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Marriage Material

Page 7

by Riley, Alexa

  After I leave the store I make a last-minute turn and go to the diner. I haven't seen Millie in weeks, but I’m sure Ma has been updating her on everything. I want to stop in and say hello and introduce her to Charlotte. I step out of the car and go around and pull out the car seat with Charlotte still in it when I see that she’s fallen asleep.

  I carry her inside, and when Millie sees me she comes rushing over. “Let me see her,” she gushes. I walk over to a table and set the car seat down. “She’s precious.” Millie runs her hand over Charlotte's dark locks. She really does have a lot of hair for as young as she is. “You look good,” she tells me as she pulls me into a hug. “You were always meant to be a mama. It suits you—I swear you’re glowing.”

  My heart flutters. I want to be Charlotte's mama so bad I ache for it. I love her so much and we already act like a family. But I want all of it with Anderson. I want to adopt her and make her mine, too. I want a claim on her because she’s already claimed me. She and Anderson both have. I’m sure in time all things will fall into place, but I can dream as fast as I want.

  “How about some fries?” she asks, knowing that's what I always get.

  “Yeah. I’d love some, but I have to be quick.” I pause when I see the UPS truck pull up next to the diner. “Oh! Will you watch Charlotte for me please? I need to ask Franky a question.”

  “Yeah, go right ahead.” She motions for me to go. I ordered Anderson’s birthday present last week and it still hasn't come. I even paid for overnight shipping and the tracking said it arrived, but no packages ever came. In fact, nothing has come.

  I brace myself for the awkward encounter, but it needs to be done. This is a small town and this is his route. Besides, it was one date and we didn't even kiss. I’m chalking his weird text messages up to drunk texting. Maybe he doesn't even remember them.

  “Hey Franky!” I call out but don’t see him. I step up into the truck where the door is slid open and lean in to see if he’s in the back. I jerk away when I see he’s standing right there in my face. “Whoa.”

  I put my hands up to brace myself so we don’t collide and I try to step back, but he grabs me and pulls me into the truck.

  I yelp as I try to tug out of his grip, but I stumble and fall right into him.

  “I told you that you’re mine,” he grits out between his teeth, and I know instantly he’s the one who took those pictures.

  I take a deep breath and scream as loud as I can.

  Chapter 10


  “You have our blessing, son,” Robin's dad says, and instantly relief settles in my chest. I lean back in the chair and let out the breath I was holding.

  “That was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be,” I admit.

  I worked myself up over this for the past few days because I knew I had to ask Robin’s parents for their blessing before I popped the question. I was sure they’d give me a dozen reasons why this was too soon. Hell, I’d spent the last two days practicing responses for anything they might have thrown at me.

  “We can’t stand in the way of true love.” Robin’s mom leans into her husband, and he wraps his arm around her, keeping her close to him.

  I’ve noticed how affectionate they are and how their lives are focused around their family. I not only want what they have, but I also want to be a part of what they have as well. Just how Charlotte comes with me, Robin’s huge family comes with her.

  “We’ve seen you two together and the three of you are a family. From the story Robin told me about how you met it seems it’s been that way since the very first second. You asked her to move in with you one minute after that.” She says it with laughter in her voice, which puts me at ease.

  It crazy but true, and I have to laugh with her. She smacks her husband's chest when he shakes his head at us. “Don’t act like that. You did the same thing.” He shrugs and doesn’t deny it. “Then you kept me pregnant non-stop after that.”

  I cough to cover another laugh that tries to break free. I don’t blame the man because I understand it. I’ve been having the same thoughts about doing that to his daughter, but I keep that to myself. I want a big family. Not only because I don’t want my child to be alone if something were to ever happen to Robin and me, but because I see the joy they bring. Even if Robin’s brothers are pissing me off, I still like the fact they are protective of her.

  “Well, I’ve got one more stop,” I say then stand up.

  “He’s all bark and no bite,” Robin’s mom says, somehow already knowing where I’m going.

  I’m not sure I agree about that. Kent wanted to punch my face in. As much as I wanted to go a few rounds with him, my anger’s cooled. This rift is hurting Robin, and I don’t give a fuck if I have to beg the man to work this out or let him kick my ass a few times. I need him to be okay with this so Robin has everything her heart desires. As her soon-to-be husband, that’s my duty to her.

  “He’ll come around. I promise this is tearing him up as much as it is her. They’re brother and sister, but remember he’s a lot older than her. He took care of her, too. Sometimes they’re more like father and daughter really,” Robin’s mom says, and her words hit home.

  I don’t even want to think about how I’ll be when Charlotte starts dating. If she told me she was moving in with some guy without even knowing him I’d lose my mind. I’m getting a good view from Kent’s side of things in this moment and I need to realize that Robin is important to her family and they just want what’s best for her.

  “Thanks,” I tell them, and they stand up and give me a hug right before Robin’s dad surprises me once again.

  “Welcome to the family, son,” he tells me, and I nod because I’m not sure I can form words right now. It’s crazy how I’ve gone from being alone to having this large group of people who care about me.

  When I leave, I feel so light and happy. I’m not looking forward to the confrontation with Kent, but knowing that the rest of Robin’s family is behind me helps. When I find out Kent is at work I’m relieved. If a fight does break out at least there will be other cops around to pull us apart. We can’t get into much trouble at the police station. I hope.

  I pull out my cell phone when it starts to ring. I’m a little surprised when I see Kent’s number come up and I wonder for a second if Robin’s parents told him to call me. I programed his number in my phone after he told me about the pictures. I don’t think at the time he wanted to give it to me, but he wanted information on catching the person who took the pictures more.

  “Kent,” I answer as I pull up to the station. “I’m about to walk into—”

  “I know who it is,” he says. “I know who took the fucking pictures.”

  I end the call and rush into the station. Thank god he knows who it is. I’m sick of that shit hanging around us. I want the threat to Robin taken care of so we can carry on with our lives and put this behind us. I rush through the double doors and spot Kent immediately.

  “You were on the way here?” he asks and looks as shocked as I was when he called me.

  Now we can handle both of these matters: the stalker and his problem with me. I want his blessing in marrying Robin, too. I know it would mean the world to Robin if she knew he was okay with us getting married.

  “Yeah,” I throw out. “We have shit to sort out because all it’s doing is hurting Robin,” I tell him, getting right down to it. I watch his shoulders drop, and Robin’s mom’s words ring true. He’s hurting, too.

  “I’ve been meaning to come by,” he admits. “I dug into you.”

  I’m not shocked by his confession because he’s a cop. Of course he looked me up. Not that I have anything to hide. My business was an open book, not to mention I’ve always been a charitable man. There’s no dirt on me to be found, and what he most likely found made him like me.

  “Sorry about your cousin. You’re a good man to take her baby in.” He runs his hand through his hair and I see regret on his face.

s my little girl now and she was from the moment they told me about her.” I lock eyes with him. “Robin’s mine, too, and I won’t let her go. We need to make this easier on everyone and cut the shit. I’m not going anywhere, and the longer you drag your heels the longer this draws out. The conclusion is going to be the same no matter what you decide.”

  He’s quiet for a second until he finally laughs. I didn't know the man could smile.

  “I have to say I wanted to lay you out that day.” He shakes his head. “But on the flip side of it, I was glad you stood up to me. All the others have run.”


  Kent nods in agreement. “All right. I can see you’re in this for the long haul.” He leans back in his chair. “That said…” The warning hangs in the air.

  “You don’t even have to say it. If I ever hurt her, I’ll kick my own ass.” Kent smirks and I give him a serious look. “I promise I’ll be good to her. I want a life with her. I’ll do everything in my power to protect her,” I vow.

  “Good, then you’ll want to know about Franky Bow.” Kent drops a picture onto the desk for me to see and I recognize the guy immediately.

  “That fuck,” I bite out, and I should have known. I’d actually forgotten about him after I made a call to UPS to drop any packages that came to me to the post office in town. I didn't want him near my house after our run-in.

  I glance down when my phone rings, and then Kent’s starts ringing, too. I answer it when I see it’s the security team I have watching the house.

  “Yeah.” My heart starts to thud in my chest.

  “Sir, I wasn't sure what I should do when Robin left.”

  “What!” I shout, standing up. That’s not what I thought he was going to say.

  “You told us to report on anyone coming to the house. You didn't say anything about her leaving.”

  “How long has she been gone?” I can’t keep the anger out of my words as every emotion thumps through my body.

  “Over an hour,” he says, and I end the call. I look up at Kent, who has his phone to his ear and whatever is being said, he isn’t liking.

  “Get there,” Kent barks into the phone before he ends it. “She’s at the diner and Franky’s there, too.” He’s already in motion and I’m hot on his heels.

  When we get to his cruiser I jump in the passenger seat and he peels out of the parking lot.

  “How did you find that out so fast?” I ask.

  “After I figured out who it was stalking her, I put the word out to find him. The call was letting me know they spotted his truck at the diner. I'd told my men I wanted to be the one to arrest him, so they didn't grab him when they saw him.” He bangs the steering wheel with his hand. “They would have grabbed him if they knew Robin was there.

  “How do you know she’s there, then, if they didn't tell you?” I ask as I fist my hands in my lap.

  “We all have tracking on each other.” I glance over at him.

  “Thanks for the tip.” I’m going to make sure I’ve got it, too, the second she’s back by my side. “How can you arrest him? Do you have something on him besides taking some pictures?” I’m not sure how long that will hold him in jail, but it’s clear this sick fuck is a predator.

  “Yeah, he’s wanted for skipping bond. Franky isn't even his real name. He’s been using his cousin’s ID to lay low and get a job. His ass is going to prison. Robin isn't the first girl he’s stalked. The last one—”

  “Don’t,” I cut him off. I don’t want to know because I’m already on edge. When I see the diner come into sight, I grab the door handle and get ready to jump out. My gut clenches when I see her stepping into the truck.

  “Fuck,” we both say at the same time.

  The cruiser slides into the parking lot and I’m out before it’s even fully stopped. I’m running flat out as fast as I can just as I hear her scream.

  Chapter 11


  The scream makes my throat raw, but I ignore the pain and fight like hell. Suddenly I see movement out of the corner of my eye and Franky’s painful hold on my arm burns as he tries to tug me into the back of the truck.

  Suddenly the back doors are flung open and I hear people shouting. I’m partially in the back of the truck, but it’s been flooded with light and for a moment I’m blinded.

  “Robin!” I want to sob at the sound of Anderson’s voice. He’s here, everything is going to be okay.

  “You let her go or I’ll put a bullet right between your eyes,” I hear Kent say. “The truck is surrounded and you’re not going anywhere.”

  Relief and fear mix together as Franky pulls me closer to him. He doesn’t have a weapon, but he’s a big guy. I breathe, trying to remain calm as my eyes finally clear and I see Kent with two officers standing on either side of him. I can’t see Anderson, but I swear I can feel him, because my panic begins to calm and I know it’s all going to be all right.

  “I said let her go,” Kent says as he takes a step towards the truck.

  “You’re nothing but a whore anyway,” Franky says to me and his grip loosens.

  I gasp when there’s a kick to his back and he’s knocked forward and face down. I gasp as Anderson scoops me up in his arms and Kent descends on Franky. Anderson must have come in the back door of the truck.

  I’m swept out of the truck and brought into the diner where Millie is inside with other people watching the whole thing happen. I glance over to see Charlotte still asleep in her car seat and a wave of relief hits me.

  “Are you okay?” Anderson asks as he sits me down in a chair and kneels down in front of me. He rubs his hands up and down my arms as he looks me over. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, you were just in time,” I say and burst into tears as all of my emotions overwhelm me at once.

  “Don’t cry, beautiful.” He pulls me to his chest, and I hear the chime on the door ring as Kent comes in.

  “Robin, are you okay?” There’s a mix of panic and relief on his face. I nod. He leans down and has to hug me around Anderson because he’s not moving.

  I feel a hysterical bubble of laughter come out of me at both Anderson and Kent wrapping me up and making me feel better.

  “I’m so sorry, I know I was an asshole,” Kent says as he steps back and looks at me. “I was wrong to keep butting in, but you’re my baby sister.”

  “I get it,” I say and smile up at him. “I’m sorry, too. Let’s just put it all behind us.”

  “Agreed,” Anderson says and reaches out to shake Kent’s hand.

  “Next time just let me know before you go in and drop kick a suspect,” Kent says, but I don’t think he really means it.

  “Where is Franky?” I ask as I look around Kent to the police cars crowding in.

  “There’s a team of officers here to take him across county lines and back to where he’s wanted. You’re lucky, Robin.” He shakes his head for a second and then lets out a breath. “When I think about what could have happened.”

  “I’m safe now,” I say when I feel Anderson’s arms tighten around me. “I have a feeling I’ll always be safe.” I look into his eyes and I’ve never been more thankful for him.

  “I want to take my girls home,” Anderson says, not breaking eye contact with me. I nod when Kent says he’ll be in touch if the other team has questions.

  I give my brother another half hug on the way out because Anderson still won’t release me. He even insists on putting me in the car and buckling me up while Millie carries our sleeping little girl and puts her in the backseat.

  Once we get to the house, Anderson puts Charlotte in her crib so she can finish her nap and then he puts me in the bed.

  “I don’t know if I can sleep right now,” I say as he strips off my clothes and pulls back the covers.

  “You don’t have to sleep.” Anderson turns off the lights, and though it’s still daylight outside the sun is beginning to set. “But I want you in bed for the rest of the night and I want you to take it easy. Let me t
ake care of Charlotte and you worry about yourself.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

  I know what I went through today was traumatic, but it happened so fast and Anderson was right there to save me in the blink of an eye. Before I even had time to understand how bad the situation was about to get, he was right by my side and getting me away from danger.

  “Just focus on you, beautiful.” He climbs on the bed with me and nestles between my legs.

  I feel the warmth of his mouth on the inside of my thigh as he kisses his way up to my center. I moan when his tongue traces the seam of my lower lips and he caresses my clit. My body comes to life as his hands rub my stomach and hips. He’s everywhere and yet his mouth is pinpointed to where I need it most and I don’t want him to ever stop.

  “I love you so much,” he says as his mouth makes love to me.

  It’s so intimate, and though at first I was shy about him kissing me there, it somehow feels so right and perfect. I run my fingers through his hair as I tell him how much I love him back. I don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t been there today, but I’m lucky I’ll never have to find out. He’ll always come to my rescue and be there to protect me from harm.

  My climax is close and it doesn’t take him long to work his perfect mouth in exactly the spot I need it most. I cry out when his tongue flicks across my clit over and over. My body responds to his touch like nothing I’ve ever felt before and I give in to the wave of pleasure that crashes down on my body.

  I’m dizzy with lust as Anderson rolls me over on my belly and slides his thick cock into me from behind. He grabs my hands with his and entwines our fingers as his hard length slides in and out of me.

  “The thought of losing you forever almost broke me,” he says as he grunts and thrusts. “Even if it was only for a second, my whole world would crumble without you.”


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