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Jesse's Starship 3: Joshua's Walls

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  “Jesse, I owe you big time. Jeanette and I just don’t want them getting married this young. They’ve been exerting pressure on us to go to Sparta to perform the ceremony and we’re running out of excuses to stop them.”

  “Adams, I really didn’t think this project would amount to much when you suggested it, but it might become something that is a difference maker. Your son and future daughter-in-Law appear to have their stuff together. They’ve asked for things that none of my Senior Officers have thought to pursue.”

  “Such as?”

  “I’ll send you a list.”

  “That would be good.” Adams looked away from the display and said, “That’s him calling now. I’ll get back to you later.”

  The display went dark on Jesse’s communicator and he wondered if Adams knew what he had started today. This young couple had a sense of presence that you felt. Jesse shrugged and thought, “What could they really accomplish with a brigade of troops and several aircraft?”

  “Josh, it’s good to hear from you.”

  “Dad, I need a favor.”

  “If I can, I’ll do it.”

  “I need to use Tuffy for a project.”

  Adams’ eyes narrowed, “We’ve been ordered to keep the Q ships out of direct combat.”

  “It has nothing to do with combat. I’m going to receive all the personnel folders of those that have volunteered to serve in Earth’s armed forces. I’m forming a new infantry unit Jesse has asked me to command. I want to send the folders to Tuffy and have him look them over and prioritize them.”

  “What do you mean, ‘prioritize’?”

  “I want them examined as to who their parents are, where they’ve traveled, what their military experience is so far, their age, weight, height, and any other tests they might have taken.”


  “Yes. I.Q., Simmons Aggressive Trait Measure, Personality Type, and anything else in their records.”

  “What do you want Tuffy to do with all this?”

  “I want him to compare them to you and Mom’s measures. Rank them with the ones that match up close with you at the top and move down from there.”

  “How many files will you be sending?”

  “I just contacted Earth’s Military Headquarters and they say I have more than two million applications.”

  “Josh! Just how long do you intend to give Tuffy to do this?”

  “Could he have it done over the weekend?”

  “Are you crazy?”

  A voice came on the Q ship’s loudspeaker, “I can actually have it done in twenty four hours from the time you get them delivered to me.”

  Adams looked up, “Are you sure about that, Tuffy?”

  “It would take months to do if I didn’t have a template to use for the measures. Josh was wise to choose you and Jeanette as the template for selection. I can correlate the data quickly given the conditions Josh has chosen.”

  Josh smiled, “Thanks Tuffy. I’ll have HQ send them directly to you.”

  Adams looked at Josh, “What is this unit you’re talking about?”

  “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now I have my hands full.”

  “Be sure you do, Son. Your Mother and I need to be kept informed about what you’re doing.”

  See you later, Dad.”

  • • •

  Josh looked at Prissy, “He already knows.”

  Pricilla nodded, “It was probably his idea to do this to slow down our marriage plans.”

  Josh sighed, “I imagine you’re right. Do we still want to do this?”

  Prissy smiled as Josh banked the small plane around a thundercloud, “Josh, we have our entire life ahead of us. Getting this unit up and running will provide both of us with skills that will be invaluable in the future. Not only will it be fun but we will grow from the experience. If we’re going to join the fight against the Weg, we can benefit from what we learn here. We’ve both got to do something while we’re young and this really looks like a good thing to do.” Prissy smiled, “This could be our college years.”

  Josh snickered. “Going to the school of hard shots?”

  “Yep, our school colors will be black and blue.”

  Prissy paused and stared at Josh. He saw her and said, “What?”

  “Josh, your role in this new unit will demand that you depend on your subordinates to lead the fighting.” Josh stared at her and she said, “This position you’ve accepted isn’t like anything you’ve done before. I understood when you went after that Gracken Beamship that it was a mission for just one pilot. I was there only to go in if you failed. I also recognize that you would lead your squadron on airstrikes. However, this is different.”

  “Prissy, my place is at the front leading those under my command.”

  “No it’s not!”

  Josh looked out of the front glass and could hear the determination in her voice, “Where do you come up with that?”

  “Josh, what happens if you’re killed leading a charge into Rebel lines?” Josh continued to stare out of the plane. “This unit will be handed over to another commander that will render it useless. You’re going to have to choose good leaders to work under your direction.” Josh looked at her and she sighed, “I understand that if the brigade is involved in an attack that you will have to be there…but…others will lead the charge. This is a lesson you’re going to have to learn before taking command of a larger unit.”

  “Are you saying I’m reckless?”

  Prissy reached over and rubbed her hand on his cheek, “Not at all, my Love. You’re brilliant beyond anyone I’ve ever known and will make good decisions on what should be done. However, you have to learn that you are not one that can be lost without severe repercussions to those you lead.”

  “You could command the unit if anything happened to me.”

  “Josh, I’m not the one that killed that Beamship. You are the only one your warriors will trust to lead them.” Prissy paused, “Josh, you can’t win wars singlehandedly. You have to depend on others to make your plans succeed.”

  Josh continued staring out of the cockpit window and remained silent for a long moment. He finally sighed and looked at Prissy, “I just find it difficult to not be involved.”

  Prissy nodded, “And sitting back watching your warriors go out to face an enemy will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But, if you’re going to lead larger units in the future, you’re going to have to learn to do it.”

  Josh nodded slowly, “You’re saying this not because you’re afraid of losing me.”

  “I’m thankful you see that. I’m always worried about losing you when you go into combat, but that’s the nature of loving a warrior. This comes from knowing your responsibility to those you command.”

  Josh laughed and pulled Prissy over for a quick kiss. He looked at her and said, “You’ve always been the wiser of us. I see the wisdom of what you’re saying.”

  “We have to find good leaders for our warriors. That is another lesson both of us need to learn.” Josh nodded and hoped Tuffy produced a good list of possible candidates.

  • • •

  It took seven months to get the Strike Force Brigade trained for battle. The Air Force was ready first and Prissy was using them to pacify the locations of major Rebel attacks on Government Officials and Alliance Personnel installing the new technology. But only so much could be done from the air. The Ground Troops were desperately needed to remove the Rebel forces and their leadership. Finally, Josh was ready to use them and no one expected what was about to happen. They would have never thought that one of the first assaults would take place in Mecca.

  • • •

  The Alliance convoy of heavy vehicles was moving toward Mecca on Al Taqwa Street and their armored defense vehicles were forced to remain behind at the intersection of Alyad Street in Kuday as the rest of the convoy continued without them. The King of Saudi Arabia requested additional Food Units for the thousands of pilgrims that were on their once
in a lifetime Hajj. The pilgrims prayed their way along the holy path to the Kaaba. The annual rite was taking place and the city was filled with millions of pilgrims.

  The trucks carrying the Food Units turned on Alyad Street and moved into the city proper. Suddenly, three hundred men came out from the sand they were buried in and fired their Blow Darts at the lead truck exploding the engine and blasting the tires. They began running toward the convoy to take hostages and kill the Alliance Engineers.

  • • •

  “Captain Mahood?”

  “We see them.”

  “Carry out your orders.”

  • • •

  Four companies of Strike Force Warriors had jumped out the rear of a high altitude C-5 transport as the convoy approached the city. Two companies actually came in directly over the massed pilgrims in the city and went unseen. Their specially made uniforms and parachutes blended into the sky and they were silent in their passage. Two more companies had peeled off from the first two and turned toward the first burning Alliance Truck. They landed when the attackers were still a hundred yards away from the convoy and opened fire on the charging Rebels.

  The leader of the Rebels saw the troops landing next to the trucks and knew this ambush was over. He yelled for his men to retreat but saw more parachutes dropping in behind him. He went to one knee and began blowing darts as fast as he could load them into his tube. He loaded the third dart and a small hole suddenly appeared in his forehead. In less than three minutes, all three hundred of the Rebels were dead in the sand. Throughout the intense battle, no noise was heard. The Rebel’s Blow Guns were silent and the rifles being used by the Strike Force used a new silencer that only made a small puff of noise from the small caliber bullets being fired. Nothing was heard over the loud prayers being said by millions in the City.

  • • •

  Ten warriors landed behind six men that were watching the attack from closer to the mass of pilgrims. One of the six shook his head, “They will pay for this sacrilege.”

  Nothing else was said, as the ten warriors who landed behind them, knocked them to the ground with judo kites to their necks. They were quickly bound, gagged, and carried out toward the convoy. They were loaded in the last truck and it turned and sped out to the waiting Armored Vehicles. There a civilian helicopter landed and they were thrown on board just before it lifted and flew to the south.

  • • •

  “Sir, I have a very angry Official that wishes to speak with you.”

  Josh smiled, “Hand him your communicator.”


  Josh calmly said, “Exactly what rules did we violate?”


  “All of the ones used in this exercise are Muslim and have completed their Hajj.”

  The Arab official looked at the Strike Force Warriors and saw their names on their uniforms. “You disturbed the time of the Hajj!”

  “None of your pilgrims even know this event took place. Who told you about it?”

  The Official looked at the Warrior standing next to him and saw him waiting on an answer. “One of my subordinates witnessed it. He contacted me. You sent armed troops into our Holy City.”

  “We did that to remove the armed men who were violating the Hajj. We only came in after they attacked the Food Units that your King requested to be brought here. We would have never come but it was clear your pilgrims needed our protection. Perhaps you would like to contact him now and discuss this with him. I suspect he might not be happy that three hundred armed Rebels were able to set up an ambush during this most holy of times and you knew nothing about it.”

  The Official knew that no one knew about the attack. It was over so fast that it had gone unnoticed. There were some residents of the city that witnessed it but they could be silenced when they came to him to report it. “Get your men out of the city and take these dead bodies with you!”

  “Sorry, but those dead bodies came out of your city to ambush our convoy. You will have to take care of their disposal. However, my men will immediately leave.”

  The Official wanted to ask about the six that were captured but he didn’t dare admit he knew them. He handed the communicator back to Mahood and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and began yelling. The Strike Force Warriors began running and ten minutes later saw more than fifty large industrial garbage trucks that were moving out of the city toward the site of the ambush. Mahood smiled, that was the exact type of vehicle that should dispose of them.

  The Official looked at the dead Rebels and sneered. He told them that it was against Allah’s will that violence take place in Mecca but they had ignored his words. Perhaps they would listen in the future. He looked at the strange soldiers running away and, though he didn’t want to, respected that only Muslims were used. They did respect Islam. He turned and ordered the garbage trucks to remove the bodies and take them out into the desert. They didn’t deserve a burial.

  Chapter Two

  Almost three years to the day from when Jesse asked Josh to take command of a special Strike Force, the Brigade was in Tehran surrounding a nuclear facility. Thousands of Rebels were attacking their ranks as they tried to prevent losing the only nuclear weapon the Rebels possessed. This was the final stronghold of the Rebellion and all of the Rebel survivors on Earth had come to the city to make their final stand.

  Josh watched the aerial view of Rebels attacking his positions and lifted his communicator, “Prissy, we have a large concentration of Rebels moving on our right flank.”

  “I have three Hogs inbound.”

  Josh looked up and heard the A-10s before he saw them. Their General Electric Gatling Guns opened fire on the charging rebels and ripped them apart. The A 10s turned for another run and the Rebels scattered looking for cover.

  “Sir, it appears half of the Rebel Forces here are Chinese.”

  Josh sighed, “This must be Yehao’s work.”

  “Several Rebels we’ve captured say that most of the Rebels still alive have come here to defend their nuke.”

  Josh nodded and said, “Keep them away from the facility, Cliff.”

  “The Hogs have taken most of the heat off us. Are the other units dropping in?”

  “They are. They’re just running behind time.”

  “As usual.”

  Josh smiled, “Yep, as usual.”

  General Yang’s two divisions were airlifted to the site of the battle and he had his troops dig in ten miles from the nuclear facility. His second in command looked at him shaking his head, “Sir, our orders are to move in and remove the Rebels attacking the Strike Force.”

  Yang looked at his Second and said, “What do you think is going to happen if Adams penetrates that facility.”

  “I don’t know, Sir.”

  “They have a nuke, Colonel. They’ll use it before they lose it. I’m not putting my command in that jeopardy.”

  The Colonel looked at Yang and nodded. He walked away and took a Spartan Communicator out of his pocket and began talking.

  • • •


  “Yes Prissy.”

  “It appears General Yang is not going to move his forces in.”

  Josh looked up at the sky rolling his eyes, “Pray tell, why?”

  “He’s of the opinion that the Rebels will detonate the nuke before losing it to us.”

  Josh shrugged, “That’s probably the smartest thing he’s done this entire conflict.”

  “JOSH! If that happens, the entire Brigade will be lost!”

  “Along with all the Rebel forces defending it. Either way, this conflict ends today.”


  “I know, my love. I know.”

  Josh turned his communicator off and looked at his Communications Warrant Officer, “Do you have the frequency being used by the Rebels?”

  “I do, Sir.”

  “See if you can open a c
hannel to their leader.”

  Josh waited as the standard communicator moved through various frequencies and he heard the Rebel Units yelling for support. Then he heard, “You will give your lives for this. Am I clear!?!”

  Josh nodded and took the microphone, “Would you be willing to discuss that?”

  There was a moment of silence and then he heard, “Who are you?”

  “I’m Colonel Adams and I’m commanding the unit that has you surrounded.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss.”

  “There’s the lives of the warriors that have fought and died for you. Are they not worth anything? There is also the religious leaders here in Tehran that might have some value.”

  “I have nothing to say.”

  “Well use the time we talk to allow some for them to escape. Call a cease fire and I’ll come in unarmed.”

  The Rebel Leader knew the conversation was being heard by all his warriors and what he said next was going to be critical to keep them fighting. “I have a nuclear warhead and I can detonate it. I’ll kill all of you if you don’t withdraw.”

  Josh sighed over the mic and said, “That is the lot of true warriors. They know that their lives are the price of their loyalty to those that send them out.”

  There was a moment of silence and then Josh heard, “Cease fire until I order otherwise.”

  Josh took the main frequency handset and said, “All Strike Force Units. Stand down and cease fire until Major Adams orders you to continue.”

  “Josh, don’t do this.”

  Josh took the Spartan Communicator and said, “Prissy, if he detonates that nuke, it makes no difference whether I’m inside the facility or out here.” Josh looked up and heard the sounds of battle diminish and then stop. He removed his rifle, hand gun and weapons belt. He took off his combat helmet and stepped out of his armor. He moved out of the positions that his warriors had dug in and walked toward the nuclear facility. His warriors watched him walk away from their lines and every one of them knew they didn’t possess the courage to make that long walk. The brutality of the Rebels was well known and no one expected Josh to be alive very much longer. Most of them were surprised when he wasn’t shot before he entered the building.


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