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Hard Pass (Saints of Love Book 3)

Page 16

by Elizabeth Perry

  I highly fucking doubt that.

  Less than thirty minutes later, I’m standing at Gia’s front door. I haven’t knocked yet, but I called her about ten times. Of course, she didn’t answer.

  This is some next level stalker shit, and I know it. Even still, I can’t fucking get on that plane tomorrow until she hears me out. I just can’t do it.

  I raise my fist and am about to knock, to hell with what she thinks. But then, I hear a car door slam. As I spin around, my eyes land on her, the sight of her making my heart expand in my chest. She’s so fucking beautiful. Too damn beautiful for her own good. She’s talking on the phone and laughing, the sound filling up the night air.

  “Yes. I’m home safe. No worries,” she laughs again. “Thanks for talking me into going out. I had a great time.”

  Anger courses through me. Why? I may never know. She sounds so fucking happy. Flirty. And of course, my mind goes from zero to a hundred real fast.

  “So that’s why you won’t respond to my calls.” She freezes on the stairs, her phone still clutched tightly in her hand, as her head snaps up and her eyes lock on mine.

  “Wyatt?” Her mouth drops open. “What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same question.” My arms cross. Real slick, champ. That was a stupid fucking thing to say.

  “I live here,” she blinks a few times, and then shakes her head. “Are you drunk?”

  Not nearly drunk enough to learn that I got shot down over another guy.

  “I tried calling you,” I glare at her. “But now I know why you didn’t answer. Were you talking to a guy? Was some other guy making you laugh?”

  She flips on the porch light and then stares at me. I stare right back. Wherever she was, she went dressed to kill. Her skintight black tank dress dips low, showcasing those gorgeous tits that I can’t seem to get out of my mind. The entire dress has buttons that travel from her mounds down to just below the knee. Long enough to be classy, tight enough to scream fuck me. My blood boils over the idea of another man getting anywhere near her.

  “You’re acting crazy.” She folds her arms across her chest, which only increases the incessant throb in my pants. I watch her breasts bounce from the movement and nearly combust.

  “Yeah? Well congratulations, because you’re the woman making me that way.”

  Her head falls back, her thick, dark hair catching the wind and getting tossed around as she groans. The sight of her only intensifies my need to claim her again.

  “It’s just because I’m not falling all over you.” She moves past me and unlocks the door. She doesn’t invite me inside, but she also doesn’t stop me from entering right behind her.

  “I thought you had Delilah tonight. What happened to that?”

  “I never said that I had her tonight. You just assumed. She’s at Cole’s now for five nights. That’s how our custody arrangement works.” Hearing her even say his name only adds to the mixed emotions running through me. His name is a reminder that this isn’t the first time that I didn’t win when it came to Gia’s heart, and it’s yet another slap in the face.

  “What the fuck is it about me, Gia, that turns you off so much?” I slam the door hard behind me, with enough force that one of her picture frames flies off of the wall, crashing onto the floor. She sucks in air, glancing at it for only a second before turning her attention back to me.

  “You just broke my…”

  “I’ll buy you another one,” I snap. “Now answer the question, because I’ll have you know, there are a lot of fucking women who would love to have me begging for a fucking chance.”

  “That.” She snaps her fingers in my face, her eyes narrowing. “That’s why I don’t want to do this with you. You always say shit like that. I get it, alright? Every woman wants you. Everyone wants to fuck you. You’re Wyatt Anderson. You’re the shit.” Her voice drips with disdain, grating across my skin like razor blades. “Forgive me for wanting something real. Something that isn’t all smoke and mirrors. Something that isn’t you.”

  Now she’s just toying with my emotions. I reel back as if slapped, watching as her breasts bounce while her chest heaves. My dick aches to be inside of her, my mouth desperate to claim hers once again.

  “You sure as hell wanted me the other night.” I lean towards her, closing the distance between us. I’m satisfied the second that I see her flinch. Her tough demeanor starts to fade, and her lips part ever so slightly. Just enough to let me know that at least a small part of her wants me too. “For fuck’s sake, you got on your goddamn knees for me, Gia. I thought that meant something. Apparently not, huh?”

  Her cheeks flush and she gasps. I’m talking crudely to her, and I should be ashamed. But frankly, I’m above nothing right now.

  “You’re such an ass,” she mutters, turning her eyes away from mine.

  “Yeah? Well this ass is fucking crazy about you. I mean, for fuck’s sake. I’m sitting here, bleeding over you, and you’re out with some other dude.” A disgusted snort leaves me. God, I’m such a fucking chump.

  “First of all, I was out with Serena, not that it’s any of your business.” Her breathing increases. “And second, bleeding over me? You don’t even know what that means.”

  “I know that I want you, Gia.” My body is so close to hers now, that I can feel her soft pants brushing against my skin. “That I fucking fantasize about the way your pussy feels, wrapped around my dick. I’ve jerked off to the memory of these tits, and I still can’t shake the need to have you again. I could have fucked an entire bar full of women tonight, but I couldn’t. You know why?” My teeth are clenched, my entire body wound so tightly that I can’t even think straight. “Because none of them were you.”

  I watch as her tongue darts out of her mouth, nervously licking along her lower lip. I reach up and take her lip in my hand, tugging on it. The little gasp that she makes is like pouring gasoline onto a fire. I immediately ignite.

  Without any warning, my hand fists into the nape of her neck, my fingers wrapping tightly into her hair as I jerk her head towards mine. She doesn’t resist me. In fact, she does the complete opposite. Her hands dig into my skin and she growls into my mouth, her tongue furiously licking against mine, the taste of her invading all of my senses.

  Buttons fly all around us, clinking against the hardwood floor, her dress ripping apart easily with just a simple tug. Anger courses through me at how easily the fabric exposed her, and also turns me on at the same time. Emotions are fucking complex.

  I lean back just long enough to groan over her bare tits, but she pulls me back before I can see all of her, carelessly grabbing my hand and shoving it in between her legs. Her panties are so wet that they’re stuck to her skin. The second I realize that, I nearly fucking blow. She moans my name as my fingers glide over her slick folds, but as I slide two inside of her, she whimpers and shamelessly thrusts her hips against my hand. Her back arches, and she wraps her hands around her breasts, stroking herself with the same rhythm as my hand.

  It’s the sexiest sight that I’ve ever seen. I can tell by the way that she pants my name, and her moans increase that she’s close to climax. As much as I want to stand here and watch that happen, the need to taste her is much stronger. I pull my hand away and jerk her panties down in one thrust. Her eyes pop open in shock before closing again when I drop to my knees in front of her. I toss one of her legs over my shoulder and then dive in, letting my tongue lick her entire length. Her hips jerk hard against me, and her hand fists into my hair, keeping my head in place against her, while she fucks my face hard. She groans loudly, and in a rush, loses herself all over me. I drink down every last drop, but it doesn’t come close to quenching my thirst. I’m afraid that no amount of Gia could ever be enough.

  That’s the most fucked up part about all of this.

  Her body is still limp when I drive myself inside of her, not able to hold back a second longer. I groan her name, as she envelopes my dick, pausing just long enough to let her ad
just to my girth before once again, shifting my hips and diving back inside of her.

  It’s rough sex. There’s too much pent-up aggression and unfulfilled need burning inside of me to take it slow with her. But She doesn’t seem to mind though-in fact, she fucking loves it. She cries out for me and begs me for more, yells at me to fuck her harder, to which I willingly comply. I watch every expression on her face, listen to every scream and every plea. And by the time we finish together, our sweaty bodies still wrapped around each other on the floor, I breathe a sigh of relief. No fucking way was that shitty sex. That’s the kind that she won’t be able to turn away from.

  At least, that’s what I thought.

  But as it turns out, Gia’s not quite done making me bleed. The closer that I get to her, the harder I fall into whatever in the hell this is. The only problem is, I can’t seem to make her feel the same way.



  While most of the time I grumble about having to get back to football after having a few months off, deep down, I thrive on the structure of it. Usually, it takes me a few days to adjust to the routine again, but after that I’m back in the game.

  This year it’s different.

  The team aspect seems to be lost, with one particular player throwing every fucking guy out here off of our game.

  The guy’s name is Colton Andrews, and after a week on the field with him, I’m convinced he’s the world’s biggest bitch. He walked out onto the field with a huge chip on his shoulder, and with every moment that passes, I hate the guy even more. I played against him one season and watched him go from aweing the crowds with his raw talent, to becoming a media spectacle. He was the guy who scored big in college, but his bad attitude kept him from getting drafted. He ended up being a walk on with the Saints back when I was still playing for Washington. They gave him a by year contract instead of the typical three to four-year stint that they draft most guys for.

  He came out his first season like a rocket, taking the league by storm. During that time, he collected enough red flags to supply a whole fucking country. He was let go halfway through his second season after instigating a brawl that left the league reeling.

  But that’s not even the worst part about the guy.

  I’m no rookie to having my name blasted in the papers, but I learned early on to avoid the headlines if at all possible. Yeah, I’ve had my fair share of pictures snapped and blasted, but I stay on the right side of the law, mind my business, and keep my partying behind closed doors. Other guys, like Colton, let the immediate attention get to their heads. The soak in the publicity, and it ends up being their downfall. It was just one of many where this piece of shit is concerned. He made headlines more than once for getting rough with women. The Saints realized he was just too much of a risk and let him go. Last I knew, he was playing in the XFL on the other side of the state.

  How in the fuck he managed to weasel his way back here is beyond me.

  I inhale sharply and force myself to calm down, peeling myself off of the turf for the hundredth time today.

  Declan leans over and extends his hand to me, pulling me to my feet.

  “Dude.” Declan’s eyes are murderous. “What’s this motherfucker’s problem with you?”

  I glare at the piece of shit currently smirking in my direction, before glancing back to Dec.

  “He wants my spot.”

  I’m not the only wide receiver on the team, I just happen to be the best. Colton thinks that it’s time for me to take a backseat to him. He’s been kicking my ass all over the field in his quest. My body’s bruised and swollen, but all that’s he’s managing to do is piss me off. If he thinks he’s getting the best of me, he’s got another thing coming.

  I’ve been through this before, had someone try to throw me off my game for their own agenda. It didn’t work back at Camden Prep, and it sure as hell isn’t going to be happening at this stage of my career. If Colton thinks missing a few tackles and letting me get creamed into the turf is going to break me, he’s got another thing coming.

  “He plays dirty.” Declan doesn’t look at me, he stares straight ahead, lifting his chin in Colton’s direction. I just nod, my eyes staying locked on the newbie the entire time. He just smirks in response.

  “He always has.” I shrug it off, not willing to let on just how fucking sore I am. “Coach will see it, and homeboy will be sent packing again. From what I heard, even the XFL isn’t going to take him back. Guy’s out of control.”.

  “He’s a fucking dick.” Adrian tosses the football in his hand on the ground. “He’s missing plays on purpose. Someone is going to get seriously hurt out here if he keeps that shit up.”

  “Oh, he’ll keep it up.” My back throbs from the last blow that I took. “He wants me to bow out. Little does he know; I can play this shit too.”

  “Same.” Declan’s smile is wicked. “In fact, I could do this all day.”

  The rest of practice goes a tad bit smoother for me. Colton misses two more blocks, and I take two more hellacious hits, but he gets smacked onto the field at least five. By the time practice is over, we both limp off the field. As we near the locker room, he spits out a wad of blood that lands directly at my feet.

  My first instinct is to pummel him to the ground. As if reading my mind, Jude grabs ahold of me and pulls me away.

  “Not worth it.” He mutters, shoving past Colton hard enough to knock him back a few steps. He glances over his shoulder at him, his face twisted up in disgust.

  “Know what the difference between us is?”

  “That I can actually play?” Colton’s snide remark goes over like a lead balloon. My fist clenches at my side, and I shake my head.

  “Nah, bro.” Jude just laughs, grabbing ahold of my wrist before I can strike. “The difference is a forty-million-dollar contract. We aren’t the same.”

  An ice bath did me a world of good, but no amount of ice can stop the bruises from forming on my skin. The rest of the guys went out for beers and wings, but I was too sore to do anything but head back to my condo and call it a night.

  That’s when thoughts of her take over me.

  I’ve tried to convince myself not to call her. Odds are, she’s not going to answer anyway. I’ve texted with her a few times since I left for Florida, but every time that I’ve called her, she’s sent me to voicemail. But before I can even stop myself, I’m staring at her contact picture, the one that I snapped of her when she wasn’t watching, and without another thought, my finger slides across the call button.

  After just two rings, her sexy as sin voice says hello, and the events of the day that just a few moments ago were weighing heavy on my shoulders dissipate.

  I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “I’m going to be honest, Gia.” Just the sound of her breathing on the other end of the line sends chills down my spine. “I was worried you weren’t going to answer.”

  “Until I did, honestly, I didn’t know either.” Her voice is soft, the sound of it both caressing my skin and igniting it at the same time. I switch our call over to FaceTime, letting my eyes feast on her, looking soft and oh so fucking sweet lying in her bed. I’ve never minded traveling across the country to train for a month, but now I’m fucking pissed that I’m here. I want to be back home, in Minnesota, lying there next to her and breathing her in deeply. Feeling her skin underneath my hand, able to let my hands roam all over her.

  Emotions clog my throat, and I have to fight to force them down. The last thing that I need to do is act like a little bitch on the phone with her. I may be finding myself obsessed with her, but she isn’t there yet. Not by a long shot.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Lying in bed.” The way she’s holding her phone, all that I can see of her is her face and the tips of her bare shoulders. My dick twitches in my pants, the slow and steady throb beginning to take over me. I glance at the clock.

  “It’s five o’clock there, gorgeous. What are you doing in bed already?”
  “Honestly?” Her face relaxes and she smiles. “Feeling sorry for myself and missing my baby. It’s lonely here when she’s at her dad’s. Plus, it’s a miserable mud puddle outside. I think it’s rained nonstop since you left.”

  Since I left. It’s a small statement, one that could likely mean nothing. But in my mind, I turn it into her noticing that I’m gone. It’s a step in the right direction, for sure.

  “It’s beautiful here.” I turn the phone towards the wall of windows that sit behind me. Just past them, the sun is still high in the sky, the air is warm, and the scent of salt in the air wafts in through the open slider. She groans as I turn the phone back to me.

  “Warmth, sunshine, and you’re on the ocean?” She sighs. “Jealous, party of one.”

  “You don’t have to be jealous, baby.” The term of endearment takes me by surprise but as it rolls off of my tongue, honestly, it just feels right.

  I’m not the guy who runs around calling women sweetie, honey, baby…it’s just not my thing. But where Gia’s concerned, all I want to do is smother her with sweetness. I can’t even fucking help myself. She hardly flinches.

  “You could come here and visit me.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “It’s a two-hour flight.”

  “Yeah right.” She laughs, relaxing back against her pillow. “I can’t just fly across the country on a whim. I have a child, Wyatt.”

  “You just said yourself that she’s at her dad’s,” I argue. “And the weather their sucks. You could be here, laying on the beach right now, beautiful. All you have to do is drive to the airport. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “You’re insane.” She rolls her eyes. “Flying me to Florida for a booty call is a little over the top. I’m sure you’ve got half the women in that state beating down your door as we speak.”

  “Fake news.” This woman is over a thousand miles away, out of my reach for sure, and still, the spell that she’s cast on me seems to know no limits. I’d give anything to be able to reach through the phone right now and stroke her skin. To inhale her deeply, and then find my home inside of her. It’s the only time that shit feels right. “I already told you, my dick doesn’t work for anyone but you.”


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