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The Dreamweaver

Page 11

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  Blaise looked at Emrys with pride…and love, "I would always come to aid you or yours, Emrys. You are, in many ways, much more than my most esteemed student — you are my only son."

  Emrys nodded, too touched to speak for a moment, "I am grateful you're here…and you know you’ve always been more my Father than my teacher.” Emrys eyes glistened with tears, his emotions more sensitive than he could ever remember, the only explanation was Anna. She'd opened a door into his heart where his love now flowed freely.

  Closing the door behind the men, Emrys started up the stairs to check on Anna, reaching her door and knocking softly, he asked in a quiet voice, "Anna…are you awake?" No response, Emrys pushed the door open quietly, finding Anna's bed empty, he called out softly, "Anna?" believing she may be behind the screen. Nothing, no sign of her anywhere, Anna had seemingly vanished.

  Emrys breathed in deeply to still his racing heart. Reasoning over the facts, he knew she couldn't have left his crannog — he'd have seen her from the great room where he and the men had been meeting, and the bedroom window was too small and too high up for her to have left that way.

  That left only one other option, but how could Anna have left this dimension without his help? He scratched his head as he examined the room again, this time taking time to look carefully at everything.

  The bed was rumpled, the pillow still indented from where Anna’s head had lain. Near the pillow, a book was open — one he’d written long ago on medicinal herbs and fungi.

  Emrys leaned closer, examining the brown powdered remains of something that had spread over the pages and onto the bed. He touched a tentative finger to the substance, careful not to taste it, he sniffed at it gingerly, blowing out immediately as he identified it as a fungus he'd used as a bookmark many years earlier; Psilocybe semilanceata, also known as Liberty Cap in Anna's time, and highly hallucinogenic, mages and Indian tribes sometimes used it to facilitate trances and out-of-body experiences.

  Emrys logical mind clicked into place; even breathing in a minuscule amount of the dried spores could have affected a dimensional transportation as speedily as any of his incantations.

  As he prepared to slip from this dimension and into 21st century New York, he hoped Anna’s psyche hadn't become too creative and taken her anywhere besides home.


  Emrys and Anna

  Anna turned on her shower it’s hottest, which wasn’t very hot given the state of the old boiler in her building. Stepping in and allowing the water to sluice over her tense neck muscles, she closed her eyes thinking about the incredible events of the past 24 or so hours.

  Finding it hard to imagine that all that had happened within a relatively short time, she sighed wearily. So much to take in, but most amazing of all was Emrys - the one and only Merlin from a nearly fifteen-hundred year old legend, was probably in love with her, and she now accepted the fact that she was head over heals in love with him too.

  Even if you left out the craziness of it all, the idea of falling in love in less than 24 hours was hard for Anna to accept; she’d always considered herself to be very level-headed and not prone to girlish flights of fancy. She simply didn’t react on impulse. Even as a child, Anna had stood back to consider every angle before jumping in like most children. Her mother used to say, “Anna must’ve been a research scientist in another life; she has to examine everything before doing anything!”

  Turning the water off, Anna drew on the robe she’d left hanging on the door and wrapping a towel around her wet hair, went to get dressed.

  Anna had just pulled on her favourite jeans and an Old Navy sweatshirt when a noise from the kitchen startled her, thinking Py must be trying to get his own breakfast, she struck her head around the corner.

  “Well, good morning, or I should say, ‘afternoon’ given the hour!” Emrys grinned.

  Anna didn’t think, she simply ran into his arms letting them enfold her, he kissed the top of her towelled forehead, “Did you miss me then?” he asked huskily.

  “I was confused, waking up alone.” She snuggled into his chest finally feeling safe and warm, “What happened?” She raised her head to look at him, “I was just looking through a book I found in your workroom, the one about plants and things, and the next thing I knew I was waking up here. I thought I couldn’t return to this time without you.” Anna’s lip quivered just a bit.

  Emrys hugged her tightly, “As near as I could determine, the book you were reading was one I’d written years ago on uses for various plants, herbs and fungi. Unfortunately one of the fungi I was cataloguing was a hallucinogenic mushroom that I’d stuck in the book intending to catalogue later. I forgot about it and eventually the mushrooms spores dried out becoming astable. You must have inadvertently breathed them in, which interacted with your psyche and it simply returned you to where you belonged — home.” Emrys led her to the sofa so he could hold her properly, tucking her onto his lap, he continued, “I was worried that your imaginative psyche might have transported you somewhere else, I’d have still found you, but it might have taken a little longer.”

  Anna laid her head against his shoulder. Enjoying his closeness, and glad that she could say what she wanted to say without looking into his eyes, “I wanted to tell you something. I’d planned on talking to you when you finished your meeting.”

  Emrys tensed, fearing what she might be about to say.

  Anna spoke softly, “I need to talk about what happened at your crannog, on the stairs…when you kissed me. I want you to know… and I am thinking with my heart, not my head, as you asked,” she hurriedly added, “and even though it hasn’t been very long… I… I love you, Emrys.” She pulled back to gauge his reaction, “Is that crazy?” Anna asked hesitantly.

  Emrys let out a breath of relief, as he looked into her eyes with tenderness, “It’s decidedly not crazy, Anna.” His arms tightened around her, “Unless I’m crazy too, and some would say that’s a probability.” He grinned, “I believe I’ve loved you from the moment I saw your glowing face in your dream tapestry.”

  He wiped away the tear that trickled down her cheek with his thumb, “Remember I’ve known you longer than the short time you’ve been aware of me, and with every moment that has passed since, I’ve been falling deeper and deeper in love with you.”

  Emrys kissed the tip of her nose, “Dream tapestries are more than a moving woven image you know — they give a Dreamweaver an innate knowledge into what kind of person a dreamer really is; their hopes, their potential, their disappointments, fears — everything that composes the inner psyche of the dreamer, so I saw the inner you.”

  Emrys traced the outline of her lips with one finger, “When I told you once that you are more than your surface beauty, I meant it. Your body and lovely face certainly captivated me — but it is what’s in here,” he tapped her gently on her forehead, “that made me love you and want to weave dreams that made you happy. You have a shining soul and the brightest aura.” He shook his head in wonder, his voice a whisper, “Magnetic almost, I was drawn to you instantly, I couldn’t help myself.”

  Anna swallowed, the lump in her throat making speech difficult, she whispered, “I’ve read so many love stories, I never really believed love like this was possible.” It was true, Anna had thought the all-encompassing sort of ‘soul-mate’ type of love was a fantasy written to make books and movies more compelling.

  Emrys gaze held Anna’s for a breathtaking moment before his lips covered her’s with soft kiss, he whispered against her ear, “The books you read are nothing compared to our story. Remember your dream-cabin?” Anna nodded, “And your dream-library, the one you were organising just before I came to your door?” She nodded again. “I wove it into your dream, because I knew it would be perfect for you, did you like the Jane Austin 1st editions?”

  Anna’s eyes danced in delight, “Yes! You did that?” Her eyes bright with the memory, “I remember waking up and thinking I wished I could have a library like that in real-lif
e, I mean look around this place, that cabin is sort of perfect.”

  Emrys hugged her closer to him, “When I came to your cabin, I even tried to dress a little like Mr. Darcy, just for you.”

  Anna giggled, “I remember! Yes, I actually thought you looked like you belonged on the cover of one of my books…but it wasn’t exactly Pride and Prejudice.” She blushed as she thought about the book she’d imagined him in.

  He raised an eyebrow, “Well, now that you mention it, I think I’d rather be a character in one of your more recent romance novels anyway…if we’re thinking of the same book.”

  Emrys whispered a passage from one of her particularly naughty books in her ear, making Anna blush an even deeper shade of red, “Yes…umm we are thinking along the same lines.” Anna was stunned, “When did you read that book?” She was amazed that he even knew of it, let alone that he’d read it.

  “When I was creating your fantasy dream-library, I became intrigued by the some of the covers on your favourite books, so I decided to borrow a few. I read one and that led to another in the same series, and because I read pretty fast, I ended up reading all of them in a few hours.”

  Anna was dumb struck, “You read all of them? Seriously?” Emrys nodded in confirmation. “But I have hundreds…and they’re…umm…not the sort of books I’d have expected you to like, were you…” She bit her lip, “shocked at my taste in modern literature?” She asked feeling embarrassed remembering some of the steamy love scenes that he must have read.

  Emrys grinned, enjoying her now completely red face, even the tips of her ears were glowing, “Well, you’re right — it was a departure from the books I have read in the past, but some of the books were quite good; well written with clever plots. But the real reason I read them was to gain some insight into the passions of my favourite dreamer. I initially viewed it as research, but I found I actually enjoyed some of them and they taught me quite a bit too.” His eyes flashed in a knowing way, “I hope to one day put what I’ve learned into practice.” Emrys winked at her as she gaped at him in shock.

  She blushed yet again, this one so fierce that Anna began to fan her face with her hand, “Right…umm, well I am glad that you… enjoyed them anyway.”

  Trying to change the subject, Anna hopped up and went to the kitchen to get a drink of ice water, “So…anyway…I love that library, I just wish it were real.” She brought Emrys a glass too, setting it down on the coffee table in front of him.

  “It is real.” He said with a grin, letting her off the hook, “Dream creation is more than idle imagination, Anna. Part of the role of dreamweavers is to help guide the creation of positive dreams.” He pulled her back down beside him before continuing, “The dreams of sentient beings, such as humans, are powerful. The creation of places, like your cabin, are complex and important to the evolution of new dimensional worlds. You are the creator of your dream-cabin and it’s surrounding woods, with me as your muse to a certain degree, but it was your imagination, your wishes, your creativity that built that perfect little world. When such a dream is repeated time and time again, it reinforces its’ dimensional reality, so yes, it is a real place.”

  Anna’s eyes grew wide with realisation, “Does that mean we can go there again someday?”

  “Yes, of course, we can go to your dream-cabin anytime you’d like, Anna. It’s a part of you, and in a way me too now. I’d like to think of it as our special place.” Emrys gathered her closer into the crook of his arm.

  She shook her head in wonder, “And bad dreams? Are they real places too?”

  Emrys thought a moment before answering, “Sometimes, if they are repeated often enough, a negative dimension can be created and remain in existence for a while.” He sighed, “Dreamweavers don’t usually guide people in the creation of bad dreams. It is a dangerous process for a dreamweaver; sort of a negative karma thing.”

  It was a universal law, even for dreamweavers; good actions are rewarded with good, and bad with bad. Dark deeds reduced the light within a soul, too much and the darkness would take over. Dreamweavers were as vulnerable to the rule as anyone else, maybe more so because they existed much longer than other humans.

  “When good people have erratic or scary dreams, it is usually that person’s psyche working through problems or trying to sort out something upsetting. That kind of dream does not lead to creating a new dimensional reality.” He thought for a moment, “But there are evil minds, people who are born with a dark spirit and their dreams are equally dark, and some are truly evil. Thankfully, the order of the universe does not support a wholly evil dimension for long because universal order demands balance; nothing can be all good nor all bad to exist permanently.”

  “I think I understand. Does that mean that the ‘perfect little world’ of my cabin will be not completely perfect?” Anna speculated.

  “Clever girl! Your cabin will remain more perfect than not, but it could be plagued with just a bit of bad weather or maybe a mud hole that Py gets into and tracks all over your perfect white bedding.” He laughed, “That would be a little nightmare for you, right?”

  Anna threw a pillow at him, “If that cat, or anyone makes a mess of my cabin’s beautiful white bedroom, I’ll turn into a nightmare!” She growled in mock anger.

  Emrys laughed, “Hmmm. Okay, point taken. Py, did you hear your Mommy call you ‘Cat’?” He asked giving Py a comforting pat.

  “I was kidding! Py you knew Mommy was joking didn’t you?” She asked picking him up to plant a quick kiss on the top of his head.

  What about a little coffee for a weary dimension traveler?” Emrys asked as he walked into the kitchen looking at the coffee maker hopefully.

  “Sure, and I make a fierce omelette too, would the ‘weary dimension traveler’ like a little breakfast as well?” Anna countered as she filled the coffee maker with water.

  “Now you’re talking!” He grinned, “Do you mind if I raid your bother’s stay-over drawer again? I think I may be a little over dressed for 2013 New York.” He did a little turn to make his point showing Anna his ‘Renaissance Festival’ attire.

  Anna laughed, “Yes, of course, I hung my ‘period drama’ costume in my closet, I was shocked that it came home with me. I still don’t get how that happens.” She mused, before hastily adding, “But don’t bother trying to explain it to me, I am learning to accept some things without needing to know the details.”

  Emrys raised a brow, “I could explain it, you know.” He threatened as he headed to the bedroom to change his clothes.

  “It’s okay, I’ll save my questions,” and the resulting headaches she thought to herself, “for the big stuff.”

  Anna smiled, enjoying their easy banter as she set her small table for breakfast, “I have a meeting tomorrow, in San Francisco.” Anna called out to Emrys as she sat down with her coffee, “I can’t get out of it, my job is really hanging by a thread and if I don’t close this account, I could lose it.” She explained as Emrys sat down at the table across from her, “I’d have you come with me, but I am not really sure I could afford it or if my company would allow it.”

  Emrys nodded as he sat down opposite her, “I understand, and I wouldn’t ask you to give up your job, Anna. But, perhaps one day, after we’ve been together for a while, you may consider it.” He took a bite of his omelette, “I have plenty of money, enough for anything either of us want or need to by the way.” He reached out to take her hand, “There are worlds and ages I’d love to show you, and who knows, perhaps in a few hundred years there will be legends invented about Anna L. Stewart, just like there were about me as Merlin.” He grinned, as he took another large bite of his omelette, “And, Anna this is the best breakfast I’ve ever had.”

  Anna beamed, feeling very pleased that he liked her cooking, “Thank you, Emrys, and it’s not that I’m career obsessed, or all that dedicated to my job, or at least the one I’ve got now.” She thought remembering Clement Alexander ’the terd,' “But I want to complete the work I agreed
to do, it’s a matter of pride.” She explained, “But if you’ll give me a bit of time, I’ll be ready for our adventures, and I want you to meet my family too, it’s important to me.”

  Anna paused, as she thought of introducing Emrys to her family, “I am proud to be with you, but…I don’t think telling them that you’re the ‘Merlin’ would go down too well.” She looked nervously at Emrys for his reaction.

  He laughed, “No, I don’t think it would go down too well either. We’re not going to talk about most of the things that brought us together, Anna. No lies, but not the unedited truth either. Both your family, and my people in Caerfyrddin, wouldn’t take the actual version of our meeting very well.” He said as he imagined the reaction they’d receive, “Perhaps here we can just say we met in the City discussing mediaeval legends over coffee.” He stood to refill their cups, “And I want to marry you Miss Anna L. Stewart, either here in your time or in mine, or maybe both.” He mused, “I want you in all ways and I want the world to know you’re mine.” He put their coffee cups down on the table as he reached for her hand.


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