I think we're okay. We should check on Jorge.” Chloe stands up and rushes to the door and up the stairs. The boat has crashed into an island, near a small shack with blue walls. On the sand next to the boat is Jorge. He isn't moving.

  “Oh my god! Someone come help!” She screams, before jumping from the deck onto the sand. The jump hurts her ankle, but she goes to Jorge's side and presses her head to his chest. He's still breathing, but only slightly.

  Mason jumps after her. “Is he breathing?”

  Chloe nods. “I think he has a broken rib, and he's unconscious. We need to get him to that house.” She points to the shack.

  “How do we know he's safe to move?” Amanda asks. Her voice is shrill with fear. She looks a bit like a drowned rat with her hair sopping wet from the rain.

  “We don't, but he's get hypothermia out here and I think the storm is only going to get worse.”

  Everyone waits for a second, but Amanda nods. “Chloe would know about this. She's studying nursing. What's the saf
est way to get him over there?”

  “You need to go get me the tarp from the deck, and we have to slide it under him. That'll make it easier to drag him over and minimize the damage we might do to his spine.”

  Otto and Amanda run back to the yacht. Chloe watches as Otto lifts her best friend up onto the deck and she scrambles to get the tarp. She keeps her hand pressed to Jorge's chest. His chances of living are slim, but they're better out of the rain.

  Otto and Amanda come back with the tarp, and with everyone's help the group slides it beneath the Hispanic man. He coughs once when they shift him too much, but they eventually get it beneath him. The men drag Jorge over to the shack while Chloe supervises, making so they don't move too fast. Amanda rushes into the shack and out of the rain, leaving the rest to help the unconscious man.

  “How are we going to get him up the steps, Chloe?” Otto asks. He seems worried. Chloe realizes these boys have probably never dealt with a crisis of any sort, let alone a medical one.

  She looks down at Jorge and makes a judgment call. “We're going to each take a corner and carry him slowly. He has to stay even. Once he's inside, we'll lay him flat on the ground and cover him with blankets if there are any in there.”

  The boys all nod, looking grim. None of them know Jorge the way Chloe does. He's been helping Amanda out for nearly a decade now, and Amanda shows him no appreciation. Jorge taught Chloe how to swear in Spanish, how to use a compass, and so much more. “Come on, let's get him inside.”

  Slowly, they carry the man into the small blue shack. It's furnished nicely, with a loft and a basement. They lay Jorge down in front of a huge window and Chloe brings two blankets. Once he's warmer, his breathing becomes much deeper.

  “I think he'll be okay. We need to go back to the boat and grab any food we can find, plus blankets and pillows.” Chloe glances out the window and bites her bottom lip. “There's no telling how long this storm will last. We may be here a few days.”

  Amanda breaks down in tears, sobbing into Otto's shoulder. She's frail, but not usually this frail. She probably just wants attention. Chloe rolls her eyes. “Come on.”

  Fred and Mason follow her out of the shack, leaving Otto to console Amanda. They hoist Chloe up onto the deck before climbing up with her.

  When they get back, they throw 4 blankets and 3 pillows onto the ground. Mason tosses two sleeping bags into the corner, and Chloe drops 3 bags of food. It's all junk food. How are we going to get by with just this?

  “Did you bring any beer?” Otto asks.

  “No.” Chloe starts putting the perishable foods into the fridge. She's really starting to get irritated with Otto and Amanda, who is still crying. “How's her forehead?”

  “It stopped bleeding before you got back,” Otto answers. He's pouting from being told no.

  Chloe looks around the room. It's a nice shack, better than she expected. On the far wall there's a stack of wood and a fireplace. The kitchen has running water. The basement is mostly empty except for a large, empty bed and a dresser full of men's clothes. The loft has another bed, which Amanda and Mason both take before Chloe can come back up the stairs from investigating the basement.

  She throws a piece of wood into the fire pit and sits on the couch. Mason and Fred look at her awkwardly.

  “There's a bed downstairs, if you two want to go sleep.” She checks her watch. “It's midnight. I'm going to sleep on the couch so I can hear if Jorge wakes up.”

  “Thanks, Chloe.” Mason says, blushing and refusing to look at Fred.

  “No problem.” She takes a pillow and blanket from the floor and turns, falling asleep almost instantly.

  Chloe wakes to the sound of rain again. It doesn't seem to have let up at all. Her eyelids are still heavy, but she has to pee.

  She plods to the bathroom, listening to the quiet breathing of Amanda and Otto above her. The whole shack is so quiet.

  Chloe is washing her hands when there's a huge BOOM-CRASH, and the familiar sound of metal hitting rocks. At first she thinks it's just the waves beating against Amanda's yacht, moving it further onto the sand. Straining her ears, though, she realizes the sound seems to be coming from the other direction, on the other side of the small island.

  Rushing to the basement, she grabs Mason's arm and shakes it furiously. “Wake up! I think another boat is crashing onto the island! Can you guys come with me to check it out?”

  Both boys groan, rubbing their eyes. “Man, tonight sucks,” Mason says.

  “Tell me about it,” Fred replies, standing up. He's only in his boxers. Blushing, Chloe looks away until both men are fully clothed.

  The group of three heads back outside, miserable and wet once again. It's freezing outside now that it's the middle of the night.

  In the center of the island is a clump of trees. The group treks through it, miserable and wet, all three of them huddling together and moving in unison until they come out to the other side of the island.

  There, a small boat is being pulled up to shore by a man in tattered clothing. He's soaking wet and his teeth are chattering, but even still Chloe is immediately captivated by him. He hears them approaching, and turns to look at her. His eyes are blue. Deep blue, like the stormy ocean. They hold secrets and history and so many stories that they seem to be clawing out of his body, begging to be revealed.

  Fred and Mason run to the man's side, helping him to pull the boat up onto the shore. They heave and pull, straining their trained and strong bodies until the boat is finally far away from the violent waves.

  “Thanks!” He yells. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “We crashed here a few hours ago!” Fred answers. “We're resting in a shack on the other side. Do you want to join us?”

  The man looks at him with a confusing emotion on his face, and then he smiles. And oh, when he smiles, it's like the storm has disappeared. “That'd be great. I'm freezing!”

  Fred and Mason lead the soaking and tired man back to the shack, with Chloe trailing far behind them. If I look into those eyes again, I just might pass out. Every time he looks back to check on her, her eyes are on the ground, avoiding his.

  The shack is still quiet when they return. The fire is low, but it's still keeping the place warm. The man stands by the fire for a moment. Looking down at Jorge for a second, he brings his hand to his chin. “Is he going to be okay?”

  “I think so,” Chloe answers. “We won't know until we get him to a hospital.”

  He seems satisfied with that conclusion, but still worried. Without turning around, he asks, “Are there any clean clothes in here?”

  “Oh, yeah. In the basement. Fred and Mason can show you the way.”

  He turns back around, and by mistake she catches his eyes again. He smiles and walks up to her, holding out his hand. He takes hers, and bends down to kiss her knuckles with cold, wet lips. They're slightly purple, but after a few kisses they'll warm up. They'll flush pink, and maybe swell a little bit. They'll kiss me softly, gently.

  She's frozen as he stands straight again. “Thank you,” he says. “My name is Justis, by the way.”

  Chloe says nothing. She can't say anything. His black hair drips cold water onto his shoulders as he waits for a reply.

  Fred coughs. “Come on, we'll show you where it is.”

  When the man is down the stairs, Chloe clutches her chest and falls onto the couch. Staring at the ceiling, she breathes fast, trying to slow down her heart.

  “Well, what was all that about?”

  Amanda's head peeks out over the railing that protects the loft. “What?”

  “You like him, don't you? I've never seen you freeze up like that around a guy.”

  Pissed off, Chloe covers herself with her blanket. She's still soaking wet, but she wants to escape the conversation. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

  Amanda only replies with a giggle.

  The rain has slowed down since last night. Chloe wakes up to murmuring downstairs.

p; “What's going on?” She asks, standing on the bottom step and carefully looking at Fred rather than Justis. She had dreams of him, the sort of dreams that leave a girl on edge when she wakes up.

  “We were hungry, so we went to eat some chips.” Fred starts.

  “We opened the bag, and it was soggy.” Mason continues. “We opened all the bags. Everything is soggy. It's all ruined.”

  “Well, fuck. The rain's stopped, but that's no guarantee anyone will be out to save us any time soon.” Chloe comes into the room, glancing at Justis. Thankfully, his beautiful eyes are focused on the floor.

  “Justis offered to take us to his boat. He has two fishing poles, but neither of us know how to fish and Mason's feeling sick today.” Fred takes Mason's hand. They're getting bolder with their affection now.

  “I know how to fish,” Chloe says. “My dad taught me when times were rough.”

  Justis looks up at Chloe, but she refuses to meet his eyes. Confused and hurt, he stands up. “Well, you're the only one who can help. Let's go get the poles.”

  He passes by her and goes up the stairs. She shivers as his hand brushes against her hip, her face turning bright red. Breathe in slowly, Chloe, and keep yourself under control. She runs her fingers through her hair and sighs. It's still damp.

  “Are you coming?” Justis asks, his voice gentle.

  “Yeah,” she replies.

  “So, what were you doing out on the water last night?” Chloe and Justis have buried their poles into the sand, allowing them to relax under the trees and watch as the gray clouds blow over. Sometimes a bit of sun pokes through, warming the island.

  Justis is drawing circles in the sand. “Just fishing. I love hunting and fishing, anything that gets me outdoors. I spend too much time in an office.”


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