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Dirty South Divas 3: The Finale

Page 14

by Kia

  The door came flying open. Someone had kicked it in.

  “What the fuck?” Slick said as he turned around and saw the federal agents that rushed in. It was way too many to even fit in the room. It immediately got hot. Shit, I had even forgotten that I was naked.

  “Wrong room,” I said with fear in my eyes. It was hella guns drawn to my face.


  “Yes,” I responded, “that’s me.”

  “We got you now,” the agent said as he laughed and instructed the other agents to arrest me.

  “Yo, what the fuck going on?” Slick asked as he pulled his pants up.

  “Get her some clothes,” a woman agent yelled as she rolled her eyes at the men that stood there, looking at my ass and titties.

  “Whoa, watch it, play boy. Have a seat and thank God that we’re not arresting you too,” an agent said to Slick.

  “Y’all ain’t even read her rights! This ain’t right and you know it!” Slick yelled.

  They threw the cuffs on me, still not reading me my rights.

  “Slick, what’s going on?” I asked as I started to cry. Why was I being arrested?

  “I don’t know, but call me the minute you get put up.” He started dialing numbers on his phone and pacing back and forth.

  “Yeah, she’ll call you,” an agent joked as they hauled me out.

  “Y’all some dirty bitches! You’re supposed to read me my rights!” I yelled as I tried to jerk away from them.

  “We’re the feds, woman. We do what we want to do. Now shut the hell up.”

  Chapter Fifty-One


  “He’s here,” Debo said, throwing me back into the chair and putting tape around my mouth.


  “Percy is here. Be still so I can put these cuffs back on your hands,” he said.

  The whole time I had been there, Debo would keep my feet cuffed, but he would uncuff my hands so I could suck his dick better. He had no idea, but the minute I got out of here, I was going to kill him and chop his dick off. After having the satisfaction of watching him whimper in pain, his dick would be shoved down his own throat. That was my word.

  “So, we meet again,” a man said as he walked in with Monty and Jenson close behind.

  He walked over and snatched the tape off of my mouth as Debo stood back with both hands in front of him.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I’m sorry, I haven’t formally introduced myself. I’m Percy. We met at the shoot out.”

  “Percy,” I said as I shook my head and laughed.

  This was the nigga causing all of this commotion. He looked like he couldn’t hurt a fly even if he wanted to. This light skinned ass nigga with the curly hair. He was taller than me, but not that tall to be a mothafucking threat.

  “What’s funny?” he asked.

  I looked behind him at Monty and Jenson. “You know you got a bunch of fags on your team? Them two… they like boys.”

  “Bitch!” Jenson yelled as he tried to come for me, but Percy held out one hand and told him to chill.

  “I need to know where your little leader is,” Percy said with a smirk.

  “Who’s that?” I asked, being sarcastic.

  “Divine. Where is she?”

  “Geesh, Percy, I don’t know. I kinda been locked up here sucking dick all week.”

  “You been fucking her?” I heard a voice ask. Then I saw Kipp walking in through the double doors.

  “Kipp, what the fuck?”

  “I know, can’t trust anyone, huh?” Percy asked me.

  “I thought I told you not to touch her,” Kipp said to Debo.

  Debo just smiled and flexed at Kipp.

  “Kipp, what are you doing?” I asked.

  “What it look like?”

  “But, why? Huh, Kipp?” I asked. I was truly hurt. Not him too.

  He came and kneeled down to me. After staring into my eyes, he whispered into my ear. “It’s not what you think. I got you,” he said.

  “When Kipp found out where Jenson was, he came asking to be on the team. He was tired of working for bitches and getting bird fed, just like any real nigga would be,” Percy said.


  “What the fuck?”

  “Hands up!” the police yelled.

  “It’s okay. Just chill,” Percy said as he held his hands in the air.

  “Man, are you fucking serious?” Jenson asked as he dropped his weapon.

  “I ain’t going to prison,” Monty said.

  “Drop… the weapon!” The police yelled as they kept their guns trained on Percy, Debo, Monty and Jenson.

  “Told you I got you,” Kipp whispered.

  “Fuck that,” Monty said as he fired shots at the cops.

  Pop Pop Pop Pop!

  “Monty!” Jenson yelled as he started firing shots too.

  Kipp hurried and pushed my chair onto the floor and hopped on top of me to protect me from flying bullets. “Ahhhhhh!” I screamed. I was so freaked that I couldn’t move because of these fuck ass cuffs. I was literally a sitting duck for now.

  “It’s okay,” Kipp said into my ear.

  “Why did you do this?!” I yelled over the shots.

  “I had to catch them in the act. All of them,” he said as he took his hands and placed them over my head.

  When the shooting stopped, I looked up and saw that Debo, Monty, Jenson and Percy were lifeless on the floor.

  “Come on,” Kipp said as he uncuffed me and helped me up.

  “You’re an informant?” I asked in shock.

  He put his hand up. “I just saved your ass.”

  “Yeah, and then the cops came in,” I said as he backed me into a corner. He looked back at the cops as they brought in crime scene technicians.

  “Them niggas was killing and robbing niggas all over the city. So when they came to my trap on some trip shit, I told them to be cool ’cause I wanted to work with them. To prove to them that I wanted to, I gave them access to Glory’s trap. They were supposed to get Divine, but she had left already so I told them to take you instead ’cause you and Divine were really tight.”

  “You bitch.” I was appalled.

  “Check it. I ended up calling the cops and setting them up. That nigga Monty killed the captain’s daughter, so I knew the police wanted and needed my help. Sorry for using you as pawn but I had to get them niggas dead, Milo. They been fucking up our money,” he whispered as he grabbed my shoulder.

  “And you ain’t told the cops nothing else?” I asked.

  “Nothing. They will question you after we leave here, so only speak on being kidnapped, and that’s it.”

  “Do you have any idea what I’ve been going through here?”

  He put his head down. “I’m sorry, Milo.”

  “All because them niggas was fucking with y’all money?” I asked.

  “Milo, please.”

  “After today, don’t you ever speak to me again. Do you understand?” I asked.

  He sighed. “Don’t do this.”

  I didn’t even respond, I just walked away and prepared to answer questions on what had happened to me.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  Two weeks later…

  “Yo, you been all over the news. You and your people,” my celly said to me as they popped open our cells for chow.

  I would never understand why the hell we had to wake up at four in the morning to eat breakfast. Who ate that early in real life?

  “Who?” I asked the little white girl who had her hair in two ponytails like a kid.

  “You, your girlfriend and cousins. Y’all even made CNN,” she said as we fell in line and walked down the hall. All eyes were literally on me. “Everyone is talking about it,” she said.

  “Since you know so much, do you know why I haven’t seen my girlfriend?” I asked.

  I was still in Los Angeles and had yet to see Chola since the day they took us. On top of that,
Ali tried to come and see me, but they wouldn’t let him. I called him and he got on the first flight here just to get turned around.

  “You don’t know?” she asked.

  “Know what?”

  “They call her Chola right?”


  “She left yesterday. They finally posted her bail. You should have one too by now. Did you go to your first hearing?” she asked.

  “Yes, but they had a witness, so my bond was held. Chola’s bond was held too,” I said.

  “Hmph. That’s weird,” she said.

  Before I could respond, an officer pulled me to the side and led me down another hallway.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I tried not to trip over my own damn foot.

  He was being hella rude, and not even talking to me, just dragging me down the hall. Finally, we got to an interrogation room.

  “Good luck,” he said as he literally pushed me inside.

  “Are you ready to talk now?” I was asked as I sat down into my seat.

  It was the same fucking detective that had been questioning me since the day I got there.


  “Chola… she left today.”


  “Don’t you want to leave?” he asked.

  “I can bond out too.”

  “How? Malina and Neiman are locked up too.” He smirked.

  “What?” I asked.

  I wasn’t worried about Malina. I was more worried about Neiman. Just look at her the wrong way, and she would tell everything.

  He saw the look of worry in my eyes and smiled. “Yep. You sure you don’t wanna talk?” he asked as he pulled out a cigar.

  “Fuck you.”

  “You know, if you weren’t a criminal, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

  “So, how much is my bond?” I asked.

  “Whooo, we’re talking about a million dollar bond.”

  “What? Y’all only found two fucking bricks!”

  I had money, but I knew by now they had taken all of my money. Glory, Kipp and Lu Lu was waiting on me, so I know they didn’t have that much money sitting around. Chola was fucking gone, and Ali got turned away. They were trying to fuck me ’cause they knew I was dead broke now.

  He laughed and stood up. “You see, when we checked your apartment in Ft Lauderdale, we found money with no paper trail. Also, we have you on conspiracy to distribute.”


  “Yeah, you were planning to move work from here to Miami. Please don’t insult my intelligence.” He put both hands around my shoulders and squeezed.

  Someone knocked on the glass. “Stay here,” he said sarcastically as he walked outside the door.

  “Shit,” I said as I put my head down and cried tears of anger. Who the fuck was this snitch ass person?

  Finally he came back, but he wasn’t smiling anymore.

  “It’s your lucky day. You’ve been bailed out,” he said. The look on his face was pure confusion and anger. Hell, I was confused too.

  “By who?”

  “Get her out of here to get dressed. Her lawyer is an asshole, and threatening to sue,” he said as a guard came and got me. I smiled as I stood up. “We’ll get you,” he said.

  When I finally finished getting my clothes back on, I was hauled to the release department and had some paper work done. “Don’t forget to make every court date,” the clerk warned me.

  After being released, I was walked to the side of the building and almost cried when I saw his face. I never would’ve thought he would go this far for me. He stood there looking fresh as hell in his True Religion. Didn’t even look pressed over the situation.

  “Ali,” I said as I ran over to hug him.

  “You good?” he asked as he walked me outside to a car.

  “No, I’m fucked up. They talking ’bout giving me fifty years, man.”

  He laughed. “Trust me, you won’t do another day in any jail. I’m willing to bet my life on it.”

  “You got me a lawyer?” I asked as I got in the back of the SUV.

  “Yes, and that’s why we need to talk.” He got inside and told the driver to take us to the airport.


  “There’s witnesses.”

  “More than one?” I asked. This whole time, they had me thinking it was one. They never told me who, but I knew it was one.


  “Too bad we can’t know who they are,” I said.

  “Says who?” he asked.

  “The law.”

  “When you got a bad ass lawyer like I got, fuck the law.”

  Before I could go any further, I had to ask about my cousins. “It’s Neiman. Isn’t it?”

  “Nah, I went half with Glory and Lu Lu to get your cousins out. Their bonds wasn’t that high. They been out a few days.”

  I was confused. “Wait, what? We all got the same case, so how was their bond cheaper?”

  “Who said y’all had the same case? They weren’t in Los Angeles with you,” Ali said, looking through his text messages.

  “So what does this mean?”

  “It means that whoever set you up didn’t set them up.”

  “So what’s the deal?”

  “I have good news and bad news.”

  “What’s the good news?” I asked.

  “The person who set you up was AJ. And he was found dead. Also, Percy, Monty and Jensen are gone. So that’s two less problems.”

  I smiled gracefully. “Gone like how?”

  “Dead. The police killed them.”

  “So what’s the bad news?”

  “The bad news is that Neiman and Malina’s snitch is still alive and well. The problem with this is that it can and will tie into your case. See, the feds know that AJ is dead. So, what they will do is offer Malina and Neiman deals to snitch on you. And they most likely will take it because their snitch did them dirty. He told everything. Look,” he showed me a screenshot, that his lawyer sent him, of the name that was on the paper.

  It said Kentrell.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  “She’s on her way back now. You sure you didn’t talk to them bitch ass laws?” Glory asked as I chain smoked cigarettes on the balcony of his apartment.

  We had been there ever since I’d been out. Divine never came back with the drugs, so the city was getting dry again. Well, at least this side.

  “I didn’t say shit to them,” I said as I shivered.

  It was so hard not to talk with them throwing two-digit numbers at me for some shit that I had little to no part in. Yeah, I pushed a little dope with my cousin, but I wasn’t fucking the plug and selling shit.

  “Shit, I only took a couple trips to get the dope, and that’s it.”

  He laughed. “Nah, nigga, don’t start doing that weak ass shit. You just as guilty. What did the lawyer say?” Glory asked.

  “Not a damned thing. Just told me to keep my mouth closed because I would be out soon,” I responded as I put my cigarette out and put another one in my mouth.

  Glory snatched it from me and threw it over the rail.

  “Malina say she ain’t do no talking either,” he said.

  I kinda figured no one would talk, but I was still confused as to who the witness was. Ali sent us lawyers, and he informed us that they had a snitch, but I had no clue as to who it could be. I felt like it was AJ, but AJ was dead.

  “After this, I’ll go back to working if I have to. But this shit ain’t gonna cut it.”

  Chapter Fifty-Four


  Two days later…

  “Come on,” Lu Lu said as we got out the car.

  We had just pulled up to Ali’s Coconut Grove mansion to have a meeting. This meeting would consist of me, Lu Lu, Glory, Neiman, Ali, Divine, Kipp and Milo. I didn’t wanna come, but Ali was the one that called the meeting. So, here I was, not wanting to be rude. I had already been interrogated and didn’t feel like going through it agai
n. They wanted to know if I talked. I told him no over the phone but he hung up and told Lu Lu to bring me here, so I could attend the meeting.

  “He was the one that let you use his lawyer, you can at least show some respect and fix your face,” Lu Lu said as we walked up the wide white stairs to the large double doors.

  “I’m here ain’t I?” I asked him as the front door came open.

  “This way. Everyone was waiting on you two,” he said as he shut the door and led us down a hall.

  This mansion was so huge that I heard my own echo as I whispered in Lu Lu’s ear about how nice it was. I wanted something like this one day.

  “Finally,” Glory said as we walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting at the table.

  “What’s up?” Lu Lu asked as he greeted everyone.

  Divine didn’t even look at me. Neiman was looking like she had something on her chest. Kipp was smiling. Milo was mean mugging Kipp. Glory was looking like he was sleepy. Ali was looking like he didn’t sign up for this shit.

  “Divine, are you going to speak to your cousin?” Ali asked as he looked at Divine and then to me.

  “Hey, Malina,” she said, still not looking at me.

  “What about Neiman?” Ali asked. He was trying his best to pull this together.

  “I spoke to her.”

  “No, you didn’t. She always treats me like the black sheep. Acting like I done fucked Slick or something,” Neiman hissed.

  “See, that’s why—” I tried to go off, but Divine cut me off.

  “Bitch, you think I’m stupid around this mothafucka? I saw you fuckin’ AJ! And what a coincidence that after he gets some pussy from you, I get busted in L.A.”

  Neiman shot her eyes over at me.

  “I ain’t do shit, don’t look at me. I ain’t even talked to her,” I said.

  Divine finally jerked her head at me. “And you knew?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what you talkin’ ‘bout.”

  After a brief pause, Divine got up and launched at me, but Ali grabbed her.

  “I’d like to see you try,” I said.

  “Shut up, Malina. You pissing me off. Don’t get in here and act like you ain’t wrong,” Lu Lu said.

  “It’s okay. Just chill. We didn’t have this meeting to fight,” Ali said as he rubbed Divine’s shoulders.


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