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Thrilling Ethan

Page 23

by Anna Paige

  Extraordinary rather than ordinary.

  Laying there that afternoon, when I should have been too tired to keep my eyes open, all I could do was stare at the fading light on the ceiling and reflect on how Ryan had been right.

  When it hits you, you just know.

  All you see is her.

  Nothing will ever be the same.

  And God, how lucky was I to have found her?

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  It was after dark. Ethan and I had been snuggling all afternoon. Our soft caresses would turn heated, and we’d make love then go back to just lying there together until the next time a touch lingered long enough to ignite the fire again.

  It was exactly what we both needed after two incredibly busy, eventful, amazing days.

  Sure, we still needed sleep, but that wasn’t taking priority. Not yet, anyway.

  We hadn’t really discussed the huge declarations we’d made backstage at the concert, but I wasn’t sure we needed to.

  Maybe it would have been different if things hadn’t been so hectic at the time, but I honestly didn’t think I’d want the long talk afterward. Hearing him say he loved me and wanted this to be something real—that was all I needed. The rest we’d figure out as we went.

  I still couldn’t believe he wanted to tell Dana.

  That was both amazing and terrifying at the same time.

  Not that I thought she’d ever in a million years breathe a word of his secret to anyone. I knew her better than that. It was terrifying because telling her, him taking that chance, meant he was serious about us.

  And what if he decided later that I wasn’t worth the risk? What if it really turned out to be the thrill of sharing a secret that drew him to me, and that thrill burned out one day?

  Stop it, Em. That’s some of Mom’s shit. You know better. You saw the look on his face when he said the words. He meant it.

  “We need to get up soon if we’re going to meet Dana,” he whispered against my hair even as he pulled me closer to his chest, as if he didn’t ever want to get up.

  He was right, though. Dana would be waiting.

  I never heard from her about the concert last night and she never showed. I got her usual “Home safe. Talk tomorrow,” text and replied with my usual “Me too. Text in the morning.” I was sure something was up—had been for a while—but the thing about Dana was you couldn’t push her. You had to wait her out. I knew that better than anyone.

  I wouldn’t push about what was up with her, but I had to tell her the truth about Ethan.

  And it couldn’t wait.

  That morning, after the majority of the gifts were bagged, tagged, and passed out, I called her and got her voicemail. I left a message telling her we needed to talk about something important—all three of us—and asked her to call me back.

  She didn’t call but she did text and tell me she could meet after work. Ethan said she was welcome to come to the loft, but I needed clothes and to water my plants since I hadn’t remembered to ask Janice to do it when I called to let her know I was going to be away for a few days.

  Besides, being at Ethan’s would make it more uncomfortable for her. This way, she’d hear it from both of us in a place where she felt at home.

  “If we didn’t have to meet her, I’d stay right here all night.” I kissed his chest.

  “Me too. But this is important. And I don’t want the strain between you going on any longer than it already has. So, get that gorgeous ass in the shower, and I’ll come in to wash your back in a few minutes.”

  “Wash my back, huh?” I sat up and looked at him.

  “Or whatever else you need help with. Perhaps a tongue bath for your more sensitive regions?” He winked and slid out from under me, reaching for his T-shirt. “I’m at your service. As soon as I get back from walking Dammit.”

  I flopped down on the bed in the warm spot he’d left behind and watched him. “Have I mentioned how adorable it is that you love my dog?”

  “Only when he keeps his teeth out of my ass.”

  “So, if I were to leave teeth marks on that sweet rump, you wouldn’t love me anymore?”

  He quirked a brow and leaned down to kiss me. “That doesn’t apply to you, gorgeous. That’s how you know I love you the most.”

  “Make that walk quick, okay? I want to do some nibbling before the water turns cold.”

  He was already hauling ass down the stairs, calling out to Dammit before my feet even hit the floor.

  “You should bring more than that, don’t you think?” Ethan peered into my duffle bag. “What if I get all excited and rip some of that stuff off you? You’ll run out of clothes pretty fast.”

  “Or you could, you know, not tear my clothes off like some wild animal,” I scoffed, reaching for more panties—just in case.

  “Be serious. And grab more of those bras. I like those bras. They make great floss when I chew through the lacy cups.”

  “I knew you did that!” I spun and pointed a finger at him. “You swore it was already torn.”

  He just smiled, not repentant in the least.

  The shit.

  Grudgingly, I added a couple more outfits to the bag and extras of anything he might decide to floss with. Just as I was zipping it closed, there was a knock at the door.

  “Showtime.” I blew out a breath and ran my hands over my shirt nervously.

  “It’s all going to be great. Don’t worry.” Ethan kissed my hand and went into the kitchen to open the wine we’d picked up on the way over.

  I really hoped he was right.

  “So, you’re the guy who painted those amazing pieces I saw when they were setting up the gallery? The one everyone is speculating about?” Dana was flustered, wide-eyed, and dealing better than I thought she would.

  She didn’t appear angry at all.

  Just shocked.

  There was something else there on her face, but I couldn’t quite place it.

  “That’s me,” Ethan confirmed, nodding. “I’m sorry for all of this. For putting Emily in a position where she had to hide things from you. She hated it, if that makes any difference. Please don’t be upset with her. This was all my fault—my secret she was protecting.”

  She’d been looking at Ethan as he explained everything, and I let him take the lead because it was his secret to share—his story to tell—not mine.

  Finally, she turned to me and there were tears in her eyes. “And all this time you wanted to tell me, but you couldn’t?”

  I nodded, my vision going wavy as tears flooded my eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  She practically dove on me from across the living room, crying into my shoulder even as Dammit yapped by our feet. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I was mad at you for hiding things, for being so secretive about Ethan, even though I was doing the same damn thing.”

  I gripped her shoulders and pushed her back far enough to see her face. “What are you talking about?”

  She pulled away and sat on the edge of the coffee table even though Ethan was trying to offer his seat at my side. “No, stay there, Ethan. You shared a huge secret with me, so why would I hide my secret from you?” She blinked over at him for a moment and returned her eyes to mine. “I’ve been keeping something from you too, Em.”

  I didn’t say anything, just sat there and watched her fight for the words she needed.

  “The new manager, the one I’ve been telling you about?”

  “The asshat?”

  She snorted. “At first, yeah. He was. But then…” She pursed her lips and looked down, guilt all over her face.

  “You hooked up with the asshat? No. Freaking. Way. You said he was a complete jerk who tormented you every chance he got.”

  “He was. Still is, actually. But it’s different now. It went from annoying to…well…hot.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Ethan covering a smile and coughing to disguise a chuckle.

  “He was mean to you. You’re the one who ni
cknamed him the asshat, remember?”

  “I gave as good as I got, though.” She shrugged.

  “So you’re telling me all that fighting and threatening to quit, all the times he made your life miserable, all that was foreplay?”

  This time Ethan couldn’t contain his chuckle, and I bumped his knee with mine to shush him.

  Dana caught him laughing and let out a little titter. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Stop laughing, you shit,” I scolded, trying not to join them. “I was so worried you’d hate me for withholding the truth about Ethan, and this whole time you were hiding the fact that you’re doing the asshat.”

  “His name is Blake,” she offered, trying to look guilty.

  “Total asshat name.” I crossed my arms, petulant. “Were you hooking up with him the night of the art show?”

  “No, it happened after that. Actually, it all started when I stormed into his office the Monday after that to cuss him out over not letting me off for your big night. It escalated from there, I guess.”

  The same day Ethan showed up and asked me out for coffee.

  How bizarre that both of us had major life changes on the same day.

  “I guess that at least makes me feel better. I mean, if you’d been screwing him before and still couldn’t get the night off…” I trailed off, pouting and hurt but also sad that we’d both needed each other so much but had to navigate all this shit alone.

  Ethan put an arm around me and pulled me to his side. “Come on, baby. You can’t be mad at her over Blake. Look at everything you were keeping from her about me.”

  “Wait, is there more?”

  “You don’t deserve to know, hussy.” I stuck my tongue out at her, crossing my arms tighter over my chest.

  “What else is there, Ethan?” She ignored me.

  He tried to tickle my side, but I refused to be swayed, so he answered for me. “She’s head over heels in love with me. Wants to move into my loft with me, have a doggy door installed for Dammit and everything. She’s got it bad, Dana. Real bad.”

  I pinched his nipple and shoved him away. “Lies, all lies.”

  He covered his abused nipple with one hand, laughing his ass off.

  “So you don’t love him?” Dana asked, grinning as she watched us play.

  “Oh, no. That’s true. But I’d never install a doggy door there. It wouldn’t make sense. There’s no balcony. What am I going to do? Put the damn thing in the entry door? Dammit can’t exactly reach the button for the elevator.”

  Dana reached down to pet Dammit, who chuffed at the mention of his name. “But you do plan to move in with him?”

  “I’m not saying I never would, but until this very moment we hadn’t even discussed it. This is just Ethan being a shit. A half-assed attempt at humor.” It was funny, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting that. Or that the idea wasn’t altogether unpleasant. It was kind of hot, actually, to think of waking up in his bed every morning. Even if he wouldn’t always be there with me.

  Ethan leaned forward, whisper shouting in my bestie’s direction. “She only loves me for my kitchen anyway, so it’s not like she’d argue if I asked.”

  I gave him a sultry look, reaching for his thigh. “Not true. I also love you for your bedroom…”

  “Stop it. I just ate,” Dana groused.

  “What? You’re not like this with the asshat?”

  “Blake,” she corrected. “And God, no. We fight, we…”

  “Fuck?” I supplied, loving that she blushed and avoided looking at Ethan as she nodded.

  Realizing she was embarrassed, Ethan jumped up to grab us all a glass of wine. I pinched his ass on his way by but what I really wanted to do was hug him for being so awesome.

  When he was gone, Dana finished. “We fool around and then we go our separate ways. No flirting. No playing. Just sex.”

  I wasn’t one to judge, so I just nodded. “Well, chicky, looks like you finally got flung.”

  “Repeatedly,” she snorted then flicked her gaze in the direction of the kitchen. “And it looks like you might have found your forever after all. Who would have thought either of us would have ended up here, huh?”

  “I’m not complaining in the least.” I beamed. “And from the sound of it, you’re pretty content yourself.”

  “Hell yeah, I am. I’m so glad I can finally tell you everything. It’s been killing me, Em! He’s been killing me, too. If you could only see the size of his—“

  “Hope you like Moscato.” Ethan stepped back into the room with two wine glasses and handed one to each of us. “If you ladies don’t mind, I’m going to step into the bedroom and make some calls. Covert double life stuff.” He winked at Dana, letting her know he was kidding.

  “Thank you,” she said, looking up at him with something bordering on adoration. “For the wine, of course, but also for being so great to my friend and for trusting me with your secret, so she doesn’t have to hide things. I know how much faith you’re putting in me. And I swear to you, you won’t regret it.” She was tearing up again, so he leaned down and hugged her, whispering something in her ear that caused her to nod and laugh.

  He came over and dropped a quick kiss to my lips and then he was off to my room to give us some privacy.

  If I hadn’t already been in love with Ethan Chase, watching him be so incredible to Dana would have pushed me right over the edge.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Saturday mornings should be for sleeping in. Especially the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

  I left Ethan sleeping in his bed and trudged downstairs to make some coffee. I’d remembered to bring my Death Wish from home, thank goodness, because I was definitely going to need the extra jolt of caffeine.

  Dammit lifted his head from inside his carrier but didn’t bother to get up. Even he was exhausted after the last forty-eight hours. Poor little guy. So much excitement. He’d made a lot of new friends, and much to Ethan’s chagrin, seemed to favor Lennox over the others. I wasn’t surprised since we’d already established how much the two of them had in common.

  Both Dammit and Ethan were still knocked out when I made my way quietly out the door, and I couldn’t wait to return to them.

  I gave serious thought to feigning an illness to get off early, but I knew Arthur would be stuck picking up my slack, and I just couldn’t do that to him.

  The day dragged on at a snail’s pace, and the gallery was a virtual ghost town. I couldn’t understand why Niko insisted on keeping regular hours in November and December. Nothing ever happened—there were no showings, no big events to prepare for.

  The rest of the staff members weren’t salaried like Arthur and me and worked only when events were booked, so it was just the two of us most of the time. The gallery being so small, I often wondered if Niko even needed me, but he assured me running the gallery alone would be too much for Arthur.

  I wasn’t so sure, but let it go because only an idiot would talk herself right out of her dream job.

  It was mid-afternoon when Niko called, and I knew as soon as Arthur passed me the phone that there was bullshit coming down the pipeline.

  Lately, that’s all there ever was.


  Random, cryptic comments made during pointless phone conversations. At least he’d stopped coming into the gallery. I’d hoped he would retreat to somewhere with a climate he found more palatable, but he was sticking to New York lately, and I suspected I knew why.


  Or rather, Conspicuous.

  “Hello, Nikolai.”

  “Emily, so nice to hear your voice. How was your holiday?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, you know the drill…gobble ’til you wobble and all that stuff.”

  “Indeed.” He chuckled hollowly. “I must say, you didn’t appear to be wobbling in the photos I saw.”

  Shit. Here we go again. Which personality will come out this time, I wonder?

  “Beg pardon?”r />
  “I was scrolling MSN and saw a photo of you with Mr. Chase’s band doing some charity work in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. You looked to be enjoying yourself.”

  “Of course, I was. It was an amazing thing to see, such selflessness and compassion. With all that’s going on in the world, gestures like that give me hope.”

  “Absolutely. It was wonderful. And I noticed you seemed to be quite friendly with the group—I take that to mean you’re making headway with regard to the contract?”

  Ah, The Pimp has made an appearance. But for how long?

  I’d taken to naming Niko’s various mood swings. Sometimes he was The Pimp, who all but threw me at Ethan as bait to get him to book another exhibition. Then there was The Prude, who gave me judgy looks when he visited or clucked his tongue into the phone while reminding me what an amazing professional opportunity this was.

  There was also The Prick, who snipped at me for no apparent reason even with no mention of Conspicuous. That had happened a few times, but I bit my tongue in an effort to retain my job. I loved the job, the art and artists I dealt with every day. It was my dream.

  Still, something had to give because I didn’t trust myself not to snap at him in a big way if things continued on this path.

  “As I said, the contracts are forthcoming. It’s the holiday season, Niko. And the end of the year, lots of things going on at once. If Conspicuous says he’s going to do something, he follows through.” I was being curt, probably more than was advisable, but he was getting on my nerves. “I’m concerned that constantly pressuring him to commit to something before he’s ready would convey a sign of mistrust on our part. Or would you prefer me to tell him that you’re concerned and give him your number?”

  There was an extended pause, during which I picked at my nails and grinned to myself. I hadn’t technically threatened to tell Ethan he was nagging, but the possibility hung in the air just the same.

  Eventually, he blew out a breath. “No, you’re right. I apologize. I’ve been…overzealous. I’ll not mention it again in the near future.”


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