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Wise Moves

Page 5

by Burton, Mary

Kristen smoothed a damp hand down her yoga pants. Crystal was clearly in trouble. There’d been so many times when she’d wished someone would have reached out a hand and saved her.

  Drawing in a deep breath, she turned the deadbolt and opened the door until the chain caught.

  Crystal’s gaze locked with Kristen’s. “Please, lady, let me in.”

  In the distance she heard a squeal of wheels on pavement. Seconds later a red Cutlass Supreme came around the corner.

  Crystal’s face turned pale. “He’s here.”

  Kristen watched as the car skidded to a stop in front of the building. In the front seat she could see a young man with tattoos on his neck and arms glaring at Crystal.

  “Please, lady, please,” Crystal begged.

  Kristen unhooked the chain, grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her in just as Tony bounded up the stairs to the studio.

  Kristen shoved the door closed only to have Tony block it with his booted foot. He wrapped his ringed fingers around the door and began to shove against it. Kristen could feel Crystal clinging to her and she struggled to keep the door closed. But Tony was stronger than her. He pushed the door open.

  Kristen, with Crystal behind her, stumbled back. She regained her footing, planted her feet on the ground and blocked his path to Crystal.

  Kristen’s memory flashed to a time when Antonio had lost his temper with her. He’d knocked her to the ground. She’d been too afraid to fight back. She had let her brother rule her life for too long. She’d had it with bullies. Tony would not hurt his girl.

  Kristen faced Tony. “Get out of my house.”

  Tony sneered as if she amused him. “Give me Crystal and I’ll leave.”

  The girl whimpered behind her. Kristen’s own fear made her sick to her stomach but she refused to back down. “You can’t have her.”

  Tony bared his teeth. The right incisor was capped in gold. “I can beat the crap out of you, too. Makes no difference to me.”

  She lifted her chin. “I won’t make it easy for you.”

  He drew back his fist and landed a blow to Kristen’s stomach. She dropped to her knees as Crystal backed away. Instinct had her curling her fingers into a fist. She might not be able to inflict much damage on Tony but she wouldn’t be a pushover. She would fight him.

  To her surprise, she heard Tony yelp.

  She opened her eyes to see Dane Cambia standing behind Tony. He’d wrapped his muscled arm with expert efficiency around the punk’s neck and had forced him to the ground. Tony’s face was contorted with pain and anger.

  “Let go of me, you bastard,” Tony said.

  Cambia tightened his hold, shoving his forearm into Tony’s windpipe. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t just break your neck right now.”

  The raw anger in Cambia’s voice belied the easy manner he’d exuded yesterday.

  Kristen pulled in a painful breath, testing to make sure her ribs weren’t broken.

  “Are you all right?” Cambia demanded.

  “Better.” She straightened her torso and drew in another breath. The pain was easing.

  Cambia’s gaze flickered to her. Seeing her seemed to make him angrier. He wrenched Tony’s army behind his back again.

  Crystal wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “How does it feel now, Tony?” Despite her brave words she stood squarely behind Kristen.

  “I’m gonna kill you!” Tony said to Crystal.

  Cambia choked off the hood’s breath again. “Provided you live that long.”

  The violence turned Kristen’s stomach. “Don’t,” she wheezed. She struggled to her feet.

  “Let the police take care of him,” Crystal said.

  Tony lurched toward her. Dane jerked him back. “I don’t need the police to take care of him.”

  Fear registered in the punk’s face when he stared at Dane.

  Kristen had to agree with Dane. Police involvement was the last thing she wanted. Antonio had his fingers in too many police departments and if Tony were arrested, she’d have to file a complaint. Her alias would end up in computer files. She couldn’t do that.

  “Just get him out of here,” Kristen said.

  Tony grinned.

  Dane grabbed a handful of the thugs’s hair and jerked his head back. “If I see you around here again, I will make you very sorry.”

  Fear again darkened Tony’s eyes. “Fine.”

  Cambia let him go, giving him a shove toward the curb. He watched, his hands on his hips like a brawler, as Tony hurried toward his car. He looked back at Crystal. “This ain’t over between us.”

  Crystal jutted out her chin, all bravado. “We’re done, Tony.”

  He climbed in his car and revved the engine. “Not by a long shot.”

  As he pulled away, his tires screeching on the pavement, Kristen raised trembling fingers to her forehead. The violent encounter reinforced memories of the murders of the Churchmen and Nancy. Her knees felt week.

  “This isn’t over,” Cambia said. He faced her. “He will be back.”

  “His kind always come back,” she said.

  Dane held her gaze. “I will be here to protect you.”

  But for how long? If Kristen had learned anything this last year it was that she was alone in this world and couldn’t depend on anyone.

  Crystal sniffed. “Why didn’t you just call the cops?”

  Dane faced her. “He’d be back on the streets in a day or two.”

  Crystal nodded. “Yeah. Well, it’s been real, but I better get going.” Her hand on her backpack, she started past Cambia.

  His arm shot out and he grabbed her. “Why’d you come here?”

  She tried to wrestle her arm free but couldn’t. “Sheridan is my friend. We met at the youth center. She said if I had trouble to find her.”

  “What does Tony want with you?”

  Cheap silver bracelets jangled on her wrist as she dug her fingers through her dirty hair. “He’s mad at me.”

  “What did you do? And don’t B.S. me,” Cambia said.

  She shrugged. “I told him not to hide his drug stash at the youth center but he wouldn’t take me seriously. One of the younger kids found it and would have swallowed it if I hadn’t caught him. So I flushed it.”

  Cambia’s jaw tightened then released. “Crystal, stay away from Tony.”

  Mascara stained the delicate skin under her eyes. “Oh, don’t you worry. I want no part of him.”

  Kristen hoped Crystal meant what she said. She’d watched Antonio’s girlfriends take all sorts of abuse only to return to him as if nothing had happened.

  “Mr. Cambia, let her go,” Kristen said.

  Cambia released Crystal. The girl quickly hurried down the steps and across the street. She didn’t look back.

  Kristen straightened, wincing as her bruised ribs shifted. “Some morning.”

  Cambia locked the front door. His gaze shifted to her midsection. “Did he hurt you badly?”

  “Just knocked the wind out of me.”

  Tension radiated from his body. “Let’s get you inside. You could have a broken rib.”

  “My ribs are fine. I just need to change and we can get started working.” When she moved she winced.

  Cambia shook his head. “First you sit and drink a coffee or tea. I want to make sure for myself that you are okay before you do any lifting today.”

  It was tempting to let him baby her, but the truth was she felt better keeping her distance. “I can take care of myself.”

  Irritated, he shoved fingers through his hair. “Yeah, well, right now you don’t have to. Let’s go to the kitchen.”

  She suspected moving a mountain would have been easier than changing his mind right now. “Fine.”

  He followed up the stairs to her small apartment. By the time she reached the small kitchen table, her right side ached.

  “Sit,” he ordered.

  Grateful, she sat at the small table. “Sheridan has coffee stocked in the shelves. I usually drink tea

  He brushed her aside. “I’ll make tea.”

  “I’m out. I’d planned to pick some up at the market last night, but forgot.” The truth was the green tea she liked wasn’t on sale and at $3.99 a box it was a luxury she couldn’t afford right now.

  “Fine. Coffee then.”

  As she drew in a careful breath, she studied the deep frown lines on his face. “Where’s the easygoing guy from yesterday?”

  Her comment caught him off guard. With an effort, he shrugged, but tension remained in his body. “I don’t like men that hit women.”

  Dane had saved her and she was arguing with him. She’d been on her own so much she’d forgotten how to take help. “I’m sorry. I should be thanking you.”

  “No problem.” Cambia put grounds in the top of the pot, poured the water in and flicked on the switch. Quickly, the coffeemaker began to gurgle and spit. Cambia’s presence dominated the room, which now seemed too small.

  “I don’t have milk or sugar.” More luxuries that she’d decided she could live without.

  “Black’s fine.”

  Having him wait on her felt awkward so she rose and from the cabinet, got down two white mugs that said Yoga Studio on them. Stretching made her wince.

  “So you are hurt,” Cambia said.

  She set the mugs down, breathing through the pain. “Just a little sore.”

  He stepped toward her. “I’m taking you to the doctor.”

  “I don’t like doctors.”

  “You could have broken ribs.” He nodded toward her loose-fitting yoga blouse. “Let me see your ribs.”

  “Not likely, Cambia.” The idea of his hands touching her made her more nervous than she thought possible.

  He lifted a brow. “It’s either me or the doctor.”

  Kristen didn’t want to press him. She had no doubt he’d drag her to the doctor if need be. Again, she’d end up in somebody’s computer system. “No doctors.” She faced him. “Okay, check.”

  He pressed his large hands to her rib cage under her loose top. Her pulse quickened. But she didn’t dare move for fear his hands would touch the underside of her breasts.

  His hands stretched wide, nearly reaching around the circumferance of her chest. However, his movements were all business and very gentle.

  She winced as he squeezed softly. “That hurts.”

  “Yes.” His chin grazed the top of her head. She was very aware of his scent, a mixture of soap and his own aroma.

  His thumb brushed the underside of her breast and a thousand tiny bolts of energy shot through her body. She tried to step back but bumped into the counter.

  “Stop squirming,” he said.

  Unwanted desire warmed her body. “Look, I’m fine.”

  He held on to her a second longer, then released her. “I don’t think anything’s broken but you’re going to be sore for a couple of weeks. Bruises can take longer to heal than breaks.”

  Her breathing had grown shallow. It had been almost a year since she’d been with a man. Carlos, her fiancé, had been the only man she’d ever bedded. After he’d died, she hadn’t had the desire or the energy for another man. While she’d been on the run, there’d been opportunities for sex, but she hadn’t trusted anyone enough to take the risk.

  Now, however, she was very aware of her enforced celibacy. She moistened her lips.

  Cambia’s eyes darkened as he stared down at her lips.

  Slowly, as if she were a skittish colt, he raised his hand to her elbow. His callused hands felt rough against her skin. Gently, he traced circles on her forearm with his thumb.

  Her mouth felt dry and her heart started to pound against her ribs. All she had to do was lean forward an inch or two and her breasts would rub against the faded blue T-shirt that stretched across his chest.

  So dangerous. So very dangerous.

  Yet, the pull was more than she could deny. She’d been alone for so long and she wanted to feel connected to someone, if only for a short while.

  Sensing the first move would have to be hers, she rose up on her tiptoes and gently kissed his lips. At first, he stood as rigid as a statue, staring down at her as if he were seeing her for the first time.

  She kissed his lips a second time, fearing she’d misjudged him and she was offering something that he didn’t want.

  However, the second kiss was all the encouragement he needed. He banded his arm around her and gently pulled her to him, deepening the kiss. His tongue parted her lips and began to explore.

  She relaxed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Pain forgotten, her body started to hum and her nerves danced. Raw need pulsed in her veins. She’d known this man less than a day. He was a stranger. A very dangerous stranger.

  Yet, emotion and desire overruled reason. Kristen needed to feel like a woman who enjoyed her sexuality. She was so tired of being the hunted, frightened creature.

  Cambia’s hand slid down her waist to her buttocks. He squeezed her bottom. The thin yoga pants were little barrier to his touch and she felt as if she were naked.

  He pressed her hips forward until her body pressed against his erection. The bed was only three feet away and there was no doubt now that they would be in it within seconds.

  Cambia nipped her ear with his white teeth. She slid her hands under his T-shirt and up his muscled chest. He felt so good, so alive.

  Kissing her again, he started to step back toward the bed, tugging her with him. She followed and reached for the thick belt buckle at his narrow waist. When her knuckles brushed his bare skin, he drew in a breath as if he’d exploded right then and there.

  Kristen reveled in her womanly power. It felt so good to be in control and know what she wanted even for this very brief time.

  She unhooked his belt and unfastened his pants. Her hand slid down toward his erection. He moaned. Without warning, his cell phone rang on his belt holster.

  The loud sound startled her. But her desire still burned hot.

  With great effort, Cambia released her. His breathing was ragged, as if he’d just run a dozen miles. “I’ve got to get it.”

  “They can leave a message.” Her voice sounded unrecognizable but she didn’t care. Selfishly, she wanted this moment because she felt so wonderfully alive. And to think it wouldn’t happen now was beyond her circle of reasoning.

  The phone rang again, louder and more insistent.

  Cambia muttered an oath and fumbled for the phone. He flipped it open. “Cambia.”

  Frowning, he turned his back to her.

  The gesture felt like a rejection. And immediately, Kristen’s desire evaporated. Her mind cleared. She shoved trembling hands through her hair. Good Lord, what had she been thinking? She’d been ready to make love to this man right here.

  She had not only thrown herself at a virtual stranger, but she’d given no thought to the consequences. What if she’d gotten pregnant?


  A moment’s fun could easily have landed her with more problems than she needed.

  It wasn’t like her to lose control.

  Cambia’s shoulders tensed. “You’re absolutely sure?” He hesitated, listening. “Fine.”

  He closed the phone and replaced it carefully in its holster.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Dane faced her. The desire had vanished from his face.

  In its place was a coldness that made her tremble.

  Chapter 7

  Facts now confirmed what Dane had known in his gut. The prints were a perfect match. Kristen Rodale was Elena Benito.

  And Dane had nearly made love to her. Another minute and he’d have been inside her.

  Damn. All the time and energy he and Lucian had put into finding her and he’d nearly jeopardized the entire operation. He’d acted like a teenager with more hormones than brains.

  He needed to keep his distance from her. She wasn’t a woman to be desired or loved. She was business. Nothing more than bait to trap the animal Antonio Benito.

ngle-minded focus on the objective had made him one of the best in the army recon unit and the bureau. And the objective in this operation was capturing Antonio Benito. No matter what the cost.

  He cleared his throat, noticing the dark roots of Kristen’s hair. In his case-file pictures, she’d had long, lush black hair, and he wondered when she’d cut and dyed it blond. The hair change had completely transformed her appearance. It accentuated the high slash of her cheekbones and made her beautiful eyes stunning. It gave Kristen an air of directness Elena had not possessed.

  Damn. It didn’t matter if the package wrapping had changed. This woman was Elena Benito. She was the bait. And nothing else.

  Dane needed to diffuse the energy between them. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let things get away from me.”

  Her cheeks turned a delicate red, but she held his gaze like the proud princess she was. “I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

  He shoved his hand in his pocket, wishing she didn’t still look so desirable. “Let’s just chalk this up to bad judgment.”

  For a moment he thought sadness flickered in her eyes but it was gone as quickly as it had come. “Sounds good.”

  She nodded toward the coffeemaker. “You still want that coffee?”

  A cold shower would have been better. “Yeah, sure.”

  Kristen poured a cup and handed it to him, careful not to touch him. Whatever had happened between them had surprised her, as well. Good. He wasn’t the only one off balance.

  “Thanks,” he said, taking the cup.

  She turned to pour herself a mug. “Something puzzles me.”

  The cup to his lips, he hesitated. “What’s that?”

  A wrinkle furrowed her smooth forehead. “What were you doing here this morning?”

  The tension in her voice sharpened his senses. “We had an appointment.”

  The worry in her eyes remained. “For seven o’clock. Not six.”

  He grinned. Charming, not defensive. “I am a little compulsive about time. I was hoping if I showed up early I could get a jump on the project.”

  The truth was he’d been outside all night. After he’d met with Lucian, he’d returned and parked down the block from her house. With cash in her pocket, he worried that she’d slip away.


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