by Ron Chernow
Graf, Lya, 367–68, 369
Grant, W. T., 618
Greenberg, Frank, 696
Greenberg, Maurice, G., 702
Greene, Belle da Costa, 51, 116–17, 159, 560
Jack and, 169–70, 171, 173, 265, 266, 473
Greenhill, Bob, 557, 584, 596–97, 599, 600, 601, 626, 663, 712
described, 596–97
as head of M&A Department, 596–97, 599, 600, 601, 627, 628, 631–32, 666, 691, 692, 697
leveraged buyouts and, 696, 697, 699
Greenspan, Alan, 700, 703, 716, 718
Grenfell, Edward C. (Teddy), 99, 105, 119, 145, 165, 182, 215, 246, 264, 391, 459, 519
British gold standard and, 274–77, 329–34
China and, 133, 137
death of, 465
described, 104, 271, 465–66
marriage of, 271–72
Schacht and, 396–97, 398
World War I and, 186, 187, 196, 197, 198
Grenfell, Florence Henderson, 271–72
Grew, Henry Sturgis, 63
Gridiron Club, 112, 122
Guaranty Trust, 152–53, 210, 225, 309, 325, 326, 364, 414, 415, 422, 451, 480, 504, 509, 539, 551, 552
decline of, 237, 292
merger with J. P. Morgan, 237, 304, 532–36
Saudi Arabia and, 605–606
Trust Department, 533, 559, 560
Guggenheim, Daniel, 190, 289, 291
Guggenheim, Harry, 291, 292, 445
Guggenheim family, 147–48, 316, 495, 559
World War I and, 190, 196, 200
Guggenheim Foundation for the Promotion of Aeronautics, Daniel, 291, 292
Giuliani, Rudolph, 713
Guinness, 672, 676, 679–89
manipulation of stock of, 682–84, 686
Gulf Oil, 668
Gulliver, James, 681, 682
Gutfreund, John, 584, 585, 624, 700
Halifax, Lord, 407, 455, 458
Hall, Alice, 513
Hall, Perry, 387, 388, 389, 448, 501, 505, 510, 512–13, 515, 516, 553, 587
described, 512
as master entertainer, 512, 513
Hall Carbine Affair, 21–22
Halsey, Stuart and Company, 416, 502–503, 504, 623
Hambrecht and Quist, 666
Hambro, Charles E. A., 460
Hambro, Eric, 97, 170, 264, 304
Hambro, Olaf, 523, 524, 525–26
Hambros Bank, 519, 524, 574, 575, 576, 577
Hamburg-Amerika Steamship Line, 101
Hanna, Mark, 77
Hanover Bank, 530
Hapgood, Norman, 179
Harcourt, Lewis, 95, 525
Harcourt, Mary Burns, 95, 96, 118
Harcourt, Lord William, 95, 463, 569–70, 572, 573, 589
Harding, Warren G., 209, 251, 449
power of Wall Street and, 225–29, 243, 244
Harland and Wolff, 101
Harper’s Weekly, 178–79
Harriman, Averell, 424
Harriman, Daisy, 140
Harriman, Edward H., 89, 121, 134, 598
Northern Pacific corner and, 88–94
Harrison, George, 313, 319, 361, 382–83, 397–98
gold standard and, 330–34
Hartford, Huntington, 534
Hartford Insurance Company, 583–84
Harvard Corporation, 562
Harvard University, 176, 193, 220, 319, 354, 421, 422, 514, 581, 654
Business School, 151, 516, 580–81, 597, 632, 633, 664, 690
Lamont donations to, 479, 480
Morgan family and, 62, 119, 159, 169, 192, 214, 258, 266
Harvey, Sir Ernest, 329, 332, 334
Hathaway, Carl, 561
Havemeyer, H. O., 173
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, 323, 403
Hay, John, 132
Healey, Matthew, 670
Hearst, William Randolph, 239–40, 294, 382
Heinz, H. J. (company), 500
Heinze, F. Augustus, 123
Hepburn, A. Barton, 43
Heron Corporation, 683
Herrick, Myron, 183
Higginson, Henry Lee, 87
Hill, James J., 57, 78, 91–92
Hill, Samuel, 654, 672
Hilles, Charles O., 370
Hill-Wood, Sir David Basil, 521
Hill-Wood, Wilfred William Hill, 460, 521
Hindenburg, Oskar, 329, 393
Hinton, Longstreet, 494, 560, 562–67
Hirohito, Emperor, 551
Hitachi, 552, 557, 627
Hitler, Adolf, 208, 250–51, 328, 438, 480
Mussolini and, 403, 437, 454–56
Schacht and, 392–94, 398–99, 432, 439, 477, 478; see also Nazis
Hoare, Govett, 675
Hoare, Samuel, 402
Hoch, Jan Ludwig, see Maxwell, Robert
Hodges, Amory, 125
Hoffmann-LaRoche, F., 707, 708
Holden, Sir Edward, 198
Holding companies, 308–10, 369–70; see also individual companies
Hombert, M. Octave, 198
Honduras, 131–32
Hong Kong, 593, 613, 705
Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation, 574
Honnold, William, 350
Hoover, Herbert, 207, 226, 228, 273, 339, 374, 700
crash of 1929 and, 314–15, 317, 321
Depression and, 323, 324, 325, 346–47, 350–55
feuds with Morgan partners, 349–55
foreign loans and, 243, 244, 251, 328
Lamont and, 323, 324, 325, 328–29, 348–53, 443–44
Morrow and, 297–98, 350
Roosevelt and, 353–54
Hopkins, Harry, 380
Hornsby, Sir Antony, 571–72, 573
Hostile takeovers, 522, 523–26, 596–603, 627–35, 665–68, 691–93, 702–703, 705–709, 710, 711
conflicts of interest and, 628–31, 667, 706, 707–709
debt resulting from, 693
insider trading and, 632–35, 685, 712–13
Morgan Grenfell and, 524–26, 570–79, 671, 676–89, 714
Morgan Guaranty and, 571, 705–709; see also Leveraged buyouts
Houghton, Alanson, 251–52
Houghton, James R., 709
House, Colonel, 181, 206, 209
House Banking and Currency Committee, 150, 561
Houston Industries, 624
Hovey, Carl, 99, 139–40
Howe and Mather, 18, 19
Hughes, Charles Evans, 110, 128, 201
foreign loans and, 226, 227, 232, 236, 239, 240, 248, 249
Hugo, Victor, 14
Hull, Cordell, 394, 398, 402, 403, 440
Hunt brothers, 643, 716
Huntrods, Guy, 643, 644, 646
Hutchins, Robert, 428
IBM, 417, 517, 534, 587, 626, 627, 654
Ibn Saud, 605
Icahn, Carl, 692
Ickes, Harold, 373, 391, 418, 440, 441, 448
Illinois Bell Telephone, 390
Imperial Chemical Industries, 523
Imperial Tobacco, 570
Inco, see International Nickel
Income taxes, 347, 380
Morgan partners and, 366, 375, 410–11
Industrial Bank of Japan, 557
Inflation, 208, 211, 302, 347, 491, 498, 585
gold standard and, 72–73, 357–58
hyperinflation and, 247, 248–49, 393–94
New Deal and, 380, 381
Inouye, Junnosuke, 233–34, 235, 337–41, 344, 405
assassination of, 342, 343
Insider trading, 305–307, 562–67, 628, 630–31, 632–35, 685–86, 712–13
Institutional investors, 584–85, 587, 602, 626, 699
Insull, Samuel, 502
Interest Equalization Tax, 544
Interest rates, 538, 540, 541, 592, 618
British gold standard and, 274–75
Depression era, 321, 323–24, 384, 419
during the pr
e-crash 1920s, 302, 313–15
market-based, 490–91, 495
International Committee of Bankers on Mexico (ICBM), 238, 239, 297
International Harvester, 109, 130, 148, 149, 180, 625–26, 657
International Mercantile Marine, 100–103, 145–47
International Monetary Fund, 486, 489, 518, 570, 644
Latin American debt and, 638–39, 641, 643, 644, 645, 646
Middle East and, 606, 608
International Nickel (Inco), 520, 562, 596, 598–99, 600–601
International Paper, 669
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 308, 583–84
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 56, 177, 178, 417, 508
Interstate Commerce Railway Association, 57
Inukai, Tsuyoshi, 343–44
Invergordon mutiny, 334
Investment banking, 385, 503–504, 513, 517, 595, 598, 627, 691
separation of commercial banking from, 353–54, 362–63, 374–91
Investment trusts, 308–10
Iran, 490, 613, 615
Irving Trust, 703, 708
Isaac, William, 659, 660
Ismay, J. Bruce, 101, 103, 146
Isolationism, 382, 488
during World War I, 185–86, 192, 202
after World War I, 208–10, 227, 243, 294, 296, 328
before World War II, 399–401, 439, 442–47, 455, 461–64, 467–68
Israel, 530, 609–10, 613, 615
Arab boycott of, 609–10, 615, 617, 618, 706
Italy, 325, 479, 480, 517, 518, 521, 545–46, 549, 552
loan to, 277–86, 479; see also Mussolini, Benito
Italy-America Society, 278, 284, 479
Iwasaki, Baron and Baroness, 233
Jackson, Andrew, 12
Jackson, Robert H., 418, 419, 420, 441
Japan, 195, 231, 466, 486, 489, 550–58, 619, 624, 644, 690, 695, 705, 717
Arabs and, 614
assassinations in, 342–44
bombing of Shanghai, 341–42, 437
confusion over Morgan name in, 551, 589, 591
earthquake of 1923, 234–36
invasion of China, 337–45, 437
Lamont and, 232–37, 336–45, 480, 481
opening of Morgan branches in, 551–59
zaibatsu, 551, 557
Japanese Exclusion Act, 236
Jay, Dean, 454
Jazz Age, 243, 257, 259–62, 315–16
Jefferson Smurfit, 694
Jekyll Island Club, 129–30
Jewish bankers, 30, 36, 48, 84, 88–90, 248, 258, 393, 424, 522, 581, 584, 612, 613, 615
Bank of the United States and, 326–27
European, 433
at Morgan Grenfell, 677
at Morgan Guaranty, 605, 656, 665
at Morgan Stanley, 581
World War I and, 195–200, 205, 215–17
John Paul I, Pope, 634
Johns-Manville, 422, 629, 630, 631
Johnson, Derek, 574, 576
Johnson, F. Ross, 711
Johnson, Hiram W., 401
Johnson, Hugh, 441
Johnson, Louis, 441
Johnson, Lyndon B., 542, 544, 545, 571
Johnson Act, 401, 402
Johnstone, Yerger, 596, 599, 629, 705
Jones, Allen Northey, 514, 595
Jordan, 613, 615
Josephson, Matthew, 47, 325
J. P. Morgan companies, see under Morgan and Company, J. P. Morgan and Company, Inc., J. P. Morgan Securities, J. P.
J. S. Morgan and Company, see Morgan and Company, J. S.
Junk bonds, 666, 676, 692, 693, 694, 697, 702, 710, 712
Justice Department, U.S., 309, 427–28, 506–507
lawsuit against Club of Seventeen, 502–506, 517
Kabayama, Count Aisuke, 343, 556
Kahn, Otto, 114, 215, 237, 258, 282, 307
Keene, James, R., 85
Kellogg, Frank, 281, 292, 436
Kennan, George F., 488
Kennecott Copper, 147–48, 190, 289, 422, 495, 534, 561, 598, 629
Kennedy, John F., 536–37, 543–44
Kennedy, Joseph P., 212, 259, 264, 307, 312, 455, 536, 537
New Deal and, 379, 390
as U.S. ambassador, 264, 439–40
Kennedy, Robert, 536
Keyes, Leonhard A., 66
Keynes, John Maynard, 77, 208, 272, 381, 461, 489
British gold standard and, 274, 276–77, 334
Keynes, Lydia Lopokova, 272, 276
Khashoggi, Adnan, 610–12
Khruschev, Nikita, 542
Kidder, Peabody, 153, 156, 305, 325, 326, 422, 502, 601, 702
Kienbock, Dr., 247, 433
Kindersley, Lord, 523, 525
King, Edward, 127
Kipling, Rudyard, 97, 263
Kirby, Allen P., 415, 507
Kircher, Donald, 548
Kissinger, Henry, 557
Kitchener, Lord, 188
Kleinwort Benson, 674
Knickerbocker Trust, 123–24
Knight, Harry F., 291
Knox, Philander C., 106, 131, 135
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 694, 695
Köhler, Heinrich, 252
Korean War, 490
Kraftmeier, Edward, 196
Krupp von Bohlen, Gustav, 392–93, 478
Kravis, Henry, 677, 711, 712
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 68, 131, 132, 137, 156, 225, 375, 385, 412, 416, 503, 507, 584, 624, 625, 633
Gentleman Banker’s Code and, 197, 258, 305
Japanese loan and, 235–36
Northern Pacific corner and, 88–92
World War I and, 185, 195–200, 215–16, 236
Kuwait, 617, 669
Kwantung army, 338–43
La Farge, Grant, 262
La Follette, Robert, 128, 191
Lamont, Corliss, 220, 238, 280, 295
politics of, 277–78, 403
Lamont, Daniel, 74
Lamont, Florence, 233, 260–62, 348–49, 556
Lamont, Thomas W., 15, 68, 123, 127, 138, 143, 168, 169, 268, 309, 469, 477, 485, 487, 489, 506, 513, 528, 551, 559, 638, 644
as Anglophile, 430–32
Lady Astor and, 261, 361–62, 407, 419, 427, 436–37, 479
Austria and, 433–35, 437
Brandeis and, 179–80
British gold standard and, 332–36
British-Nazi loan repayment agreements and, 396–98, 433–35, 439, 464–65
as chairman of J. P. Morgan, 478, 479
China and, 230–32
clash with Jack, 334–36
crash of 1929 and, 306, 312, 314–19, 321
death and estate of, 480–81
Depression and, 323, 324, 325, 334–45, 347, 348–49
described, 144–45, 207, 219–21, 260–62, 278, 284, 407, 480–81
Ford and, 221–22
Germany and, 247–52, 310–12, 396–98, 400
government-banker ties and, 226–29
Hoover and, 323, 324, 325, 328–29, 334, 348–53, 443–44
Italy and, 277–86, 402–407, 454–59, 479
Japan and, 232–37, 336–45, 466, 480, 481, 555, 556
Mexico and, 238–43, 297–99
as Morgan partner, 144–45, 166, 167, 219–21, 243, 257, 469
Morgan Stanley and, 385–88
Morrow and, 287, 289, 293, 297–99
Mussolini and, 277–86, 308, 341, 343, 402–407, 437, 454–58, 479, 481
New Deal and, 380–81, 417–20
Pecora hearings and, 357, 360–63, 372, 373–74
politics and, 497, 498, 610
postwar period and, 206–209, 221
public relations and, 280–86, 317, 337–45, 361, 373–74, 376, 403–407
Pujo Committee and, 151, 153, 158
relationship banking and, 285, 336–37, 341
taxes and, 410–11
Whitney embezzlement and, 424–28
, 436
Willkie and, 448, 449
World War I and, 186, 188, 192, 401
World War II and, 437–39, 442–44, 453, 463–67
Young and, 416
Lamont, Tommy S., 261, 326, 366, 433, 534
Texas Gulf Sulphur and, 562–67
Land, Edwin H., 400
Lang, Dr. Cosmo, 322, 348
Langoni, Carlos, 641, 642, 644, 646
Lansing, Robert, 186, 197–98, 230, 401
Lateran Treaty, 285
Latin America, 237–43, 292–93, 354, 459, 466–67, 487, 568, 613, 636–52, 660, 717
Brazilian debt, 640–41, 642–47, 716
flight capital, 649, 651
recycling of Arab petrodollar deposits as loans to, 637–38
repackaging of debt, 304, 356, 375
Law, Bonar, 202
Law, George, 570
Lawrence, C. J., 714–15
Lawrence, T. E., 521
Lawrence, Bishop William, 51, 122
Lawson, Nigel, 687–88
Lazard Brothers, 89, 196, 304, 523–24, 525, 686
Lazard Frères, 442, 502, 512, 583, 588, 590, 601, 612, 616, 620, 694
Leach, Ralph, 538–40, 591
League of Nations, 206–209, 247, 279, 288, 359, 373, 402, 489
Japanese invasion of China and, 340, 341, 344
Ledyard, Lewis Cass, 423
Lee, Fred, 712–13
Lee, Higginson, 156
Lee, Ivy, 283, 291
Leffingwell, Russell C., 120, 168, 203, 236, 252, 407, 471, 475, 495, 499, 518, 521, 551, 559, 560
as adviser on international financial problems, 486–87, 488, 605, 638
as chairman of J. P. Morgan, 480, 485–91, 560
crash of 1929 and, 312–13, 314
Depression and, 321–22, 326–27, 347–48, 376–77, 419
described, 485
German debt and, 397, 398
gold standard and, 274, 276, 358
Japanese invasion of Manchuria and, 341, 342, 437
as Morgan partner, 243, 246, 251, 257
New Deal and, 379, 381, 383, 385
Roosevelt and, 354–55, 356, 359, 362, 386, 461–62
World War II and, 438, 443, 447, 451, 461–62, 465–68
Lehman, Herbert H., 326, 356–57
Lehman, Philip, 199
Lehman Brothers, 89, 258, 375, 385, 502, 624, 625, 633, 665
Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb, 633, 634, 691
Leigh-Pemberton, Robin, 671, 687, 688
Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick, 433
Lend-Lease, 461–64
Lenin, 210
Leo XIII, Pope, 285
Leopold, King, 79
Leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 669, 693–99, 711, 717
conflicts of interest and, 698; see also Hostile takeovers
Levine, Dennis, 712
Lewis, John L., 420, 467