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Repeating History (History #1)

Page 3

by Hanleigh Bradley

  “Nice to meet you Millie,” I smile back at her politely.

  “Do you want to dance?” she asks, nodding towards the dance floor.

  “Sure,” I grin at her. My phone buzzes in my pocket and it takes all of my self control to ignore it.

  I can’t sleep. The blonde... Millie... she’s asleep. I glance at her. She’s pretty cute when she’s asleep. I get out of bed, pulling my clothes back on. This is stupid. There’s no point lying in bed, if I can’t sleep. I find my phone in my jacket pocket. I smile when I see that Clara has replied. Even though the time stamp says she’d sent her message hours ago, it makes my heart race.

  You’ve never been one for giving up. Wouldn’t expect you to start now.

  I know I should leave it until tomorrow or something but I can’t resist. She’s probably asleep. She’d sent her message at 23:34pm and it is now almost 2:00am.

  Have you got a boyfriend Clara?

  I don’t really know where the question came from. She surprises me by replying almost immediately.

  That’s none of your business.

  I’m surprised you are awake.


  I don’t know... just didn’t picture you as the awake at 2am sort.

  I just got home.

  From where?

  I told you I went to the pub with my friends.

  You were at the pub with your friends until 2am?

  Yes. Why is that so hard for you to believe?

  Mike is married with kids.


  Everyone knows that once you’re married the late nights end.

  Is that what you think?

  Do you think I’m wrong?

  Depends on what the couple want, I guess.

  What do you want?

  What do you mean?

  Are you the stay in and snuggle type or the go out and party type?

  I don’t think I fit into either category.


  What’s with all the questions?

  Just getting to know you better.

  Her reply is slower this time and I find myself tapping my foot. I’m in the kitchen. I’ve somehow migrated here. I pull a glass out of the cupboard and pour myself a glass of water.

  Sometimes I like to stay in and sometimes I like to go out. Both work.

  She has a boyfriend. The realisation leaves me with a sinking sensation in my gut.

  What about your boyfriend? Does that work for him?

  It’s stupid but I need to be certain.

  I don’t have a boyfriend. I just moved back to town.

  The sight of her reply is like a shot of adrenalin to my heart.

  Why did you come back?

  She keeps me waiting for her reply. I’m sat at the breakfast bar with my phone on the counter in front of me and I’m anxious for her response.

  I found my boyfriend in my bed with our boss.

  Shit. I haven’t got a clue what to say to her. She doesn’t give me a chance to think of a reply either before she’s messaging me again.

  Use that as ammunition against me and I’ll tell everyone at work you have crabs.

  Her threat makes me laugh because I can’t imagine her following through with it. She’s nicer than me. Even though I’d teased her for years, she’d never once been unkind to me during school.

  I won’t. I promise.

  Forgive me if I don’t trust you.

  It’s okay. You will. Eventually.

  Doubt it.

  You worked with your ex? You said ‘our’ boss...


  That must have sucked.

  Yeah. Why are you still up?

  Been out with my brother.

  I don’t want her to know about Millie. I don’t know why the idea of her knowing about my one night stand is so unwelcoming.


  You remember my brother’s name?

  It’s a surprise. I secretly hope that she remembers his name because she used to have a crush on me in school or something.

  He was cute.

  My brother was cute?

  That was not the answer I wanted.

  Yeah... he was three years above us right?


  I heard he was a lawyer now... how is your little sister? Maya right?

  You remember my sister’s name too? Not going to tell me she was cute too are you?

  Er no... you just used to talk about her a lot.

  I didn’t realise you ever listened though.

  Yeah... well not much. Just occasionally. When you weren’t being a complete bastard.

  So not often then.

  I consider offering her an apology but I don’t know what I’d say. Nothing I say now can change the way I’d treated her as a kid.

  I’ve missed having someone to tease.

  I’m sure you’ve found plenty of victims.

  Victim? You loved it really.

  How do you work that out?

  I don’t know what to say to her. She’s the only girl that’s ever made me feel awkward and uncertain of myself.

  So you still don’t want to go on a date?


  Even though it’s Christmas in a few days?

  What does that have to do with it?

  I’d be willing to accept a date as my gift.

  Who says I’m getting you a gift?

  Just hoping is all.

  I’ll see you Monday.

  Sure thing Princess... x

  Fuck – you know this conversation doesn’t make us friends right?

  Friends? No, we’re not friends. Perhaps FWB?

  You fuckwit! We are not friends with benefits!

  It’s okay I’ll settle for just the benefits for the time being.

  I’m smirking in the dark of my kitchen because I can imagine her huffing as she reads my message.

  No benefits. No sex. No friends. No dates. Nothing. WE ARE NOTHING.

  Shame. Night Princess. X

  I don’t wait for her reply before closing the Facebook messenger app on my phone. I consider texting my sister but it seems a bit late. Maya is a twenty one year old girl and it’s Friday night. She’s either asleep, out clubbing or fucking someone I don’t want her to be fucking; either way it’s not something I want to disturb. I make my way back to my bedroom where Millie is still asleep in my bed. I undress and roll back into bed.

  Millie is gone when I wake up the next morning much to my relief. She left a note on the counter in the kitchen saying thank you for a lovely evening. She didn’t leave a number or any means of contacting her so it looks like we both just wanted the one night. It’s a relief because as much as people used to think I was a player in high school, it’s never really been true and I didn’t want to have to be the guy that tells another girl he’s not interested in the long haul. Truth is, there’s only one girl that I’d go the distance for and there is no chance in hell that she’ll ever let me. I try calling my sister but she doesn’t answer so instead I send a quick email to my boss asking him for a favour. I hate asking him for favours even if we have developed a bit of a friendship.

  From: Andrew (

  To: Landon (

  RE: Favour To Ask

  Good morning,

  Hope you are coping without Aurora this week. When does she get back?

  I’m sorry to ask but I was wondering if we could arrange an internship for my little sister. She’s twenty one. Very clever. Just a bit unfocused atm.

  I know I’m a pain in the arse for asking.


  Andrew Contius

  Account Director

  TRW Advertising

  I’m barely left waiting a moment before my phone alerts me to Landon’s reply. He really must be bored without Aurora around.

  From: Landon (

  To: Andrew (

  RE: re: Favour To Ask

  Good mornin
g to you too,

  Worst week of my bloody life. I’ve never been so bored. I don’t know what I did before I knew her. She’s back on Christmas Eve. Literally counting down the hours.

  As for your sister... we could get her shadowing one of the directors if you like. Maybe Miss Delos?

  Speaking of Miss Delos, how is she settling in?


  Landon Peters

  Managing Director

  TRW Advertising

  I reply quicker than lightening.

  From: Andrew (

  To: Landon (

  RE: Miss Delos

  She’s settling in great. Like a fish to water.

  Do you think Clara will agree to having Maya shadow her?

  Andrew Contius

  Account Director

  TRW Advertising

  From: Landon (

  To: Andrew (

  RE: re: Miss Delos

  I think you know her better than I do, so you can be the judge.

  Send a quick email to Catherine Jenkins in HR to sort out the paperwork. If you email her now; she’ll likely get someone on it ASAP.

  See you Monday.

  Landon Peters

  Managing Director

  TRW Advertising

  From: Andrew (

  To: Landon (

  RE: re: Miss Delos

  Great. Thanks boss.

  See you Monday aka Christmas Eve aka the day Aurora comes home.

  Andrew Contius

  Account Director

  TRW Advertising

  I send another quick email to Catherine in human resources before trying to call my sister again. It’s still early for her, I guess. I give up and this time when it goes to voicemail I don’t hang up, “alright Maya. I’ve got you a job. I know you want to sing but I think you should have something to do in the mean time... and it’ll keep Jake off your back about covering your rent. Call me back.”

  I decide the best thing to do with my Saturday morning is to do work. I have nothing better to do and if I’m honest with myself I enjoy my work. I catch up on all of my emails and go over some of my team’s ideas so that I’ll be ready for the directors meeting on Monday morning. I decide to message Clara. I tell myself it’s just to warn her about the meeting but really I know I just want to talk to her.

  Delos – every Monday morning Landon likes to have a meeting with all the directors.

  Thought I’d better warn you. He’ll want to know what’s going on with your current accounts.

  Thanks for the warning.

  Her response is irritatingly short.

  I could help you prepare. If you like.

  I think I’ll be okay.

  But thank you.

  You’re welcome. This Monday shouldn’t be too big what with it being Christmas Eve.


  Have you thought more about my Christmas present?

  I can’t resist the opportunity. I need to get a rise out of her. It’s like heroin or coke and I’m an addict. She doesn’t respond immediately and so I carry on working on one of my current projects.

  What are you going to get me?

  I can’t work out if she’s teasing me, calling my bluff or flirting... she’s the only girl that’s ever confused me. It’s infuriating.

  You can have anything you want, princess.

  Including you leaving me alone?

  Her answer isn’t the one I want.

  Except that.

  That’s all I want.

  I don’t reply. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say to the girl who apparently still hates me for something that happened eight years ago. It’s completely ridiculous. As if either of us are the same people we were in high school. I get up and head down the hall. I need something to drink. I grab a bottle of beer from the fridge and an apple from the fruit bowl before making my way back to my home office. A part of me hopes that in the brief time I’ve been in the kitchen she’ll have changed her mind, but if the lack of a new message is anything to go by she hasn’t.

  Come Monday morning I’m literally dragging an unwilling Maya into my office. “Wait here,” I tell her irritably.

  “Fine,” she retorts, arms folded. She sits herself down in one of the comfortable arm chairs and gives me a death glare.

  I walk out of my office and knock on Clara’s door. Every day last week, Clara arrived earlier than me. Trust today to be the exception. I turn to the cubicles in the middle of the central office space. Katie, Clara’s assistant is sat with two coffees in front of her. Evidence that Clara is late. “Can you get Miss Delos to come see me as soon as she comes in. It’s important.”

  “Yes sir.”

  I turn back to my office and sigh. Why the hell did I agree to my brother’s stupid idea? “Right Maya,” I begin a riot act that Jacob would be proud of, “you are going to take this job seriously. Do you understand?”

  “Of course I understand. I’m not deaf, so I can hear you. I’m not foreign, so I can understand you and I’m not illiterate so you can just give me the bloody contracts and shit and I’ll go through them.”

  “You can be such a brat sometimes.”

  “I’m not a brat... I’m just fed up of being treated like a child. Just because I’m not like you or Jake...”

  “We just worry about you,” my voice is gentler now. Perhaps we are too hard on her sometimes. I know it’s because she’s so much like mum...

  “I’m not mum you know...” her words are a whisper. “I’m not going to change my mind on a whim... I’m not going to run off with a guy I’ve just met... I’m not going to forget to take my meds... I’m not her. P.S. I don’t have any meds to forget to take... more proof I’m not her.”

  “I know,” I nod, “you just seem so similar sometimes and we worry.”

  “I’m my own person Rew. I need to make my own decisions.”

  “I know but give this job a chance, please.” I’m almost begging her. I need to know she’s safe. I need to know she has money. I need to know she can pay her rent. If there is one thing I’ve learnt in life it’s that you can’t rely on your parents. “Please?”

  She nods her head, “what does it entail?”

  “You’ll be shadowing one of the directors,” I tell her, “much like an assistant.”

  “I can do that.”

  There’s a knock at my office door, “you wanted to see me?” Clara asks as she lets herself in. She’s wearing a suit dress. It fits her perfectly. I know that if she turned around now I’d see that she has the perfect arse. Her waist must be tiny and her boobs are completely covered up and yet they are still the focal point of the dress. She looks amazing. Her hair is down and flowing a deep red auburn.

  “Yes,” I smile at her but she doesn’t return it. Her eyes are cold as stares me out, “my sister Maya is going to be your intern.”

  “My intern?” she’s not impressed. “I don’t need an intern.”

  “Landon authorised it.”

  “Fuck sake Contius! Can I talk to you next door?” she asks. She’s struggling to keep a polite tone.

  I follow her out the door, watching the sway of her hips and admiring how good her legs look when she’s wearing those killer heals. Fuck; she’s hot.

  “What are you playing at?” she almost screams at me as soon as the door is closed behind us.

  “I’m not playing at anything. My sister needed a job. I asked Landon to help her. I suggested an internship and he said she could be your intern.”

  “This isn’t some Contius quest to piss me off?”

  “Maya isn’t interested in helping me piss you off. Trust me.”

  “Problem is I don’t,” she sighs. “Fine; send her in.”

  “Thanks,” I smile at her. “I owe you one.”

  “Just leave me alone.”
  I turn when I reach the door, “never.” I wink at her because I can resist.

  CHAPTER Three: Clara

  “You don’t like my brother,” Maya Contius says to me as soon as she enters my office. It’s clear it’s not a question. I hadn’t realised my dislike for Andrew was that obvious. “I recognise you... you went to school with Rew.”

  “Rew?” I ask. I’m sat behind my desk, drinking my morning coffee. It’s too sweet. Katie hasn’t quite learnt to make it the way I like it yet. I wince at the taste.

  “Andrew,” she clarifies.

  “You call him Rew?” That tickles me. I’ve never imagined Andrew with a nickname. The fact that it reminds me of one of the characters from Winnie The Pooh only makes it more funny to me.

  “Since I was a little girl. I couldn’t say Andrew as a baby.” It’s strange having an insight into Andrew’s childhood like this. It’s not something I’d ever imagined.

  I nod. “So you did go to school with him?” she presses.

  “Yeah,” I don’t want to give too much away, in case he’s sent her in as some sort of spy. I wouldn’t put it passed him. He always was a devious bastard.

  “What’s your name?” she asks me and it makes me wonder just how quickly this internship has been put together. Since when does anyone get a job before learning their boss’s name? It’s not something I’ve ever done. Nor can I imagine myself having the confidence to pull it off. I almost respect that about Maya; she’s not insecure. She’s definitely headstrong.

  “Clara... Clara Delos.” She’s quiet and I can’t decide if I’m disappointed or not. A small part of me would like to imagine that Andrew used to go home and talk to his family about me but that’s just ridiculous. Andrew’s teasing may have always been a large part of my school days but I doubt it ever held any significance to Andrew.

  “Were you friends?” She’s very talkative like a young child with a new best friend.

  “Friends?” I ask. She’s completely lost me. Friends? Friends with Andrew? Why is she asking me if I was friends with Andrew?

  “Friends in school?”


  “Oh. That’s a shame. I’m sure that Andrew had a friend called Clara or Claire... Ara... Lara... who knows...” She shrugs as if it doesn’t matter; it matters to me though, “he used to talk about her a lot. My brother Jacob used to tease him about her all the time.” I wait for her to continue but she just stays there looking thoughtfully right at me with an ease that is clearly inherited. She’s more like Andrew than she realises.


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