Book Read Free

Sweet Sunshine

Page 1

by Jessica Prince

  Table of Contents

  Sweet Sunshine

  Front Matter

  A Note From The Author

  Other books by Jessica


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Find Jessica at

  Copyright © 2016 by Jessica Prince

  All rights reserved.

  Visit my website at

  Editor: Erin Garcia

  Cover Designer: Najla Qamber,

  Interior Design & Proofing: Jill Sava, Love Affair With Fiction,

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Sweet Sunshine is book 1 in the 2 book series, The Pembrooke series.

  This series is a spinoff of Wildflower, and ever since first introducing Chloe and Derrick, I’ve been dying to get back to Pembrooke and write their story. What can I say, I’m a sucker for unrequited (or so she thinks) love.

  Although it’s not required you read Wildflower first, I’d recommend it. These two characters are special to me and I want you to be able to see the progression of their relationship from the very beginning.

  But no matter what you choose to do, Derrick’s sure to make you swoon, and Chloe’s the best friend you’ve always wanted.

  So strap in and enjoy the ride!



  Oh, and P.S.

  I hope that epilogue has you craving more. Eliza and Ethan’s story will be here before you know it ;)


  Picking up the Pieces

  Rising from the Ashes

  Pushing the Boundaries

  Worth the Wait


  Scattered Colors

  Shrinking Violet

  Love Hate Relationship



  Fire and Ice – Griffin and Pepper’s story

  Opposites Attract – Richard and Delilah’s story (coming July 2016)


  Sweet Sunshine -Derrick and Chloe’s story

  Untitled #2 – Ethan and Eliza’s story (coming September 2016)





  Nightmares from Within


  I’VE NEVER HAD the best of luck when it came to men. No matter how hard I tried, I always seemed to pick poorly. If there was a loser, a poser, a thief, or a cheater in my vicinity, I had a gift for snuffing them out.

  That was the only reason I could think of as to why I was so embarrassingly hung up on Deputy Derrick Anderson. He wasn’t a loser, a poser, a thief, or a cheater — as far as I knew — but he was completely and undeniably unattainable.

  Maybe that was why I was so pulled to him.

  “You know,” my best friend Harlow started, “if you’d just talk to him you’d see he’s a normal guy, and you wouldn’t have to be so socially awkward every time he’s in the same room.”

  I looked over into my friend’s smiling eyes and glared. “I’m not socially awkward,” I insisted. “And I’ll have you know I have talked to Derrick. Plenty of times.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she laughed.

  “Yeah,” I replied somewhat angrily before turning my attention back to the people milling around Harlow and Noah’s backyard. It was Fourth of July weekend, and I swear to God, it seemed the entire town of Pembrooke was stuffed into their yard for a fun, family barbeque. But I only had eyes for one person.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t even notice I existed.

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, I totally think you two would look adorable together.”

  That got Harlow another glare, because, really? The truth was Derrick Anderson was so far out of my league, he’d need a map to find me. That was, if he even had any interest in looking, which I doubted he did.

  “You have to say that, you’re my best friend,” I grumbled.

  “I mean it!” she insisted. “You’re cute! I’d totally do you.”

  “And I’d totally watch,” her husband Noah chimed in as he walked by us with a platter of hamburgers ready for the grill. “Seriously, let’s make this happen. Name a time and place.” It was so nauseatingly sweet the way he stopped to plant a hard kiss on his wife’s lips before continuing on his journey.

  I brought my beer to my lips and took a refreshing gulp. I didn’t know if it was the summer heat outside, or the fact that Derrick had taken off his t-shirt during a sweaty game of football with Harlow’s little brother Ethan and some of the other barbeque-goers, tucking it into the back of the pants, but suddenly my mouth was parched.

  Jesus, he was so perfect, all hard muscles and chiseled lines, my fingers itched to draw him. Problem was, I couldn’t draw for shit. Looked like there wouldn’t be any Leo DiCaprio via Titanic reenactments going on any time soon. Bummer, ‘cause that was totally one of my fantasies.

  “Oh my God!” Harlow laughed loudly. “Look at you! You’re totally smitten!”

  I reached over and slapped her arm. “Shut up!”

  “Okay, okay,” she grumbled, poking out her bottom lip in a pout as she rubbed her arm. “I’m just teasing. But seriously, Chlo, you’re gorgeous. Derrick would be insane not to want you.”

  I let my eyes travel over my friend’s perfect frame. Even with a massive pregnant belly, there was no denying how stunning she was. All long, lean legs, flawless olive skin, and perfect, shiny dark hair. Harlow could have been a model, no doubt.

  But me? Well I was short with round hips, a bubble butt, a big chest that was the bane of my existence, pale skin that fried with the smallest amount of sun, and unruly, reddish blonde hair. On top of all of that, I had a teeny tiny little potbelly I couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard I tried. And owning a bakery did nothing to help that.

  I loved my pastries, so sue me.

  “Harlow…” I started, but she cut me off, hearing the doubt in my voice.

  “Don’t you Harlow me!” she chastised. “You’re gorgeous — you are!” she snapped when I rolled my eyes. “Any man, and I mean any man, would be lucky to have you. You hear me?”

  I felt a smile curve my lips despite my misgivings. Harlow was just so damned passionate. “I love you,” I told her, leaning in to wrap my arms around her. She returned the embrace, squeezing tightly.

  I heard an excited “Yes!” shouted from across the yard and turned my head to se
e Noah, his eyes on me and Harlow, with his arms raising up in the air in triumph.

  “Not happening!” Harlow shouted back.

  “Damn it!”

  I laughed and took another pull from my beer as Harlow stood and made her way to her husband, her big, pregnant belly making her waddle adorably.

  I finished off my drink and turned back to the football game going on a few yards away. God, Derrick really was the best looking man I’d ever laid eyes on. Then he threw his head back in laughter at something Ethan said and those looks just got even better. As I stood and walked to the cooler for another beer, my movements must have caught his eye. When he turned and offered me a sweet smile, my insides melted and my heart picked up a frantic pace.

  But more than that, I began thinking what if.

  What if Harlow was right?

  What if he was interested in me?

  What if I did have a shot?

  What if, what if, what if.

  In that moment, I started to hope. It was enough to get my feet moving in Derrick’s direction just as the football game came to a pause.

  “Hey there, sunshine,” he grinned as I made my way to him. Just like every time I heard that name from his lips, I shivered with pleasure. I wasn’t lying when I told Harlow that Derrick and I had talked. We had. Our conversations just never held anything of substance. But that could be easily changed, right? All I had to do was push past my insecurities and awkwardness, and make that happen.

  “Hey Derrick,” I offered nervously. “Having fun?”

  He lifted one sculpted arm and brushed a bead of sweat from his forehead. The strong muscles in his bicep bulged beautifully and I was hit with a wave of yearning to reach out and run my fingers over his tan, glistening skin. “Yeah, it’s been great.”

  Looking down at the cold bottle in my hands, I picked at the label with my thumbnail as I garnered up the courage to say what I truly wanted to say.

  I sucked in a deep breath and dug deep for courage. “So, I was thinking… I don’t know if you’re busy… it’s cool if you don’t have time, but…” Jeez, Chloe, get your shit together and just ask him out already! I berated internally.

  Before I even had a chance to finish that thought, Derrick spoke. “Yeah, sure. Sounds good.”

  My gaze shot up at his distracted tone to find that his eyes weren’t even on me. Looking over my shoulder to see what held Derrick’s attention, I saw Tammy Bradford, the town doorknob, smiling at Derrick seductively. When I looked back at Derrick, the corner of his mouth was quirked up in a knowing grin as he kept his focus pinned on Tammy.

  A sharp pain stabbed through my chest as my stomach dropped. And standing there in front of my insane crush, I felt my hope die a slow, agonizing death.

  Derrick patted my arm and moved to step past me. “’Scuze me, Cathy, I’ll be back in a few.”

  Cathy? What the hell?

  He didn’t call me sunshine out of endearment. He did it because he couldn’t remember my actual name!

  “Uh... y-yeah. See ya,” I stuttered as I fought to keep from bursting into tears. I couldn’t remember a time in my life where I’d ever felt more humiliated than just then. And I’d had a boyfriend clean out my checking account in college, for Christ’s sake!

  This was so much worse.

  My bottom lip began to tremble as I made my way through the large backyard and along the side of the house. My vision swam with unshed tears that I refused to let fall. Embarrassment and heartbreak fueled each of my steps as I made it to my car, thankfully, undetected.

  I was such a fool to think someone like Derrick would ever be interested in someone like me.

  As I put my car into gear and pulled away from the happy sounds of the party, my tears finally brimmed over and fell. All I could think was that I’d never make that mistake again.


  One Month Later

  MY FEET WERE killing me. But that was par for the course when you started your day at four in the morning. Such was the like of a bakery owner. I rose long before the sun and spent hours baking away before ever opening the doors. It was exhausting, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I’d worked hard to build everything around me, and I was extremely proud of my little bakery, Sinful Sweets. I’d poured my heart and soul into the place, and it showed the moment you walked through the door.

  The atmosphere was warm and inviting. I’d handpicked everything from paint color to décor all by myself and loved how it turned out. That didn’t mean I wasn’t dead on my feet come four o’clock.

  And I still had three more hours until closing. The best gift I’d ever given myself was the massive, industrial espresso machine. Sure, I claimed it was for the bakery, and I made a mint off the coffee drinks the customers ordered. But mainly, it was my source of fuel for my long days.

  I’d just finished filling my gazillionth cup of the day when the bell over the door chimed. I spun around, bright smile on my face, and started my typical greeting, only to have it die on my lips. Like all the other times I’d seen Derrick since July fourth, I felt the same prickly ache creep up my spine just like it always did. Luckily, his back was turned to the counter and I was able to secure the pleasant mask I’d been forced to wear in his presence for the past month in place.

  “Eliza, what’d I say?” His voice held a hint of exasperation as he continued to hold the door open for his daughter as she walked through. Her face was scrunched up in a way that only nine-year-old girls were able to pull off, communicating her fury as she crossed her arms over her chest. I’d met Eliza a handful of times when Derrick would bring her into the bakery, but I couldn’t really say I knew the girl. I’d seen her around town with her father in passing glances more than anything.

  “You’re not being fair!” Eliza declared, stomping her foot for dramatic effect. “Mom already said I could go!”

  “Well it’s not your mom’s weekend,” Derrick continued as he stalked toward the counter, his own face reflecting the agitation coming through each of his words. “It’s my weekend, and your mom had no right to tell you that you could go to Cindy’s sleepover on my weekend.”

  Eliza’s head fell back as she shouted, melodramatically, “You’re ruining my life!”

  “Yes, that’s exactly why I’m doing this, Eliza,” Derrick replied dryly. “Because I want to ruin your life. It’s got nothing to do with the fact that I only get to see you two weekends out of the month.”

  “Cindy Sanford’s the most popular girl in school, and she invited me to her sleepover two weeks ago! I have to go!”

  My eyes bounced between father and daughter.

  “I told you you’re not going, and that’s all there is to it. You wanna be mad at someone, be mad at your mother for making promises she couldn’t keep.”

  “Gah! I hate you!” Eliza cried at the ceiling before trudging over and throwing herself into one of the chairs along the glass windows that made up the entire front wall of Sinful Sweets.

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Derrick murmured under his breath as he turned to fully face the counter. He shot me a smile in greeting, but I could see the pain his daughter’s words had inflicted in the backs of his eyes. “Hey there, sunshine. Sorry about that. She gets a little dramatic every once in a while.”

  “No problem,” I replied softly, looking down to break the hold his eyes had on me. Now that I knew the truth, every time he called be by that particular nickname, it was like a punch to the gut. Ignoring the pain in my stomach, I asked, “Uh, so what can I get you?”

  His eyes danced across the menu boards hanging along the top of the wall behind the counter. I’d decided to go old school and bought chalkboards. The first one contained our daily specials that I wrote out by hand each morning, taking the time and care to make sure the handwriting was pretty as well as legible. The other three boards were the standard menu that only changed with the season.

  “I don’t know.” He smiled at me, and seeing as I was still harboring an un
requited crush, the beauty of that smile actually physically hurt. “What do you suggest for winning over a nine-year-old whose life is over because she can’t go to a sleep over?”

  “Um…” I licked my suddenly dry lips, looking anywhere but his face. “Maybe a chocolate croissant,” I told his chin. “Or I have some strawberry cupcakes cooling in the back I was just about to ice if you don’t mind waiting.”

  “Strawberry is Eliza’s favorite. You might have just saved me from an entire weekend of a pre-teen’s silent treatment. You’re a life saver, sunshine.”

  I wasn’t sure why I did it, or what even possessed me, but my head snapped up and I met his hazel gaze head on. “My name’s Chloe.”

  His head jerked back in surprise, his brow furrowing in confusion as he asked, “What?”

  “My name, it’s Chloe.”

  “I know what your name is,” he informed me, the befuddlement growing on his face. “What I’m not sure of is why you’re telling me something I already knew.”

  “Oh, well,” I was back to staring at anything other than his face as I told his shoulder. “I just figured you didn’t know since you always call me ‘sunshine.’”


  I continued, “And you know… since you called me Cathy at Noah and Harlow’s Fourth of July barbeque, and all. I just figured you didn’t know, so I told you.”

  “Chlo—” he started again, but the incessant need to escape proved to be too strong to ignore.

  “I’ll just go frost those cupcakes really quick so Eliza doesn’t have to wait. Be back in just a sec.”

  I shoved through the door to the kitchen and collapsed back into the wall next to it, releasing the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding until my lungs began to ache. I felt like such an idiot. Not that it was all that surprising. I typically lost all brain function when Derrick was around, anyway.

  I made quick work of the cupcakes, taking extra care with Eliza’s for some reason I refused to acknowledge. Putting the beautifully decorated cupcake on a tiny china plate, I pushed through the door that separated the kitchen and dining area, grabbed a chocolate croissant from the pastry case for Derrick, and made my way to the table where both of them sat in complete silence. Eliza was staring out the window, pretending to be oblivious to her father’s presence, while Derrick regarded his daughter with that same pain in his eyes I’d seen just minutes earlier.


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