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Jesse's Starship 3: Joshua's Walls

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  Rumel looked at his Scan Commander, “How many probes do we have scanning that planet?”


  “I want the records of all of them examined and I want to know when those flying creatures first appeared.” Rumel went to his command chair, sat down, and waited impatiently for the answer to come in. Ten hours later, his communication panel lit up, “What did you find out!?!”

  “Commander, it appears the flying creature you are asking about appeared six weeks ago. The first species began appearing a month after we started using the human’s jump boots but the one with the skin fold was first seen six weeks ago.”

  Rumel jumped up and said, “Has the attack on Nogon started!?”

  “They dropped on the planet forty minutes ago, Commander.”

  Rumel pushed his panel and said, “Commander, recall your warriors from the planet. They’re dropping into a dangerous situation.”

  The Gracken Commander looked at Rumel on his display and said, “Since when has danger ever slowed us down?”

  Rumel stood up, “If you don’t want to watch all of your warriors killed, RECALL THEM NOW!!”

  The Gracken Commander stared at Rumel for a moment and turned back to his board. Rumel watched him and suddenly saw shock on the Commander’s face. Rumel slowly sat down in his command chair and knew he had taken too long.

  • • •

  The Ground Commander of the Gracken Brigade looked at his ranks and saw his brigade and the Second Brigade were performing at their normal high standards. The charging Weg were being blasted at a rate that was better than he ever expected. He watched his nine-foot tall warriors handling their huge weapons with a dexterity that was simply beautiful to watch. He looked out from the wall of the mountain his forces were lined up against and looked up at a clear sky that was a fitting backdrop for the engagement. He suddenly felt that too much time had passed since the attack started. Usually, by this time, the Weg would have arrived under their positions and they would have jumped to the carriers. Something was wrong.

  He fell back as the air around his warriors was suddenly filled with a giant mass of creatures boiling up out of the ground in front of his positions. He ordered his warriors to jump and as he rose toward his carriers he saw them covered with flying creatures. He felt a huge pull on his back as one of the flying monsters landed on his backpack and ripped through his force field with ten glowing claws. He reached over his back and grabbed the Weg with an armored fist and pulled it in front of him. He grabbed it by the head and twisted savagely. He tossed the dead creature away as three more came flying in and grabbed his armor. The last thing he saw was his entire command falling from the sky toward the ground below where their self-destruct circuits activated and blew up their armor and weapons in massive blasts.

  Immediately after the Gracken Warriors fell, the carriers above them were ripped by blaster fire and they also exploded in huge explosions that killed thousands of the flying creatures on and around them. As the last one detonated, the sky was filled with flying Weg as hundreds of thousands emerged from the soil and took to the air.

  The Gracken Commander looked at Rumel on his display and said, “I will send you a recording of what happened.”

  Rumel’s display went dark and he knew he didn’t have to view the recording to know that the Commander had suffered a devastating defeat. The war had undergone a new change and the Weg were, once again, ahead of the Gracken Military. He shook his head and knew that now his forces were totally defensive. He took a deep breath and, before he viewed the recording, he sent a copy of it to the Human General named Adams. The only weapon he had to use against them were the fleet’s warships that would keep them contained to the invaded planets. Sending warriors down to the surface was a death sentence. Now the only option was to destroy the planets and that saddened him more than he wanted to admit.

  • • •

  Josh received a transmission from Rumel and watched it on his combat helmet. He sat down in a chair and the engineers working around him saw his expression. They stopped what they were doing and grew silent as they saw tears on his face. Josh transferred the recording to the wall monitor and replayed it. The Alliance Engineers watched the recording in silence and at the end Jek looked around and said, “They are dying fighting those creatures. Now we know what we’re up against. It’s up to us to give them something to save them.”

  Josh sent the recording to Alex and left the room to grieve for the lost Gracken Brigade. That could have been his command and he knew there was nothing in his inventory to survive the new flying Weg. He felt like the person who gave his seat up on a plane that then crashes killed everyone on board. The adrenaline entering his system made him feel shaky and he called Pricilla. She brought the Q ship assigned to them and joined him on the planet. He was thankful she was there. Her comfort settled him down where he could think clearly. Both of them agreed that they hated being right about flying Weg. However, her presence would prove to be the pivotal event in the new carrier’s development.

  • • •

  The Queen watched the destruction of the Metal Monsters and felt her joy surge. The Male saw her normal orange color glow brightly and she said, “Cease all standard eggs and change the new ones to the flying warriors.”

  “They are not as capable at digging our structures.”

  “We have more than enough diggers to accomplish what we need. This new warrior will win this conflict for us. Now we can build as many starships as we choose without interference. They will never be able to stop all of them now. Do as I say.” The Male lowered himself to the ground and backed out of the Queen’s chamber. She watched him go and thought about when she was going to devour him. It was getting close to the time when she would need to feed again to fertilize the billions of eggs just now developing in her giant abdomen. She watched him go and felt her hunger.

  • • •

  The second platoon in Delta Company watched the new video of the failed Gracken attack and Private Yung said, “Why did I ever join the army?”

  Cpl. Shumoud looked at him, “That’s easy, Yung. Where else would you get such good food?”

  Sgt. Krusiev looked at them, “This does look dangerous.”

  The platoon gathered around Krusiev and Yung said, “Sarge, we wouldn’t last a minute against them. Getting our jumps together just became a moot point. They’d be on us before we could get ten feet off the ground.”

  Krusiev looked at Yung and then at the other members of his platoon and though he didn’t want to say it, he did. “You’re right.”

  The warriors gathered around him started talking and he held up his hand. After a moment they became silent and he looked at them, “You are citizens of Sparta and enjoy the privileges afforded those that fight for her survival. You know that our Commandant will not send us out to worthlessly spend our lives. If we are sent into battle, we will be given the tools we’ll need to make our lives count for something.” Krusiev looked around and said, “You do know that, don’t you?”

  The warriors looked at each other and Shumoud said, “Then it may be that we’re never called on to fight, Sarge.”

  The others didn’t like hearing that. Krusiev nodded, “There is that possibility. However, I don’t see that happening. Be patient and work on your skills at using your weapons. I suspect we’ll have a chance to give it a go at them.”

  Yung tilted his head, “I don’t know whether to like that or not.”

  Shumoud said, “Get in line, Yung, you’re not alone.”

  • • •

  Alex looked at the displays on the wall and answered questions from the Company Commanders in the Second Army. He had talked with the Commanders from the First army earlier and knew their concerns. He looked at the video gathering and said, “For the moment, we are frozen in preparing our warriors for combat against the Weg. Until the Alliance engineers can come up with new tools to confront them, we are basically having to start from scratch.” He saw the dismay
of his Company Commander and said, “The only thing we can do for the moment is get our warriors in shape physically and train them to the highest standard possible in the use of their blasters and sliver rifles.”

  Captain Loyd said, “Sir, our weapons are nowhere near as large as the ones used by the Gracken. It appears we aren’t in the same league as their warriors.”

  Alex nodded, “Size and speed does have advantages, Captain. However, we will do all that we’re capable of doing and we will do it to the best of our ability. It may fall to us to support their efforts and they will have to do the heavy lifting. However, don’t be so hasty at making a rash decision. I know the Alliance Scientists and Engineers are working on new weapons to use against this new Weg species and until they give us their new developments, we will continue to stay at the peak of our conditioning and fighting skills.”

  The video conference finally ended and Alex leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. He really didn’t see what could possibly stop the massive wave of flying Weg. The only thing that had allowed the Gracken to survive was distance. They were able to keep the Weg far enough away from their ranks to manage to escape in time. This new Weg was a difference maker. They could approach underground and be in the air in a heartbeat. The only warning was when they were on top of you. He knew the Weg had to know about humans helping the Gracken. He shook his head and finally determined that the only way to stop them was to destroy every planet they invaded as well as their home worlds. The Gracken were of the opinion that the defenses around the Weg home worlds were invincible. He rubbed his temples and hoped that his youngest General Officer would come up with the tools needed to confront this new species.

  • • •

  Tilly sat in front of a large monitor on the wall and raised the rifle and looked carefully at the desert landscape on the wide screen. Suddenly, she turned to the right and fired a quick three shots. Three large snakes flew up in the air, blown into pieces. Mike clapped three, slow, claps and said, “That was good shooting.”

  “Don’t distract me.”


  “Real rattlesnakes can’t strike from two hundred yards away. It appears the engineer that developed this game didn’t possess that little piece of information.”

  All at once, four snakes came flying out of the desert and Tilly fired three quick shots. The fourth snake hit and the game ended, “Drat. You distracted me.” She turned to him and lowered her eyebrows, “You just didn’t want me to beat your high score.”

  Mike shrugged, “This time. You already have the high score.”

  Tilly shook her head, “No, Janet has the high score. That dame is deadly with a rifle.”

  “You’re just jealous.”

  “Don’t you worry, I’ll beat her.”

  Tilly reached for the start button one the console and Mike said, “Tilly, did we make a mistake offering to assist the Gracken?”

  Tilly withdrew her hand and looked at Mike, “You’re worried about this?”

  “I must confess that I am.”

  Tilly walked over to the couch and sat down beside Mike and he put his arm over her shoulders. “You should have interrupted me sooner.”

  “You don’t like being interrupted, dear.”

  Tilly smiled, “No, I guess I don’t.” They remained silent for a few moments and Tilly said, “The Gracken have a rather simple world view.” Mike looked at her as his eyes narrowed as he tilted his head. Tilly said, “That Gracken Commander, what was his name?”

  “Are you referring to Rumel?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. He said that it wouldn’t matter if we didn’t join him or not. The Weg would eventually show up at our doorstep. It was only a matter of time.”

  “I understand that but our civilization is billions of light years from the current conflict. We would have ample time to develop what we’d need to confront them when they arrived here.”

  “You’re not taking into account that the Weg would also have ample time to evolve into something that can’t be stopped.” Mike looked at Tilly and after a moment nodded. Tilly pointed at the wall monitor, “It’s like those rattlesnakes. Once we develop enough skill to really run up a great high score, the engineer that developed the game will build in a bigger and faster snake. I suspect I would rather face the one in the current game than the one in the next one.”

  Mike laughed, “You and your snakes.”

  “I’m just sayin’.”

  Mike hugged her, “Thank you, Tilly. I needed to hear this.”

  Tilly smiled and went back in front of the monitor. She reached for the start button and looked at Mike, “One thing that would really make a difference in this game would be a better gun to use against them.”

  Mike nodded, “I understand.”

  Tilly pushed the button and raised the electronic rifle, “Get that message to our engineers. They’re the ones playing against real super snakes.”

  She began firing at the monitor and Mike knew she was right. Facing the Weg would only get more difficult over time. They had to be defeated now.

  Chapter Six

  Josh stood beside the manikin stuffed inside human armor. It was held up by a flimsy tripod and it kept falling over. Josh held it up right with his hand and said, “Ok, start it up.”

  Prissy said, “Just a moment!” She picked up Josh’s right glove from his armor and handed it to him, “It never hurts to be careful.”

  Josh rolled his eyes and looked at Cheng who shrugged. He put the glove on and then reached over and straightened up the manikin, “Ready when you are.”

  Jek nodded, “I’m activating the device in three, two, one, NOW!”

  The manikin shot off the concrete pad so fast it made a small thunder clap as it disappeared. Josh was shaking his hand and smoke was rising off the fingers of his armored glove. He looked at Prissy and she looked up at the ceiling as she said, “Men.”

  Josh looked at the gravity sled two hundred feet above and saw the manikin’s armor was wrapped around the metal arm sticking out from the side of the sled. He looked at Jek, “A mite quick, wouldn’t you say?”

  Jek stared at the manikin and shook his head, “I’m glad your wife insisted we use a manikin first.”

  Prissy looked through her eyebrows and said, “Men are the same regardless of species.”

  Josh tried not to laugh but saw Colonel Cheng smiling and couldn’t prevent it. Jek looked down from the sled and said, “I guess I was not real smart wanting to make the initial jump.”

  Josh looked up at the crumpled suit of armor hanging off the arm and laughed even harder, “No, I guess you were…somewhat…ambitious.” He grabbed his ribs and Jek sighed.

  Prissy looked at the armor and said, “I like the speed it moved.”

  Jek and Josh looked at her and Josh managed to get his laughter under control. Jek said, “It appears it was too fast.”

  Prissy looked from the armor to them and said, “Jek, isn’t it true that like magnetic charges repel.” Jek thought for a moment and nodded. Prissy looked back up at the sled, “Well, I don’t know if it’s possible, but could you put a magnetic field on the arm that is a like charge to the armor being pulled? It should slow it down.”

  Jek looked at the other two engineers standing next to him and they began talking and writing on a tablet. Josh looked at Prissy, “What made you think of that?”

  “I used to play with magnetic cars.”

  Josh smiled, “Cars?”

  “I didn’t only play with girl toys. I would use one of them upside down and see if I could push another one into my playhouse’s garage. I just thought getting a warrior up to that arm has to be done quickly. If it isn’t fast, they’ll be caught.”

  Josh looked up at the manikin and then at his still smoking glove, “If the Weg can grab one moving that fast, it will burn their claws off.”

  He held up the armored glove for Prissy to see and she grabbed his cheek, “Oh you poor sweet baby. Next time make sure you’re
prepared for any eventuality.”

  Josh smiled, “That’s what I have you here for, Love.”

  Jek walked over and said, “We’re making some changes on the arm. Meet us here in the morning.”

  Josh looked at him and nodded. Jek and the other engineers left the room on the run. Prissy watched them leave and shook her head, “They are motivated.”

  Josh nodded, “This is what they live to do.” He looked at Cheng, “You can go and check in on the troops.” Cheng nodded and jogged away.

  Prissy watched him leave, “Does he ever walk?”

  Josh shook his head, “Nope.”

  Prissy looked at Josh and smiled, “Did he give you that black eye?”

  Josh sighed, “He is really good.” Prissy stared at him and Josh said, “But I’m getting close to him.”

  “I did notice he jogged away with a slight limp.”

  Josh smiled, “That was my doing.”

  Prissy smiled and hugged him tight, “Does that mean you and I have tonight? Josh smiled and took her hand as he walked toward their small transport.

  • • •

  The next morning, Josh and Prissy arrived and found six suits of armor standing on the floor. They looked up and saw a gravity sled with six arms sticking out over the sides at least three thousand feet above them. Josh noticed the suits of armor had their force fields activated. He looked at Jek, “What’s going on?”

  “We discussed yesterday’s mishap and arrived at some conclusions. Can you think of any situation where your warriors will not have their force fields active if they’re pulled off the surface?”

  Josh shrugged, “Not really. They’ll be in combat and will have all their systems active.”

  “We know that the armor’s force field is a form of gravity compensation. It’s built around the gravity unit so they can actually lift their armor.”

  Josh nodded, “It and the weapons they carry would be too heavy without it. The old armor we used against the Gracken didn’t have it. It was added when your scientists reworked it.”


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