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Their Alpha Bitch

Page 7

by Fran Lee

  She panted as Mace’s rough tones caressed her mind.

  What’s happening to me? I can’t be…this can’t be…

  The gigantic black and silvertip wolf lowered his body to the tiles beside her, and laid his massive head on her throat, before whining softly beside her ear. You are. It’s done. Rest and get your mind in sync with the rest of you, baby…

  Mace? What have you done to me?

  Nothing, Kenna. Dune’s deep tones murmured softly in her mind. Your parents could never shift because they were half-bloods. But you only needed to fully mate with us…it was all of us together. It is coming up on the full moon tonight, and Mace couldn’t hold it together. When he half-changed during sex with you, he triggered your first change. It could have happened when you were with us earlier, so it wasn’t anything he did. You are one of us. In every way…

  Kenna fought to roll away from Mace’s wolf form, and realized that she was standing on four trim silver white paws. She gave an experimental swish to the thick, bushy tail that felt so damn odd attached to her quivering ass. Her three massive wolves rose to their paws, too.

  Come and truly meet your pack, as our alpha mate. They are waiting for us in the courtyard.

  She blinked, and turned her head to get a look at the rest of her body. Damn! She tested the strength of her new legs, and leapt onto the toilet, then up onto the countertop beneath the mirror, and the first real sight of her wolf form nearly made her fall off the damn counter. Holy fucking hell…

  Smaller than her gigantic mates, wolf-Kenna was by no means less impressive. She’d seen hundreds of wolves, real and shifters…but her reflection in the glass left her staring in disbelief.

  You are stunning, mate…Gant’s rumbling tones brought heat to her body.

  You would make your parents proud if they were here to see this. Dune’s soft whisper made her tremble a little.

  I’ve never seen a silvertip white before…

  She gazed at the powerful, beautiful wolf that looked back at her from the glass.

  The Canadian packs are often white. But not like you. You are definitely one of a kind, Kenna. Mace’s voice sounded rough, and she glanced down at the three males waiting for her to join them.

  Um…we aren’t gonna have to do the dirty in front of the whole pack, are we?

  Only if you want to warn the other females off. Up to you, sweetness…

  Dune’s voice was a murmur of desire that brushed her mind in a heated whisper.

  Tempting…but if you try it, you’ll wish I wasn’t anywhere close to those big black balls with these big, sharp teeth, Dune…

  Gant and Mace chuckled as their younger brother backed off quickly.

  Kenna took one last look at herself and hopped easily to the floor, where she came up against three hot males eager to stake a claim on their beautiful mate. Gant shoved his massive chest up against hers, his teeth bared as he nipped the ruff of her neck with a menacing growl. Dune wrapped his paws gently around her body and put a bit of weight on her shoulders. Mace sniffed her silky tail and then nipped her flank with a hot snarl.

  Back off, boys…hot sex was what brought this on, and I’m not above using this new set of fangs to put you all in your places.

  Gant’s bark of silent laughter was his only answer as he sank onto his haunches on the tiles and watched to see if either of his siblings got the shit kicked out of them. But Dune gave his big body a shake and started licking his excited groin with a huff of frustration. Mace, on the other hand, moved up her side and pressed his teeth to her shoulder as he placed one foreleg challengingly over her back as he growled softly.

  You said something about meeting the entire pack as a wolf? She sat down and stared at the huge wolf, instantly diffusing his desire to ride her into the bathroom tiles. Work now…play later…

  Jed Northman watched with interest as the three Dumont males came out onto the porch of the big house, and their newly-changed mate joined them to the sound of joyful howls and yips and barks. So, the female had inherited the recessive gene that Vincent had expected to see crop up. He growled softly. The female was a beauty. He watched the joyful pack wolves as they frolicked and started the full moon run that would throw the entire pack into a mating frenzy before dawn. He shook his grey fur and moved closer to the female Vincent had wanted so badly. He sniffed and wrinkled his nose.

  Oh, but the female had been gotten. And gotten…and gotten. Three pups!

  He wasn’t sure if just having the Kennards kidnap and fuck her half to death would make any difference if she carried pups from all three of her mates. Vincent would be totally pissed…

  Jed waited in the shadows until the run had begun. As the alphas and their mate led the pack, he fell in behind the laggards and followed, keeping his eye on the four leading the run. When the rest of the pack paired off and found places to fuck each other’s brains out, he would see how close he could get to the hybrid female. The Kennards would be waiting up on the mountain…along with four or five of their pack males. Those jackasses thought it would be a simple thing to take out the Dumont males and take the female away, but Jed knew damn good and well that Peter Dumont’s three boys would fight to the death…and they were trained assassin warriors.

  Jed would simply wait for an opportunity to slip in and snag the bitch and take her back to Vincent. Let the Kennards get their asses handed to them. He chuckled as he loped along, bringing up the rear.

  One by one, pairs dropped out of the chase, and some even began fucking frantically right where they stopped running. Horny fucking Dumont wolves…

  Kenna thrilled to the hard run as her three mates frolicked and played around her, sometimes knocking her over in rambunctious joy. Once or twice she had to use her teeth to remind them that she was not a chew toy. But the sheer joy of the run left her exhilarated and happy. The sounds of the pack had long since quieted, and she knew what they were doing. Every once in a while a yipe and a howl would pierce the night, and she hoped the female involved was having fun.

  She did not encourage her three males to attempt sex play in wolf form. She sensed that they would fight over her if she allowed them to get rough, and she had no desire to see them hurt each other. She preferred them hot and eager and in human form when they shared their bodies with her.

  She slowed as they neared the summit of the steep peak that was their destination. Despite her excitement, something felt wrong. Mace and Gant seemed to feel it, too. They dropped to their bellies in the shadows of a heavy pine stand, and panted softly. Dune watched them quietly, sensing their nervous actions.

  Someone’s watching us.

  No shit, Sherlock. We’ve been tracked for the past ten miles. Not sure who he is, but he’s kept with us, just out of sight. I’m pretty sure he knows we dropped out right here.

  Too bad he’s downwind of us.

  I say we lay up and wait for the asshole and see what he wants.

  We know what he wants. But he certainly won’t be the only jackass up here, and I vote we find another trail back down and get Kenna back to safety.

  I vote we do what the rest of the pack is doing. He’ll think we are fucking like bunnies and will not feel he needs to sneak up on us. I’ll start getting her ready for us, while you two keep an eye out.

  And I vote that somebody stuffs a sock down Dune’s throat.

  Boys…shhhhh. I think he already thinks we are busy fucking like bunnies…he’s right over there…I’m going to make some noises so he’ll think he’s safe.

  Kenna whined and yipped. Gant bit into her ruff and snarled wickedly, the sound muffled as if he was mounting her from the rear. The sound of bodies moving closer in the pine cover made Mace and Dune tense to attack. Seconds later, Mace lunged, and Jed Northman yelped in shock and pain as he felt wickedly sharp teeth close around his throat, and heard the ferocious growl. He instantly shifted to his human form and gasped, “Hey! I couldn’t keep up with the others! No need to kill me.”

  Mace remained in
wolf form, while Gant shifted and grabbed the older male’s greasy hair and jerked his head back. “Hello, Jed. I haven’t seen you around for awhile. You’ve been hot on our trail since we left the compound. Now, be smart and tell me where the others are, before I let Mace tear your fucking throat out.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Jed raised his voice louder, and Mace closed his jaws until the man could only choke in small gasps of air.

  Gant signaled to Dune to check the trail, and leaned in to whisper, “How many are there waiting for us? I’ll let Mace make it quick if you tell me…but if you don’t, he’ll make it hurt.”

  “Fuck…you…” Jed’s eyes widened as Mace snapped his jaws and shook the head away from the scrawny severed neck.

  I caught a whiff of the Kennards. They are approaching fast from upwind. Mace, get Kenna out of here now…get her back to the compound fast.

  Fuck that! I’m not leaving you to face a bunch of wolves. The four of us can take them.

  Hey kiddies…we aren’t alone anymore. Kenna…in the middle…no arguments.

  Seven grey wolves burst out of the trees coming from every direction, and Gant shifted instantly, lunging for the throat of the nearest shifter. The sound of snapping bone told Kenna that there were only six left. Dune was facing off against two, while Mace shook another savagely by the throat to end his sorry existence. Seeing the second big bastard lunge for Dune’s throat as one held him by the scruff, Kenna scrambled into the fray and ripped at the smaller wolf’s underbelly, catching the soft skin and gutting him before his teeth could sink into Dune’s throat for the kill.

  Gant took down the other one that had Dune pinned. Kenna whirled to see Mace cornered between three bigger wolves, and she started for the group, paying no attention to Gant’s cry before she was hit in a massive collision by a heavy, fast body that knocked her over and down the slope, where she rolled several times before she regained her feet. She whirled to race back up the hill, but her front leg was caught in hard jaws, and she was pulled down, rolled onto her back, and a set of vicious teeth pressed to her belly while a third wolf wrapped his jaws around her throat, and slowly closed off her air.

  You fucker!

  A fourth wolf changed instantly and stood over Kenna’s sprawled body to face Mace and Gant, who stopped dead at the sight of their mate being pinned in ways that would instantly result in her death if they moved. Aaron Kennard’s deep voice rasped, “You move, and I’ll let them gut her. That would be such a waste. All four of them dead in ten seconds…”

  Kenna let her body shift back to human, and her hands caught the massive set of jaws that held her throat. “Hey…easy guys…no need for violence.”

  She heard the wolf drag in a long whiff and she petted his jaw slowly. “No need to bite my head off. Let’s talk about this, okay?”

  A soft whine came from the wolf’s throat, and a moment later, he removed his jaws and licked her throat rapidly, as he wrapped her in his front legs and tried to get behind her.

  An instant later, the horny wolf was flying through the air, and Aaron Kennard was dragging her up from the ground with a muttered curse. “Stupid horny bastard. Can’t even follow orders if there’s a hot bitch around you!”

  Kenna tried her best to cover her girly parts as all eyes converged on her bare body. The sound of low growls and rough snarls brought her eyes up to focus on her mates. Dune was panting in pain where he lay, while Gant was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, and Mace was spread eagle on the ground with a very large hunting knife pressed against his jugular. The seven wolves that had first attacked had turned into at least a dozen.

  Mace’s dark green eyes glittered with fury as she met his gaze, and then she realized that they would all die to keep her unless she did something drastic…and quickly. Leaning back against Aaron’s powerful body, she arched her back and groaned. Every male’s eyes were instantly on her, and Kennard ran one big hand down over her belly to touch her mound roughly. Holding back the shudder of revulsion she felt, Kenna turned her head and licked Aaron’s bare shoulder. “Mmmm…I need you…now…”

  Kenna…no! Mace’s rough voice echoed in her head.

  I will distract them. Don’t hesitate for a moment. Do what you have to…I’ll be fine…

  “Let’s go someplace a little less public…” she rasped as she ran her palms over his bare thighs, feeling Kennard’s hard cock press against the back of her ass.

  Mace stared in horror as he watched Kenna walk away with Aaron Kennard and half a dozen naked, eager males all hot for a taste of the stunning female. The male holding the knife at his throat chuckled and sat back, moving the blade as he laughed with the others holding Gant and standing over Dune. Gant’s eyes met his, and Dune nodded, gathering strength to do what they must.

  All at once, the three brothers shifted and the power of them all loosing their wolves at once gave them just enough of an advantage to overcome and kill the guards who had been surprised in human form.

  Dune and Gant finished the three fools who had been lax enough to forget they held shifter assassins. Mace leapt after the group of over eager males expecting to be fucked silly.

  Mace’s voice in her head told her they were free as she ducked into a tent in front of Kennard, whose big naked body was as hard as a rock. She bent as if to lie on the sleeping bag, and with amazing ease she shifted, and turned on the shocked male, whose shift was a bit too late to prevent her from clamping her jaws over his package and making him an instant eunuch…

  Chaos hit the camp outside the tent as Mace, Dune, and Gant killed nearly everything that moved. Kenna stared down at the trembling, groaning, bleeding body of the eldest Kennard brother, and watched his blood sink into the dirt floor. He snarled and tried desperately to stop the spurts of blood that would end his life.

  Evading his wicked jaws, Kenna leapt from the tent and stared in shock at the carnage around her. She knew the moment her mates saw her. She was instantly surrounded by bleeding, cut bodies that trembled in excitement. She licked cuts and wounds and nuzzled each in turn, too overcome by relief that they all lived.

  How many escaped?

  We left two barely alive to report back to Draga. We need to get you back to the compound. Apparently Jed discovered something when he was snooping. We need to get you under cover…

  Discovered what?

  Mace nuzzled her face and nipped her neck.

  That we are all going to be fathers…

  Chapter Nine

  The compound was abuzz with the news of a successful mating that promised that the Dumont pack would be stronger than ever before. Kenna was the most shocked of all when Helen Reynard, the pack’s midwife, confirmed that she was carrying three active, healthy fetuses. The biggest shock was that she would give birth to the “pups” as a wolf, and the pregnancy would take only about 21 weeks. The “pups” had been conceived at some point over the first week of the mating frenzy. Kenna could expect to give birth in less than three months.

  She left the clinic feeling totally numb and in shock, stepping out into the sun to find herself surrounded by her males…and an overwhelming abundance of testosterone. She was herded into the big SUV and was gently deposited on Mace’s lap as Dune and Gant slid into the seats to each side as one of the pack males drove them back to the compound. Big, gentle hands cupped her stomach and sweet, light kisses brushed her face and cheeks and hands as her mates told her how proud they were and how excited they were to all become fathers at once.

  Helen had told Kenna that it was not uncommon for multiple males to be able to impregnate one female during a mating frenzy, when the female in heat would drop several eggs every day or two. Although one male could conceivably fertilize more than one egg during the continuous intercourse of a mating frenzy, wolves could drop eggs several hours apart, and if a second male had deposited his sperm in that time, he would be the lucky donor who got the second egg, etc.


  Kenna was feel
ing just a tad overwhelmed at the thought of giving birth to three children from three different fathers…all at once.

  Gee…if only Aunt Maggie had given her the “Little girl” talk about wolves just a tad earlier, she might not be in this predicament.

  Thanks, Aunt Maggie…

  She had asked Helen if having sex after the mating frenzy could result in her having more puppies deposited in her womb, and had been advised that a female only went into heat once every few months, and that she would certainly know when it happened, because she would not be able to get out of bed with three lusty, horny mates eager to get her pregnant until her estrus cycle ended. So it was pretty safe to indulge herself and her mates freely at least until the pups were ready to be born.

  Helen was also kind enough to tell her that other pack females would help care for any multiple birth pups. Pups….

  She ran her hands over her belly, wondering what it would feel like with three healthy, squirming babies bouncing around in there. Dune bent over and lifted the bottom of her shirt, and licked her skin sensually, his big hand cupping her belly…then slipping down to caress her mound. “Can we have you when we get back to the house?” His whispered words sent shivers through her.

  Gant shoved his wandering hand off her pussy, and glared at his youngest sibling. “Have you never heard of jacking off, kid?”

  Dune’s blue gaze centered on Kenna’s breasts as he bit his lower lip and murmured huskily, “Yeah…but I think Kenna would prefer I not waste a great hard-on…”

  Mace snorted softly, and readjusted her on his lap, letting her feel the insistent pressure of the boner he was sporting. “I think a little one-on-one time would be great, if you are up to it. Unless you re too worn out…” His voice was a whisper against her ear. “Because I know I need you more than I need to breathe, baby…”

  Gant’s lean hand slid up under her shirt to gently slip under her bra cup, and Dune’s fingers slid into the vee of her thighs, teasing her mound as the SUV bounced hard over several potholes.


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