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Perfect Risk (Mason Creek Book 1)

Page 16

by C. A. Harms

  “Yes.” Squeezing her body to mine I refused to let her get even an inch away from me. “Because I am,” so damned deep. “With me, you have nothing to worry about, that’s a promise.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered back her own confession and I wasted no more time and kissed her. My heart was racing, my chest tight with emotion and all I waited was to whisk her away so that I could hold on to this moment forever.

  I knew without a doubt in my mind that one day I would marry Sadie Michaels.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  * * *

  Hand in hand, we walked through the doors of Pony Up, where all our friends were already waiting. I felt lighter, less worried about where he and I were heading. Hearing him tell me he loved me was like coming up for air, like the weight of losing him was lifted off my shoulders.

  Who would have thought that Wyatt and I would end up together? Not me, not in a million years, he was the guy that I’d categorized as the perfect example of what not to date. But the reality was he was always the guy I was meant to be with. I believed that now.

  “So, you finally let her out of bed?” Anna reached out and tried to pull me away from Wyatt, only her gripped me around the waist and held me to him, my back to his chest. “You are so stingy.” There was some type of standoff taking place between my best friend and my boyfriend and it only made me laugh.

  Wyatt buried his face in the crook of my neck and I placed my hands over his, still holding me. “Tell her to go away.” This man was something else.

  “Not a chance.” Anna crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “Every time I’ve called her over the last week you’ve barely let her free to breath. I’ve heard things I never want to hear again, sounds Wyatt, panting and moaning. Those things should never be broadcasted over the phone.”

  “Well, then stop calling,” he bounced back refusing to give a little.

  “I want to catch up with my friend.” Anna placed her hands on her hips. “You have monopolized her enough, now let go.”

  The smile on my lips was making my cheeks hurt. The two of them had gotten used to hassling one another, and it was very entertaining.

  “Five minutes,” Wyatt kissed my cheek and slowly released his hold.

  “Please,” with a roll of her eyes she dragged me off toward Miley and Tate who were at the opposite end of the bar. Quickly I was pulled into the conversation and every once in a while I would look up to find Wyatt watching me.

  “You two are so cute,” Miley’s words were slurred, and Tate was laughing at her. I’ve noticed something about Miley, when she drinks she talks, a lot. Normally she is so quiet, but the alcohol make her very loosed lipped. “He’s all my girl is too far away and your all dreamy eyes and hearts floating around your head.”

  “How much has she had to drink?” I quietly asked Anna, and Tate laughed harder. She’d obviously had enough too.

  “They were both here before I showed up.” Anna shrugged and hooked her arm through mine. Together we watched the tow of them giggle and carry on, it was weird to see Miley in this state, but refreshing too. She was always so quiet and reserved, but tonight she seemed relaxed. After working together for as long as we have been I still knew so little about her.

  I needed to change that.

  “I’m happy for you.” I pulled my attention from the two drunk girls and looked back to my best friend. “I don’t think I’ve told you that.” Anna rarely got sentimental, she was the one that used humor to hide things. She’s always been tough, but the way she was looking at me, it was so unlike her.

  “Oh my God! Is he serious?” I was just about to ask her what was wrong but I didn’t have to. Suddenly a strong set of arms wrapped around me from behind and the smell of Wyatt’s aftershave surrounded me. “You can’t be serious?”

  “What?” I felt him smile against the side of my neck. “I said five minutes.”

  “Yeah and I thought you were just being a smartass.”

  When I felt my body moving backward with the force of his pull I went willingly.

  “Stingy,” Anna hollered out and I turned around facing Wyatt with my hands resting on his chest. He looked happy and relaxed, exactly how I felt.

  “She’s going to fight back eventually.” Anna was going easy on him.

  “I can handle it.”

  “Are you sure?” He’d wake up one day with green hair and blue facial hair.

  “Dance with me.” Sliding his hand around my waist, he stopped at my lower back and pulled my body tighter to his. “Remember the last time we were together on this dance floor?”

  Memories of that night flooded my mind and I felt my cheeks flush.

  “I remember.” How could I forget? That was a turning point for me at least. It was the moment I knew without a doubt that I was extremely attracted to the one man I felt I shouldn’t have been.

  He dragged his fingers over the bare skin on my lower back and my pulse quickened. “We’ve come a long way from that point until now.” Nothing was better than Wyatt’s hands on me, no matter how big or small.

  “We have,” I lifted my hands and placed them around his neck, toying with the hair at the back of his neck. “I love where we are now.”

  “I love you.” Happiness consumed me. “I know that this is still new, and that technically we’ve only been together for a short time but we’ve known one another a lot longer. I know that you may think it’s too fast but,” He held me securely as if he was preparing for me to run away and I couldn’t imagine why he’d think so. My favorite place to be was in his arms. Honestly is was the one place I felt hopeful and happy, like nothing else could touch me.

  “Move in with me.”

  I stared at him, unsure if I heard him or if it was only wishful thinking.

  “I’m at your place or you’re at mine nightly, and it’s crazy because come on Sadie, we are only across the driveway from one another.”

  I let him talk, but held my composure on the inside I was that love sick girl Miley had just described only a few minutes ago.

  “I know you Sadie, and no one has ever known me the way you do.” With his free hand he cupped the side of my face and I leaned into his touch. “I love you and I want to share my life with you. I built my home thinking that if I made it perfect and added everything I could ever imagine I’d be happy. But the truth is there is still something missing.”


  “You,” he kissed me softly, his forehead coming to rest against mine. “It not the perfect kitchen, or vaulted ceiling with window that overlook the mountains that make a home a home. It who you share it with, and I there’s no one I’d rather share it all with than you.”

  My eyes were clouded with unshed tears and I wanted to respond, truly I did, but my throat was clogged with emotions.

  “I want to wake up with you in my arms every morning,” he whispered. The music still played around us, the sounds of people talking loudly, but all I’d seen was him, all I heard was him. “Please, Sadie say something.”

  I nodded, gripping his face in my hands I pressed my lips to his and kissed him. “Yes,” I whispered. “I’ll move in with you.”

  Maybe it was quick, but I didn’t care, why wait? I knew what I wanted and I wanted him.

  Suddenly I am lifted off the ground and he is spinning around in a circle. My hand thrown back I laughed, before slowly sliding down his body. “I love you baby.” He kissed me once more. “I love you so damn much.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  * * *

  With my hands linking with hers, I held them both positioned above her head. My hips fitting perfectly between her parted legs I moved slowly against Sadie, seeing her lips part and her back arch off the bed beneath us.

  It had only been a week since we moved all her things into my home, our home.

  Seeing her things mixed in with mine made me crazy with satisfaction. A sense of possessiveness that I was pow
erless against. I had the most amazing woman, her love and one day I’d have her as my wife. I was sure of that, because Sadie and I belonged together.

  She opened her eyes, looking up at me and I was in awe. Not only because she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but because she held my heart in the palm of her hand. With just a smile I felt like I had everything.

  Lifting her hands she placed her palms to my chest and began moving them along my sides. Her legs wrapped around my waist, I picked up the pace and when she moaned it lit a fire inside of me. I wanted to hear that sound over and over again.

  Sadie began to pant and I pushed in deeper, loving the way she gave herself over to me. The intimacy I shared with her was so much more than physical and I knew I sounded like a girl, but I’d never felt the kind of connection I felt with Sadie. She was everything and more.

  Shifting her hips to meet my own I knew she was close and I wasn’t too far behind her. I wanted to make it last, make love to her all night long but the second her body tightened around mine, I had no control. Together we fell over the edge, and I got lost in the euphoric feelings that wiped through me.

  “Are you sure about this?” Sadie held my hand as we walked up the driveway toward her parents’ house. “She appeared more nervous than I felt, Burt, her father, was not a bad guy. Prior to now I’d always gotten along with him. I knew the tension between us now was because I was dating his daughter and he wasn’t sure of my intentions. He knew me with Karlie, hell most of the town did. So, his concerns were warranted, and I’d do whatever it took to prove to him that I had the best intentions for his daughter. I love her, and I’d make. Him see that.

  “It’ll be okay.” I kissed the side of her mouth and she didn’t seem convinced.

  “Gran is here too, and Tate.” I arched my brow wondering what she expected me to say. Should I run now? “Tate is a gossip queen and Gran, well she has no filter.” Again I waited. Sadie and I have already been the topic of several of Tate’s articles in the MC Scoop. It drove Sadie nuts but I didn’t care, I liked that people know that she is mine and I’m here’s.

  “Gran will say, things.” Sadie was in a panic her eyes widening to emphasis her point, which I was still unsure of. “She is going to embarrass me, she is going to flirt and God forbid, she may even grope you.”

  I chuckled.

  “Wyatt I am being serious, she is insane, and lonely and,” hanging her head she stopped walking and I stepped around to stand in front of her.

  “Babe,” Holding each of her hands in mine I waited for her to look at me. Slowly she lifted her gaze and when I could see her fully I smiled. “I can handle your Gran, and Tate, well let her write whatever shew wants to write. I don’t care, they’re your family and I’m not going anywhere so that kinda makes them my family too.”

  I cupped her cheek and pressed my lips to her, easily getting lost in our kiss.

  “You plan on mauling my daughter all night,” Sadie moved back quickly? “Or can you detached long enough to come inside for dinner?”

  “Dad,” Sadie hurried around me and walked to her dad. “Be nice,” she jaded him in the chest and for a second I saw him softened. Beau was in awe of his daughter that was obvious, but the minute she was out of sight and his stare focused back on me, that hardened man returned.

  “Burt,” I closed the distance between us and held out my hand. It took him a minute to take my offer but when he did, he shook firmly. “Should we talk now, before we go inside?”

  “What makes you think I have anything to say?”

  There was no point in dancing around the tension. I wanted to move forward with Sadie and one day when it came time to ask her to marry me, I wanted his blessing. “She’s your daughter, you only daughter for the matter and I know that you have plenty to say. I don’t expect anything less, because she’s amazing and I know you want only the best for her.”

  “Is that you?”

  I thought over his question carefully before answering.

  “I like to believe I am, but I have faults and I won’t deny that.” His stern look remained locked on me. “But what I do know without a doubt is that I love your daughter. Her happiness is important to me.”

  “So what happened all those years ago?” I felt an ache in my chest. “That was the work of a teenage boy that didn’t know better?” I nodded in agreement. Had I known better I would have shown up her and from that day forward I would have been a part of Sadie’s life. “I had to pick up the pieces that night, I saw a light go out in my daughters eyes. No father ever wants to see his daughter with a broken heart.”

  “It was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.” One I know I will never repeat. “I may not deserve her, Burt, but she’s given me the chance to love her and that’s a gist I’ll always treasure. Trust me when I say I will never break her heart again.”

  “For your safety, I hope your right.” Staring at me I wondered if anything I’d said to him had penetrated his knew developed anger toward me. When he pulled open the door and motioned for me to enter I felt the tension release from my body.

  He was a father protecting his daughter, and one day should I ever have a girl I know I’d do the same thing.

  Entering the house, Burt stepped in behind me and motioned toward the kitchen. Leading the way I found myself submerged in a room of nothing but women, to which were all now staring at me.

  “Well there’s the handsome lawman now.” Sadie’s Gran popped something in her mouth and began chewing as she eyed me without pause.

  “Mother,” Burt warned and grabbed a beer from the fridge before passing me one too. Sadie noticed the change in her father and when she looked at me all I did was offer her a wink. I hoped this was a shifting point between him and I.

  “What?” Granny Char shrugged as if she said nothing out of the ordinary. For her, I am sure she hadn’t. She was a little popular with the older crowd of men in town, especially the single and widowed. Granny Char was a woman who still looked very good for her age, she used it to her advantage. And the woman was a big flirt. “He is handsome and he is a lawman.”

  Burt shook his head and paused behind his wife to lean over where she sat in a chair and kissed the top of her head.

  Sadie came closer, her hand lightly brushing against mine. I understood, she want ed to touch me as much as I wanted her too, but we’d already been caught once. I’d make up for it later when I got her home.

  As Burt stepped out of the room I moved toward his wife and knelt down next to her. Cybill Michaels was a sweet woman, she has always been. The last time I’d saw her she was crying in pain and being loaded into an ambulance. “How you feeling?”

  She placed her hand over mine and smiled. Getting better every day hun, thank you.” She looked in the direction of where her husband disappeared to. “Don’t let him get to you, he’s just a stubborn man.”

  “I understand.” And I did, completely. “Your daughter is amazing, and as her father he should protect her. But I’m not going anywhere, one day he’ll see that and he’ll let me in.”

  “You’ve grown into a good man Wyatt, your father would be so proud.”

  I heard Gran’s laughter and I looked back over my shoulder to see her looking down toward my ass.

  “Oh, my goodness, Gran.” Sadie covered her face and Tate turned her back to us, her body shaking with laughter.


  “Will you please control yourself.” Sadie was obviously embarrassed.

  “Honey,” Char walked to her granddaughter and placed her hand on her back. “It’s all part of having a good looking man by your side. Women will look, they will stare and if they’re like me they will make comment about his fine ass so you better get used to it.” A groan escaped Sadie and it made me chuckle.

  “Wyatt.” I spun back around to face Cybill. “I think you should go in the family room with Beau, I can’t guarantee your safety if you stay here in the kitchen with Char. She’d been known to get a little handsy
and I’m not sure Sadie can handle it if she grabs your behind and gives it a little squeeze.

  I chuckled and patted the hand she had rested on my forearm.

  As I stood I heard a please moan and didn’t even take the opportunity to look back in the direction it came from. I could almost imagine the older woman zoned in on my ass and moving in fast. I may have walked a little faster than I should have.

  Sadie warned me, but honestly I thought she was overreacting, next time I won’t question her concerns.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  * * *

  There may be some competition for our local florist when it comes to her lawman. Seems a certain mature native has been eyeing his manly qualities without shame.

  I literally laugh at the newest headline in today’s edition of the MC Scoop. Tate was ridiculous and loved throwing out those catchy headlines. She’d have half the town believing that there was a cougar after Wyatt.

  Laying the article back down on the table when my name was announced from behind the counter at Java Jitters I grabbed my coffee. Offering Jessie a little wave while she busied herself behind the counter, I stepped outside and pulled my coat tighter around me.

  My tiny little car was already covered with the snow that was falling and I’d even left it running while I went inside. I refused to believe that Wyatt was right when he said I needed a more Montana suitable vehicle. My tiny car was just fine.

  I climbed inside turning my wipers on to clear my windshield and after a few minutes pulled out onto the road, starting for home. The day had been quiet at the shop, both Miley and I using the time to clean and rearrange several of our displays. It was busy work but it also gave me a chance to talk to her without interruption. I was surprised to find that Miley was adopted when she was two years old and the couple that adopted her were older. Her adoptive father passed away when she was twelve and her mother, she passed away last year. She was alone, besides the few friends she’d made since she started working for my mother.


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