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Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo

Page 14

by Maitland, Kaitlin

  She knew traditional relationships didn’t function like that. Fortunately the three of them were nowhere near traditional. They were emotionally scarred, battered by their pasts, and wary of attachments. It didn’t seem to be an ideal combination of things to build a future on, but finding something in common wasn’t always a comfortable process. After all, if hardship forged strength, then it had the potential to be a lasting foundation.

  He tapped the tip of her nose. “Not exactly the reunion I’d hoped for.”

  “I bet not since it left your pants on and your cock hard.”

  “Uncomfortable, but not what I was referring to.” He placed his palm flat on her belly. The water made a silky path as he sent it questing toward her mound. “You deserve more than we gave you.”

  Her whole body melted when his fingers delved into her slit. She leaned back, spreading her legs until her knees brushed the sides of the tub. She needed to tell him that she’d been more than satisfied with Seth’s decision to mark her so forcefully.

  She wanted to remind Joshua that sometimes that was just the way Seth operated. She loved the way his cock dominated her body, sending her spinning into oblivion with each thrust as he pushed her into climax.

  She needed to tell Joshua that, but the sensation of his magic fingers stroking her wet cunt made rational thought impossible. Water slid around her body, splashing around her breasts and advancing over her belly. Desire licked at her muscles. She wanted more, needed more, needed Joshua’s hard cock thrusting into her pussy.

  “Stop.” She pushed weakly at his hand, desperately trying to push back the climax creeping over her body. “Joshua, stop.”

  He was frowning, his brow furrowed and a question in his eyes.

  “I want you.” She tugged his arm, inviting him into the water.

  Joshua didn’t need to be told twice. He rose, unzipping his slacks and stepping out of them and his boxers before getting into the water in one smooth movement.

  He hissed when the hot water touched his flushed skin. Settling into a sitting position, he pulled her astride. The water eased her descent onto his cock. In seconds, her pussy was filled with his thickness, and she’d taken him deep inside her body.

  She couldn’t speak through the thick haze of arousal flooding her senses. Leaning forward, she rested her forehead against his, begging him without words to give her what she needed. A growl vibrated deep inside his chest, thrumming through the place where his cock joined with her pussy. He took hold of her hips and began to rock her body against his.

  Scented bubbles coated his chest, and she trailed them around his hard nipples, teasing him mercilessly with her short nails until he moaned beneath her. Still he thrust into her cunt. Water splashed, flowing over the edge of the tub and onto the floor.

  They strained together, both panting for release, desperate for climax and nearly mad with arousal. Her breasts bobbed, nipples pouting for lack of attention, and a sudden desire for Seth exploded through her awareness.

  As if perfectly tuned to her thoughts, Joshua stilled beneath her. His hands left her hips, slicking over her wet skin to cup her face. He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Call him.”

  The sounds of Joshua fucking Leslie filled the suite. Her high-pitched cries were punctuated by his deep moans and the sound of water splashing out of the bathtub. Waiting for the sound of their joint climax was unmitigated torture.

  It was nothing less than what Seth deserved.

  He didn’t have to listen. There was only a half hour left before the awards presentation was set to begin. He could change clothes and leave the room. But somewhere in his self-castigation was the thought that he deserved whatever torment they could heap on him, intentional or not.

  Of all the asinine things to do, he’d let a moment’s jealousy slip into the one place it didn’t belong: their lovemaking. Instead of being pleased that Leslie and Joshua had managed to forge a bond, he’d been a fool. He should’ve been ecstatic. This was the first time Joshua had ever formed a true attachment to a woman. There were some he’d liked better than others, and quite a few who’d gotten attached to him. To see Joshua so utterly in tune with a woman—his woman—had thrown him.

  Of course, how could she really be theirs until Seth came clean about the situation that had brought her back into their lives to begin with?

  He rubbed a hand down his face, feeling like the world’s biggest ass. Why had it never occurred to him that, at some point, he was going to have to address the ridiculous arrangement he and Leslie had made regarding the Trio’s earnings? They hadn’t spoken of it since that first day. He suspected she didn’t want to, and he sure as hell didn’t want to remind her. She’d left two different payments on the countertop since she’d moved in, and he’d had enough trouble facing the truth then. Even though he’d gone directly to the bank and deposited them into an investment account he’d created under Leslie’s name, he still felt like the worst kind of liar.

  Now, Joshua had fallen in love with her.

  Hell, he’d fallen in love with her. Too bad he’d been manipulating her. Even worse, he was too much of a coward to approach a topic of conversation that made him feel like a two-faced bastard.

  He sighed. They’d been at it for fifteen minutes. Surely that was long enough?

  Leslie’s voice drifted out of the bathroom. No doubt screaming Josh’s name during climax.

  Except she’s calling my name.

  Any thoughts of self-castigation were shoved aside. Seth’s heart leaped into his throat, and he made a dash for the bathroom. His hands were shaking, and it took him two tries to open the door. Puddles of water rendered the tile treacherous. He forced himself to slow down. It’d do no good to wind up on his ass. Passing through the bottleneck entryway, he froze at the erotic sight before him.

  Leslie sat astride Joshua in the corner tub. Seth’s angle gained him a view of her smooth back. The red hair that had been piled atop her head was in wild disarray. Damp tendrils fell onto her creamy shoulders and brushed over Joshua’s arms. He held her close, broad hands splayed against her back as he urged her to ride his cock.

  A strangled sound escaped Seth’s throat. His erection shoved insistently at his fly, and he curled his bare toes against the wet tile. He liked to watch, but watching wasn’t enough this time. He wanted to share their passion so badly his muscles were cramping with the effort of holding back.

  Hearing him, she turned in Joshua’s embrace. The beauty of her erotic position chipped away at his control. “You belong in here with us, Seth.”

  He swallowed, moving forward until he was on his knees at the edge of the tub. The scent of sex and bubble bath sent him reeling over the edge of reason, and he clenched his hands to keep still. He owed Joshua this, at least.

  Josh glanced up, catching his gaze and holding it while he bent to take one of Leslie’s flushed nipples in his teeth. He nipped her tender flesh before soothing it with the flat of his tongue. Seth’s groin tightened to the point of pain. His hands strayed down his belly and into the waistband of his pants.

  Joshua pulled away from Leslie’s breast, sliding his hands up to cup the soft globes. She moaned, her head falling backward so Seth could see the rapturous expression on her face.

  “Kiss her,” Joshua told him. “Show her how you feel.”

  A gush of clear fluid seeped from Seth’s cock and coated his fingertips in silky warmth. Leslie’s eyes fluttered open. Her mouth curved into a smile as he lifted his finger and tasted his own essence. She squirmed, a soft sound of longing passing her lips before he took them in a savage kiss.

  Each brush of their lips wove a web of emotion that bound them ever closer. She whimpered, sucking his tongue until their combined taste drove him mad. He dominated her mouth, his hands leaving his cock to cup her face. The ebb and flow of their kiss mimicked the thrusting rhythm of Joshua’s cock. In moments she was gasping as her orgasm swept her like a storm.

  “Christ, she’s tight.” Joshua groa
ned, his face drawn.

  Seth pulled back, watching his partner struggle to prevent his own moment of release.

  “Seth!” Joshua’s voice was guttural, and Seth knew what he wanted.

  He shifted his body until his cock was pressed against the cold surface of the tub. He reached forward and cradled Leslie in his arms. Her sweet, damp body fit perfectly against his.

  She moaned at the friction caused by the new angle of Joshua’s cock in her pussy. Her belly tensed, her pubic thatch just visible above the water where it joined with the golden hair surrounding Joshua’s cock.

  Josh bucked, water cascading around them as he adjusted his grip on her hips and drove into her channel. Holding her steady against his chest, Seth slid his hands down her sleek body to the apex of her thighs. He brushed across the root of Joshua’s cock before finding her swollen clit. Using two fingers, he splayed the sensitive hood wide. The new position allowed the friction of Joshua’s shaft to send her careening toward another climax. She rested her head on his shoulder, whispering a plea for them to carry her higher. Finally, the tension pulled her taut as a bowstring, and she came hard.

  Seth watched in a haze of lust as her pussy lips quivered around Joshua’s cock. His partner grunted and thrust deep as he poured his semen into Leslie’s welcoming body.

  Heart hammering, Seth looked up to see Joshua staring at him. He knew beyond doubt that he had to try to make things right, because this was where he belonged.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I don’t feel right leaving you on your own tonight after everything that’s happened.”

  Leslie couldn’t decide from Joshua’s expression if his disapproval stemmed from her choice to do her own thing or his decision to let her.

  Warmth flooded her heart. Keeping this complicated relationship casual was becoming exhausting. Getting attached was always a bad idea, but it was next to impossible to remain unaffected, though there were moments she was still convinced this fairy tale couldn’t last.

  Seth had already dressed for the night in a tailored suit. The pinstripes flattered his physique in a way that wiped coherent thought from Leslie’s brain. He leaned against the wall, fiddling with his silk tie. Checking e-mail on his phone seemed to give him an excuse to ignore both her and Josh. She thought the fantastic bathtub sex had pushed them past the awkwardness, but Seth still seemed to carry a hint of the uncomfortable feelings she’d sensed earlier. If it wasn’t the anal incident triggering his emotional shutdown, something else must have set it off.

  “Seth needs you more than I do tonight.” She helped Joshua with his blue and white tie. “Besides, I won’t be alone.”

  There was a knock on the suite door.

  Joshua chuckled. “Did you plan that?”

  She swatted his cute backside. “Go answer the door and find out.”

  “We won’t be late.” Seth looked up from his phone. “Will you be all right?”

  She was tired of being ignored. Crossing her arms, she pushed into his personal space until he finally looked away from the phone and met her eyes. “What’s going on with you?”

  This was not the Seth she knew. This wasn’t the man she’d been living with for the past few weeks and snuggling next to in the dark hours. This man was different. He was a hard-assed lawyer with a wall around his heart.

  Somewhere in her head she heard the other shoe drop.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Joshua sauntered back in. “But I’m guessing you already knew.”

  Shorter than Leslie by several inches, her friend Talia was no delicate flower. She gave Joshua a smack on the back of his head before bouncing over for a hug full of squeals and garbled girlie excitement.

  “God, you look fantastic!” Leslie took a step back and gave Talia a once-over. She and Talia had always been jeans-and-sweater type of girls, but there was something to be said for the sassy designer skirt and fitted blouse of her friend’s new wardrobe. “I see you’ve been spending Erik’s money wisely.”

  Talia pushed a stray lock of brown hair over her shoulder and tried to look contrite. “He’s constantly asking me if his sister Delia and I are playing a game he calls drain-the-trust-fund.”

  “Where is Erik?” Seth’s tone was polite, almost disinterested, though something told Leslie he really wanted to have a chat with Talia’s husband.

  A good question might have been why. They hadn’t seen much of each other since Erik and Talia had moved to New York, unless Seth came to New York far more often than Leslie realized.

  Apprehension bloomed in her belly, and she had to take a few deep breaths to center herself. Cold and aloof were two adjectives she’d have never applied to Seth until now. She’d always spent time with him in Boston. Was New York so far outside his comfort zone that it changed his whole personality?

  “He had a meeting tonight. You’ll see him tomorrow night.” Talia’s voice was neutral, but Leslie could see the wheels turning in her head.

  Seth arched one dark brow. “Does tomorrow night have something to do with why Leslie has suddenly appeared in New York?”

  With all the excitement and confusion surrounding their reunion, Leslie never once realized that no one had explained to Seth why she and Josh had suddenly crashed his business trip. Was that the cause behind his cool retreat? Did he feel as if they’d somehow imposed?

  “Leslie has been asked to play in a benefit concert at Juilliard.” Talia frowned. “Didn’t you even mention it to them?”

  “Don’t look at me.” Joshua lifted his hands in surrender. “Leslie came to my office and convinced me we needed to get on a plane to New York.”

  Talia stuck her tongue out at Joshua. “It’s so nice to see you obedient for once.”

  “Obviously Erik isn’t beating you thoroughly enough. I’ll have to discuss that with him,” Josh said.

  Seth didn’t say a word during the playful banter. Leslie wanted to go to him, to take his hand or somehow reach out and connect with him. For the first time since they’d met, she felt completely shut out and ill at ease.

  “All right!” Talia threw up her hands. “Let’s get out of here before I break my hand trying to knock him out.”

  Trying to ignore Seth’s brooding, Leslie picked up her jacket and headed for the door.

  As she passed Joshua, he pulled her close and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Call me if you need me.”

  Unable to speak past the confusion, she nodded. Joshua’s gaze kept drifting toward Seth. She wondered if Josh knew what had so upset Seth and rocked the delicate balance the three of them had shared back in Boston.

  Her last thought before she grabbed her instrument case was that she shouldn’t have been so relieved to leave them both behind.

  “What the hell is going on with you, Seth?”

  Seth was surprised that Joshua managed to wait until the door slammed shut. He’d felt this conversation brewing all evening. Of course, the heart-wrenching looks from Leslie hadn’t helped.

  Josh crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Are you going to tell me why you’ve decided to tap dance on Leslie’s feelings, or are we just going to pretend nothing’s going on inside that head of yours?”

  “She’s got her own motives for coming to New York. Don’t pretend she came all the way up here for reunion sex.”

  Josh’s blue eyes sparked with anger. “What the fuck, Seth? She might have other reasons for being in New York, but she asked me to come with her. And she wanted to find you. She’s reaching out to us. It’s what you wanted. It’s what you always talked about. Why turn your back on her now?”

  Seth stalked back toward the windows. The New York skyline shimmered and danced above the dark pathways of Central Park. It was a beautiful view, but he’d rather gaze at the familiar shapes of downtown Boston from the comfort of his own living room.

  Something was happening. He wanted to believe it was all coming together, but his instincts were screaming that he’d missed something important. Joshua
had fallen for Leslie, for his beautiful, vibrant Leslie, who now seemed to welcome the possibility of a life with them. He’d started this whole ball rolling with a web of lies. And now he couldn’t help feeling as though there were things, significant things, she wasn’t telling them.

  “Did she tell you about the concert?” Seth finally asked.

  Joshua moved to stand beside him at the windows. “No. She never said why she wanted to come. Just that she had to.”

  “She’s here for a reason,” he murmured. “I suspect for several reasons.”

  “You’re not calling bullshit on what she told us about her past.” Josh scratched his chin. “She was absolutely raw about it. She could never have faked that kind of emotion. She’s not that great of an actress.”

  Seth considered the possibility but discarded it for the same reason Joshua had. Leslie didn’t act. She’d meant every word of what she’d shared with them. “She left things out. And I’d bet good money they’re pretty significant things.”

  Josh sighed. “I love her anyway.”

  An emotional noose settled around Seth’s neck and began to squeeze the breath from his body. “I do too.”

  * * *

  “So I got an odd phone call yesterday from a Professor Williamson.” Talia blew over the caramel-colored surface of her coffee.

  Leslie wrapped both her hands around her mug to better soak up the heat. The coffee shop buzzed with activity. Even on a Thursday, it was busy with caffeine devotees meeting to grab a quick cup of their favorite beverage before kicking off their evening plans.

  The spot they’d chosen was an out-of-the-way corner. The table was pitted and warped, its only decoration an empty napkin holder. However, it was clean, and the padded chairs were comfortable enough for a conversation that promised to be on the lengthy side.

  Leslie decided to cut to the chase. “Did you say yes?”


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