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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

Page 9

by Lindsay Downs

  “Lady Winsome, help me roll Matthew on his side while Mrs. Shelton checks to see if the round went through or is still in him.”

  “I agree, but for the duration formality is tossed out the window. Richard, while Jessica and I tend to our son, you’ll need to greet the guests. If they ask where I am, be honest, and tell them as they will learn soon enough.”

  “M’ lord, the list of suites is on the table by the front door. As soon as I can, I’ll be down to assist,” the housekeeper said, before turning her attention back to treating Matthew.

  “Thank you. I’ll do the best I can.”

  Jessica watched him leave then turned her devotion back to cleaning and treating Matthew’s wound. Once it was done and a dressing applied, Jessica rinsed off her hands.

  “Mercy, I know you need to be present for the dinner. I’ll come back to sit with him and have a tray sent up for me.”

  At first Jessica was concerned when Mercy didn’t reply immediately as the lady might suspect what Jessica had planned. Hunt down and kill Macey and Moreau.

  “Thank you. You also might wish to put on a clean gown.”

  Lowering her head, Jessica gasped on seeing many spots of red on her dress. With a nod she slipped from Matthew’s suite and went to hers.

  “He’ll be fine, but it will take a few days. Now, help me out of this and into a clean dress,” she ordered Sally.

  In minutes, and in a clean gown, Jessica made her way down to the parlor she and the other ladies had commandeered. Stepping in, she was met by the smiling faces of her friends. Jessica found it interesting that they had the map from the earl’s office on the table in front of the settee she had claimed from the beginning.

  “From what I see and your smiles, you ladies have learned where Macey and Moreau are hiding. Would you care to share this information with me?”

  “Before we do, how is Matthew?” Amelia asked.

  “I’m sorry. He will heal with time and care.”

  “Um, don’t you mean loving care from a certain lady,” Chelsea said.

  “Yes, that also. If you can’t find me with the guests, I’ll be in his suite looking after him. Before you ask, I already have the countess’ blessing.”

  “Good. Now have a seat, and we’ll tell you what the men told us and what they didn’t,” Bianca said.

  “From what we learned from our husbands and Justin, the attack on your Matthew occurred here, and the shooter disappeared into the woods. Since we’ve taken this road,” Amelia pointed out the one from the estate to the village. “We know there is a narrow path deep into the woods.”

  Jessica followed her friend’s finger until it passed a building. Could that be where Macey and Moreau were hiding?

  “So you believe they are staying at that cottage or whatever it is?”

  “No, but here,” Chelsea said, pointing to one off the path and deep in the woods.

  “Why there?”

  “Dear, as you can tell, and I know the map is correct, it is so hidden the only way to find it is by accident. Why the original cartographer included it, we’ve no idea,” Amelia uttered.

  “Then that’s where we go to bring them to justice. Which of you are comfortable riding astride?”

  Looking to her friends, who all nodded Jessica smiled. “Good. As it’s dark now, this would be the best time to go after them. After all, they think Matthew is dead or close to death. Do any of you need clothes to wear, preferably dark?”

  “If our wives don’t then they may borrow from us. If you think we’re letting you brave ladies go after Macey or Moreau without us, you’re mistaken. Macey tried to kill our friend, and that we won’t tolerate,” Rainer declared from the door then stepped in with Nash, Tony, and Justin following.

  “As for us ladies, have Jamison saddle Patsy for me, but either he or you will have to select the other mounts. Also, you men will be following our direction. Do I make myself clear?” Jessica demanded.

  “Yes. And before you ask, it was Macey who attempted to kill Matt,” Justin pronounced.

  “Then he is mine, for I will make him pay for what he did,” Jessica declared.

  “Agreed. Shall we meet at the stables in forty-five minutes?” Tony suggested.

  Jessica looked to the ladies and accepted their nods of approval.

  At the appointed time Jessica, with the ladies following, slipped quietly into the stable. There to be met by the gentlemen also wearing dark clothes.

  Marching down the aisle, Jessica saw Patsy and three other mares saddled and waiting for them.

  “Ladies, pick your horse, and we’ll gather outside the side door.

  Over an hour later due to the moonless night and unknown horse paths, Jessica brought Patsy to a halt when the rundown cottage came into sight. Seeing smoke rising from the chimney brought a smile to her lips.

  “Nash, Tony, with your wives go around to the back to prevent them from escaping that way. When you hear us approach make noise. Rainer, Bianca, Justin, and I will ride up to the front door. That will or should cause Macey and Moreau to become confused. Make sure your pistols are on full cock and easily seen. That might make them surrender, but I doubt it and remember, Macey is mine,” Jessica declared.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The slightest hint of jasmine tickled his nose slowly waking him, but he preferred to remain asleep considering the dream he’d been having. Lying naked in bed with his Jessica, in the same state of undress, with her arm resting across his chest. That simple thought started his heart pounding, and a certain appendage began to harden.

  In the distance he heard tapping, which started to annoy him. Sluggishly, Matt opened an eye to see where the grating noise was coming from.

  Matt saw three unhappy ladies staring down at him with scowls on their faces. What panicked him even more than their looks was the dagger glares coming from not only his, but Jessica’s mother.

  Matt realized part of the dream he’d had was real. Raising his head ever so slightly he saw a shirt-clad arm across his chest when another whiff of jasmine teased his nose. Dropping his head back onto the pillow he groaned.

  What is she doing here? Not to mention sharing my bed. We’re not married yet.

  “M’ lord, I would strongly suggest you don’t move,” Laura ordered.

  Looking up, Matt nodded then watched Chelsea and Amelia disappear around his bed followed by a gentle shaking of the mattress.

  “Wake up, Jessica darling. We don’t know what you’re doing here, but right now it’s highly inappropriate.” Matt heard Amelia whisper.

  “No, Sally, let me sleep just a little longer. You know we got in very late from capturing Macey and Moreau, then I went to look in on Lord Matthew.”

  “Daughter, that’s precisely where you are. Lying on top of his bed and fully clothed,” Laura said.

  “Oh heavens, how did that happen?” Jessica called out.

  Matt felt the mattress sag as she jumped off. He wanted to laugh, but considering the looks he was still getting thought better of it. Matt did know he had to make things right with the ladies.

  “M’ ladies, as a gentleman, until just now I had no idea she was here.”

  “That, m’ lord, we know as Amelia, Chelsea, and Bianca took turns watching over you both,” his mother uttered.

  “Then, why didn’t you try to remove her from my bed. Also, what’s this about Macey and Moreau?” Matt demanded.

  “We tried, m’ lord, but she just held onto you tighter, and we thought Jessica might cause more injury to your shoulder. Speaking of such, how does it feel?” Amelia inquired.

  “It hurts like the devil. I also don’t plan on spending one more minute than necessary in this bed. If you ladies will please depart so I may rise, wash up, and get dressed. I’ll then meet you in the dining room for breakfast as I’m starving.”

  He watched as all the ladies, even Jessica blush. Matt then realized his stiffness was obvious to them all, which made his face warm from embarrassment. Not daring to
move, he waited for some sort of response from at least one of them, hopefully leaving. When no one moved Matt started to reach for the covers stopping short of pulling them off.

  “Well?” he ordered.

  “Yes, we’re going but shouldn’t you rest today?” his mother stated.

  “No. Believe me when I say I’ve been wounded worse than this little bug bite. We also have a party to conduct, and if my presence isn’t seen the guests will wonder why,” he declared.

  Matt knew he was correct in his statement. Not to mention if events went as planned he would be marrying Jessica soon.

  “If you feel you’re up to it, then so be it. Even as a child you never liked staying abed when sick. Come ladies, we need to return our wayward young lady to a panicked maid,” his mother stated.

  Patiently, he watched them leave only to be replaced by Seth. At least his valet wouldn’t give him a hard time, Matt knew finally tossing the covers off. Standing, he started to feel slightly disoriented, but it quickly passed. He found it astounding when Seth went about his normal morning routine of selecting a shirt and cravat but halted on choosing trousers and jacket.

  “My buckskin britches and boots, but I believe I’ll have to pass on a jacket what with the dressing. Get out the black jerkin. That will have to suffice. Tonight though, I’ll have to figure out a way to put a jacket on. By the ball I hope my arm will have healed sufficiently that it will be easy for me to comfortably wear one.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. After you wash up, do you need assistance? Then, I’ll change the wrap.”

  “No, as it’s my left shoulder I should be able to even shave. By the way, who put it on? They did a wonderful job.”

  “Her Ladyship and Lady Jessica. As you have already gathered, she was greatly worried about you,” Seth answered.

  Matt nodded and needed to thank Jessica, in private if possible for doing a marvelous job. Stepping into his private room, Matt wasn’t surprised it took longer than usual to take care of his needs, wash up, and shave, which was the hardest part. In a few days he’d see if his new bride would help him, but for now he had to make do.

  Stepping back into his suite, he struggled into the clothes he’d selected. After which he sat while Seth tied his cravat as Matt knew he was never very good at it even with two good arms. With his hair brushed, reminding him it needed to be trimmed sometime in the future, he slipped on the jerkin. Not bothering to button it and with a last look in the mirror, he made his way downstairs.

  Not having been informed which dining room, Matt started for the formal one when his mother glided up to him.

  “No, Son, the family dining room. This way we may break our fast in peace, and you can learn of the events of last night. The duke and duchess have agreed to hold court, so to speak, in the other one.”

  With a nod Matt offered his mother his arm, which she took with a smile to him.

  “I appreciate the consideration. Will Lady Jessica be joining us?”

  “Yes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she, along with the others, aren’t already waiting for you.”

  Not wishing to tarry as he could hear his stomach start to protest not having food in it, but not rushing, he guided his mother to the dining room and in. Matt was pleased at the warm reception, applause, and cheers, that everyone was happy he was up and walking.

  “Thank you,” Matt said giving them a bow.

  “M’ lord, would you mind if I set up a plate for you,” Jessica requested.

  “Not at all, m’ lady. I am embarrassed to say, I will need assistance in cutting the meat, but I’m fully capable of feeding myself. Mother.”

  That last bit he’d added on purposely to get his friends and parents to relax, and it achieved Matt’s desired result. Save for Jessica they all retook their seats while he went to his.

  With his plate set before him and the necessary food cut into pieces he dove in, then realized this had been his first meal in over a day. Matt forced himself to slow down or he feared he would become sick which would impede his plans.

  After a few minutes he glanced across the table to see Jessica smiling back at him.

  “The last thing I remember was Macey stepping out of the woods, raising a pistol, and shooting me. Fortunately, he wasn’t as skilled as he thought. What happened then?”

  While he ate Matt listened to how they’d been able to locate the cottage where Macey and Moreau had been hiding. The ladies had planned on going alone, but the gentlemen stepped in and offered their assistance, under the direction of Jessica. To which they’d agreed.

  “So, when we got to the cottage I sent Nash and Tony, with their wives to guard the back in case Macey and Moreau tried to escape that way. Rainer, Bianca, Justin, and I rode right up to the front. The gentlemen broke down the door, and we all rushed in. This must have taken them by surprise as they never saw or heard us coming,” Jessica started to describe the event.

  “We caught them sleeping, and as such Macey and Moreau never had a chance to put up any resistance. It was fortuitous they’d chosen to stay in their clothes, otherwise it might have been embarrassing for all concerned. Securing them with rope Jessica had had the forethought to bring, we dragged them back here,” Nash continued.

  “Now they are sequestered in cells in the basement, far enough apart so they can’t talk to each other. Footmen are guarding them. Later today or tomorrow they will be transported to London and the Bow Street magistrate,” Matt’s father announced in conclusion.

  “Lord Richard, as they seemed to have cheated death once before, why not have the trial here?” Jessica asked.

  “Mayhap, it would be best if I answered that question,” the duke declared from the doorway bringing everyone to their feet.

  “No, no sit back down and continue to enjoy your meal,” the duchess said.

  Doing as instructed, Matt and the others retook their seats then waited while the duke and duchess entered and sat.

  “Lady Jessica, it’s because they will be tried as traitors. London is the best place for that to happen. Granted, they will still dance the hangman’s jig for everything they did in the past and the two murders here. So, fear not, justice will be served. They will be closely guarded and shackled to the floor of the cart transporting them,” the duke explained.

  “Thank you, Your Grace,”

  With that resolved Matt returned to his first meal of the day as did, he noticed, everyone. Next, he wondered how the house party was fairing. Again, Matt turned to his Jessica.

  “Lady Jessica, as I know the countess turned everything over to you, I wonder if all is set for the ball in two days?”

  “It is, m’ lord. Yesterday, when Ladies Amelia, Chelsea, and Bianca met we’d also decided to have, so to speak, activity cards printed up. Alas that never happened as a certain gentleman decided to be shot.”

  “Oh, Lady Jessica, I wouldn’t say that. Not about Lord Matthew being wounded but the cards. While you were sleeping we got together with His Lordship, Lord Richard. A groom took the final sheets to the printer. They were delivered only a short while ago. His and Her Grace were kind enough to make sure all who broke their fast in the formal dining room received their copy. The others had theirs slipped under their door,” Bianca stated.

  “When I heard of the idea I knew it was wonderful and suspect by this summer what these highly intelligent ladies came up with will be de rigueur at many houseparties,” the duchess declared.

  Quickly, Matt glanced to the ladies in question only to see them dip their heads and their cheeks pinken for being singled out by Her Grace.

  “Lord Justin, this summer you might consider having a houseparty, if you still haven’t found the perfect lady to be your countess. As you are new to the peerage, I’m sure there is someone sitting here who would be more than willing to assist you in planning and organizing one,” Laura suggested.

  “That is, if he’s lucky. I’ve heard rumors Lord Justin has been seen with several eligible young ladies of good ton. If he cont
inues in this way, in a room or strolling about the groups with said lady without a chaperone, he might find himself well and truly caught in the parson’s mousetrap,” Chelsea uttered, hoping her words would be heeded.

  “Lady Chelsea, I’ve learned the error of my ways, thanks to Lord Rainer who pointed that out to me yesterday. Henceforth, and forever more, whenever I’m in the company of a lady I’ll make sure she’s chaperoned.”

  Finished with his breakfast, Matt started to feel tired only to realize he’d pushed himself and was in desperate need of rest. Matt waited until the others finished and rose from the table. So as to not draw too much attention to himself, he stepped over to Jessica.

  “I need to retire for a little while. Please inform the guests I’m healing nicely and will see them at luncheon.”

  “I will, and I’m glad you’ve chosen to rest as you do look a little pale. If, for some reason, we don’t meet up in the formal parlor before the noon meal do you wish I arrange a tray sent to your suite?”

  Only if you bring it, he wanted to say which would give him an excellent reason to stay hidden away.

  “Yes, please. But promise me no weak barley soup or gruel,” he informed her.

  “I do.”

  Good, Matt thought. Keep practicing that little two-word phrase.

  With a nod, Matt slowly made his way up the stairs to his suite. There he flopped down on the now made bed and slept.


  Two evenings later

  With the banquet completed, Matt escorted Jessica into the ballroom. As planned, the opening strains of a waltz caught his attention. Matt knew after this dance the minister would bless the married couples.

  “M’ lady, I believe this is ours?” he said, bowing to Jessica.

  “Most definitely, m’ lord,” Jessica replied, then curtsied.

  As they glided around the ballroom Matt did his best to make sure he didn’t bring her too close in the turns but failed. At one point he glanced down to see Jessica’s smiling, upturned face giving her approval to his misbehavior.

  When the music ended, as he’d planned, they were in front of both sets of parents along with the duke and duchess. He bowed to her curtsey then helped her straighten. Escorting Jessica to them, he stopped and bowed.


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