by Ron Chernow
Liberty League, 379
Liberty Loan, 201–203, 305
Lincoln, Abraham, 13
Lincoln Trust, 126
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 206–207, 261–62, 271, 290
husband’s Nazi sympathies and, 444–47, 461, 462
marriage of, 295
Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr., 291–92, 296, 300, 400, 459
kidnapping of son of, 301, 444
marriage of, 295
Mexico and, 293, 294–95
as Nazi sympathizer, 444–47, 461, 462
Lindbergh, Charles A., Sr., 149–50, 192, 295–96, 444–45
Lindsay, John V., 618
Lindsay, Robert V. “Rod,” 519–20, 568, 590, 618, 653, 656, 704
Lindsay, Sir Ronald, 457
Ling, Jimmy, 543
Link, Arthur, 515
Linlithgow, marquess of, 347, 361, 410
Lippman, Faye, 411
Lippmann, Walter, 149, 221, 255, 348–49, 373, 466, 542, 605
Morrow and, 292, 294, 296
Mussolini and, 280, 283–84
Roosevelt and, 354, 355, 358
Lipton, Marty, 600, 601, 705
Lloyd George, David, 438, 459
World War I and, 186, 187, 190, 197, 200, 202
Lloyds International Bank, 519, 643, 646, 674
Lloyd’s of London, 203
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 107
London Times, 6, 58, 59, 263, 340, 385, 438, 481, 525, 569, 578, 614
Long, Augustus, 543
Long, Huey P., 362, 374
Lopokova, Lydia, 272, 276
Lorenzo, Frank, 667
Lothian, Lord, 207, 438, 443
Loughran, Jack, 551, 553, 555, 556, 663
Louisiana Purchase, 5, 25
Lovett, Robert, 487, 488, 536
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 214
Lowenthal, Max, 414
Luce, Henry, 466, 612
Lusitania, 103, 146, 196–97
McAdoo, William G., 255, 371
World War I and, 184, 186, 197, 201, 202, 203
MacArthur, Douglas, 490, 551
McClellan, George B., 126
McCloy, John J., 486–88, 496, 518, 531, 536, 638
McCormick, Cyrus Hall, Jr., 109
MacDonald, Ramsay, 397, 459
gold standard and, 329–34
McGillicuddy, John, 659
McGraw, Harold W., Jr., 705–706
McGraw Edison, 692
McGraw-Hill, 705–706
McKenna, Reginald, 191, 197, 273
McKim, Charles F., 116
McKinley, William, 77, 82, 108
assassination of, 93–94
Mackworth-Young, Bill, 614–15, 653, 671–72, 676, 678–79
McLeod, A. Archibald, 56
Macmillan, Harold, 521, 525
MacNab, Alexander J., 298–99
McNamara, Robert S., 543, 585, 587
McReynolds, James C., 177, 178
Magan, George, 676, 678, 679, 689
Manchukuo, 343–45
Manchuria, Japanese invasion of, 337–45
Manufacturers Hanover, 609, 658–59, 701
Manufacturers Trust, 326, 530, 531, 551
Mao Tse-tung, 338
Marais, Baron Emile du, 205–206
Marathon Oil, 633
Marbury, Bessie, 140–42
Marcus, Bernard K., 327
Markoe, Annette, 159
Markoe, Dr. James W., 50, 122, 126, 159, 193
murder of, 212
Markoe, Mrs. John, 121–22
Marshall Plan, 488, 518
Martin, William McChesney, 428, 539
Masefield, John, 220, 278, 348
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 234, 342
Matinicock Point (also spelled Matinecock Point), 170, 262–63, 268, 322, 408, 460, 471
Maxwell, Robert (né Hoch), 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 682
May Committee, 329
Mayhew, David, 684
Means, Gardiner, 419
Medina, Harold, 503–506, 507, 517, 625, 698, 471
Mees and Hope, 286, 544, 549
Meir, Golda, 616
Mellen, Charles S., 174–79
Mellon, Andrew, 252, 275, 313
Depression and, 322, 323–24
World War I debt and, 226, 227–28, 282, 328
Mendez, Luis, 587, 623
Mendoza, Roberto, 706, 707, 708, 709
Merchant banks, 6, 13, 23–28, 523, 678, 679
attire of bankers, 519, 671
competition between, see Gentleman Banker’s Code
dynastic nature of, 19–20, 60–61, 89, 142, 168, 335–36
intelligence information and, 21
interlocking partnerships of, 33–35, 64–65, 153–55, 177, 180–81
line between commerce and, 12, 23–24, 32, 38, 44, 66–69, 85
mesh between statecraft and, 24–28, 131–38, 153, 205–206, 210, 216–17, 225–53
new breed of, in 1980s, 668–69, 680, 694–95, 698, 702, 710, 711, 717
origin of, 4
privacy and, 174
relationship banking and, see Relationship banking
syndicates of, 26–27, 43, 156
Mergers, 81–86, 91–94, 575
bank, 152–54, 275, 496, 530, 532–36, 675, 703
hostile takeovers, see Hostile takeovers
Merrill Lynch, 502, 510, 564, 565, 594, 601, 602, 625, 631, 663, 690, 694, 700, 702, 710, 711
Mesa Petroleum, 667
Metropolitan Club, 47, 64–65
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 119, 139, 169, 172, 173, 384, 473, 514
Mexico, 210, 644, 646
bribery memo, 242
Catholic church in, 292, 296
Lamont and, 238–43, 297–99
loans to, 238–43, 292, 293, 296–99, 638, 642, 649
oilmen in, 241–43, 292, 296
Meyer, André, 512, 588, 694
Meyer, John, Jr., 492, 549, 550, 553, 557
described, 554–55
Saudi Arabia and, 607, 608
Mezzacappa, Damon, 623
Milken, Michael, 650, 710
Miner strike of 1902, 106–108
Miquel, Raymond, 680
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 325, 414–15
Mitchell, Charles E., 255, 304, 315, 364
Depression and, 324, 355, 390–91
Mitchell, John, 107
Mitsubishi, House of, 233, 551, 557
Mitsui, House of, 233, 234, 235, 337, 342, 343, 552, 557, 710
Mobil, 500, 533, 605, 625–26, 631, 694
Mohasco Corporation, 595
Money Trust, 131–37, 172, 201, 304, 384, 444
Pujo Committee and, 149–56
Monnet, Jean, 445
Montagu, Samuel, 524
Moody, John, 40, 70, 128
Moore, George S., 496, 538
Moore and Schley, 126–28
Moreau, Emile, 310, 312
Morgan, Amelia Sturges (Mimi), 22–23, 45, 49, 50, 167–68
Morgan, Anne Tracy, 32, 140–42, 159, 247, 443, 452
Morgan, Catherine Adams, 266
Morgan, Charles F., 515, 581, 629
Morgan, Frances, 97–98, 267
Morgan, Frances Tracy (Fanny), 51, 159
death of, 266–67
described, 49, 62, 112
marriage of, 23, 49–50, 53, 112
relationship with son, 61–64, 81, 96, 113, 266–67
Morgan, George, 555
Morgan, Henry Sturgis (Harry), 97, 147, 178, 192, 263, 460, 473, 501
described, 266, 389, 514–15
Jack’s heart attack and, 409–10
Morgan Stanley and, 387, 389, 514, 515–16, 583
overseas banking and, 546
Morgan, Jane Norton, 97–98, 211
Morgan, Jane Norton Grew (Jessie): assassination attempt on Jack and, 192–93, 194
death of, 267–69
family life, 96–98, 262, 267
rriage of, 63–64, 170–71
Morgan, John Adams, 515–16, 629
Morgan, John Pierpont, Jr. (Jack), 23, 32, 50, 59, 80, 118, 141, 165–475, 504, 512, 527, 536, 551, 559, 560, 628
as Anglophile, 95–98, 104, 170–71, 191, 263–65, 430–31, 459–60
anti-Semitism of, 150, 196–99, 214–17, 394
art collection of father and, 171–74, 263, 384
assassination attempt on, 192–95
banker-government collaboration and, 132, 133, 137, 210, 216–17
becomes a Morgan partner, 64
British gold standard and, 274–75, 276, 329–36
British royalty and, 410, 431, 439–40
changing the “Jr.,” 168
clash with Lamont, 334–36
as conciliator, 177
Coolidge and, 254
death of, 472
death of father, 159–61
death of mother, 266–67
death of wife, 267–69, 408, 411
delegating of authority, 142, 166–67
Depression and, 347, 348
described, 61–63, 95, 142, 166–71, 217, 262–69, 335
estate of, 472–73
family life, 96–98
first crises of, 171–82
government and, 181, 206
Graf and, 367–68
grandchildren of, 267, 269, 380, 408
hatred of Germans, 191, 194–95, 210, 215–17, 248, 310, 394, 400
heart attacks of, 409–10
homes of, 96–97, 112–13, 170, 262–65
income taxes and, 366, 410–11
incorporation of J. P. Morgan and, 469, 471
insecurity of, 61–62, 96, 142, 166, 171, 220, 411
insurance policy on, 203
lieutenants of, 142–45, 217–21, 287
marriage of, 63–64, 98, 170–71, 267
New Deal and, 369, 379–80, 408–12, 417
New Haven Railroad and, 174–81
Nye hearings and, 400, 401, 409
partners of, 166–67, 256–62, 469
on Peabody, 10, 15
Pecora hearings and, 361, 363–69, 409
philanthropy of, 169, 472–73
philosophy of, 409
power of, 167, 179–82, 193–94
privacy and, 174, 194, 263, 364, 369
Pujo Committee and, 150–57
relationship with father, 60–64, 95–97, 104, 112–13, 139, 142, 150, 157, 166–71
relationship with mother, 61–64, 81, 96, 113, 266–67
religion and, 63, 169, 347
Franklin Roosevelt and, 106, 357, 380, 411–12, 461–62, 467–68
Theodore Roosevelt and, 93–94
Sarnoff and, 311
sense of omnipresent danger, 192–95, 203–204, 210–14, 301
as a snob, 63, 171
sons of, 266
succession of, 142–45, 166–71
Titanic and, 146–47
Vatican and, 285–86, 407
wealth of, 322, 408, 409
Whitney embezzlement and, 425, 426–27
women and, 171
World War I and, see World War I
Morgan, John Pierpont, Sr. (Pierpont), 28–161, 235, 508, 514
ailments of, 9, 19, 33, 34, 157, 158
alcohol and, 49
anti-Semitism of, 47–48, 74, 89–90, 103–104
as apprentice on Wall Street, 11–12
art collection of, 79, 96, 116–20, 126–27, 158, 171–74
birth of, 18
brainstorms and, 55
Carnegie and, 39–40, 83–84
as a child, 9, 19
children of, 32
cigars of, 49, 55, 80, 126
Civil War stand-in for, 22
Cooke’s financial collapse and, 35–37
death of, 150, 157–60, 472
death of father and, 60
described, 19–21, 29, 38–39, 45–52, 65–66, 86–87, 96, 112, 125, 139–40, 152, 158
details of the business and, 66
disdain for stocks, 303, 305
dollar diplomacy and, 131–38
editorial “titles” of, 78
education of, 20
estate of, 158–59, 173
family responsibilities and, 20, 39
fear of hiring commanding figures, 88
Gainsborough painting of, 41–42
on gentlemen, 48, 52
gold standard and, 71–78
government finance and, 35–40, 77, 99, 219
Hall Carbine Affair and, 21–22
hatred of competition, 54, 56, 82, 83, 102, 111
homes of, 32, 46–47, 79–80, 112–13
as industrial arbiter, 53–58, 126–27
infidelities of, 49–51, 53, 81, 84, 87, 113–16, 121–22, 141, 159
last years of, 139, 142, 157–58
marriage to Fanny, 23, 49–50, 53, 112
marriage to Mimi, 22–23, 45
Mexican loan of, 238, 241
as moralist, 19, 30, 38, 45, 51, 52, 58, 114
morganization, 67–69
New York Central Railroad and, 42–45
Northern Pacific corner and, 88–94
nose of, 48, 86–87
occult and, 51–52
offices of, 34, 65–66
panic of 1857 and, 11–12
panic of 1873 and, 36–38, 39
panic of 1907 and, 90, 116, 121–29
partners of, 23, 33–35, 64–65, 69–70, 74, 87–88, 103–105, 108, 119
Peabody and, 13
as a peer of royalty, 78–79
philanthropy of, 50–52, 159
photograph of, by Steichen, 86
power of, 58, 66–69, 93, 105, 121–37, 152–56
privacy and, 47, 109, 139, 151–52
Pujo Committee and, 150–56, 363
railroads and, 29–32, 35–38, 42–45, 53–58, 66–69, 88–94, 178
real estate and, 79
relationship with daughter, 140–42
relationship with father, 12, 17, 19–23, 26, 33–35, 40–42, 55, 58–60, 159–60
relationship with son, 60–64, 95–97, 104, 112–13, 139, 142, 150, 157, 166–71
religion and, 51–52, 159
retirement thoughts, 33, 39, 44–45
as a romantic, 22–23, 50, 115–16, 118
Teddy Roosevelt and, 93–94, 105–12, 127–28, 131, 175
“savior complex” of, 45, 68
scorning the nouveau riche, 46–48
shipping trust and, 100–103, 145–47
as speculator, 20–22
steel trust and, 81–86
as a stuffed shirt, 47–48, 83, 415
Taft and, 130–32
Titanic and, 145–47
vacations of, 34, 139
wealth of, 32, 34, 46, 60, 150, 158–59
women and, 108, 113–14, 140
yachts of, 29, 53, 54–55, 60, 80–81, 139
Morgan, Joseph, 18–19
Morgan, Juliet Pierpont I, 18, 28, 58–59
Morgan, Juliet Pierpont II, 20, 32, 141, 159
Morgan, Junius, Jr., 20
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 18–28, 39, 49, 50, 65, 95, 116, 145
children of, 19–20
death of, 59, 119
described, 9–10, 17, 25–26, 28, 29, 40–41
government finance and, 26–28, 58, 71
homes of, 28
marriage of, 18
New York dinner for, 41
panic of 1857 and, 12
Peabody and, 8–15
railroad conflicts and, 54, 55
relationship with son, 12, 17, 19–23, 26, 33–35, 40–42, 55, 58–60
Morgan, Junius Spencer, Jr., 97, 168, 194, 213, 263, 322, 409, 473, 535
described, 266, 389
Morgan, Louisa, 32, 152, 156, 157, 159
Morgan, Louise, 535
Morgan, Mary, 20
Morgan, Miles, 18
Morgan, Sally Spencer (Sarah), 18
Morgan, Sarah II, 2
Morgan, Yuki Kato, 555–56
Morgan, House of:
aftermath of World War I and, 205–10
alienation from Washington, 349–92
alliance with government, 131–38, 205–206, 225–53, 307–308, 392, 461–62
as an American bank, 133, 145
as an Anglo-American alliance, see Anglo-American alliance
Bermuda meeting to resurrect, 591–94
breakup of, 394–91
British gold standard and, 273–77, 313, 315, 329–36
British royalty and, 79
clients of, 365–66
code book of, 189–90, 231
collection of papers of, 515
competition within, 550, 568, 594, 653, 654, 716
confusion overseas over relationships between banks constituting, 550–51, 589–90, 591
coup de grace for, 374–77
decline in power and size of, 492–94, 496
defaults on foreign loans made by, 638
Depression and, see Depression, the Great
domestic politics and, 225–29, 254–55, 447–49, 497–99, 528–29
employee relations, 493
ethical standards of, 630
Export Department, 187–92, 197, 202, 203, 401, 441
Federal Reserve and, 156, 181–82, 244–45
folklore of, as heartless moneymen, 72–78
German loans of, 217, 247–53, 310–12, 350–51, 392–99
Glass-Steagall Act and, 374–91
gold standard and, 71–78, 357–59
headquarters of, 34, 65–66, 165–66
holding companies and, 308–10, 369–70
Hoover and, 349–55
intelligence of, 189, 215–16, 283
internationalism of, 488, 499, 541
loyalties to domestic clients, 324–26
loyalties to foreign clients, 236–37, 341
loyalties to Wall Street friends, 324, 364–65
as “merchant of death,” 191–92, 400–401, 409, 437
mystique of, 451–54, 493–94, 719
New Deal and, 357–59
palace revolt at, 334–36
partners at, 256–62, 322, 348, 349, 371, 431
Pecora hearings and, see Pecora hearings
power of, 58, 181–82, 203–206, 230, 254–58, 324, 360, 366, 413, 428, 449, 453–54, 473, 537, 719–20
preferred list of friends of, 370–74, 414
public relations and, 151, 179–80
railroads and, see Railroads; return to overseas banking, 541–48
Roaring Twenties and, 254–58, 304–19
shift of power from London to New York, 65, 98–99, 184–85, 270–71, 518–19
strategy of, 37–38, 77, 84, 154, 167, 256–57
trust operations, 559–60
Whitney scandal and, 421–29
World War II and, 441–68
Young and, 416–17
Morgan and Company, J. P., 27, 68, 108, 111, 145, 159, 286, 479, 492, 518, 553, 555, 715
Bechtel and, 606
break-up of, 384–91, 470–71
British gold standard and, 275, 276, 331–36