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Take Me Home for Christmas

Page 16

by Aiden Frost

  “Max?” she said, her breath unsteady. “Will you take me home?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  AMANDA STOOD BEFORE her bed. He came up behind her, quiet. He reached his arms around her. His hand spread out across her chest, heating her skin. He pressed her back tightly to his chest, her body now consumed by the heat which was radiating off him. She leaned her head back on his shoulder, her neck exposed to his exploring lips. She reached her hand back to his leg. His thigh was taunt beneath her grasp. His hand continued to press her to him, she could not move, and she didn’t want to.

  She shuddered under his touch as his hand pressed lower, his fingers teasing her nipples. His hand slid to her stomach, where he traced his fingers lightly over her tender skin. She could feel how hard he was against her back. He wanted her, needed her, and that drove her crazy. As he grabbed her hair, pulling her neck tighter to the side, his other hand slid down between her legs, eliciting a moan that almost brought her to her knees.

  He bit and nibbled his way up the side of her neck as he continued to pleasure her. His fingers suddenly penetrated her deep, and her entire body quivered in response. They were saturated in her wetness as he circled them over her now swollen lips, before releasing her from his embrace.

  She fell forward onto the bed, her body lighting too many sensations for her to keep herself upright. He grabbed her around her waist, effortlessly flipping her onto her back. He lowered his head down between her legs, his warm, lips connecting with her own. She flung her arms back against the bed, gripping the comforter as if it would save her from this delicious torture. As he brought her toward the brink, she grabbed at his head, trying to push him away. He clamped onto her hips, pulling her tighter to him. She grabbed his hair, pulling his head away from her. At last, her body breathed. Nerves fired, causing her skin to tingle up and down her arms and legs. She was panting out breaths.

  He crawled up over top of her until his face was above hers and she was forced to look at him. His grin was confident, satisfied in her torture, yet it was his eyes which gave him away. He needed to take her now.

  “A minute,” she whispered. Her voice barely escaped her. “Please,” she begged.

  He lowered himself, licking tenderly at her nipples. The sensation sent her already over- sensitized body begging for reprieve. Her hips shot into the air, his hardness knocking tenderly against her.

  She couldn’t take it another moment. She reached down between them, grabbing him in her hand. His breath expelled in a burst of hot air against her breast, her nipple releasing from his lips. He quivered above her as she tenderly stoked him, pulling gently until his tip was teasing her. She rubbed him up and down against her, both of them leaving out synchronized moans of delight. She pressed him tighter against her, and he pushed slightly, before slipping inside.

  She took him in, consuming him.

  Her body clenched against him. He moaned as his hard chest relaxed on top of her. His body twitched and for a moment he remained still, just feeling her wrapped around him. Slowly, tenderly, he began moving against her. Her body twitched beneath him. She panted out shaky breaths, clinging to his back. She pulled his weight onto her. He wrapped his arms beneath her back, pulling her tight to him. His hand slipped down, grabbing her ass and pulling her up. He penetrated her deeper. Swirls of foggy lights entered her vision as she felt the heat within her grow. Her eyes flew open as the sensations within her exploded. He locked eyes with her, his own body slamming out rivers of pleasure. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. Waves of electricity road across her body again and again. With one last shuddering moan, he collapsed on top of her. She grabbed onto him, wrapping him in her arms. She held onto him, and tears poured down her face.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  WHEN AMANDA WOKE THE next morning, Max was gone. In his place was a hand-scrawled note. Miss you.

  She knew he’d want to get back to his father, to make sure things were taken care of and that he was well after their busy day. But still, she wished he was with her.

  Amanda felt herself coming back down off the high of the Christmas excitement. She wandered out of her bedroom, looking around. She felt different, but everything was the same. Bunny eyed her from the corner of the room. He’d set up vigil over his food bowl, and from the look of him, he was tired of waiting.

  “Sorry, buddy,” she said as she moved to fill his bowl. “Two carrots this morning as a peace offering.” Amanda moved through her living room and out the front door. She retrieved two carrots from the garden before she realized something was different. She blinked, then rubbed her eyes. There were at least two dozen potted plants on her porch. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed, looking around. “I need to get you guys inside.”

  Amanda grabbed the closest pot as she hurried back inside. She tossed the carrots to Bunny, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he gave her a look of disdain over being tossed his morning meal. Amanda moved back outside, collecting the bigger pots one by one, and the smaller ones two at a time. There was everything from tropical ferns to a tall rubber tree to pots of violets. Bunny hopped over to one of the pots, standing up on his feet so he could sniff at the soil. “Don’t you dare,” she scolded him as she rushed back outside to collect the rest of the pots. She shut the door behind her, looking around her filled living room. Bunny had moved on to inspect another plant, and finding it of no interest, moved on to another. Amanda started sorting through the pots. She dragged some of the larger ones over to her front window before she stood before the smaller ones, wondering where in the world she was going to fit them all.

  “No, Bunny. No!” she said as she turned and found him nibbling on one of the plants. She kneeled down to relieve the plant from certain demise when she realized what it held. She stood, laughing. “Seriously?” she said. “You got a plant too? Have at it, Bunny.”

  Amanda didn’t know what to feel. She’d gotten flowers from men before, but if she had to be honest, getting a bouquet kind of made her sad. She hated to think that the flowers were cut to be killed so she could enjoy them for a couple of days. She wasn’t sure how Max Avery figured that out about her. She’d had the opinion that most men were dense when it came to such things as women’s feelings. Not only had he bought her a potted plant that she could continue to enjoy, but he’d bought her... she looked around, counting... eighteen potted plants. And a potted lettuce for Bunny. Amanda wasn’t sure what kind of points Max Avery was looking for, but she did know, that man was about to get lucky.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  AMANDA’S PHONE RANG. Her heart raced when she saw Max’s name lit up on the screen. “Hi,” she said, answering the call.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice throaty. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Amanda laughed. “I know all about your surprise. It’s filling up my living room. Thank you,” she said, “and Bunny thanks you too.”

  “Good,” said Max. “But that’s not what the surprise is.”

  “Oh,” said Amanda. “Wait, how did you even find a place to deliver all these plants the day after Christmas?”

  Max chuckled. “I have my ways. You’ll soon learn that I get what I want.”

  Amanda couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Okay, boss man, what surprise do you have for me now?”

  “Come over to my house and I’ll show you.”

  Amanda opened her mouth to respond, but then she closed it, thinking. “Wait,” she said, “you don’t have a house.”

  Max laughed. “I do now.”

  “How did you buy a house the day after Christmas?” Amanda’s voice rose high in disbelief.

  “Are you going to come see my new house or not?” he asked.

  “I... I can’t. My car is still at the lot at work. And Shandra has our rented vehicle.”

  Max laughed again. “You noticed all the plants on your porch but you didn’t notice anything else outside?”

  Amanda was suddenly very confused. “No... I mean, it was really cold. I just ran
out to get Bunny a carrot, and then I saw all the plants...” Amanda wove her way through the plants, opening her front door. She balked. A shiny black Audi sat in her driveway. “That was not there a few minutes ago.” She looked around, concerned. “Please tell me that wasn’t there a few minutes ago.”

  “Baby girl?” said Max, trying to get her attention.

  “Huh?” said Amanda as she walked tentatively toward the car.

  “It was just delivered,” he said. “I just got the confirmation.”

  Amanda blew out a hot breath of relief. But the relief was suddenly replaced with concern. “Where’s my car?”

  “Where ever you left it,” said Max.

  “Then what’s this?” asked Amanda as she tried to peer through the tinted windows.

  “It’s a thank you. Shandra should be waking up to one herself.”

  Amanda’s mouth opened in disbelief. “I... um, thank you. I... umm, I think Shandra was hoping to get a bonus to be able to move out of her apartment though. I mean, not to sound ungrateful. It’s just...”

  Max laughed. “I’m not as conceited as you may think, Amanda. The cars are leases, paid for by me, as a treat to the ladies who found the money and had the idea that should get my company back on track. I’ve already spoken with Mr Landry at the realty office. Shandra will be taken care of.”

  “Oh,” said Amanda.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Max. “I can hear you pouting through the phone.”

  “Nothing,” said Amanda.

  “You’re upset because you both got cars but I only called the realty place for Shandra?”

  “Maybe,” said Amanda, her voice timid.

  “Will you just let me show you my surprise?” Max’s voice was firm yet jubilant.

  He sounded like a little kid who couldn’t wait to show off his new toy.

  “Okay. Okay,” said Amanda. “Let me change, find some coffee and hide the rest of these plants from Bunny. Send me the address.”

  Amanda hung up with Max. She didn’t want to be as excited as she was, but after placing all the smaller pots throughout her house on counters, she hurried through her shower and poured her coffee into a to-go cup. She stood before her new car, and realized there was no way she was going to spill coffee in it on the first day. She tipped the cup to her lips, but realized it was too hot to drink. She ran back to the house, setting the cup on her porch, before running back to the car. She had no idea what to expect, but she couldn’t wait to find out.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  AMANDA DIDN’T RECOGNIZE the address, but she programmed it into the GPS and set out on her way. The car was gorgeous inside and she vowed to never eat, drink, nor fornicate inside of it.

  She found herself getting off the interstate, and wondered exactly where Max was taking her. The houses grew further apart, but more affluent as she drove. Most houses had expansive lawns. She did not picture Max living this far outside the city, and considering he’d asked her if she lived on a farm when she admitted to gardening, she knew he was not a man who understood a lawn, much less rural living.

  She stopped before the house which the GPS brought her to. There were two cars parked in the driveway. One she recognized as Max’s, the other she didn’t. She pulled into the driveway, and tentatively got out of the car. The home had neglected landscaping that could tell had once been the envy of the neighborhood. A small dusting of snow covered the ground. She could hear excited voices as she neared the front door.

  She lifted her hand to press the doorbell, but the door was pulled open wide and Max ushered her inside. “Did you see the snow?” he asked, excitedly. “The neighbor said it snows a lot more here than it does in the city. And it sticks to the ground, not like the hot streets of the city.”

  “Oh,” said Amanda, uncertain. She could still hear voices coming from another part of the house.

  “Come on,” said Max. “You hungry? We were just getting something to eat.”

  Amanda followed Max into the kitchen where she was greeted by his parents and a cacophony of smells as a pile of Italian food was spread out across the countertops.

  “Hi,” she said, timid.

  “This place is gorgeous,” said Celeste and she and Carter walked down the hallway.

  Amanda smiled when she saw them. “What are you guys doing here?” she asked. Then she turned to Max. “What’s going on?”

  “A guy can’t throw himself his own house warming?” he asked.

  “You bought this place?” she asked. “For you?” She looked out the massive bay windows of the kitchen’s sitting area. The backyard was expansive. “You know that’s a lawn out there, right? You’ll need to cut it.”

  Max waved off her concerns. “I can hire people for such things.”

  “But this house is huge. And it’s only you...” she stopped, suddenly realizing something. Or at least she thought she realized it. Max didn’t exactly say, welcome home, when she’d stepped through the door. And it was too soon, right? Way too soon.

  “How about I carry some of this food to the dining room,” said Celeste, and Amanda was thankful for her interruption.

  “I’ll help you,” Amanda said. She piled her arms full of food. And from the looks of it, Max was planning on feeding people for the rest of the day. As her and Celeste deposited the first set of food onto the table, Amanda turned to her, whispering. “I’m freaking out a bit,” she said.

  Celeste turned to her, and Amanda could tell she knew what she was thinking. “A man just bought a house, with you in mind,” she said. “I’d be freaking out too.”

  Amanda wrinkled her nose at her. “Not helpful,” she said.

  “Okay,” said Celeste moving closer to her. “Then here’s something for you. I’ve known Carter since we were fifteen. He was my best friend, and after thirty years of marriage, he remains by best friend. My life would not be the same without him. Some men,” she said, tipping her head toward the kitchen, “are worth setting our fears aside for.”

  “Okay,” whispered Amanda.

  Amanda felt her mind fading in and out during the meal. People came and went throughout the day. Some stayed to eat, others just dropped off bottles of wine, liquor, or sometimes both. Max seemed genuinely happy over his new home, but the excitement of the last couple of days started to wear on her. “I’m tired,” she said, turning to him. Carter and Celeste had left after lunch, and his parents had gone home hours ago too. Amanda wasn’t sure what her role was in all of this, but right now, she knew she needed a moment to breathe.

  Max walked her outside. He grabbed her hand, holding her back from continuing down the sidewalk. “I want to show you something,” he said. Max pulled a key out of his pocket and Amanda froze.

  Max could see the fear in her eyes. She expected him to push her. He laughed to himself. Amanda Lynn James has never met a man like him.

  There was a heavy flower pot next to the door. It held an overgrown evergreen tree that had once been trimmed neatly into a spiral. Max picked a rock up out of the landscaping. He leaned close to her, his breath tickling her ear. “I...” he said, then took a moment to run his lips over her neck, “am going to hide a spare house key.” Amanda shivered as Max bit tenderly into her next. He worked his way up to her jaw, before running his tongue lightly over her lips. “If I should forget where my spare key is, I want you to be able to remind me.” Max turned, placing the key under the rock in the plant. He knew it was an obvious hiding place, but he had an excellent security system and he didn’t expect the key to remain there for long.

  He turned back to Amanda as she eyed the rock and the hidden key. He ran his hands up under her coat, and under her shirt, his warm hands massaging the skin of her back. Amanda forgot all about what she was worried about. She wanted to asked him if she could stay, but he still had a houseful of people and she felt like she was ready to crash.

  “Thank you for the car,” she said. His arms wrapped around her back, tickling at her rib cage. She wanted to do th
ings to him that the neighbors would talk about for years. “I have to go,” she said. Max leaned up, kissing her tenderly on the lips, before her released her from his grasp, and watched her go.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  AMANDA’S PHONE RANG early the next morning. She swatted it off her nightstand before she leaned over the side of her bed, trying to retrieve it. “Hello?” she asked groggily.

  “I can’t find my key.”

  “Huh?” she said.

  “My key,” the voice said. “I don’t remember where I put my spare key.”

  “Max?” she asked.

  “Yeah, baby girl,” he said. His thick and throaty voice had her sitting up in bed, suddenly alert.

  “Where are you?” she asked him.

  “At my house. I locked myself out. I forgot to put the house key on my new key ring. And I don’t remember where I hid my spare.”

  Amanda could feel her brow furrow. She knew she was good at distracting men, but Max had made it a big deal to show her where he’d hid his spare key. “It’s under the rock in the big pot,” Amanda said.

  “I looked,” said Max. “I didn’t see it.”

  “I didn’t take it!” said Amanda.

  “Could you come here, help me look?”

  Amanda pulled the phone away from her face. Six o’clock. “Are you always up this early?” she asked. Amanda slid from her bed. She tried to locate her slippers but realized Bunny must have hopped off with one. She padded barefoot into her bathroom. “Max?” she asked when he hadn’t answered her.

  “It’s cold outside,” said Max. “I’m going to go sit in my car.”

  Amanda heard shuffling, and then a door slamming shut. “You can’t just call a locksmith?” she asked.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Max. “You don’t want to come see me?”


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