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Bargain With the Enemy

Page 5


  He nodded slowly. ‘I accept this as truth.’

  Her mouth dropped open. Frowning, she snapped it shut then said, ‘That’s a big turnabout for you. What’s made you change your mind?’

  ‘You do not believe me?’ He stared down his nose, all haughty disdain that she dared to question his integrity.

  Stephanie said drily, ‘It wasn’t that long ago you were threatening to haul me in for desertion.’

  ‘This is true and the charges remain against one, Janeen El Boeka.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s me.’ Steph gave a shaky laugh. Has he guessed? But how? Shit! Do something. Say something. Piss him off. ‘Your brother’s wife, mum to Mia, that’s me alright.’

  ‘Is it?’

  Moving swiftly, he stepped behind her and pulled her close until she stood with her back against the heat of his chest. With his arm locked around her waist, every hard muscle seemed to imprint against her skin through her clothes. Her fingers twitched with the need to touch his hard-ridged abdomen, feel his rough skin under her palms.

  What was he doing?

  She didn’t have to wonder for long.

  He nuzzled her ear, flicking his tongue over the contours and her heart jolted at the fiery contact that sent her blood pumping heavy through her veins. When he drew her lobe inside his moist mouth and sucked on her tender flesh, her knees buckled.

  ‘Brace yourself,’ he growled before returning to nip and lick her ear.

  Blindly obeying, Steph widened her stance, biting down hard on the whimper of need in her throat as she clutched little Mia tightly in her arms.

  His other hand slid down her stomach and between her legs. With quick, hard strokes he rubbed his fingers back and forth, the movement pressing the crease of her pants upwards in erotic torment. His mouth continued to explore her ear then the line of her neck in hot, moist kisses. Heart racing, her lungs heaving, she squeezed her eyes shut longing with every cell in her body to turn towards him and demand he take her, here and now.

  But with a wide-eyed baby in her arms that was not an option she could take.

  ‘Stop it,’ she ground out.

  Surprisingly he obeyed, cupping his hand over her mons with his long fingers resting on her pulsing nether lips.

  ‘You wish to join with me.’ His voice had deepened and had a husky edge to it that skittered like a gypsy moth-caterpillar’s feet over her nerve ends.

  I’m so tired of being alone. Feeling as if she was about to jump from a perfectly good spaceship out into the cold embrace of outer-space, Steph gulped and whispered, ‘Not here and not with Mia present.’

  ‘Agree. But know this, little female.’ His hands on her body felt suddenly hard, almost cruel. ‘I have no tolerance for those I cannot trust.’

  After he’d delivered that cryptic statement, Ice Man indicated it was time for them to leave with the murmured reminder of the ceremony. Feeling shattered, Stephanie tottered off on shaky legs, following him as they made their way through the ship to the Main departure bay.

  Her mind whirled with conjecture and confusion and a whole bunch of stupid wishful fantasies. He desired her. Could it be the “pull”? Did it mean she was his destined mate? Like Janeen and her beloved Neo?

  And like Neo, would he turn from his Traditionalist upbringing for a different life? Would he claim her? Would he ask her to be his one?

  Loneliness aside, I don’t know that I want to be a part of his life! I hardly know him. But one thing is certain; he either suspects or knows I’m not Mia’s mum.

  That had to be the reason behind his comment about trust.

  What will he do to me? She shivered as she recalled the dark promise in his voice then realised they’d passed through the wide blast proof doors that protected the belly of the ship.

  Still without speaking, Ivo led her up onto a viewing platform and in full view of what appeared to be the major complement of the ship’s crew, he indicated she stand beside him. Most of the ceremony passed in a blur. She was too busy staring at the coffin that held the shell of her best friend, the mother of the baby Steph held in her arms. The reminder of the harsh reality of this life so far from her home effectively washed away her disjointed thoughts.

  Grief pricked sharp thorns of anguish deep into her soul as she acknowledged this was it.

  The final goodbye.

  There’d be no more shared memories of the Earth they’d left behind. No more girly moments, no more teasing, no more shared excitement at the wonders of this new world. No more emotional support.

  No more laughter.

  She juggled Mia about until she held her cradled in her arms. The baby gurgled and gazed at her with her big eyes. At least she’s here, at this moment, even if she doesn’t realise that’s her mummy and daddy down there.

  Neo’s life and achievements, his character and even small anecdotes of him as a young boy were recalled by his brother in measured, deep tones that captured the baby’s attention. She sucked on her fist as she stared unblinking at her uncle.

  Ivo paused and Stephanie glanced up to find his intent eyes looking down at her.

  With his gaze holding hers, he said, ‘Beside him, lies his mate. His chosen one, Janeen El Boeka, a female of great courage and fortitude who travelled here from a distant galaxy. A female who chose to stay and fight by his side in his last battle. We give her equal honour and trust in the goddess, Cercis, to light her passage into the next world. Claudo, begin the cycles for the dead.’

  Aww man. How generous of him to say such lovely things about Janeen.

  And then it hit her; he knows. Her secret exposed but at least and more importantly, Janeen could be mourned for who she truly was; a loyal and loving friend, a wife and mother.

  Regardless of what would come next, Stephanie suddenly felt as if a vast weight slothed off her back and she stood taller, lighter.

  In the vast cavern, drum beats pounded out and echoed in the respectful silence, counting down the years of life of both Neo and Janeen.

  As the last beat lingered, the two coffins which contained Stephanie’s friends were carried past lines of soldier-straight Darkons and placed on the conveyor belt. Claudo, the Keeper of the Dead, strode to the control panel near the vast hangar doors. The coffins burst into flames and still burning were jettisoned out into space.

  Stephanie switched her gaze to the screen behind her. Side by side as if even in death her friends still remained joined, the tubes rolled slowly in the darkness. The flickering light diminished and was soon lost in the vastness as the space ship continued to cruise along her allotted flight path.

  ‘It is over,’ said Ivo, placing a hand in the small of her back and propelling Steph forward.

  Her eyes blurred with tears and with grief clogging her throat, she walked from the departure bay and out along the passage. They stepped into the closest chute together and the door closed.

  ‘It may please you to learn, I have arranged for the charges against my brother’s mate to be cleared,’ he said.

  How best to answer that? ‘Thank you,’ she said simply and heaved Mia up against her shoulder.

  ‘If I may carry her?’

  Wow, a request for once, not an order.

  Unable and not wanting to find words, to express her grief in front of this man who was not only a stranger but a potential enemy, Stephanie nodded. She watched him carefully as Ivo gently positioned the baby in his arms. There was no trace of his usual mockery when he looked down into Mia’s face.

  He glanced over at Stephanie, his harsh features softened and shaking anew all her prejudices about his character. And bringing to mind all her silly, wistful thoughts.

  ‘She is truly beautiful.’ He cleared his throat. ‘My brother wanted one thing in this life and that was for a family. I am glad and proud to know he realised his dream.’

  ‘They were happy together,’ Steph whispered, fishing a handkerchief out from her pocket and mopping her face.

  ‘This is good.’

nking to dispel the fresh tears stinging her eyes, she rallied her thoughts. ‘What happens now? Mia was entrusted into my care. I won’t let you take her from me.’

  And like that, his haughty demeanour closed a protective barrier over his face. ‘Did I say this was to occur?’

  ‘No, at least, not now but all along you’ve been saying how I was to have no contact with her.’

  ‘I was not in full possession of the facts,’ he admitted. ‘I had reason to believe you were her birth mother and had deserted my brother.’

  ‘I could have told you, if you had hinted you wanted to hear. But no, you preferred to think of me as some kind of enemy.’

  ‘Not an enemy.’

  The door opened onto the living quarter’s level and Ivo indicated she was to precede him.

  Stephanie emerged and when he joined her, she fell into step at his side.

  ‘You are far worse than an enemy, you are a threat. One that I intend to ensure is kept controlled and in submission.’ He stopped outside a hatch and keyed code into the control panel.

  What could he mean? Is it me he intends to subdue? There’d been underlying shadows to his well-modulated voice and her flesh prickled in response. Her mind flashed back to their bargain. To the words he’d spoken on the observation deck and she trembled deep inside. Appalled, she realised her anxiety was overlaid with her heightened arousal. Her flesh tightened as if already she could feel his possessive hands exploring her body.

  Come on, get a grip! This is no time to be thinking of sex. Remember John.

  And yet, she couldn’t control the anticipation tightening her lower body. The door slid open to reveal a room Stephanie hadn’t seen before.

  Without waiting to see whether she’d follow him or not, Ivo stepped over the hob and entered.

  Chapter 6

  Unease and excitement caused her stomach to churn in a sickening dance. She swallowed hard and followed him inside, staying close to the door. ‘This is your compartment?’

  Way to go, Steph. Another understatement. He must think I have the IQ of a gummy bear.

  Wringing her hands, she looked about at the functional living room. It wasn’t overly large. Even the most minute of area on ships was utilised zealously, however the room was definitely on a bigger scale than her own small cabin. The usual muted-grey coloured walls were unadorned save for three screens. All three depicted the scenery of a savage-looking landscape of towering jagged mountains and violet-coloured storm clouds scudding across the sky.

  He slanted a glance over his shoulder as he strode across the room to the lone sofa and settled down. Indicating the screens with a brief nod, he said, ‘My home planet, Cerciron. Come and rest for a few sectons.’ Stretching out his long legs he leaned his head back, giving the appearance of a man about to watch a game of football on the vid screen.

  Step by cautious step and much in the manner of prey approaching the starving beast, Stephanie walked towards him. When he didn’t so much as glance in her direction, she perched on the edge of the sofa, squeezed up against the furthermost arm. As the minutes ticked slowly by, she began to relax until she wriggled back and slumped into the soft cushions.

  In Ivo’s arms, Mia squealed and kicked vigorously.

  The Darkon warrior holding her so carefully gazed down into the little baby’s face, giving a quick smile now and then as the little girl waved her tiny hands.

  ‘Will she be too cold? She has kicked off the covering.’ He sounded anxious as one-handed he attempted to re-wrap the baby only to the thwarted by Mia’s vigorous kicking.

  ‘While she’s jumping about like that, she’ll be fine. You need to make sure she’s covered though when she falls asleep which should be soon. She’s been awake for some time now.’ Stephanie slid a little closer, unable to be too far from Mia for long. She peered over Ivo’s brawny arm, smiling a little at the sight of that precious face. ‘She’s such a good baby. Janeen always bragged about how she sleeps through most of the night.’

  He glanced up, his eyes sharp. ‘I would like to learn more of her and my brother. First, though, you have yet to tell your sign.’

  ‘I’m Stephanie Roberts. Most people call me Steph.’

  ‘Steph.’ His brows drew together. ‘I do not like this, you will be called Stephanie.’ He dragged out the syllables like musical notes and warmth bloomed under her skin.

  The hard line of his mouth curved upwards. ‘Tell me about your life.’


  He shrugged. ‘My concern is wholly for my brother’s offspring. How will I determine you are of good character?’

  ‘I think my actions speak louder than any dumb thing I choose to say to you,’ she all but snarled at him. Or does he think by learning everything there is to know about me he’ll work out how best to control me?

  His smile deepened and the sight was like a shot of tequila to her stomach.

  I don’t want to tell him I’m a widow. I don’t want to remember. I don’t want to feel guilty because I want another man. Pressing her legs together, Stephanie mumbled, ‘There’s not much to tell. I’m a geologist and that means I locate rocks that contain important metals, groundwater, natural gas and other resources we so desperately need on Earth. My parents died a long time ago. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. When the call went out for nurses to accompany the colonists, Janeen put her hand up. We’d been friends for years, so it was kinda natural I added my name to the list.’

  He must surely know what happened next, it was fairly similar to almost every other person who’d left Earth on the Scaleen Traders’ ships. Betrayed, sold; the men into slavery working mines, the women sold off at markets like cattle or, worse, shipped to Isla. Stephanie huddled on the sofa, not wanting to revisit a place that still haunted her dreams.

  ‘I discern from your expression you were one of those unfortunate females to be transported to Isla.’

  ‘We were more than unfortunate,’ Stephanie said sharply.

  Ivo inclined his head in assent.

  After a few moments of silence while they watched the baby, both careful to avoid the other’s eyes, she added, ‘Janeen and I were two of the lucky ones. We weren’t there that long before Lord Tarak arrived.’

  ‘He did the honourable and right action by destroying the facility.’

  That surprised her. ‘Really? I thought as a Traditionalist you would be in agreement with that madman Rajan’s ideas.’

  ‘My family has long followed the Traditionalist calling but I am not so blinded by my upbringing to realise many of the old ways are not in the best interests of the Darkon people. I believe in the honour and integrity of our race. Rajan violated both when he arranged for the facility to be built.’

  ‘Did you know about it?’

  ‘Negative. There were whispers of course, but I was second-in-command of a battle-cruiser and our orders kept us from Darkos for great periods of time.’ His voice sounded weary.

  ‘I’m glad you didn’t know about it,’ said Stephanie slowly.

  ‘If I had known, I am uncertain what I would have done.’ Ivo turned his head and met her gaze unflinchingly.

  She gave a shaky laugh. ‘At least you’re honest, I give you that much.’

  ‘I admit the thought of you in such a place causes me great discomfort.’

  ‘It was a lot more than discomfort, pal. I’ll never forget it.’

  ‘And yet you and your friend fought for our cause.’

  Discomforted by the sharpness of his gaze, Stephanie shrugged. ‘We figured you guys were the lesser of two evils. Especially, once Tarak rescued us and bombed Isla into a million pieces. Man, was that an amazing sight.’ She grinned.

  ‘You are indeed a strange species but one I find commands my respect. Your resilience in the face of terrible hardship astounds me.’

  ‘We have a long history of fighting for what we believe is right. And we’re drawn to the underdog.’

  Ivo raised his eyebrows, looking completely mystified.
  Too hard to explain, she decided. ‘After we landed on Verrilous, sickness swept through our camp. Janeen became ill. No one had any idea how to treat it and soon she could barely walk. Two days before the attack, she insisted I take Mia and leave. Both Neo and her were terrified their daughter would also fall ill. Janeen was so sick and Neo wouldn’t leave her.’

  ‘And so you took your friend’s name to ensure no questions were asked regarding the child.’

  ‘Yes. I couldn’t risk some official taking it into his or her head to remove Mia from my care. The plan was that Janeen and Neo would meet up with me after the battle but then I read Neo’s name listed amongst the fallen together with an unnamed Earth woman. I knew I was on my own. I made a promise, Ivo. One I intend to keep.’

  ‘I understand now, why you are so determined to care for little Mia,’ he said thoughtfully.

  I more than care for her, Ice Man. I love her. She hesitated a moment before her intense curiosity about him and his life drove her to ask, ‘What about the attempt to oust Tarak from power? Were you involved in it?’

  ‘I knew Marn had a plan, but it is not one I agreed with. Lord Tarak has the right. And he is a just leader. He has granted several concessions to some of the old laws and this has negated the discontent many Traditionalists harboured to his rule.’

  Desperately wanting to know whether he was as ruthless as he appeared, she asked, ‘Would you really have turned me over to the authorities as a deserter?’

  A wry smile twisted his lips. ‘I admit it was a bluff. The war has lasted for far too many cycles. There has been enough suffering by all people not only my race.’

  ‘It was a good bluff. You fooled me.’

  ‘Did I?’ The way his intent gaze snared hers and seemed to search for something he hungered for, caused all sorts of crazy ideas to manifest inside her mind.

  Swallowing, Stephanie looked away. She soothed a gentle finger over Mia’s soft hair, smiling as the baby’s eyes drifted close. ‘Look, she’s falling asleep.’

  Lowering her voice, she said, ‘You have no desire to follow your brother’s example and ditch those weird ideas of no emotional or physical connections?’


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